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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

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US anti-missile system operational in South Korea

The US military says its controversial Thaad missile defence system is now operational in South Korea.

The system can intercept North Korean missiles although full operational capability is still some months away.

Tensions have been rising around the Korean peninsula, with repeated threats from North Korea and the presence of a group of US warships and a submarine.

North Korea reacted angrily to the latest military exercise, accusing the US of risking a nuclear war.

The rise in tension comes only a day after US President Donald Trump said he would be "honoured" to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, in the right circumstances.

The US announced last week it would activate Thaad, which was not expected to be in use until late 2017, within days.

Thaad, which stands for Terminal High Altitude Area Defence, has been installed at a former golf course in the central county of Seongju, amid angry protests.


Many locals believe the system is a potential target for attacks and endangers the lives of those living nearby.

China also strongly opposes the system, believing it interferes with the security of its own military operations. On Tuesday, it demanded the deployment be halted.

Beijing would "firmly take necessary measures to uphold our interests", foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said.

However, Mr Geng welcomed Mr Trump's suggestion of meeting Kim Jong-un, saying China had "always believed that dialogue and consultation... is the only realistic and viable way to achieve denuclearisation".

When the announcement of the Thaad deployment was made last year, North Korea promised a "physical response", with state media expressing the "unwavering will of our army to deal a ruthless retaliatory strike".

A spokesman for the US forces based in South Korea said Thaad now had "the ability to defend the Republic of Korea".

But the system only has "initial intercept capability", a US defence official told AFP. It will be strengthened later this year as more parts of the system arrive.

Image copyright EPA
Image caption Some people in South Korea have protested against the installation of the system
North Korea and the US have traded heated rhetoric in recent weeks as Pyongyang continues to defy a UN ban on missile tests.

North Korea has carried out two failed missile launches in recent weeks and has said it is ready to carry out its sixth nuclear test at any time.

The North reacted angrily on Tuesday to a joint US-South Korea military exercise the day before involving two supersonic B-1B Lancer bombers, which it said was a "nuclear bomb dropping drill".

"The reckless military provocation is pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula closer to the brink of nuclear war," the North's official KCNA news agency said.

What is the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (Thaad)?
  • Shoots down short and medium-range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase of their flight
  • Uses hit-to-kill technology - where kinetic energy destroys the incoming warhead
  • Has a range of 200km and can reach an altitude of 150km
  • US has previously deployed it in Guam and Hawaii as a measure against potential attacks from North Korea
What impact will S Korea's expanded missile defence system have?


The enemy launches a missile

2. The Thaad radar system detects the launch, which is relayed to command and control

3. Thaad command and control instructs the launch of an interceptor missile

4. The interceptor missile is fired at the enemy projectile

5. The enemy projectile is destroyed in the terminal phase of flight

The launcher trucks can hold up to eight interceptor missiles.

Indeed its a simple question.

You posted this.

China will test a new weapon ( missile I guess ) targeting at eastern direction.

And I asked what next? Get it?

Just joking oldman! Has America government been determined to solve peninsula nuclear issue?

Indeed its a simple question.

You posted this.

China will test a new weapon ( missile I guess ) targeting at eastern direction.

And I asked what next? Get it?

Just joking oldman! Has America government been determined to solve peninsula nuclear issue?

Indeed its a simple question.

You posted this.

China will test a new weapon ( missile I guess ) targeting at eastern direction.

And I asked what next? Get it?

Just joking oldman! Has America government been determined to solve peninsula nuclear issue?
Just joking oldman! Has America government been determined to solve peninsula nuclear issue?

Just joking oldman! Has America government been determined to solve peninsula nuclear issue?

Working and coordinating with China we will see how much we can try to pressure North Korea. Sanctions from China and possible military action by the U.S.
Working and coordinating with China we will see how much we can try to pressure North Korea. Sanctions from China and possible military action by the U.S.

The proposal is too simple, I am afraid 1. sanctions from China can't stop its nuclear plan 2. the U.S hardly pay the possible price of the War, you know or you may estimate how much money you have to pay for the war.
The proposal is too simple, I am afraid 1. sanctions from China can't stop its nuclear plan 2. the U.S hardly pay the possible price of the War, you know or you may estimate how much money you have to pay for the war.

Well its better to keep it simple than make it more complex. War is expensive, but that don't mean we cannot afford to fight one.
Working and coordinating with China we will see how much we can try to pressure North Korea. Sanctions from China and possible military action by the U.S.

My proposal as following:
1. U.S adimt North Korea is a independent nation whoes Kim Jong En has fully legal sovereignty.
2. U.S have to push South Korea modify the Constitution, admit North Korea independent nation, and give up unification intentions.
3. China already admit South Korea an independent nation in 1992.
4. China and U.S cooperate to stop the war happending in pensinsula. Change the latitude 38 into realy bilateral border.

