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Demonetize the 5000, 1000 notes in Pakistan?

Pakistan's Tax Rate is one of the lowest in the World.

If you make a Rs.400,000 annually or less , you pay zero taxes.

if you make 600,000 annually, you pay Rs. 7,000 tax for the whole year.

In other words, if your salary is Rs. 50,000 a month, you tax withholding is Rs. 583.

At those rates everybody should file tax return and get all the benefits of being an active filer.

BTW, all salaried employees Pay taxes ( Taxes are withheld by employer automatically at the source ), but most fail to file returns and thus lose out on benefits that accrue to Tax Filers, which makes little or no sense. As a salaried person you are already paying taxes. Why not file returns and get the status of active Tax Filer. Filing Tax Returns is free on FBR Website.
And yet we pay one of the highest indirect taxes even eidable products are being taxed which is inhumane for a country where 50% spent half their earning on food
They have shifted burden onto to lower class and they are happy about it
Pakistan's Tax Rate is one of the lowest in the World.

If you make a Rs.400,000 annually or less , you pay zero taxes.

if you make 600,000 annually, you pay Rs. 7,000 tax for the whole year.

In other words, if your salary is Rs. 50,000 a month, you tax withholding is Rs. 583.

At those rates everybody should file tax return and get all the benefits of being an active filer.

BTW, all salaried employees Pay taxes ( Taxes are withheld by employer automatically at the source ), but most fail to file returns and thus lose out on benefits that accrue to Tax Filers, which makes little or no sense. As a salaried person you are already paying taxes. Why not file returns and get the status of active Tax Filer. Filing Tax Returns is free on FBR Website.

What exemptions are allowed on your income??

Here in India we are allowed some basic deductions like on
tuition or school fees,
Life insurance policy,
Health insurance etc.
Maximum allowed for above is Rs. 1,50,000.

Interest on home loan upto Rs 1.5 lakhs and
on principal upto Rs 2 lakhs.

India Income tax slabs 2016-2017 for General tax payers and Women

Income tax slab (in Rs.)
0 to 2,50,000 No tax
2,50,001 to 5,00,000 10%
5,00,001 to 10,00,000 20%
Above 10,00,000 30%
Did you see what happened in India?
Sorry dont want to punish our people(more than they already are being punished by the govt)
It looks bad now. But it will be okay by 1st January 2017.

@EpiiC -

Under Modi, India opened more than 250 million bank accounts just between 2014 and 2016 primarily amongst the poor people under a Prime Minister's scheme. The problem is that because these bank accounts were so recent that the poor did not know how to operate them or comfortable with them.

India now has more than 60% individual bank accounts and 99% household bank penetration(household being defined as a family of 5 people that means atleast one person in the house had a bank account)

So the problem was that while the majority of Indians now did have a bank account because of Modi's scheme, they were not used to operating one and did not see any benefit in them. This was not taken into account while planning demonetization.

However, all will be clear on 1st Jan, 2017.

In any case, regardless of demonetization, India will achieve more than 95% individual banking penetration by 2020 - in just a little more than 3 years from now. The second big bang in banking is coming with India Post(Postal services) starting full banking operations in 2017. And India Post has a presence in almost every remote village of India along with Payment banks coming online in 2017 with telecom operators (airtel, vodafone) becoming banks. These telecom operators also have access to the remotest parts of India.
We Indians are happy that some one is really trying to improve the system nothing else matters what ever issues this guy has raised we Indians face such issues every day :) , we are not afraid of standing in queues "

A BJP youth member posted a similar message on Facebook...was later caught with fresh notes.....:rofl:
Step 1 is to ensure that majority of the population has bank accounts.

Step 2 is Demonetization. It makes sure ALL the current money goes in the banks and people are forced to use the banking system. .Now IT will also slap penalty for huge cash deposits,by bringing them into tax net

The next step is to ensure that people keep using the banking system and don't fall back on old habits.

Come up with a new law that all salaries from registered companies to their employees must be made by cheque or direct debit. No cash allowed for salaries. This would continue to force some people to use banks.

The last step would be a complete overhaul of laws that lead to black money generation - like reducing stamp duty, change of labor and industrial laws, etc, etc. This is so that black money generation is reduced for the future.

Missing any of the above three steps will lead to the same result - no change in the long run and will be a wasted effort.....

This would double and triple government revenue and improve development and uplift....

According to source DAWN there is $200B Pakistani Money stashed in Swiss Banks!!!!

That $200B could have landed Pak into top 25 Economies in the world...

Currently only 0.5% population pays taxes.

black money
  1. income illegally obtained or not declared for tax purposes.
An out of the box thinking can change perspective of complete income tax system. At one hand, all direct and indirect taxes can be abolished in one go and on the other maximum number of people can be brought in tax net. A simple system can replace prevailing complicated and inefficient system, yet effective enough to generate sufficient funds. Implementation of such system should not be any problem in this era of technology.

