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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

THAAD could have been deployed in japan or korea. however, thaad is being deployed in korea and NOT japan. at the end of the day, korea is the receiving end of the Chinese stick/dildo while the Japanese is laughing all the way to their banks. not sure how America is going to compensate korea for hundred of billions of dollars of trade korea is losing from the chinees market?

Not sure why we should compensate for South Korea trying to defend itself. If China wants to punish South Korea for a defensive system, let them go ahead. Make South Korea hate China for it.
Actually, it seems Thaad is more for protecting Japan and USA because the N Koreans would most likely be using N artillery or short range missile against S Korea. The last S Korean president is most likely bribe to let S Korea take the blame from China instead of Japan.
So basically NK is just a excuse .

The Chinese got some serious threat now.
Can some1 tell me how many THAAD systems has been deployed?
THAAD could have been deployed in japan or korea. however, thaad is being deployed in korea and NOT japan. at the end of the day, korea is the receiving end of the Chinese stick/dildo while the Japanese is laughing all the way to their banks. not sure how America is going to compensate korea for hundred of billions of dollars of trade korea is losing from the chinees market?
Here is the real deal...


It is known that a missile's most vulnerable part is the ascent phase -- when it just left the launcher and climbing to altitude. At this point, the missile is unitary, meaning intact, which provides the largest body for radar tracking and targeting, and is heaviest due to fuel load.

Imagine the launch point -- North Korea -- on the far left.

Imagine the target point -- Japan -- on the far right.

Now imagine the THAAD interceptor to be near the launch point.

Yes, the 'T' in THAAD is supposed to mean 'Terminal', as in interception during the DESCENT phase. But there is no law of physics to say that just because we labelled it 'Terminal', it does not mean the interception is restricted to the terminal phase. We can make the interception anywhere and label it anything we want. During the ascent phase, the missile does not maneuver, which will make it easier for the interceptor to do its job. All the interceptor have to do is rise faster than its target in a tail chase configuration. The impact does not have to completely destroy the missile, but just knock it off its flight axis and let aerodynamic forces break the missile apart. If the target is SKR, then THAAD can still do its job at interception at the descent phase. But if the target is JPN, THAAD can make that interception earlier than expected.

This is why China is angry and is now pressuring NKR to stop testing. All it takes is ONE successful ascent phase interception/destruction to render China's entire DF-series ballistic missile force vulnerable. Right now, despite American testing successes of the THAAD in peacetime, actual combat is a different story, but even so, China would rather have that uncertainty on THAAD than to have her entire DF-series ballistic missile force be uncertain of its ability to threaten anyone. All it takes is just one successful ascent phase intercept.
This time U.S vs China - 1 : 0 ... I do think BeiJing won't bomb S.Korea or fight another Korea War ... and the N.Korea already not stay with BeiJing side as i said before. 胡温的“和谐十年”早晚断送新中国, 犹如“南宋”。:lol:

The THAAD can effectively detect China DF missiles launch from China lands, if U.S deploy more THAAD systems in India / in Philippines / in Japan / in Afghanista / in Mongolia ... China 100% to die in next Nuke War.
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Ha ha ha @cnleio ... so many IFs.

Nonetheless now Uncle @gambit and some other ppl like @jhungary can have rest from this topic knowing they're having the upper hand in the projections with those many IFs :coffee: the present verdict has been drawn! USA USA USA! :usflag::usflag: :taz: ha ha ha
Not sure why we should compensate for South Korea trying to defend itself. If China wants to punish South Korea for a defensive system, let them go ahead. Make South Korea hate China for it.
Not really. ThADD is used to defend your base in Asia Pacific. Seoul is sitting right next door, they just need artillery to destroy it. But like I said before, the South Korea aren't a dummy. They know that fact but allow THADD anyways because it is a secret agreement that if they deploy THADD, you help them on their KFX programs.

We are not going to sit back and let SK used our national security for the benefit of their country. It is a give and take.
Ha ha ha @cnleio ... so many IFs.

