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Demolishing the Spy satellite or A Test



New Recruit

Jan 18, 2008
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America has destroyed it's spy satellite which is coming towards earth from a missile "S3" at the altitude of 210Km. Observers say that it is, in fact, a test of the missile to hunt the Satellite. China and Russia Opposed this. This satellite is coming towards earth and has the chemical "Hydrazine" which is toxic and has the extreme adverse effect on the humans.

From my opinion, whether it is test or simply destroying the satellite, America has shown the other countries that he also has the power to destroy the Satellites. China has also tested his Anti-satellite missile and America also opposed this.

NDTV.com: US: Dysfunctional spy satellite shot down
I'm just waiting to see who will draw first blood.

I mean so far China must be openly spying on the US placing its satellites atop America and vice versa. Surely no one likes a peeping tom.

Whenever first blood is drawn, you will see tens of missiles taking out snoopy sats.

Haha you know what would happen if Pak-Ind develop A-Sats? They'll blow away each other's sats and then claim that the sat got too close. A space version of the Atlantique incident.

I believe that this satellite was conviniently designed to fail, so that u s could show the russians and the chinese that who the real boss of the upper atmosphere is. Nice job though.
I think that Every body has the right to test, in it own limits. China has also tested the anti-satellite missile.
From my understanding the US and Soviets had the capability previously. The Chinese recently carried out a test, and this is simply the US carry out a counter test.

I think we should start work towards a similar prject.

Absolutely agreed, Pakistan does need to build up some sort of outerspace program (They have already, but its not that big).

Yes, obviously this is just to show that America will always be one step of ahead of everyone if not on par.
Absolutely agreed, Pakistan does need to build up some sort of outerspace program (They have already, but its not that big).
Any proof that Pak has already one.

more If he clearly say this as a "test" then he will not have any reason to condemn the other countries' anti-satellite test. US shows this, that he survived the world from a 'great danger' which is coming to earth. :usflag:
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