Solution to a simple and efficient tax collection system is three step formula.

1. Abolish prevailing income tax, sales tax, FED, Income Support levy etc. and implement Final Tax Regime.

2. Implement policy of no cash transaction for amounts more than PKR5000. The policy already exists for corporates, which should be extended it to individual as well.

3. Put a tax of 2% on all (in and out) transactions through banks.

According to the State Bank of Pakistan total amount transacted through banks between July-Sept’12 was PKR 40.549 Trillion[1]. It can be safely estimated that PKR162.199 trillion was transacted in year 2012. Thus, PKR3.24 Trillion can be collected as full and final income tax. By ensuring all transactions above PKR5,000 through banking channel will increase amount bank transactions by at least 100%. It can be safely estimated that through this procedure government will be able to collect more than PKR 6 trillion per year. It will bring maximum number of people in the tax net and allow participation of tax payers towards national development. No further taxation will be required by the government, whatsoever. It does not require any explanation as to what will be the effect of such taxation system, yet few benefits are outlined

1. Negative inflation of 15-20% will be observed in first year of implementation, which would be an instant relief to each and every citizen of Pakistan.

2. No one will escape tax net and country will have well documented economy.

3. Equal percentage and proportionate contribution by maximum number of taxpayers will be ensured.

4. Requirement for higher denomination currency notes will reduce, thus circulation of black money can be controlled by removing PKR5000 and PKR 1000 currency notes from market.

5. Less cash with people will also help in reducing crime rate.
[1] www.statebank.org.pk

Bank account opening should not be a problem, each Pakistani has a unique identification number called CNIC. And state runs a bank named National Bank. This combination will ensure each Pakistani has a bank account.
NO For the Love of God ..
Thread to discuss if Pakistan could do with following the Indian example opened at request of @EpiiC Any ideas about reducing corruptio, money laundering etc invited.

NO For the Love of God .... NO !

1- B'coz it is a WORST idea .... Given tht we have even Lesser Penetration of Bank accounts, as well as Online Commerce ... also we have a Bigger Shadow / Parallel economy, and we are MORE cash based economy .... And our Population is less educated to understand the scenario resulting in coming suicide and all considering all thr savings are Now ZERO !

2- After indian Action THOSE already hoarding actual Black Money or Illegal cash ... have converted it into GOLD / ForEx / Stocks and Real Estate as well as parking it in Dubai, London

So going through the WHOLE hassle ...will have Even MORE problem for the Common People and Even LESS implication on actual Black money hoarders !!!

I hope Sanity Prevail and we don't do this ... also I believe we have better Economists among us to advise the govt against doing so such drastic act ... !

ALSO please note despite all the Hulla Huppa around India did a good thing or Bad .... MODI is failing at his prmoises .. he promised all Indian will get 10-15 lac (i forgot the number) in thr Account once he will bring Black Money From the Swiss account which he ofcourse fail to do so .. the right wings still need more .. as well as the economy is Not as good as he promised ... so HE HAD TO GO ALL OUT to show Something Anything to the people .. it was a 50/50 Bet ... and it still is ... it can Make him or break him for next Elections ..

READ this Out ..
Demonetisation: How Narendra Modi changed the currency ban narrative

Agree with you on the Riba part, but emergencies do arise, and cash is obviously king in a society where debit/credit card penetration is limited.
This is my first step 1 to ensure majority of the population has bank account penetration.... My Step 1 can only be taken by 2025 because current Government has no vision and only 16% of the population has a bank account damn it!!! By 2025 it is said that 60% of the population will have a bank account.... I can't wait that long man.... Government cant do JHIT!!!

It is just a matter of your interest of what do you like to see or hear. India is a nation of more than 120 crore people. If you take any step in make an impact, definitely few people will die because of some reason or other. That does not mean, i do not have respect for human life. But my objective is that in order to have a long term benifit, people have to sacrifice their short term gains. And this is what Indian are doing now.

So no, India nor Indian are protesting against the note ban is crazy way. There are few people who will protest irrespective of whatever Gov does at Center. It is due to their own political positioning rather than fact on the ground.
Excellently put, your nation has great insight into the future hence they have easily accepted short term problem for long term gain... India's Revenue will go up by 10s of billions and maybe 100 billions just by January 2017.

Getting rid of 5,000 Rupee note would go a long way to curb corruption and black money in Pakistan. Simply have prepaid accounts backed by CNIC's to track transactions. Put stiff penalties on banks for opening accounts under Driver or Janitor's name. Each Account holder should establish their Bank Account after giving proper details regarding their jobs. Accounts should not be opened for " Non-Filers " of Tax Returns.

