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DeoBandi VS Takfiries

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Yes ... Prophet PBUH said that only 1 will go .. then sahaba's asked that who will be that one ? .. Prophet PBUH replied ( those who are on Footsteps of me & my companions ..

So we have all Hadiths in front of us ...its up to us to find out ;)

Every one in his belief follow Muhammad p.b.u.h and we know shaba were his companions.
I would not read into Ahadis until i don't find definition of Kafir in Quran and undoubtedly QURAN supersedes every thing.

We have idol worshipers claiming themselves MUSLIMS and people claiming to be avatar of ALLAH and we have no objection but we are prepared to explore this Hadis???

What's wrong... just drop the Ahadis for a moment and follow on those things which keep us united i.e. QURAN & PAKISTAN.

Unfortunately, i have no memory of Ahadis but for such situations there is guidance.... some thing like ALLAH KI RASSI KO MAZBOOTI SAY PAKARAY RAKHO.
The Basic belief of a Muslim is the five pillars of Islam:

1) There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last and final prophet of Allah (The Shahadah, Kalima, bearing witness).

2) Salat or praying 5 times a day.

3) Sawm or Fasting is obligatory during the month of Ramzan unless the person is traveling, however fasting is optional in the other holy months.

4) Zakat or Alms-giving is obligatory for every Muslim.

5) And finally the Hajj to Mecca during the Islamic month of Dhu Al-Hijjah. The Hajj is obligatory upon every able bodied Muslim male and female who can afford to do Hajj.

If anyone doesn't believe in the above then he cannot be considered a Muslim.
I heard this Hadith quite often, however its second part is a Zaeef(weak) part (only one of them will go to heaven)

I have asked many to use common sense,

Wallah ho Alam !!
The Basic belief of a Muslim is the five pillars of Islam:

1) There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last and final prophet of Allah (The Shahadah, Kalima, bearing witness).

2) Salat or praying 5 times a day.

3) Sawm or Fasting is obligatory during the month of Ramzan unless the person is traveling, however fasting is optional in the other holy months.

4) Zakat or Alms-giving is obligatory for every Muslim.

5) And finally the Hajj to Mecca during the Islamic month of Dhu Al-Hijjah. The Hajj is obligatory upon every able bodied Muslim male and female who can afford to do Hajj.

If anyone doesn't believe in the above then he cannot be considered a Muslim.

As per the laws of Islamic republic of Pakistan, Zakat is sect. dependent.
If we consider Zakat as pre-condition for being MUSLIM than it is lots of outstanding money.
Unfortunately, our law promotes division and sectarianism.
I hope current RIGHTEOUS govt. who's only performance is to make and break the laws can break this law as well, for the sake of unity of Pakistan and unity of UMMAH.
The Basic belief of a Muslim is the five pillars of Islam:

1) There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last and final prophet of Allah (The Shahadah, Kalima, bearing witness).
There is a little confusion about this bold part.
Quran:27-82 And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast of the earth to speak unto them because mankind mankind had not faith in Our revelations.
mods close this thread pls!
i see no point except more hatred comin out of it...
Drones make no distinguish between anything ....

The goal of CIA is to destabilize Pakistan , and a bomb in one province , and bomb in another is perfect way to get the provinces and public fighting each other which will allow CIA to control nukes in Pakistan. Most likely a "situation" would be created that states that "religious" groups have infiltrated Pakistan Army , and likely they will use that as an excuse to try to take out Pakistan Army

The example of assassination attempts on this religious old guy is nothing more then to incite these groups to get more violent and spread the heat cycle

Never question any of the Caliphs of Islam nor the associates of Prophet Mohammad becasue they have all been promised (guaranteed place in heavens). As the ones who had the honor of seeing him with their own eyes. We the guilty , tarnished souls lol can't even come 1 cm to level they achieved

The Hadis , reporting is quite strict , and is normally reported by "credible sources" not a normal person by a "person who lived along side Mohammad and got their teaching from him", following it or not is a personal choice.

