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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

The Koreans are smart. If you haven't noticed they are developing a strategy to survive Chinese mainland retaliation. Actually a very interesting lesson for every student who studies economics as main subject.

I hate the situation as it develops today. It is detrimental to the wellbeing of both historical neighbors who in fact do not have much contentious past.

Obviously, many South Koreans also hate it. I do not like geopolitics to harm relations between ordinary people and business. I guess this situation is only conjectural. All of the communication channels with SK are open at the moment.


S. Koreans file petition against THAAD deployment
Xinhua, April 6, 2017

South Korean residents and civic group activists on Thursday filed a petition against the deployment of the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system, which they depicted as unconstitutional.

Residents from Seongju county and Gimcheon city in southeast South Korea and peace activists gathered outside the constitutional court in central Seoul, holding a press conference before submitting the constitutional appeal.

According to the petition document, the residents and activists said the THAAD deployment violated many of the constitution clauses while failing to follow any appropriate procedures.

Seoul and Washington abruptly announced a decision in July last year to install one THAAD battery in the county by the end of this year. Just three days before the announcement, Defense Minister Han Min-koo told lawmakers that he hadn't been informed of any notice about the THAAD installation.

Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se visited a department store when the THAAD deployment decision was announced, indicating no advance discussions between ministers of defense and foreign affairs and the presidential office.

The petitioners said the decision-making process on THAAD was rough and ready as there was no approval in the cabinet meeting, and that it was unilaterally determined by the national security council of the presidential office.

"The THAAD decision did not follow any proper procedure. No effort has been made for dialogue with residents," said Ha Joo-hee, an attorney at Lawyers for a Democratic Society, an advocacy group composed of liberal lawyers.

The attorney at the petition said such an important decision that can influence the fate of the whole nation must have been made known beforehand to the public and the parliament, asking the court to make public upcoming hearings on the petition to let people know about what went wrong with the THAAD deployment.

The petitioners claimed the U.S. missile shield deployment in their territory is unconstitutional as it violates rights to peaceful life, health and environment, which the country's constitution guarantees.

THAAD's AN/TPY-2 radar is known to emit super microwave, detrimental to human body and environment. South Korea's defense ministry refused to disclose information on its hazardousness, boosting anxiety among residents.

There has been no public data available on the radar's powers, but available information suggested that the radar emits 81 kilowatts on average and 410 kilowatts at the peak based on 25,344 modules used in the X-band radar, according to the petition document.

The radar in South Korea will be deployed in the middle of a village, being exposed to hundreds of thousands of people. It would be in a stark contrast to radars installed in the United States and Japan facing the sea or desert.

The THAAD deployment site was changed in September last year into a Lotte-owned golf course at the Soseongri village in the northern part of the Seongju county bordering the Gimcheon city.

Lee Seok-ju, the head of the village, told reporters that the THAAD installation will damage peaceful life of people and violate basic rights of the constitution, vowing to fight against it to the end.

The petitioners said THAAD in South Korea prevents people from living a peaceful life as it boosts arms race and escalates tensions in Northeast Asia, describing the deployment as South Korea becoming part of the U.S. missile defense networking in the region.

Seoul's defense ministry claimed the U.S. missile shield is aimed to defend against nuclear and missile threat from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), but the petitioners said THAAD is incapable of shooting down DPRK missiles that fly at a low altitude and are delivered to major South Korean targets within minutes.

THAAD is designed to intercept incoming missiles at an altitude of 40-150 km. The DPRK has technology enough to avoid its intercepting range.

Regional countries, including China and Russia, have firmly opposed THAAD in South Korea as it breaks strategic balance and damages security interests of the two countries.

To eliminate the DPRK's nuclear and missile threats, the petitioners said, a peace regime should be established on the Korean Peninsula through dialogue and negotiations.

The residents and activists outside the court chanted "THAAD Out, Peace In," a famous slogan at the anti-THAAD rallies that had been held every night since the deployment decision was announced last July.