Well its better to keep it simple than make it more complex. War is expensive, but that don't mean we cannot afford to fight one.

I have to mention, North Korea maybe have already owned nuclear weapon, and some intercontinental sending tool.
My proposal as following:
1. U.S adimt North Korea is a independent nation whoes Kim Jong En has fully legal sovereignty.
2. U.S have to push South Korea modify the Constitution, admit North Korea independent nation, and give up unification intentions.
3. China already admit South Korea an independent nation in 1992.
4. China and U.S cooperate to stop the war happending in pensinsula. Change the latitude 38 into realy bilateral border.

I have to mention, North Korea maybe have already owned nuclear weapon, and some intercontinental sending tool.

wait a minute, so you are telling me US doesn't recognize NK as an independent/sovereign nation and despot crazy Kim Jong Un isn't the supreme leader??

I don't think U.S or SK want unification!! why would they?? SK is doing just fine with the land and people they got now.. how do you integrate a country of brainwashed commies into a 1st world democracy?? if anything China should absorb NK into it's territory.

NK is the one destabilizing the peninsula. people seem to forget that NK invaded SK not the other way around. Kim Il Sung had to get permission from China to invade, and then China had to get permission from the USSR!!

no one wants anything to do with NK. we would rather go on as if it doesn't even exist.
wait a minute, so you are telling me US doesn't recognize NK as an independent/sovereign nation and despot crazy Kim Jong Un isn't the supreme leader??

I don't think U.S or SK want unification!! why would they?? SK is doing just fine with the land and people they got now.. how do you integrate a country of brainwashed commies into a 1st world democracy?? if anything China should absorb NK into it's territory.

NK is the one destabilizing the peninsula. people seem to forget that NK invaded SK not the other way around. Kim Il Sung had to get permission from China to invade, and then China had to get permission from the USSR!!

You go to learn post WWII histry, North Korea was created by USSR. NK is a 100% pure USSR puppet, China had 0 position there. KIM I start the war even didin't note China in the first place until he was fucked by UN army.
no one wants anything to do with NK. we would rather go on as if it doesn't even exist.

It's not the time to judge North Korea, whatever it's angel or evil. Now if the U.S want to solve pensinsular nuclear problem, U.S. have to make decision and give up a little benefits.

1. U.S. agree to establish diplomatic relationship with NK, at least you need to show the positive gesture. For the long time, U.S. use NK as excuse to reinforce military exist in East Asia, after setup of diplomatic relationship, U.S need to accept changes of strategy in the region.
2. North Korea and South Korea establish normal diplomatic relationship, ascertain land and marine border.
3. If NK still test nuclear weapons after diplomatic establishment. U.S and China should make military beating together immediately before Russia and Japan react. It should be a flash war which can decrease the price for every party.
4. U.S. and China have to stop South Korea military impulse as well. It's not a secret South Korea want to unify north. We should tell me obviously it's not allowed.
It's not the time to judge North Korea, whatever it's angel or evil. Now if the U.S want to solve pensinsular nuclear problem, U.S. have to make decision and give up a little benefits.

1. U.S. agree to establish diplomatic relationship with NK, at least you need to show the positive gesture. For the long time, U.S. use NK as excuse to reinforce military exist in East Asia, after setup of diplomatic relationship, U.S need to accept changes of strategy in the region.
2. North Korea and South Korea establish normal diplomatic relationship, ascertain land and marine border.
3. If NK still test nuclear weapons after diplomatic establishment. U.S and China should make military beating together immediately before Russia and Japan react. It should be a flash war which can decrease the price for every party.
4. U.S. and China have to stop South Korea military impulse as well. It's not a secret South Korea want to unify north. We should tell me obviously it's not allowed.

I think a peaceful solution can come about regarding NK.
My proposal as following:
1. U.S adimt North Korea is a independent nation whoes Kim Jong En has fully legal sovereignty.
2. U.S have to push South Korea modify the Constitution, admit North Korea independent nation, and give up unification intentions.
3. China already admit South Korea an independent nation in 1992.
4. China and U.S cooperate to stop the war happending in pensinsula. Change the latitude 38 into realy bilateral border.

How about this.
1. North Korea recognize South Korea and don't try to attempt to invade South Korea again under unification by force.
2. Complete denuclearization like North Korea was suppose to promise on.
3. A peace treaty between the U.S. and North Korea to end the war and complete normalization.
4. Pulling THAAD out in response to end of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests in the Korean peninsula.

I have to mention, North Korea maybe have already owned nuclear weapon, and some intercontinental sending tool.

We got a submarine to send about a hundred nuclear warheads into North Korea. Not to mention some BMD tools.
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