Nonetheless now Uncle @gambit and some other ppl like @jhungary can have rest from this topic knowing they're having the upper hand in the projections with those many IFs :coffee: the present verdict has been drawn! USA USA USA! :usflag::usflag: :taz: ha ha ha

I don't think who win in this situation, I think this is an inernal issue between US and South Korea. If China threatened by it, they can do whatever they want within Chinese soil and that is Chinese own internal decision. You can put your nuke in North Korean Border, you can close any or all SK shop in China, that is your business. Would SK deploy THAAD is their decision to make, not the Chinese.

And I am amazed when Chinese member here and to some extend, the Government of China frequently said US have been "Meddling" other country internal affiar, wasn't the Chinese doing the same here?

And if India, Afghanistan, Japan, Philippine or any other country wanted to deploy THAAD, that is THEIRS business. If China have anything to object about this, they can raise their awareness level, boycott those country or do anything, as long as you do it within your own border, that's fine. But China have no right to ask or even demand these country not to deploy THAAD.
Ha ha ha @cnleio ... so many IFs.
:coffee: DF missiles r most effective trump cards for China when PLA vs USA, but the THAAD in Korea improve the reaction time of U.S anti-missile system, decrease PLA deterrent force from DF missiles and strategic nuclear missiles ... the rise stage of DF missile launch inside China lands is a fixed track not as transformable as end stage of DF missile attack return to the atmosphere. So this time U.S bring a "Cuban Missile Crisis" to China in S.Korea ... what U.S did in last "cuban missile crisis" ? I just hope BeiJing don't coward, they'd better prepare for future conflict in the korean peninsula ! Future there's no PEACE & Harmonious Society, BeiJing should abandon their wet dream now to face great threat from outside ~!!!


SEOUL, South Korea — U.S. missile launchers and other equipment needed to set up a controversial missile defense system have arrived in South Korea, the U.S. and South Korean militaries said Tuesday, a day after North Korea test-launched four ballistic missiles into the ocean near Japan.

The plans to deploy the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system, or THAAD, within this year have angered not only North Korea, but also China and Russia, which see the system's powerful radars as a security threat.

China responded quickly, saying it will take "necessary measures" to protect itself and warning that the U.S. and South Korea should be prepared to bear the consequences.

Washington and Seoul say the system is defensive and not meant to be a threat to Beijing or Moscow. The U.S. military said in a statement that THAAD can intercept and destroy short and medium range ballistic missiles during the last part of their flights.

"Continued provocative actions by North Korea, to include yesterday's launch of multiple missiles, only confirm the prudence of our alliance decision last year to deploy THAAD to South Korea," Adm. Harry Harris, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, said in the statement.

Some South Korean liberal presidential candidates have said that the security benefits of having THAAD would be curtailed by worsened relations with neighbors China and Russia.

"China firmly opposes the deployment of THAAD," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a regular briefing Tuesday. "We will definitely be taking necessary measures to safeguard our own security interest. All consequences entailed from that will be borne by the U.S. and (South Korea). We once again strongly urge the relevant sides to stop the process of deployment and refrain from going further down that wrong path."

China's condemnation of South Korea's plans to deploy THAAD has triggered protests against a South Korean retail giant, Lotte, which agreed to provide one of its golf courses in southern South Korea as the site of THAAD. The South Korean government also raised concerns about a reported ban on Chinese tour groups visiting the country.

On Tuesday, China's Global Times, an outspoken nationalist tabloid published by the ruling Communist Party's flagship People's Daily, criticized North Korea over the missiles.

"By firing four missiles at once this time, the military confrontation between Pyongyang, Seoul and Washington escalates a notch," the paper said. "Noticeably, the Chinese public is angry that Pyongyang's nuclear program has provided an excuse for Seoul to deploy THAAD."

An official from South Korea's Defense Ministry, who didn't want to be named, citing office rules, said that the equipment that arrived in South Korea included launchers, but didn't confirm how many.

While South Korea's media speculate that the THAAD deployment could be completed by as early as April, the ministry official couldn't confirm those reports. The official said that the plan was to have the system operational as soon as possible.

