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Desperately In need of a Bomber


Mar 6, 2008
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I don't know if this issue has been discussed before, But whatever the case, The reality is that Pakistan Airforce needs a Strategic, Advanced, High altitude bomber.

When comparing the issue with our Neighbours, They phased out there Canberra after 50 years of Service. I'm not sure but i think they already have the Russian built Tu-95 bear, High strategic Bomber.

So think about it, Since they phased out their Old bomber, they obviously have a New deal at hand.

As for pakistan, The A5 is a light capability bomber and is quite old in technology. Where as in against to that, Indians already have the Mig-27 (Bahadur) .... More reliable and Capable of carrying out Difficult and high altitude missions.

Our C1-30's arent capable of bomber missions. Though i really wish pakistan somehow upgrades the few of those into Spectre gunships but oh well :P

What do you guys think? Any news about new Bombers to join up our fleet?
Right now PAFs priority is fighters, then trainers ( with T-37 and FT-5 phasing out in next few years) , our Tactical Transport fleet is getting old too and will need replacement in few years time , PAF will also look for air to air refuellers with new fighter coming in with this capability...SO with all this going on , there is nothing in the pipeline with regards to a dedicated bomber.

In PAFs history we had only one dedicated bomber: B-57. All the rest bombing runs were carried out by fighters. So with the Multi Role Fighters, stand off weapons and ballistic missiles capability at hand, I don’t think that PAFs Air Staff will consider buying a dedicated bomber in future. Also, unlike USAF that carries out long range inter-oceanic operations, PAFs operations will be limited to a range that can be handled by the fighters, so I don’t see a point of acquiring long range bombers in our scope of operations.
PAFs operations will be limited to a range that can be handled by the fighters, so I don’t see a point of acquiring long range bombers in our scope of operations.

You missed the whole point. the Strategic bomber's importance isn't limited to it's access of range. It's high ALTITUDE. Which means, Evading Enemy Anti-air Weapons so that the warhead can be delivered to the Right target.

Also, Ballistic missiles are vulnerable to alot of anti-missile counter measures due to their tracking system. While on the other hand, If conventional warhead is Sprayed over your target, They are more likely to damage the target.
**damage the target with accuracy
I don't know if this issue has been discussed before, But whatever the case, The reality is that Pakistan Airforce needs a Strategic, Advanced, High altitude bomber.

When comparing the issue with our Neighbours, They phased out there Canberra after 50 years of Service. I'm not sure but i think they already have the Russian built Tu-95 bear, High strategic Bomber.

So think about it, Since they phased out their Old bomber, they obviously have a New deal at hand.

As for pakistan, The A5 is a light capability bomber and is quite old in technology. Where as in against to that, Indians already have the Mig-27 (Bahadur) .... More reliable and Capable of carrying out Difficult and high altitude missions.

Our C1-30's arent capable of bomber missions. Though i really wish pakistan somehow upgrades the few of those into Spectre gunships but oh well :P

What do you guys think? Any news about new Bombers to join up our fleet?

Alongwith Mig-27, I think you have forgotten to include several other cutting edge bomber from IAF's fleet that is Su-30MKI as well as Jaguar alongside Mirage-2000.
You missed the whole point. the Strategic bomber's importance isn't limited to it's access of range. It's high ALTITUDE. Which means, Evading Enemy Anti-air Weapons so that the warhead can be delivered to the Right target.

If you are talking about bombing mission over countries like Russia, china, India or Europe and US, I don't think nowdays there is any other dedicated high flying bomber has left which can evade anti-air weapon like S-300PMU, Patriotic etc.
Strategic bombers are very expensive and cost a lot to maintain. Keeping in view the limited resources of PAF I doubt this option is being presently considered.
I think we are also neglecting Gunship helicopters and Transportation planes manufacturing.
I don't know if this issue has been discussed before, But whatever the case, The reality is that Pakistan Airforce needs a Strategic, Advanced, High altitude bomber.

Bombers are expensive and vulnerable to fighters. Bombers are used for

1) Cruise missile platform
2) Clearing large areas or destroying ammunition depots with thermobaric weapons too big for fighters to carry
3) Carring Large Nuclear payloads

PAF doesnt have the resources to acquire or maintain heavy bombers, the capability to escort heavy bombers, and neither do they have the need to have heavy bombers in the first place.

When comparing the issue with our Neighbours, They phased out there Canberra after 50 years of Service. I'm not sure but i think they already have the Russian built Tu-95 bear, High strategic Bomber.

So think about it, Since they phased out their Old bomber, they obviously have a New deal at hand.

India has Tu-142, a naval variant of the Tu-95. The IN uses it for maritime patrol, not as a heavy bomber.

There are rumours that india will buy Tu-22M3 backfires from Russia. I havent seen anything solid on that yet.

As for pakistan, The A5 is a light capability bomber and is quite old in technology. Where as in against to that, Indians already have the Mig-27 (Bahadur) .... More reliable and Capable of carrying out Difficult and high altitude missions.

MiG-27 is not that reliable. the aircraft with highest payload in Indian inventory is the Su-30MKI

Our C1-30's arent capable of bomber missions. Though i really wish pakistan somehow upgrades the few of those into Spectre gunships but oh well :P

Thats a very expensive process and gunships are more for CAS than for strategic bombing.

besides, with precision guided munitions, strategic bombing is no longer necessary.
Pakistan has large numbers of ballistic missiles which can do the job for now.

COIN aircraft and helicopters should be more of a priority. If a bomber platform is required use a J10 armed with a standoff weapon like Raad cruise missile instead which is a better option.
PAF will always go the way of Multi-Role. its more economic and it makes sense in the environment the PAF will operate.
I think PAF should also look for a new Search and Rescue Helicopter. The present Allouette III, is too old and too primitive, and lacks contemporary nav aids for rescue missions. Army has also started phasing out Allouette III helicopters , in stages from its inventory.
PAF is in process of phasing out old trusted Allt-III soon and that’s why they have acquired lots of MI -171s in past few years. Unlike Allouette, MI-171 is a very robust heli and can be employed in a number of roles due to its size and range and will be a true Multi -role helicopter. At few PAF bases, Mi-171 has already replaced Allouette and others will be replaced soon.
MiG-27 is not that reliable. the aircraft with highest payload in Indian inventory is the Su-30MKI"

Su-30 Is a multirole Aircraft. When you talk about Mig-27's usage in the indian airforce, It's more likely to be a bomber rather than a multi role aircraft.

And once again, As i said that ballistic Missiles are vulnerable to counter measures. Where as compared to strategic bombers, If let's say the target is a Weapons factory or a Nuclear reactor, The rain of conventional Warhead cannot be stopped.

Yes, Costly to maintain and purchase, But very good choice for the future.
As for such an rescue heli's, we did get alot of new Bell 412's and Aquarelle's (Or however you spell them) And aquarelle's basically were to replace our old fleet of OH-13 Lama's ...
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