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Despite obstacles, chances grow for final Iran nuclear deal

When Israel bombs Palestine, India provides camps and tents. The satellite or any kind of JV will not just be with Iran but including more neighbouring countries.
good luck with that and this is a kind of initiative Pakistanis must support too
Another completely idiotic comparison in the first place.

How can you compare Arabic, the fourth most spoken language in the world, one of the most influential languages in the world (for instance up to 25% of the vocabulary of Spanish derives from Arabic), the lingua franca of the Noble Quran and Islam, the language of science, poetry and a language that has influenced dozens upon dozens of languages in terms of vocabulary on 3 continents (Asia, Africa and Europe) or in terms of alphabet (practically all languages in the Muslim world use or used an alphabet deriving from Arabic) with Farsi that is spoken by less than 100 million people and which has only influenced a few other languages?

Farsi itself uses the Arabic alphabet and almost half of its vocabulary is Arabic to begin with.

Another deluded comparison like that of comparing little Iran with the Arab world or the GCC for that matter.

A bit of seriousness please.

And no, this is not trolling but simple facts.
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But you yourself said that the arabs deserve ISIS and are arabs people and governments are traitors

You want the arabs to revolt against their governments and get killed so that they can arm you.

You said that

And nothings changed, difference is I don't want Shia's to replace them as Shia are misguided. The Sunni islamists will do the job and little of it is to do with arming Palestinians. In Arabic : ستطهر ابلاد العربية

Im sure you know what this is, it's not just politics but culture and lifestyle that needs correction. Even in areas in Palestine we need to implement this Arabic saying and Hamas will do that part.
And nothings changed, difference is I don't want Shia's to replace them as Shia are misguided. The Sunni islamists will do the job and little of it is to do with arming Palestinians. In Arabic : ستطهر ابلاد العربية

Im sure you know what this is, it's not just politics but culture and lifestyle that needs correction. Even in areas in Palestine we need to implement this Arabic saying and Hamas will do that part.
You are dreaming misguided ikhwanjie with false ideology
Its not like you wrote it like this
ستطهر ابلاد العربية its like this ستتطهر البلاد العربية
go to arabic school so they can teach how to write and read you stateless illiterate gazawi
Why don't you response??.running away
Cuba and Iran are the prove that is not these countries who choose to break relations with USA, USA is who decides.
Every single ruling elite of this world sell their souls and their people in exchange for luxuries from the west.

Iran doesnt need this deal for anything, but only for buy luxuries products from the west.

If Iranian ruling elite wants to feed their people, they should sell oil to CHINA, not to the west. They are a bunch of liars and hipocrites.

Rich kids of tehran must be happy with this deal. Iranian common people shouldnt be happy with this, because this is not good for them.

Here rich kids of Tehran and their luxuries cars buy from the west :lol::lol::lol:


Shall I show you the genetic tests that show that Arabians outside of Yemenis have less Sub-Saharan admixture than Farsis? Quit the barking Gypsy and return back to the reality.
please enlighten us
Iran doesnt need this deal for anything, but only for buy luxuries products from the west.

If Iranian ruling elite wants to feed their people, they should sell oil to CHINA, not to the west. They are a bunch of liars and hipocrites.

Do you have any slightest idea about sanctions against Iran? No you don't.
This deal must go through, i will do heaps of good for Iran's economic and over all development
Are you joking Kawli cave-dweller?

Your economy is smaller than 10 million big UAE. What the hell are you blabbering about? The GCC alone has an economy that is 5 times bigger. Let alone the entire Arab world.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, Iranian products are world famous in the world. Especially carpets and pistachios:lol:

Are you joking again? One of the most developed?

Dude, your HDI is very low. 41 places lower than that of KSA.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The average Iranian is poorer than the average Angolan.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest of your nonsense (science, lol) is laughable and a nice attempt of comedy. KSA universities alone rank higher than Iranian ones. KSA alone has more students at US universities than all of Iran too.

More Saudi Arabians studying in the U.S. - latimes

Also several Arab countries have produced or produce cars. Even KSA did so once but it was not foreseeable.

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Emmie @Chak Bamu @waz @Jango

This person above is a serial troll who has made around 30 double users on PDF. Among them @MOHSENAM @Mohsenam2 etc. You know the drill.

His latest user is @2800 and he was banned from the ME section for trolling in Arab threads and obsessing about Arabs. I suggest doing the same under his new username.

