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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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answer: unstable aircrafts plus fly by wire.
Iran said clearly that it is not the case of the Qaher-313.
Sorry...But this mean this thing is even more of a joke. Am not trying to be mean to the Iranian members here, but the reality is that even stable and comfort oriented airliners moved towards fly-by-wire FLCS. Not computer assisted, but full blown computerized FLCS. And for a supposedly fighter, anything less than the F-16 and the -313 would be breakfast, not lunch or dinner, for its opponents.
Now what happened to those fully tested full scale f_18 and F-35 planes with cracks in their engines (maybe the engines were only tested as RC models too). And What about the F-22 shocking its pilots like bad behaving dogs.
They all have been grounded many times, and problems are still occurring, they all remind one of the most famous failure design of the world, the Israeli Merkava 4, touted to be the best tank in the world, and proved to be a total failure in the 33 days Lebanese war in 1986, more than one hundred were lost to a bunch of foot fighters armed with antitank missiles.
Iran have been very realistic about its plane, it said it is not a fly by wire plane, it said also that it was easy to maintain, meaning it does not rely on extremely complex mechanics, electromechanics, and avionics to be efficient and do the job it intends to do, it rather relies on simplicity in design to be efficient, believe it or not.
You can mock US all you want. But the reality is that we know more about aviation than Iran can learn in the next two generations. We are not perfect and we will make mistakes, but we do not go on public (Internet) and tell everyone that the fuselage blocking air flow to a topside intake is not an issue. The -313 would not even make it to the discussion stage in either Lockheed, or Boeing, or General Dynamics, engineers' coffee break rooms.
both photos of mountain (Alborz البرز, a symbolic mountain for Iranian) and Qaher are super famous, the artist wanted to create a symbolic wallpaper, but as it seems, western media have found a very good feed for idiots.
as we Iranian say: when wisdom didn't came at 7 (years old), it wont come at 70 too.
You can mock US all you want. But the reality is that we know more about aviation than Iran can learn in the next two generations. We are not perfect and we will make mistakes, but we do not go on public (Internet) and tell everyone that the fuselage blocking air flow to a topside intake is not an issue. The -313 would not even make it to the discussion stage in either Lockheed, or Boeing, or General Dynamics, engineers' coffee break rooms.
it's funny how you see every thing in dodge fight (and specially sharp angle ones), while in reality it's very rare. pilots kill the opponent before even see them, just a light disappears from the radar screen.
and those Lockheed crew, I bet still are busy wondering WTF happened to their most advanced stealth drone.
I wish your military crew and analyzers to be as arrogant as you.
it's funny how you see every thing in dodge fight (and specially sharp angle ones), while in reality it's very rare. pilots kill the opponent before even see them, just a light disappears from the radar screen.
Iranian pilots wish that they have even 1/10th of the air combat maneuvers (ACM) training US pilots have despite of what you said. Do not pretend you know what you are talking about.

and those Lockheed crew, I bet still are busy wondering WTF happened to their most advanced stealth drone.
Sure they do. But it sure as the sky is blue that Iran DID NOT hacked it. :lol:

I wish your military crew and analyzers to be as arrogant as you.
Not arrogant. Just realistic.
both photos of mountain (Alborz البرز, a symbolic mountain for Iranian) and Qaher are super famous, the artist wanted to create a symbolic wallpaper, but as it seems, western media have found a very good feed for idiots.
as we Iranian say: when wisdom didn't came at 7 (years old), it wont come at 70 too.

First they present as real flight of plane but after coming out of reality they give this lame excuse. Intellectual Iranian people should think about these type of hoax & I think Iran should reverse engineer F-14 Tomcat.
Sure they do. But it sure as the sky is blue that Iran DID NOT hacked it. :lol:
yeah, then probably something like this happened::P

Not arrogant. Just realistic.
call it whatever you like, just be more.
First they present as real flight of plane but after coming out of reality they give this lame excuse. Intellectual Iranian people should think about these type of hoax & I think Iran should reverse engineer F-14 Tomcat.
first? who is first? what's your proof?
our officials emphasized from the first day that Qaher is a project that it hasn't reached the taxi tests, whatever else your corrupted media are saying is your problem.

this is were you can find that picture in the Khouz News and the text below is yet another interview with our officials repeating the same thing again, that Qaher has to finish it's taxi tests in future.

but even if they had changed the text, referring to an unofficial local news agency in one of our provinces and then reflecting it as Iran's official claim, this is the level of corruption in western media and only idiots would believe them.
Yes, a great deal of difference.

I learned from my years in aviation that there are several things in life that we cannot scale to suit our liking: water, fire, smoke, and air.

If you ever seen those early pre-historic (Internet) sci-fi movies, like the cult Godzilla series, you will notice that 'buildings' that are on fire looks odd. The flames looks ridiculously outsized for the 'building'. That is simply because we cannot scale DOWN the flame to the proportion of our scaled DOWN building. Same thing with water where waves from wakes looks ridiculously large for a 'tanker' in motion. Special effects are much much better today because we are able to scale up or down those four items through computers.

