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Desperate Indians - Freaking out on FP Report

So now US says that no report on F16 count was done...?o_O

This is the reason why I don’t see twitter or Facebook anymore.
Anyone can post any crap.
No. That's the Indian way of reading.

If you go back and look at the words, they say they will not officially confirm or deny anything. Its the bit in bold text if that helps.
dont lump prestigious media outlets like Foreign policy and Time magazine with your BJP IT cell
FP provides alternative views to American foreign policy, so I consider both these entities to be not the official word.

They can be influenced.:police:
Will these clowns ever give up.

backup nai ki thee hardisk? :p:
DOD site for mobile says no advisr, briefing for 5th april

Ok, here goes the latest desperate attempt of face saving.

News Headline:
‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF


A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.

The state department distanced itself from the news report saying in response to a direct request to confirm or deny it, “As a matter of policy, the Department does not publicly comment on details of government-to-government agreements on end-use monitoring of US-origin defence articles.”


Now if you search the official websites of both state dept and dept of defence, there does not exist any press release related to it on April 5.

The last state dept press briefing was held on Apr 2.

View attachment 551620

Similar case with dept of defence website.

View attachment 551621

Article Link:

State Dept and DoD official websites:

@Windjammer @Maarkhoor @balixd @Major Sam @The Eagle
These guys claimed that all pilots and planes were counted for when the social media was abuzzed with Abhi's capture video along with his destroyed air craft. The question is if they had a radar signature of F16 down they had a radar signature of Mig down as well so why on earth would you claim that all pilots and planes are accounted for?

The bottom line is that Indians will not accept any proof presented by anyone and it is futile to present them any further proofs.
So now US says that no report on F16 count was done...?o_O

This is the reason why I don’t see twitter or Facebook anymore.
Anyone can post any crap.
US said in march that it is currently checking whether Pakistan has violated an agreement. Also in the HT article it says neither confirm nor deny on such matters
US said in march that it is currently checking whether Pakistan has violated an agreement. Also in the HT article it says neither confirm nor deny on such matters
So why are members jumping up and down like there no tomorrow...?

Big uncle playing on both sides of the pitch. ...keeping both sides happy.
This is how desperate the Indians have become, showing a piece of an AIM-9 missile fired by PAF against an Indian UAV in 2002, as part of missiles recovered from the wreckage of Abhinandan's MiG-21... after being humiliated, defeated and exposed, they are still keen to make fools of Indian public but then again gullible Indians just swallow what their military and media throws at them.

Other funny bit is that they are forgetting that a pakistani missile exploded which brought the plane down. Thus damage to mig missiles.
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