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Definitely. Buy Made in China. So simple. If in Taiwan, buy at least Luxgen, a Taiwan-Mainland co-production.
Yeah the Koreans are very smart indeed! Set up weapons against its biggest export market :cheesy:
Security has higher priority than economy. Or do you expect the Koreans continue business as usual if someone points a gun on their head? Your speculation goes wrong because you made the mistake in believing South Korea will never dare to install Thaad. You laughed when uncle Kim threatens America, Japan and S Korea. Now China own security is at risk.
Security has higher priority than economy. Or do you expect the Koreans continue business as usual if someone points a gun on their head? Your speculation goes wrong because you made the mistake in believing South Korea will never dare to install Thaad. You laughed when uncle Kim threatens America, Japan and S Korea. Now China own security is at risk.
SK announced to install THAAD right after signing free trade agreement with China. This is a strategy deception. It's very mean for a country. I have to say SK is really stupid to fool China. They will pay for what they did.
Security has higher priority than economy. Or do you expect the Koreans continue business as usual if someone points a gun on their head? Your speculation goes wrong because you made the mistake in believing South Korea will never dare to install Thaad. You laughed when uncle Kim threatens America, Japan and S Korea. Now China own security is at risk.

Once again we're talking about being "smart". Real smart people consider and weigh in all possibilities rather than following the wishful thinking. Ask yourself this: Is S. K. now safer or poorer because of thaad? In a hand to hand combat, sniper rifles are useless. The two Koreas are too close for thaad to be effective for the south. For example, N. Korea has thousands of long range cannons that cover the entire area of Seoul. If a war breaks out, the N. Koreans will not need any missiles, just the cannons will cause crippling damage to their southern neighbor's capital within hours. So the thaad is not really to make South Korea safer. Rather it is for the benefit of the U.S. and Japan. Are you still convinced that they are that "smart" to take this one?
Indians should also emulate chinese and reduce using chinese products because they are threatening our security ?
Indians have complained about importing made-in-China for several years. Why you bother asking this question?
"You want" and "you can" are different stories.
Indians should also emulate chinese and reduce using chinese products because they are threatening our security ?
LOL. You, my pal, are living up to your standard of running your mouth. We all know you Indians hate and jealous of us to the guts. You've been talking and talking about boycotting Chinese products for years. It'd have happened had you actually have the ability to do so.
Seoul Could Bail Itself Out of Chinese Objection to THAAD by Buying it Up

17:07 11.04.2017(updated 17:12 11.04.2017)

There's a possibility that South Korea will buy up the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system; this would help Seoul not only independently deal with responses to a North Korean missile threat, but also improve its relations with China, South Korean expert Cheong Seong-Chang told Sputnik China.

In an interview with Sputnik China, expert Cheong Seong-Chang of the Seoul-based Sejong Institute said that did not rule out that the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system could be bought by Seoul from Washington, given that after the deployment of the elements of THAAD in South Korea, it will be extremely difficult to withdraw them.

The withdrawal would help Seoul not only independently manage retaliatory measures to prevent a North Korean threat, but also develop ties with China, according to Cheong.

In July 2016, Washington and Seoul reached an agreement on placing the THAAD system on South Korean soil. In early March, the THAAD deployment began in response to North Korea's ballistic missile tests and despite China's strong opposition to the move.

"South Korea's economic damage, caused by China's negative reaction to the THADD deployment, is estimated at 14 billion dollars per year, and if one bought out THAAD for 1.3 billion dollars, it would be a very pragmatic deal," Cheng told Sputnik China.

He said that "if we go from the assumption that THAAD's only goal is to detect and neutralize North Korean missiles, then there are no reasons that make it impossible for South Korea to purchase these US missile systems."

Cheng also said that although "it is extremely important" for Seoul to maintain an alliance with the United States, it is dangerous to rely entirely on this alliance when it comes to South Korea's security, because it will only lead to increased opposition from Pyongyang and the deterioration of relations with China.

"If the international community will only refer to tightening sanctions to resolve the North Korean problem, inter-Korean relations will continue to deteriorate and the tension will grow. The new South Korean government should do its best to again turn the Korean problem into a domestic issue rather than an international one, and it is Seoul that should lead the process of solving it," he added.