But there is no difference between an "ajmi" and "non ajmi" there is wisdom in every statement we just need to get our head out of the ground and see the signs

But in general I don't like the fat old timer ... never liked him

Strangely , it reminds me of one of signs of judgment day , when it is stated when death will come , every soul will push the other ahead and say .... spare me and take him instead , this is exactly what I see when people try to state , they are "safe" while others are guilty becasue they are arabs or forigners lol

Wake up drones are coming .... papu ... drones are coming
mods close this thread pls!
i see no point except more hatred comin out of it...

Look at the subject of this thread it is a sectarian thread.

it is VS. thread from its inception and even the link to follow-up article, of a terrorist act is missing.

Normally, I expect MUSLIM from every sect. to pray for the victims of terrorism but my expectations are wrong.
What's wrong... just drop the Ahadis for a moment and follow on those things which keep us united i.e. QURAN & PAKISTAN.

Unfortunately, i have no memory of Ahadis but for such situations there is guidance.... some thing like ALLAH KI RASSI KO MAZBOOTI SAY PAKARAY RAKHO.

my Friend .. If you deny the Ahadees then you automatically deny the Quran itself , b/c the Sahaba's themselves separates Quran & ahadees when they were collecting & joining the Quran into 1 place ....
my Friend .. If you deny the Ahadees then you automatically deny the Quran itself , b/c the Sahaba's themselves separates Quran & ahadees when they were collecting & joining the Quran into 1 place ....

Where did i said i deny the Ahadis but i do not believe in hearsay.
I have to study it my self and i study it when i need guidance... for any matter.
declaring other sects. Kafir is not my job and i will never seek for such ahadis.
Those who seek such ahadis... actually enjoy calling others Takfiris.
Takfir is not limited in deoband or wahabi school of thoughts, you can see takfiries in all sects.
I have known sufies and shia's who think their opposition is not muslim knowing well they are kalima go.
I think Takfir is name of mental problem where you think that those who dont agree with you are sub humans and need to be eliminated.


Those tribes who didnt payed Zakat during Hazrat AbuBakar's khilfat, they were declared non-Muslims. And when they rejected all other offers made, Khalifa declared Jihad against them.

So its not that a Kalma go is a Muslim. Its lot more than that
Always good to be open mind ... when in doubt ... trust in your faith and country !!! We are all one and same

Perhaps the point to note is

a) Pay national taxes as these are used to pay for social programs that run government
b) And demand the drones be stopped by means of force

Zakat itself is taxation system , its the same thing just one uses english wording , and other is Arabic)

Ones who pay Taxes in Pakistan , are actually contributing their share to a muslim country (in our case its Pakistan)

Of course if ppl are not paying taxes then they are , currupt and they should be chased and punished , at state level and also religious level they are not ideal citizens

Zakat = Taxes in Pakistan (becasue Pakistan is Islamic country)

In our country ppl get confused , and assume Zakat is something different no its just concept of paying your taxes , becasue taxes help government help poor and needy ...

Also it can be argued that mosques in our country take advantage of this notion and say Zakat can only be collected by them - as they will distribute the funds to ppl , but in reality its the "State" that has to distribute Zakat/Tax to poor so their is conflict of interest

But you can always pay more if you want - no one stops a person who is willing to help others with his fortune

Enough of tihs deobandi and takfiries lol I don't know what these mean

In Pakistan our leaders and ppl don't pay taxes only 2% pay taxes so the curse is on the whole nation !! curse of not paying taxes, which help the poor and needy
There is a little confusion about this bold part.
Quran:27-82 And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast of the earth to speak unto them because mankind mankind had not faith in Our revelations.

there is no confusion. the prophethood has ended with Muhammad PBUH.

what you have dug up and referring to is actually a string of some events that will lead to the end of the world/ judgement day as per the Islamic faith.
the verse itself is left without further explanation and let the people drive conclusion based on the Islamic jurisprudence (Quran, Hadith)

So the beast can be a symbolic name or physical. Some suggest that to be computer some an actual beast that will carry the staff of Moses (same staff that according to 3 Abrahamic faiths was used to make pathway in the Nile).

This will be the end of time when believers and unbelievers will be separated. Until that time comes, the religion of Islam invites the mankind to embrace its teaching and accept Muhammad PBUH as the messenger of God and His teachings as the final word from God.

The time of the beast or anti-Christ etc will be the end or conclusion of this physical world.
Read this if you want to know more but I cant add anymore because that pretty much gets us off the topic.
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