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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

North Korea should have been dismantled by now..it doesn't give China any PR benefit to keep this inhuman rotten regime on life support..NK is clearly a cruel vassal state nothing else..
Funny enough I agree. However, it's too late Now.Korea has already outgrown being told what to do or coerce by China. They don't care about western powers complete sanctions (something that will severely affected any country on earth) nor do they care about regional powers South KOREA and Japan sanctions/isolation (something which will also affect any country in east Asia), nor do they care about the whole world/U.N sanctions (something virtually no country can prosper or thrive with). In short they don't give a damn about anybody or country, China is no exception. They will do whatever the Kim regime deems necessary, everything else is secondary ir irrelevant to them i'm afraid. So I believe it's too late for China to do anything to be honest. So we can't blame the Chinese at present.
U.S (and Japan to one extent) will keep benefiting from the status quo though. So Kim dynasty staying in power and carrying out even more provocative or aggressive nuclear and ballistic missile tests/making statements about Wipping out their wealthy super developed brothers in the south etc. The more they do this the better for the U.S(and Japan). That's the irony and tragedy. Lol
Do share with us what concrete solutions you have in mind in order to have THAAD removed

My friend Chinese have mastered the art of Diplomacy. If China can checkmate American in Philippine then they can easily handle this THAAD issue but to begins with regime change is require in North Korea or at least China must control it's spoiled Child which is now hampering Chinese security.

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Slowly but steadily the world moving towards trade war and banning South Korean product in China is counter productive. Perhaps few of them support this ban in China and rest will ignore but it will hurt China standing on economic globalization. However there are other ways available to resolve the difference between China and SK and Diplomacy is the best option.

To my understanding Trade war is like a double edge sword if you ban their products and surely China will going to get treatment from SK and other will follow the suit. So, it best to resolve issue through dialogues.

Kind regards,
Not really. Actually it will be good to see China sanctions S Korea for letting THAAD in their country . That way we can see how China's economic sanctions impact will have on South KOREA , itself and the world. lessons can be drawn from this. So it's not always a bad thing IMO. They have the right to use everything at their disposal to secure their interests and make their point. Nothing bad about that.
China has entered into a new area of treating countries. Now you can not even strengthen your defense and security.

SK should reply to china like India did. Bloody wat we do to strengthen our defense is nobody's concern. China is only good at issuing warning. When any country gets ready for faceoff, china will back track like they did in chumar.

It is better if you keep India out of this tread / Discussion.

My friend Chinese have mastered the art of Diplomacy. If China can checkmate American in Philippine then they can easily handle this THAAD issue but to begins with regime change is require in North Korea or at least China must control it's spoiled Child which is now hampering Chinese security.


Would not say China Checkmate America is the Philippine, US had worst before when they were literally got shown the door and ask to leave within 1 year. For now, Duterte is just acting up, the overall partnership and changes did not change for the Philippine, just that they change from Pro-US to Pro-Philippine, neither pro or against China. Actually considering the situation now and back in 1991, now is a lot more perferable to the US.

On the other hand, SK is not going to back down easily in a Trade War, so a Trade war would not do anything to South Korea, the only way to deal with this is either China accept that THAAD is SK internal business, or try to engage more with SK and try to sweeten the deal and hopfully SK wwill drop the THAAD deal, unlike Philippine, China don't have any chips against SK as SK is entrenched with the United States, as long as North Korea is next to South Korea.
On the other hand, SK is not going to back down easily in a Trade War, so a Trade war would not do anything to South Korea, the only way to deal with this is either China accept that THAAD is SK internal business, or try to engage more with SK and try to sweeten the deal and hopfully SK wwill drop the THAAD deal, unlike Philippine, China don't have any chips against SK as SK is entrenched with the United States, as long as North Korea is next to South Korea.
Are you sure the trade war wouldn't do anything to SK? China is SK's biggest export market and biggest trade surplus source. You really believe what you said?
Are you sure the trade war wouldn't do anything to SK? China is SK's biggest export market and biggest trade surplus source. You really believe what you said?
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dude, Trade War is not about how much you hurt someone, it's always about how muhc you can take. The 2-dimensional "Trade-Balance" does not necesarily reflect the real situation.

First of all, do you honestly think SK would have NO WHERE to sell their stuff if they can't sell it to China? Or If they can't import from China, they can't import stuff form somebody else?

The problem is, trade war only works IF THERE ARE NO ALERNATIVE. So, either you have the whole world against you, otherwise you will be able to replacejust about everything, from resource, material to market.

