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Delhi, Mumbai and other major Indian cities to soon get their own Missile Shields

Now that's a good laugh but how soon will it be? The US after decades of spending and failures is yet to provide adequate missile shield cover to its major cities, but India will be able to do that first.

Congrats in advance.

US has to face MIRV ICBMs .You have only simple IRBMs and SRBMs.There is no real reliable counter to the former,not so for the latter.Either way ,its our responsibility to do the best we can to ensure security and that is being done.
US has to face MIRV ICBMs .You have only simple IRBMs and SRBMs.There is no real reliable counter to the former,not so for the latter.Either way ,its our responsibility to do the best we can to ensure security and that is being done.
Well, US also faces the luxury of huge time periods available to hit the target,as compared to PAK india scenario..so in our case IRBMS are no less lethal than any ICBM coz they can do the job.
As for MIRV is concerned,well PAK is also trying it's best to protect it's security interests,Ababeel was first step,yes it needs to mature but we are trying our best.
Well, US also faces the luxury of huge time periods available to hit the target,as compared to PAK india scenario..so in our case IRBMS are no less lethal than any ICBM coz they can do the job.
As for MIRV is concerned,well PAK is also trying it's best to protect it's security interests,Ababeel was first step,yes it needs to mature but we are trying our best.

But short distances also mean they are vulnerable during take off before they exit lower atmosphere to interceptors.
India is working on a mega plan to make the airspace over almost all its major cities, including Delhi and Mumbai, virtually impregnable, sources in the military establishment said.

The government is procuring a variation of systems, including missiles, launchers and command-and-control units from the US, Russia and Israel, besides deploying indigenously developed missiles as part of the project, they said.

In the last few years, China has significantly ramped up its air power and the sources said that the government was calculated to equip the forces with capabilities on par with its adversaries.

"Over the national capital and many other cities are being strengthened considering the evolving security scenario. Procurement of missile systems, and weaponry is part of the initiative," a senior military official said.

India is engaged in talks with the US for procuring components of systems, including missiles, and drones, and the US has already approved sale of 22 Sea Guardian to India at an estimated cost of USD 2 billion.

It is for the first time, the US is selling them to a country which is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The sources said India is also gazing at the US' National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System-II to bolster its own defence.

India is also procuring the S-400 Triumf Air Defence System from Russia at a cost of $5.4 billion to accelerate its gizmo. Deliveries will begin as early as 2020.

"The aim of the project is to make our skyline impregnable," the official said.

As part of efforts to strengthen the country's aerial security, India is also in the process of inducting the first batch of its offensive Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System — Agni V — which is expected to significantly bolster India's 2nd strike capability against China. The missile, with a strike range of 5,000 km, is capable of delivering a nuclear payload to every city in China.

Very few countries, including the US, China, Russia, France and North Korea, possesses intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In its offensive missile armory, India presently has Agni-1 with a 700 km range, Agni-2 with a 2,000-km range, Agni-3 and Agni-4 with 2,500 km to more than 3,500-km range.

In November last, India successfully test fired air-launched variant of the Brahmos, the world's fastest supersonic cruise missile, from a Sukhoi-30 combat jet. The missile will be also be part of the project to make the country's airspace impregnable, the sources said.

The Defence Ministry is now expediting the process to integrate the deadly Brahmos with 40 Su-30 MKI Fighter Jets.

There is no such thing as Practical Missile Shield in real World. At best, such systems are meant to give "false sensation" of security against enemy missile threats.
Though they keep referring to China the real intent is to counter Pakistan's strike potential. We will find a solution to counter the counter.

It is to fight China in Pakistan.

There is no such thing as Practical Missile Shield in real World. At best, such systems are meant to give "false sensation" of security against enemy missile threats.

False sense of security is good enough.

Other than this, the cities need bunkers to protect key people in the event of a missile attack. The bunkers should be resistant to chemical, biological and nuclear threats.

If possible, the bunkers should be constructed at neighborhood-level to protect as many people as possible.

All Tier 1 and Tier two cities need to have missile shields and bunkers.

The point is, they are systematically turning into a fortress. The question is, to what end? And are we well prepared to inflict damage in case of war?

Pakistan is already a fortress.
Hopefully it never gets tested in a real scenario.

US has to face MIRV ICBMs .You have only simple IRBMs and SRBMs.There is no real reliable counter to the former,not so for the latter.Either way ,its our responsibility to do the best we can to ensure security and that is being done.
So far all reliable counters to even rudimentary SRBM’s have proven half worthy in real application. Ours aren’t rudimentary by any measure.
And you are the think tank here. LOL.

Better than troll leading moderators on your forums dont you think? ;)

US has to face MIRV ICBMs .You have only simple IRBMs and SRBMs.There is no real reliable counter to the former,not so for the latter.Either way ,its our responsibility to do the best we can to ensure security and that is being done.

Ababeel is MIRVed from the word go. None of your AADs will be able to counter multiple warheads.
Its more dangerous actually.. . It generates faulty threat perceptions, strategic miscalculations and more assertive doctrinal posture which are likely to trigger conflict in region.

Dangerous for who?

Think of this scenario.

India feels fully secured (falsely) and senses that it can attack across LOC.

Unlike India, Pakistan knows the reality that its Ababeel can penetrate and hit India.

