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Delimitation: Will South India be destroyed?

idiots of north are anyway ruling the country. bimaru states will remain bimaru. north is south India's (+ maharashtra's) burden.

1/3rd of students failed in the class X exam in the state of gujarat, the model state of modi/shah gang. north indians are producing garbage offsprings which is reducing the average IQ of the entire country.
The thorny issue is the fact that parties that dominate north are very different from those that dominate the south. So such an exercise will end up benefitting parties like BJP that have a stronghold in the north and virtually absent in the south. This is not a Republicans vs Democrats kind of situation. The federal structure of India needs these issues to be handled sensitively. I don't know what the solution is, but for a start the southern states need to be given their fair share of tax collection in return for diminishing representation, more than ever because they are increasingly employing more and more people from outside their states.
north indians are producing garbage offsprings which is reducing the average IQ of the entire country.
Raja Hindustani and Naga Baba are many of those garbage offsprings who now reside in South India.

Tax chori is okay. But how do you deal with rapid demographic changes? Millions of North Indian subhumans are migrating to Maharashtra and South India every year. Delhi government wants to make Maharashtrians and South Indians a minority in their own state. Even the British did not try that demographic re-engineering sh-t.

Forget UP & Bihar. Have a look at Rajasthan a landlocked desert state with scanty rainfall and no water. These Rajasthanis too breed like rabbits and migrate to other states.
If the north Indians have some shame left, they should start working more and watch less ****. Be little more productive in work and not just making babies.

If the north Indians have some shame left, they should start working more and watch less ****. Be little more productive in work and not just making babies.

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While it cannot be denied that northern states are economically laggards and backward in many other ways too, an infographic centred around direct taxes can be misleading. It is simply based on the location of individuals and tax paying corporations, not on how they are making the money. If I as an individual working in Mumbai, for a Mumbai based company win a big contract for my company to sell some chemicals worth 100 crores in Bihar, for chemicals being manufactured in Uttarakhand and my company rewards me with a Rs 10 lakh bonus, out of which I pay 3 lakhs as direct tax, whom will you give credit? Should Maharashtra bag all the credit just because the employee is located there? The consumers sitting in Bihar don't count? I think it is more useful to look at other metrics such as state GDP vs tax received, or industrial output vs tax received. I am sure northern states will lag there too, but at least those will be numbers one can relate to. I don't know what to make of a number of 333 for UP for example, especially as it relates only to a single metric of direct tax.
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One should remember that the redrawing of constituencies after every census was stopped only in 1976 during the Emergency because of Sanjay Gandhi's obsession with family planning. It is against the spirit of the constitution and should have been done away with immediately. Now that India no longer faces a Malthusian crisis, it is high time we revert to the democratic process originally envisioned in the constitution.

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