18th (16th in 2011):



GDP per Capita:

Are you joking Kawli cave-dweller?

Your economy is smaller than 10 million big UAE. What the hell are you blabbering about? The GCC alone has an economy that is 5 times bigger. Let alone the entire Arab world.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, Iranian products are world famous in the world. Especially carpets and pistachios:lol:

Are you joking again? One of the most developed?

Dude, your HDI is very low. 41 places lower than that of KSA.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The average Iranian is poorer than the average Angolan.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest of your nonsense (science, lol) is laughable and a nice attempt of comedy. KSA universities alone rank higher than Iranian ones. KSA alone has more students at US universities than all of Iran too.

More Saudi Arabians studying in the U.S. - latimes

Also several Arab countries have produced or produce cars. Even KSA did so once but it was not foreseeable.

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Emmie @Chak Bamu @waz @Jango

This person above is a serial troll who has made around 30 double users on PDF. Among them @MOHSENAM @Mohsenam2 etc. You know the drill.

His latest user is @2800 and he was banned from the ME section for trolling in Arab threads and obsessing about Arabs. I suggest doing the same under his new username.

ok, why do u respond X with Y... Everybody in this world knows that Saudi Arabs are 10000 times more advanced and industrialized than Iran... Iran is a backward country with no science and tech.. We Iranians must be so brain washed to think that Iran is an industrialized country... We are so photo-shopped, otherwise, we would have known that Saudi Arabia is 10000 times better than Iran in Science, Technology, Industrialization and new sciences...

I,m so brainwashed that I don't know how great Saudi Arabia is... please forgive us.. This is one of the consequences of living in a poor Photoshop state...


There is a famous Hadith saying: If Oil were discovered in Somalia with 10 million b/d exports, they would have twice your GDP or even higher...

Please out of anger and jealousy... I swear when Saudi could build 1/1000000th of only what you see in these 3 pages then I personally become a Saudi promoter and curse Iran afterward:

Iranian High Tech Industries | Page 8

Iranian High Tech Industries | Page 7

Iranian High Tech Industries | Page 6

As Mr. Mullah khamenei said to Saudis:

Why do you say if Iran continue its progress in Nuclear tech, we (KSA) will do the same! Go ahead and do it now... if you can then we will be happy to see you develop a nuclear technology!!

Wait.. I was too harsh....I personally swear to promote Saudi Arabia day and night if they only can build 1/1000th of what you see in those only 3 pages... I swear I will...

Fairness is something gone long time a go in ME.... they rather kiss the hands of Koffar with their products but kill for not seeing a Muslim brother country to soar advanced and industrialized...
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Your post is stupid, I don't have time for it.
So you are running away like always when you can't find a response

Negotiators of Iran and six world powers face each other at a table in the historic basement of Palais Coburg hotel in Vienna April 24, 2015. (Reuters / Heinz-Peter Bader)

Why they make meetings in a basement in ruins? are they afraid of eavesdropping?


Why so much secretism? What have they to hidden?
Are they talking about "peace" really? or about war?

Iran nuclear talks reminds me this Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I want a deal to happen so Iran's 'revolution'(demonizing Arabs as dogs of West in order to gain ploy to advance Iranian interests in Arab world) comes to an end. Since if a deal occurs, it can only occur because West has similar understandings with Iran on regional issues. It also means Western/Iranian investments/trade/research will be open to public and expanded. And after that I better not hear any Iranian or Shia telling us anything about 'resistance axis' and why we should oppose Sunni governments and replace them with Shia ones. There's a difference between stating you're an nation that can be independent in some fields and demonizing Arabs as non-independent nations using this ploy to launch Shia insurgencies in their nations.

Negotiating on Iran NP has got nothing with having same views and understanding on regional issues ... from the beginning Iran has made it clear that negotiating has to focus only and only on nuclear program ... nothing else .... If a deal happens it just means that western countries have come to this conclusion that all these barriers such as military option, sabotaging nuclear sites and also assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists beside unjustifiable sanctions will get them no where and it could not prevent Iran nuclear program from developing
Moreover for years your Arab fellows have negotiated with west and have made peace pacts with israel , buying weapons from the aforementioned western countries give military bases to them cooperated with them on daily basis ... therefore and base on your logic their understandings of regional issues must be much more closer to them than Iran ...
And it's exactly about "resistance axis" ... why do you think Americans want to accept Iran's right to enrich? when and on which occasion they learned to respect nations' right?
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