Any way...The only purpose scale down models serves is to confirm the basic air flow behaviors over the basic airframe that will allow it to fly and remain airborne. Because we cannot scale down air molecules and aerodynamic forces, small features can be 'ignored' by air flow and those small features can affect air flow in unexpected ways on the real much larger airframe.

NASA - Wind Tunnels at NASA Langley Research Center

Notice the highlighted.

In order to simulate the same air flow behavior on a 1/4 scale model as the full and theoretically real aircraft, we would have to pressurize the chamber to 4x atmospheres. This means a simple wind tunnel or open atmosphere flight of the scaled down model would not give us any accurate assessment on how the theoretically real aircraft would fly and behave, especially in maneuvers. All it does is say: 'Yep, this thing is shaped just good enough to get airborne.'

Even so, we still need the real aircraft to actually fly with all sorts of measurement data in order for us to say our new aircraft is production worthy. That is why we have test flights and test pilots. And then, problems can still come up well after the aircraft is in production or the production line have been closed.

Example...The F-18 developed stress cracks at the vertical stabilators' roots. Several F-18s were sent back to more wind tunnel testings and structural modifications installed. These were not revealed under scaled down model testings during R/D and production.

The bottom line is that scaled down model testings can only guide us so far. An aircraft is much more a complex structure -- aerodynamically speaking -- than most people realize. And the more sophisticated the design to do multiple and complex tasks, the longer it will take from paper design to full production. As in ten yrs or more. And a lot of money to boot.

Thats only a posibilty,sir.you cant make sure that there are "major" difference between RC model and full-sized model of F-313 to us.can you?

Even though,there are some weaknesses in wind tunell test,still testing in wind tunnel is one of the most important steps you have to proccess in designing one aviation product.plus there are some professional computer applications that can do lots of help.

Wind tunnel,computer applications and RC models are not all we have.last year Iran made a flying laboratory that is called Armita that can carry seperate parts of the plane, including engine,nose,radar,avionic systems and ejection seat ... etc.only few countries operate such planes.


Well,I am not an expert nor an aerospace engineer.I only can disscuss this aspect of the issue.Qaher's RC models have workd.so "probably" its full-sized model will work too.
Dr khan designed those technologies for you and for Pakistan, since he went only to finish his studies in the Netherlands, he felt some debt towards his country Pakistan threatened by Indian nuclear weapons.
Why make up all these stories, everyone knows who the thieves are in the nuclear domain, it is well documented from France till the US, how the Israelis stole nuclear material and technology.

I beg - very much - to differ on the Urenco case. But it is off topic for this thread and hence I will leave it at this.
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Wind tunnel,computer applications and RC models are not all we have.last year Iran made a flying laboratory that is called Armita that can carry seperate parts of the plane, including engine,nose,radar,avionic systems and ejection seat ... etc.only few countries operate such planes.


So why would you want to go and put an F5 nose on your flying lab, when you're supposedly developing a new, fancy stealth jet?
So why would you want to go and put an F5 nose on your flying lab, when you're supposedly developing a new, fancy stealth jet?
Firstly,Thats not F-5.that is saeghe's nose.and secondly,the plane got unveiled before Qaher.

Also,they put the nose to test the laboratory plane not vise versa,smart one.
Thats only a posibilty,sir.you cant make sure that there are "major" difference between RC model and full-sized model of F-313 to us.can you?

Even though,there are some weaknesses in wind tunell test,still testing in wind tunnel is one of the most important steps you have to proccess in designing one aviation product.plus there are some professional computer applications that can do lots of help.
There is no 'only a possibility' about it. Scale model testings will only give you limited knowledge and understanding of a body. Download this NASA ebook...

NASA - "Modeling Flight"

...And take your time reading it. The book is formatted for the interested laymen, not necessarily for professionals.

But here is one of many significant passages regarding scale versus full models testings...


Any aircraft in production that uses only scaled down model testing is destined for disaster.

Wind tunnel,computer applications and RC models are not all we have.last year Iran made a flying laboratory that is called Armita that can carry seperate parts of the plane, including engine,nose,radar,avionic systems and ejection seat ... etc.only few countries operate such planes.

Sorry, but that is nothing spectacular...


The above is a Belgium C-47, a pre WW II era aircraft, fitted with an F-104's radome for radar avionics testing.

Countries that do not have these airborne test platforms simply does not need them. Reason: They trust the supplier of the aircraft they bought that the seller have done adequate R/D. Those that do have these airborne test platforms does so for other reasons, such as upgrading old avionics with newer versions.

Iran have them because Iran must develop indigenous sources. Nothing to say that others cannot do the same.

Well,I am not an expert nor an aerospace engineer.I only can disscuss this aspect of the issue.Qaher's RC models have workd.so "probably" its full-sized model will work too.
The I suggest you start taking what I presented to you seriously, especially that NASA source, lay aside any feelings of patriotism, and start looking at this thing objectively.
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