On Monday, North Korea fired four ballistic missiles in an apparent protest against ongoing U.S.-South Korean military drills that it views as an invasion rehearsal. The missiles flew about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) on average, three of them landing in waters that Japan claims as its exclusive economic zone, according to South Korean and Japanese officials.

The North's state media on Tuesday said leader Kim Jong Un supervised a ballistic rocket launching drill, a likely reference to the four launches reported by Seoul and Tokyo. Involved in the drills were artillery units tasked with striking "U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in Japan," according to the Korean Central News Agency.

There was pride and defiance among the elite citizens who live in North Korea's showcase capital, Pyongyang.

"If the U.S. imperialists and their South Korean puppets shoot even just one spark into our sovereign territory, we will completely destroy those aggressors, without any mercy, with our invincible Hwasong artillery, which are loaded with nuclear warheads," Sim Chol Su, echoing the propaganda often found in state media, told The Associated Press.

North Korea uses "Hwasong" to describe a broad range of its ballistic missiles, including Scuds and the mid-range missiles that are referred to as Rodong and Musudan by outside analysts.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said that the missiles fired by the North were believed to be "improved versions" of Scud missiles. South Korean experts say North Korea's extended-range Scuds and mid-range Rodong missiles are capable of hitting Japan, including U.S. military bases in Okinawa.

Kim "ordered the KPA (Korean People's Army) Strategic Force to keep highly alert as required by the grim situation in which an actual war may break out anytime," a KCNA dispatch said.
Isnt this the same missile which failed from stopping Yemeni scud ara missile from hitting Saudi Arabian military base? I wonder how successful this will be against the much more advanced North Korean missiles.
Isnt this the same missile which failed from stopping Yemeni scud ara missile from hitting Saudi Arabian military base? I wonder how successful this will be against the much more advanced North Korean missiles.

I think PAC 3 is being deployed in Saudi Arabia.


Yemeni Ballistic Missile Hits Abdul Aziz Airport in Jeddah

Not really. ThADD is used to defend your base in Asia Pacific. Seoul is sitting right next door, they just need artillery to destroy it. But like I said before, the South Korea aren't a dummy. They know that fact but allow THADD anyways because it is a secret agreement that if they deploy THADD, you help them on their KFX programs.

We are not going to sit back and let SK used our national security for the benefit of their country. It is a give and take.

So South Korea is not going to sit while North Korea keep on developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
:coffee: DF missiles r most effective trump cards for China when PLA vs USA, but the THAAD in Korea improve the reaction time of U.S anti-missile system, decrease PLA deterrent force from DF missiles and strategic nuclear missiles ... the rise stage of DF missile launch inside China lands is a fixed track not as transformable as end stage of DF missile attack return to the atmosphere. So this time U.S bring a "Cuban Missile Crisis" to China in S.Korea ... what U.S did in last "cuban missile crisis" ? I just hope BeiJing don't coward, they'd better prepare for future conflict in the korean peninsula ! Future there's no PEACE & Harmonious Society, BeiJing should abandon their wet dream now to face great threat from outside ~!!!

If US push China to be a strategically disadvantage and corner China to be on last stand, militarize the space is the solution, if China put nukes into space just over US's head, American will have the sleepless night, China don't even need foreign base, if anything nasty happen to China, US shall be forfeited as well.
If US push China to be a strategically disadvantage and corner China to be on last stand, militarize the space is the solution, if China put nukes into space just over US's head, American will have the sleepless night, China don't even need foreign base, if anything nasty happen to China, US shall be forfeited as well.

THAAD is not a "strike" missiles... it's just an anti-ballistic missile system with no warhead...
And I don't want to be on any side...
But As China want to defend herself from others... South Korea as a right to defend herself from N.Korea, even tho' it's a foreign sys... it's like patriot sys with NATO states...

So in The End , What you want to yourself, you should want it to others too... South Korea is not an enemy of China, but yet, China couldn't give proper "secure" condition that N.Korea will stop their madness... So ofc S.Korea will search for any outside help, and in this situation the US.

Other call it "strategical" schemes or whatever... yet S.Korea as a right to defend herself. Period.

Even China do not like it either... their "ally" from N.Korea have begun to bite back... Next time they should choose more wisely their "proxies"
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