I am pretty sure the limit is Rupees 50,000.
Right, but only 16% of the population has bank accounts.... I would love for these notes to be scrapped.... Moreover increase banking penetration by tens of millions each year and by 2020 get most of population to use e-banking and online transactions...

Just like India, the impact on black money will be marginal... the best guess(even govt agrees) that we are going after around 7 percent black money(most of it is tied in real estate, gold, foreign currency). The cost of it could be huge, individually we might think we are sacrificing for country, but it will have negative impact on growth and jobs. Its not clear whether the exercise is worth the effort.
Also govt of India could keep it secret till the last hour(essential part of the exercise), can pak govt do?
Pak Gov not smart like Ind Gov.... We can never do this unfortunately... I would obviously if I was PM... But Nawaz forget it!!!

Amount of corruption is directly related to the size of Currency notes, I will go as far as saying price is also effected once you introduce bigger currency. example if you bigger currency is Rs. 100 and price of commodity A is Rs. 460, with the availibility of Rs. 500 notes price of commodity A will reach 500...reason: in a cash economy retailers like to keep fewer currency notes as possible.

take 1000 and 5000 currency notes out of circulation and half of Pakistan's problem will go away.
Mate, this is what I am proposing as well, you have stated nicely what I am saying.... 5000 note x100 take less space....and 1000 can also be used for corruption... once the majority of population goes digital then a lot of corruption can be taken care of.

It looks bad now. But it will be okay by 1st January 2017.

@EpiiC -

Under Modi, India opened more than 250 million bank accounts just between 2014 and 2016 primarily amongst the poor people under a Prime Minister's scheme. The problem is that because these bank accounts were so recent that the poor did not know how to operate them or comfortable with them.

India now has more than 60% individual bank accounts and 99% household bank penetration(household being defined as a family of 5 people that means atleast one person in the house had a bank account)

So the problem was that while the majority of Indians now did have a bank account because of Modi's scheme, they were not used to operating one and did not see any benefit in them. This was not taken into account while planning demonetization.

However, all will be clear on 1st Jan, 2017.

In any case, regardless of demonetization, India will achieve more than 95% individual banking penetration by 2020 - in just a little more than 3 years from now. The second big bang in banking is coming with India Post(Postal services) starting full banking operations in 2017. And India Post has a presence in almost every remote village of India along with Payment banks coming online in 2017 with telecom operators (airtel, vodafone) becoming banks. These telecom operators also have access to the remotest parts of India.
In just 2 years my man Modi opened 250M bank accounts are you for real?:o:..... :guns:Nawaz:hitwall: at least India has 60% population using bank accounts our leaders have no vision and just barely only 16% of Pak population have a bank account, my first step would be to ensure most of the population are using bank accounts, and prepare the nation.... Warn them of consequences and then suddenly slap down the demonetization...scrap the 5000 and 1000 notes..... we going to make Pakistan Great Again!!!!

A BJP youth member posted a similar message on Facebook...was later caught with fresh notes.....:rofl:
Lol but seriously Pak need to scrap these notes and go digital, majority need bank penetration before we scrap the notes.... In the next few years if Pakistan gets a good leader with vision we could be looking to make Pakistan great again!!!
Thread to discuss if Pakistan could do with following the Indian example opened at request of @EpiiC Any ideas about reducing corruptio, money laundering etc invited.

I'm not entirely opposed to the idea, but we must learn form the Indian mistake. We must do it gradually and provide enough time to the common man to get accustomed. Over here in Europe it is no different. It has some advantages and can be used to halt capital flight out of the country.
An out of the box thinking can change perspective of complete income tax system. At one hand, all direct and indirect taxes can be abolished in one go and on the other maximum number of people can be brought in tax net. A simple system can replace prevailing complicated and inefficient system, yet effective enough to generate sufficient funds. Implementation of such system should not be any problem in this era of technology.

Solution to a simple and efficient tax collection system is three step formula.

1. Abolish prevailing income tax, sales tax, FED, Income Support levy etc. and implement Final Tax Regime.

2. Implement policy of no cash transaction for amounts more than PKR5000. The policy already exists for corporates, which should be extended it to individual as well.

3. Put a tax of 2% on all (in and out) transactions through banks.

According to the State Bank of Pakistan total amount transacted through banks between July-Sept’12 was PKR 40.549 Trillion[1]. It can be safely estimated that PKR162.199 trillion was transacted in year 2012. Thus, PKR3.24 Trillion can be collected as full and final income tax. By ensuring all transactions above PKR5,000 through banking channel will increase amount bank transactions by at least 100%. It can be safely estimated that through this procedure government will be able to collect more than PKR 6 trillion per year. It will bring maximum number of people in the tax net and allow participation of tax payers towards national development. No further taxation will be required by the government, whatsoever. It does not require any explanation as to what will be the effect of such taxation system, yet few benefits are outlined

1. Negative inflation of 15-20% will be observed in first year of implementation, which would be an instant relief to each and every citizen of Pakistan.

