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Delhi's CWG success tough to emulate, says Scotland

suggestion is...... Try another CWG next time, it will go something wrong surely. This one is too short events! :confused:

My 2 cents!

Nope there is a long que .. next on line is scotland and then australia/srilanka.. so it will atleast take 12-16 years..

Yaa by that time CWG hosting will be impossible for us. :lol::lol:

My 1 rupee 20 paisa!!!

Are you kidding or what. The Delhi CWG was a success in a Bollywood film, are you living in real world or just dreaming like most Indians. Shameful Delhi CWG according to Indian press and international media was a complete fiasco and failure proving that the CIO would never let India organize the Olympic even in 100 years. The DELHI CWG WAS A SHAME FOR INDIA. Poor infrastructure quality, doubtful water quality of the swimming pool, dengue epidemic outbreak, the games village with human faecal wastes every where given that there is no toilet in India, delegation threatening to withdraw, all stadiums are mostly empty, terrorist bomb alert, no world records, no outstanding performance, absence of international reputed athletes, poor hygienic conditions, collapse of a roof and a gateway in a stadium, defective balance for the boxing tournament, ineffective communication of results to the press, 3 doping cases reported, participants suffering of gastro diseases, no international media coverage for instance US and French media have not reported one article on the CWG except regarding the poor and ineffective organisation of the games, no technological use of infrastructure etc etc, all these testify that the CWG was a failure and a shame for humanity. The Delhi CWG has made humanity return back in the 50's or prehistoric ages. In the Closing ceremony Micheal Fennell president of the Games Federation has confessed that the best well known athletes need to be attracted that there were only only 2nd catergory and junior athletes participating in th CWG and he further added that it is essential to rebuild the CWG image and reputation for the next Glasgow CWG in 2014 given that the Delhi Games had tarnished the reputation of the declining CWG event and that well known athletes had refused to participate.
All participants agreed that the Melbourne games were better in terms of organisational capacity and infrastruture. Just like Mr Keith Nigel Hyliger abd Sepp Blatter the current FIFA president, they do not think that India could be able to organize international sports event like the Olympic or the World Cup like China and South Africa did and just like Brazil will do.
The CWG has higlighted to all the World that India is still a third world country which is good only to purchase US and Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction with no organizational capacity and lagging far behind CHina which had orgainzed really the best extravaganza Olympic in 2008, the mega Shanghai World Expo 2010 and in November the best ever Asian Games.
India has tallied second in medal ranking dominating England the latter having sent only their junior participants just like all the other commonwealth countries (while India has sent its best athletes), we will see if India could be second in Asia or else if China, South Korea, Japan would dominate as usual. We can also make a comparaison of the Asian and Delhi CWG games interms of organizational capacity and infrastruture. In fact all infrastructures are already ready since one year for the Asian Guangzhou Games just like for the Beijing Olympic and several tests of the infrastructure can be made while this had not been the case for the Shameful Delhi CWG.
We cannot compare the Beiging Olympic with the shameful CWG as the former is an international event while the latter is just a declining regional and now shameful event. The real comparaison would be betweeen the Guangzhou Asian Games. Lets wait in November 2010and see.
Anyway the Shameful Delhi CWG was indeed a fiasco and a failure, a shame for human beings. Pakistan would have certainly done better.:china::pakistan::victory::yahoo::bounce:

The last line made my day...let god bless ur soul... oh and please wake up
Ok Enough of India China Pak fight... Back to the Topic

Scotland may or may not emulate Delhi CWG success.. But the amount of corruption is really tough to emulate
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