What happens next?
ABM is a smoke screen and Pakistan needs to be strategic in how it counters the proposed Indian ABM Shield. One The Indians drag their feet in building up any military system; Countering layered defense will become a military export market just like any other, so Pakistan need not get distracted in getting worked up over this and focus on countering ASYMMETRICALLY. Remember the ABM shield is to make Indian public and especailly war planners think they will not suffer retaliation for an attack on Pakistan.

1. Focus on the Economy. Don't get distracted, If you have a strong economy, you can buy systems off the shelf from many nations
2. Focus on changing the political landscape, so that Indian War objectives in the event of war are not achievable.
3. Work to shore up alliances and neutralizing growing Indian Soft power and regional Hegemony.
4. Work on asymmetric capabilities in the mean time, such as learning the vulnerabilities of all their systems from wherever we can, and use that knowledge to plant cyber zero-day exploits in their C4ISR to slow down their OODA Loop.
5. Learn the Indian Detection methods of missile launches and learn the use of decoys to overwhelm their satellites and radars with false positives
6. build missile bases with multiple portals to minimize destruction of our missile son the ground
7. develop or buy glide warheads and Hypersonic missiles when the technology matures to follow a wave of A300 Missiles armed with multiple sub-munition warheads to overwhelm Indian Radars

There are lots of tricks to overwhelm a detection network and sow uncertainty into their decision making. the goal is to maintain "Credible Minimum Deterrence" and not waste time chasing the illusion of parity on a smaller economic footprint.
Now that's a good laugh but how soon will it be? The US after decades of spending and failures is yet to provide adequate missile shield cover to its major cities, but India will be able to do that first.

Congrats in advance.

What's funny is pakistan realizing its nuke bluff being cut to size every year yet the everyday pakistani refuses to to accept this new reality.

You forget that America has to defend against far more competent enemies than pakistan and has literally half a continent with far more surface area than India to protect, hence GMD, Aegis and THAAD.
In the India-pak scenario detection will be way faster than in America's case, which is what we have simulated in our own BMD tests and successful interception as well.

They live in a denial mode. All this useless exercise is merely to fill some pocket. Remember the recent Rafale gate? That's how things work in India. Some mega contractor will get the missile shield deal and milk the economy again. You can literally make it redundant by sending in a swarm of Ababeels.

In fact, such shields dont seem to work well against swarm of incoming threats as radars get overwhelmed. That's the truth that the Americans found the hard way, though they never had to face it till now, but eventually they will, some day.

The indians live on another planet, where their AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests, and the missile shield pops out of nowhere to provide cover. Keep in mind that solid fuel ballistic missiles with adjustable trajectory function and sheer speed are extremely difficult to counter. Get the hint.

The Rafale scandal is bs, if it had any merit the accusers would have gone to any court out there to justify their accusations but they don't do that, only rant endlessly in press conferences, coz they know it's all bs and just an election ploy.

But, that is hardly the point here.
The crux of the situation is, like the Rafale, the S-400 and the AAD and then the PDV is coming to India with or without the scandal, and unlike some people we actually have the monetary "aukaat" to spend and waste as much as we like to get what we want.

Americans would face a different more competent kind of swarm attack unlike the one we will be facing emanating from pakistan and a mix of S-400s and our own indigenous ABMs will most probably render most if not nigh-every attack from pakistan obsolete.

A ballistic missile with whatever countermeasures is increasingly finding it difficult to escape ground based AESA radars and space based IR satellites and further down the years we go the less safe the BMs will get.

AAD is not operational, I don't know who told you that.
But it is on its way to handle swarm attacks, only recently it was able to classify and then segregate a single legitimate target among multiple ones.
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Ababeel is MIRVed from the word go. None of your AADs will be able to counter multiple warheads.

Ababeel is fake MIRV.No independent sources have confirmed it.There is no superpower in the world with the miniaturization tech to MIRV IRBMs or SRBMs.MIRVs are only present in ICBMs.Even china has only started MIRV ing its ICBMs in last 10 yrs.So unless pakistan with no space programme and bankrupt economy has somehow surpassed Europe,USA,Russia,China in technology this is a fake for domestic consumption.
They live in a denial mode. All this useless exercise is merely to fill some pocket. Remember the recent Rafale gate? That's how things work in India. Some mega contractor will get the missile shield deal and milk the economy again. You can literally make it redundant by sending in a swarm of Ababeels.

In fact, such shields dont seem to work well against swarm of incoming threats as radars get overwhelmed. That's the truth that the Americans found the hard way, though they never had to face it till now, but eventually they will, some day.

The indians live on another planet, where their AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests, and the missile shield pops out of nowhere to provide cover. Keep in mind that solid fuel ballistic missiles with adjustable trajectory function and sheer speed are extremely difficult to counter. Get the hint.
Ok let us think what you say is true that this just to get bribe. But you know tha even in greed our politicians opt for better weapons. Pakistan knows the punch of Boforce, it would be long before that scar goes off.
It's really simple, according to specs of S400 the max speed it can achieve is Mach14. Now All we need to do is enhance speed of our missiles,which isn't a big deal.
one more thing, when a missile is fired up, it goes straight up in space, no turns no angles..but for s400 missile to counter it, it needs to ma continuous adjustments in its path to counter it...so parameter of speed will depreciate here.
And once it reached space n then enters the terminal phase, the re-entry vehicle has much higher speed than mach 14...so in that terminal phase your billion $$$ s400 or any other defence system won't be of much help.
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