2. No one will escape tax net and country will have well documented economy.

3. Equal percentage and proportionate contribution by maximum number of taxpayers will be ensured.

4. Requirement for higher denomination currency notes will reduce, thus circulation of black money can be controlled by removing PKR5000 and PKR 1000 currency notes from market.

5. Less cash with people will also help in reducing crime rate.

Bank account opening should not be a problem, each Pakistani has a unique identification number called CNIC. And state runs a bank named National Bank. This combination will ensure each Pakistani has a bank account.

Thanks for taking your time out to write this, really appreciate it mate..... that 6trillion pkr is $57.2B huge amount of money could be added to Pakistan's Governments budget every year and this we could definitely overtake many economies and enter top 25.
In just 2 years my man Modi opened 250M bank accounts are you for real?:o:..... :guns:Nawaz:hitwall: at least India has 60% population using bank accounts our leaders have no vision and just barely only 16% of Pak population have a bank account, my first step would be to ensure most of the population are using bank accounts, and prepare the nation.... Warn them of consequences and then suddenly slap down the demonetization...scrap the 5000 and 1000 notes..... we going to make Pakistan Great Again!!!!

This scheme was launched by Modi.

250 million accounts opened till now. Bank accounts were opened for even those with zero balance.

Final target is end of 2019 for 100% individual banking penetration. But I think achievement will be around 90% by 2019 end.

Good thing from Pakistani POV is that within 2-3 quarters we will know whether D-bomb is +ve, -ve or neutral. If it turns out to be +ve, then only Pak needs to follow suit. So it will be at least 1 year before Pak needs to take a decision on dropping the D-bomb.

In this period, Pak can start an orderly process for creating bank accounts and/or digital wallets for everyone. My dear friend Brof Riazul Haq sb tells me that NADRA has already issued unique IDs for all citizens (what we call Aadhar here) and that all Bakis already have mobile phones. That being the case, it should be possible to create bank balances and mobile banks to all citizens in Bakiland within 1 year.

wiki link

"The most bank accounts opened in 1 week as a part of financial inclusion campaign is 18,096,130 and was achieved by Banks in India from 23 to 29 August 2014". By 1 June 2016, over 22 crore (220 million) bank accounts were opened and ₹384.11 billion (US$5.7 billion) were deposited under the scheme.

I need people to read this as opening millions of bank accounts and getting majority into bank penetration can be done in short period of time we don't need to wait a decade till 2025 to get majority into Pak....
This of course assumes that D- is a success in India. But even if it isnt the process of issuing bank a/cs and creating wallets cannot be a waste of effort in any case.

NO For the Love of God ..

NO For the Love of God .... NO !

1- B'coz it is a WORST idea .... Given tht we have even Lesser Penetration of Bank accounts, as well as Online Commerce ... also we have a Bigger Shadow / Parallel economy, and we are MORE cash based economy .... And our Population is less educated to understand the scenario resulting in coming suicide and all considering all thr savings are Now ZERO !

2- After indian Action THOSE already hoarding actual Black Money or Illegal cash ... have converted it into GOLD / ForEx / Stocks and Real Estate as well as parking it in Dubai, London

So going through the WHOLE hassle ...will have Even MORE problem for the Common People and Even LESS implication on actual Black money hoarders !!!

I hope Sanity Prevail and we don't do this ... also I believe we have better Economists among us to advise the govt against doing so such drastic act ... !

ALSO please note despite all the Hulla Huppa around India did a good thing or Bad .... MODI is failing at his prmoises .. he promised all Indian will get 10-15 lac (i forgot the number) in thr Account once he will bring Black Money From the Swiss account which he ofcourse fail to do so .. the right wings still need more .. as well as the economy is Not as good as he promised ... so HE HAD TO GO ALL OUT to show Something Anything to the people .. it was a 50/50 Bet ... and it still is ... it can Make him or break him for next Elections ..

READ this Out ..
Demonetisation: How Narendra Modi changed the currency ban narrative
Can you PM ? Also how does send inbox people?

This of course assumes that D- is a success in India. But even if it isnt the process of issuing bank a/cs and creating wallets cannot be a waste of effort in any case.

There are many benefits of scrapping the currency... even if India can't see the benefits in short term there are benefits of a well documented economy. Most of your population now has a bank account.... they will use bank accounts... Modi brought 250m bank users......
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Indians are remarkably short-sighted. They voted out Vajpayee in 2004, they will prolly do so to Modi in 2019, if the current crunch continues.

There is great potential to cut graft in taxation process and also in terms of subsidy delivery by going direct transfer- cashless route- what is referred to as JAM (Jan Dhan- Aadhar- Mobile) trilogy.

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