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Delhi gang-rape: Disappointed Twitterati express anger over lax punishment

In what country? Laws cannot be applied retrospectively in India & any such attempt will be struck down by the courts. You are way out of your depth here, maybe you should stick to sloganeering. The concept of laws & justice & how it works in democracies seems to be not be your forte.

In what country? In many countries, notably the country that created India. Sounds familiar? I know average Indian IQ is 82, but you don't need high very IQ to read up on Ex post facto laws.
Ex post facto laws are possible in country that adopts the Westminster system because the parliamentary supremacy allows parliament to pass/amend any law it deems fit. Several notable exceptions have made in many countries. Unfortunately, in your so called democracy, the legislative body is too incompetent to ensure justice is fully served.
In what country? In many countries, notably the country that created India. Sounds familiar? I know average Indian IQ is 82, but you don't need high very IQ to read up on Ex post facto laws.
Ex post facto laws are possible in country that adopts the Westminster system because the parliamentary supremacy allows parliament to pass/amend any law it deems fit. Several notable exceptions have made in many countries. Unfortunately, in your so called democracy, the legislative body is too incompetent to ensure justice is fully served.

You seem to be hell bent on exhibiting your limited understanding of democracies irrespective of claiming superior intellectual capability. Technically possible (as in the U.K.) is not the same as doable. The Indian Courts will simply quash any such attempt. Your cussedness may win you points with your type, whatever that might be but it changes nothing .Even when retrospective laws are possible, criminal convictions are not. Simply cannot be done. Not in criminal law. Not to convict one individual.

From the Indian constitution:

"No person shall be convicted of any offence except for violation of a law in force at the time of the commission of the act charged as an offence, nor be subjected to a penalty greater than that which have been inflicted under the law in force at the time of commission of the offence."
1) For what the members are soo interested in rape debate,, India have only leagal system for rape but not environment to control this. RAW must examine this line.....

2) I have listen Delhi is for Who have heart. How long it is for rape.

3)Admin too much debate on rape… I think stop this other wise create a specific new tab for rape threads…
Indians pls don't make knee jerk reactions. Certainly nobody here says the punishment is enough for the crime. But the legal process can not and must not be subverted just because popular demand is for blood.

If you REALLY want change, then write to your MP for a a more flexible law. Its also a requirement as kids sure are maturing way faster than they used to. Will not affect this case, but its NOT about this case, is it?

As to the chini bots, most of them are just trolls. Ignore them.
You seem to be hell bent on exhibiting your limited understanding of democracies irrespective of claiming superior intellectual capability. Technically possible (as in the U.K.) is not the same as doable. The Indian Courts will simply quash any such attempt. Your cussedness may win you points with your type, whatever that might be but it changes nothing .Even when retrospective laws are possible, criminal convictions are not. Simply cannot be done. Not in criminal law. Not to convict one individual.

From the Indian constitution:

Even the US constitution is amended several times. You simply failed to understand the legal term, Ex post facto laws.
If its about justice and punishment, china is not exempt.

Off topic, this thread is about "Delhi gang-rape: Disappointed Twitterati express anger over lax punishm"

You are free to open another thread on justice and punishment in China if you wish.
Even the US constitution is amended several times. You simply failed to understand the legal term, Ex post facto laws.

Enough buffoonery. There is no U.S. constitutional provision for Ex post facto laws and while constitutions can be amended, maybe you should read upon on the limits of such amendment. Indian courts will strike down any law that aims to change what is expressly prohibited by the Constitution.

You shouldn't be talking about anyone's understanding. Your brain isn't even able to understand that your backside is taking a pounding. Go run away & get back to your high IQ sloganeering. This is not something you seem to have the slightest hope of comprehending.
I hate my fellow Indians who act like sheep's, who are brainwashed, who thinks its fashionable to be asking for most strict punishment for rape victims, who in emotional melodrama lose their sense and play an equal role for gender biased laws unknowingly. They are remote controlled by English media.

Indians are taught aurat kamzor hai and mard ko dard nahi hota. Both play huge role in rapes and men who suicide during divorce process and false accusation of dowry.

Media has agenda, it has deviated attention from actual victims, to sensational breaking news. 40,000 men get murdered each year in India. India is a developing nation, it is dangerous for men/women/transgender/asexual/animals.

Today so many false rape and dowry cases are being registered in India that actual victims don't get any justice whatsoever. 90% cases are false, this DGP of Indian state accepted. You netizens think you are doing some favor to victims, but in reality people have stopped believing those actual 10% real victims. You people must feel the pain of 65 year old Senior Citizen couple suffers when their beloved daughter-in-law accuse them of dowry, oh the trauma!

I request you people use your grey cells, don't fall for propaganda. Equality is not gender biased law.
Enough buffoonery. There is no U.S. constitutional provision for Ex post facto laws and while constitutions can be amended, maybe you should read upon on the limits of such amendment. Indian courts will strike down any law that aims to change what is expressly prohibited by the Constitution.

You shouldn't be talking about anyone's understanding. Your brain isn't even able to understand that your backside is taking a pounding. Go run away & get back to your high IQ sloganeering. This is not something you seem to have the slightest hope of comprehending.

You have confused constitution amendment with Ex post factos laws. To end the buffoonery, I suggest you read up on latter and see how it was applied in various countries.
Now coming back to Indian constitution, it was you who brought up it, not me. I merely argued that amendment is possible even in the US. Now take a few bananas and read up on ex post factos laws.
You have confused constitution amendment with Ex post factos laws. To end the buffoonery, I suggest you read up on latter and see how it was applied in various countries.
Now coming back to Indian constitution, it was you who brought up it, not me. I merely argued that amendment is possible even in the US. Now take a few bananas and read up on ex post factos laws.

Stupidity is no excuse. You know nothing of India other than what your tiny brain is capable of comprehending yet you see it fit to debate on the matter. Tells everyone here about your IQ. Constitutional amendments in India are reviewable by courts. Hence no amendment is possible.

Forget bananas, your brain clearly has not yet evolved to that level yet. should have read more on ex post factos laws and what it says about individual countries take on that. Especially India's take, the only relevant part. As also on amendments in India since you ran like a rat for that cover after I showed you the provision of the Indian constitution not allowing for even retrospective laws to provide for enhanced sanctions in a pre existing case. Keep running.
Enough buffoonery. There is no U.S. constitutional provision for Ex post facto laws and while constitutions can be amended, maybe you should read upon on the limits of such amendment. Indian courts will strike down any law that aims to change what is expressly prohibited by the Constitution.

You shouldn't be talking about anyone's understanding. Your brain isn't even able to understand that your backside is taking a pounding. Go run away & get back to your high IQ sloganeering. This is not something you seem to have the slightest hope of comprehending.

Qualification is that Indian courts intervene only in 'fundamental features' of constitution. I don't think stuff like Juvenile age falls under that. Having said that no government is gonna reduce age terms for one case either- those are serious questions with serious consequences. In all likelihood the way this will be handled is to have him for 3 yeas and then pick him up for some trumped up charges later. His goose is really cooked.
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