Speaking to Sputnik China, Professor Lee Hyejeong from Seoul-based Choongang University recalled, for his part, that a decision to deploy elements of the THAAD system in South Korea had swiftly been announced by the South Korean Defense Ministry and the US Commander-in-Chief, in a move that was made without there having been a study of the issue.

"So it means that it is the US Commander-in-Chief and the Pentagon that will bear responsibility for the economic and diplomatic consequences of this decision," Lee pointed out.

Separately, he said that "even if North Korea violates the decisions of the UN Security Council, the US will have no right to attack the North and to unleash a war on the Korean Peninsula."

Last week, South Korean National Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-gyun dismissed previous media reports on putting off the deployment of THAAD elements on South Korean soil due to political considerations.

The earlier reports on THAAD's deployment in South Korea, in particular, pointed to the possibility of the process being put off until after the May 9 presidential election in South Korea.


'THAAD is a Nail That the US-Japan Alliance is Hammering Into Korea'

In late March, Kim Haeseon, a South Korean expert on China, told Sputnik that what is being called "China's retaliation" against the THAAD deployment in South Korea is largely exaggerated and has been instigated by the South Korean media.

According to him, Beijing’s response has been wildly exaggerated due to South Korean media outlets, which misinterpret the Chinese media reports about the Chinese politicians' security concerns over THAAD.
China demands ‘immediate’ halt to THAAD deployment in South Korea
Published time: 2 May, 2017 11:58
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Protesters and police stand by as trailers carrying US THAAD missile defence equipment enter a deployment site in Seongju, early on April 26, 2017. © YONHAP / AFP
China to go on with drills, weapons tests in response to THAAD deployment – Defense Ministry
"We oppose the deployment of the US missile system to South Korea and call on all parties to immediately stop this process. We are ready to take necessary measures to protect our interests," he said, adding that “China’s position on the THAAD issue has not changed.”

The spokesperson didn’t specify what protective measures China had in mind. However, responding to the THAAD installation, China announced on Thursday that it will stage live-fire exercises and test new weapons to protect its security.

Beijing has previously voiced concerns over the THAAD system and joint US-South Korean drills near the Korean Peninsula, consistently urging all the parties involved to find a peaceful solution to the volatile situation in the region.
Backed by Russia, it also proposed a halt to military drills in exchange for an end to Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear tests during a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) session held in New York on Friday.

Moscow considers the stationing of the THAAD system to be an “additional destabilizing factor for the region” amid alarmingly increasing tensions. It has called on Washington and Seoul to reconsider the decision.

READ MORE: ‘Ready to intercept North’s missiles’: US THAAD missile defense system goes operational in S. Korea

Recently installed in South Korea, the THAAD system is aimed at detecting and shooting down missiles. It became operational on Monday and is able “to intercept North Korean missiles and defend the Republic of Korea [South Korea]," according to US Forces Korea spokesman Col. Rob Manning.

The deployment of the US defense system triggered protests in South Korea, with citizens saying that it would only provoke an attack from their northern neighbor.

BREAKING: US THAAD anti-missile deployment in S. Korea sparks clashes between locals & police https://t.co/8B0c8uhWN1

— RT America (@RT_America) April 25, 2017
Seoul was also reportedly asked to pay for the US missile shield, as President Donald Trump called on South Korea to cough up for the “phenomenal billion-dollar system.” He received a firm rebuke in response, however.

READ MORE: Trump wants S. Korea to foot $1bn THAAD bill, Seoul says no

The THAAD deployment comes as a part of other US steps to deter North Korea from testing nuclear and non-nuclear missiles. Pyongyang held two failed missiles tests in April, also threating to sink US warships and submarines in South Korean waters in the event of any provocation.
China will test a new weapon ( missile I guess ) targeting at eastern direction.
Sounds like last warning. Last chance for S.Koreans. Think again.
China and Russia are working on it, don't worry. Right now South Korea is telling her "protector" **** OFF with the $1 billion bill :rofl:
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