To SK, if a Trade war started between China and SK, at worse, SK would have increase 15-20% tariff on their economy, either buying more expensive form other and selling less pricy to other. For South Korea, AT WORSE, they went back to the stage in 1990 BEFORE CHINA rise, trade happens for SK beore China, trade will still happen for SK after China. SO for SK, they can take it, yes, maybe they won't earn as much, but their base economy is gear to trade without China, simply because they weree doing it just 15 years ago.

For China, a trade War with SK, means a Trade War with SK allies, US, Japan, and basically rest of the world, Do you think if you have a trade war with SK, and the rest of the world will simply ignore it? YOu do trade war with SK, you do trade war with a US Camp, that means China will only been isolate. Now, In China case, it will go back to pre-1980 before China open her door to everyone.

And now you tell me, a trade war with SK, who will hurt more.
dude, Trade War is not about how much you hurt someone, it's always about how muhc you can take. The 2-dimensional "Trade-Balance" does not necesarily reflect the real situation.

First of all, do you honestly think SK would have NO WHERE to sell their stuff if they can't sell it to China? Or If they can't import from China, they can't import stuff form somebody else?

The problem is, trade war only works IF THERE ARE NO ALERNATIVE. So, either you have the whole world against you, otherwise you will be able to replacejust about everything, from resource, material to market.

To SK, if a Trade war started between China and SK, at worse, SK would have increase 15-20% tariff on their economy, either buying more expensive form other and selling less pricy to other. For South Korea, AT WORSE, they went back to the stage in 1990 BEFORE CHINA rise, trade happens for SK beore China, trade will still happen for SK after China. SO for SK, they can take it, yes, maybe they won't earn as much, but their base economy is gear to trade without China, simply because they weree doing it just 15 years ago.

For China, a trade War with SK, means a Trade War with SK allies, US, Japan, and basically rest of the world, Do you think if you have a trade war with SK, and the rest of the world will simply ignore it? YOu do trade war with SK, you do trade war with a US Camp, that means China will only been isolate. Now, In China case, it will go back to pre-1980 before China open her door to everyone.

And now you tell me, a trade war with SK, who will hurt more.
You know what is the most important thing for an export-oriented country like SK? It's market. As the world biggest and nearest market, China is irreplaceable to SK. China is also an irreplaceable and best production base for SK.

You talked about how SK economy worked 15 years ago. You should know the world has changed in the 15 years. China share on the world marked has expanded. The world is the world that if you lose China, you lose the whole world. You better talk about why SK's economy preformed so well in the last 15 years.

SK's allies will isolate China for SK's benefit? What a joke. The so-called allies will laugh in dream. China's banning SK companies means their share in China market will be bigger.
You know what is the most important thing for an export-oriented country like SK? It's market. As the world biggest and nearest market, China is irreplaceable to SK. China is also an irreplaceable and best production base for SK.

You talked about how SK economy worked 15 years ago. You should know the world has changed in the 15 years. China share on the world marked has expanded. The world is the world that if you lose China, you lose the whole world. You better talk about why SK's economy preformed so well in the last 15 years.

SK's allies will isolate China for SK's benefit? What a joke. The so-called allies will laugh in dream. China's banning SK companies means their share in China market will be bigger.

First of all, Chinese Market is big, but not really that big, if we consider protectionism pulled by CCP, Chinese market is not at all influencial to SK.

Second of all, you don't lose the whole world when you lose China, when you lose China, you lose China, don't sell yourself more than you could be. China aren't that rich and aren't that influencial.

And yes, if push comes to shove, SK allies will gank up on China, we can see in the history the Brits did it to the German during the 4 years preceding WW1, the American doing to Japan preceding WW2. You can think whatever you want, but just because you think it is stupid does not mean they aren't true, in fact, it has all been done before.

And lastly, yes, this isn't 15 years ago, but so does SK, when a country economy is independent, they can stack it agaisnt Trade War. Chinese economy is big, that does not mean they are independent. In fact, China needed foreign involvement in China than South Korea needed Foreign involvement in South Korea, for one thing, SK economy is already stablised, there aren't much room to growth. BSo drawing back 10 years ot 15 years won't be an issue. China, on the other hand, did not yet transformed to Market Economy, meaning? If the tap stop running, China is hurting more than SK will.

Think about it, if SK did rally subseptible to Trade War by China, would they be not pissing off China wth this THAAD now? Or better yet, should China already been doing something now? IOt's not like Chinese only know SK is setting up THAAD just now.

There is a reason both country do what they do, because unlike you, they too think trade war did not benefit anyone and is useless. Otherwise both would have done so a long time ago.
Chinese state media has reacted with anger and threats of boycotts after the board of an affiliate of South Korea's Lotte Group approved a land swap with the government that will enable authorities to deploy a U.S. missile defense system.

The government decided last year to deploy the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, in response to the North Korean missile threat, on land that is part of a golf course owned by Lotte in the Seongju region, southeast of Seoul.

The board of unlisted Lotte International Co Ltd approved the deal with the government on Monday.

China objects to the deployment in South Korea of the THAAD, which has a powerful radar capable of penetrating Chinese territory, with Beijing saying it is a threat to its security and will do nothing to ease tension with North Korea.

Influential state-run Chinese tabloid the Global Times said in an editorial on Tuesday that Lotte should be shown the door in China.

"We also propose that Chinese society should coordinate voluntarily in expanding restrictions on South Korean cultural goods and entertainment exports to China, and block them when necessary," it said in its English-language edition.

The paper's Chinese version said South Korean cars and cellphones should be targeted as well.

"There are loads of substitutes for South Korean cars and cellphones," it said.

The WeChat account of the overseas edition of the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily said late on Monday that cutting diplomatic ties should also be considered.

"If THAAD is really deployed in South Korea, then China-South Korea relations will face the possibility of getting ready to cut off diplomatic relations," it said.

The official Xinhua news agency also said in a commentary late on Monday that China "did not welcome this kind of Lotte".

"Chinese consumers can absolutely say no to this kind of company and their goods based on considerations of 'national security'," it said.

South Korea's defense ministry said on Tuesday it had signed a land swap deal with Lotte on the golf course in exchange for providing military property. A South Korean military official told Reuters the military would begin installing fences and soldiers would patrol the area.

The Lotte Group said on Feb. 8 Chinese authorities had stopped construction at a multi-billion dollar real estate project in China after a fire inspection, adding to concern in South Korea about damage to commercial relations with the world's second-largest economy.

Asked if South Korea had demanded the Chinese government suspend any economic retaliation, South Korean Defence Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-kyun said: "We have continuously persuaded China so far and will keep continuing efforts to do so."

South Korean government officials have said THAAD is a defensive measure against North Korean threats and does not target any other country.

South Korea's central bank said this month the number of Chinese tourists visiting the tourist island of Jeju had fallen 6.7 percent over the Lunar New Year holiday from last year, partly because of China's "anti-South Korea measures due to the THAAD deployment decision".


Koreans, be north or south , are very stubborn
China is only friendly with nations that listens to them.

Its becoming a big bully, hopefully more nations can stand up against them.

EVery super power bully the other... Don't be sad to fast... India is doing it too...
Every asset or leverage has an expiry date in this dynamic world. THAAD was too natural a response for NK using N word (not American one) again and again. Unfortunately for China, its second best friend also likes N word too much. So China is getting The great wall built around itself which is negative return to investments.
If i was SK, i wouldn't trust NK with their Nukes. Country and right to live precedes economic benefits.
First of all, Chinese Market is big, but not really that big, if we consider protectionism pulled by CCP, Chinese market is not at all influencial to SK.

Second of all, you don't lose the whole world when you lose China, when you lose China, you lose China, don't sell yourself more than you could be. China aren't that rich and aren't that influencial.

And yes, if push comes to shove, SK allies will gank up on China, we can see in the history the Brits did it to the German during the 4 years preceding WW1, the American doing to Japan preceding WW2. You can think whatever you want, but just because you think it is stupid does not mean they aren't true, in fact, it has all been done before.

And lastly, yes, this isn't 15 years ago, but so does SK, when a country economy is independent, they can stack it agaisnt Trade War. Chinese economy is big, that does not mean they are independent. In fact, China needed foreign involvement in China than South Korea needed Foreign involvement in South Korea, for one thing, SK economy is already stablised, there aren't much room to growth. BSo drawing back 10 years ot 15 years won't be an issue. China, on the other hand, did not yet transformed to Market Economy, meaning? If the tap stop running, China is hurting more than SK will.

Think about it, if SK did rally subseptible to Trade War by China, would they be not pissing off China wth this THAAD now? Or better yet, should China already been doing something now? IOt's not like Chinese only know SK is setting up THAAD just now.

There is a reason both country do what they do, because unlike you, they too think trade war did not benefit anyone and is useless. Otherwise both would have done so a long time ago.
1, You better check my reply at #17.
2, I have never heard any case that any country threw itself to a trade war or economy war for ally's sake. Even the EU members(regarded as more intimate than pact allies) won't borrow hand when other member is in economic trouble.
3, I would be happy if China severs economic relationship with SK. Cause SK gained much more than China did in the relationship. It's not a fair relationship. China didn't obtain a big market but SK did. China didn't obtain trade surplus but SK did. SK is more like a competitor rather than cooperator to China because the two countries have similar economic structure. SK's leave is good news for our domestic companies.
4, Foreign investment? Come on. China is investing around world.
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