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Jan 20, 2008
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Pakistan was not a one-man show. Though, Tahreek e Pakistan was led by Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. But the path All India Muslim League was following was exactly what the Musalmanan e Hind had dreamed for. However, the leadership is not only supposed to lead the people. But it is also responsible to show them more options. As Mr. Jinnah and his companions did, got the idea of Islamic State of Pakistan approved from the Musalmanan e Hind and sticked to it.

After a new state of Pakistan had come into being. Mr. Jinnah, instead having a solo flight and declared Pakistan as an Islamic State and Qur'an & Sunnat e Mohammadi, its Prime Law, handed over the authority to the representatives of the people of Pakistan and allowed them to constitute Pakistan according the wishes of the people of Pakistan. That is why, the so-called intellectuals like IA Rahman, Aitazaz Ahsan, Professor Doctor Manzoor Ahmad, Ayesha Siddiqa and now Nazir Naji criticise Mr. Jinnah for not taking any action for Islamisation of the country. They argue that if Mr. Jinnah wanted Pakistan as an Islamic State, then why he did not took any action in this regard. Instead, he left the task of Constitution making over the legislative Assembly. Yes, we can always accept this argument. But the question is that if Mr. Jinnah, as these intellectuals argue, would have declared by himself, the Qur’an and Sunnat e Mohammadi, the Prime Law of Pakistan and Islamised the country by himself. Then what is the guarantee that these so called intellectuals would have not been blaming him for his solo flight and would have not been calling him A Dictator.

Those, who read only one speech of Mr. Jinnah and intentionally ignore the rest of the events of Tahreek e Azadi, argue that Mr. Jinnah wanted a Secular State not an Islamic State. They also claim that Mr. Jinnah was looking for only a Muslim State and not an Islamic state. This is not it. But they go further and claim that Mr. Jinnah and Allama Mohammad Iqbal were secular persons. We can only express our condolences on the death of their souls and can do nothing to bring them back on the right track. As these elements know everything but accept nothing. But what we can do is that we can refresh the memories of our great nation and this way, we can stick them together as one, in term of a nation, a society and as the Musalmanan e Pakistan.

At 8th of March 1944, while addressing the students of Aligarh University, Mr. Jinnah said that Infect, the creation of independent country for Muslims in Hind is Islam’s own demand. Similarly, on 13th of January 1948, while addressing to the students of Islamia College Peshawar (Now Islamia College University/Islamia University), Mr. Jinnah said that we did not demanded Pakistan just for the sake of a piece of land. Instead, we wanted to obtain such a laboratory, where we can adopt the Principles of Islam.

On 23rd of March, while addressing to the Musalmanan e Hind, Mr. Jinnah said,” Hindus and the Muslims belong to two different religions, philosophies, social customs and literature. They neither inter-marry nor inter-dine and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations that are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their concepts on life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other, and likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built up for the government of such a state”. He further said, “Musalmans are a nation according to any definition of nation. We wish our people to develop to the fullest spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political life in a way that we think best and in consonance with our own ideals and according to the genius of our people “.

Prof Abdul Waheed Siddiqui has counted 90 speeches made by Mr. Jinnah between 1940 and 1947 in which, Mr. Jinnah argued that the new emerging country, Pakistan, will be an Islamic one. So, those who have fundamental thoughts that Mr. Jinnah was meant a Secular State. For their kind information, it could be stated that Mr. Jinnah never used the word of Secularism for Pakistan, while he repeatedly declared Pakistan as an Islamic State. So why they do not stick to that?

On 24th of May 1940, immediately after the Lahore Resolution passed and while making clear, the Islamic Character of Pakistan. Raja Sahab of Mahmoodabad said, “They [traitors] may unite to attack the Muslims, but they cannot deflect them from pursuing the course which the Musalmans have set before themselves.” He further said, “They intend to work out their own destiny unhampered, and undaunted by un-Islamic influences. The creation of an Islamic State – mark my words gentlemen – I say Islamic and NOT Muslim, is our ideal”.

In the same speech, Raja Sahab of Mahmoodabad said, “The state will conform to the laws as laid down in Islam. It will deal justly and fairly with every community and every section of its constituent members. The unchangeable laws of Islam will ipso facto be applied and enforced. There will be no fresh legislation in regard to them because Islam has already legislated for them for ever and ever.”

On 28th of July 1940, he wrote to Mr. Jinnah, "… When I say an Islamic State, I do not mean a Muslim State..."

In his speech, given in Kaiserbagh, Raja Amir Ahmad Khan, known as Raja Sahab of Mahmoodabad said, “we are not here to follow history, but to create it.”

The Poet of the East, Mufaqar e Pakistan and Hakeem Ul Umat Hazrat Allama Mohammad Iqbal gave the slogan of “Aik Khuda Aik Rasool Aik Qur’an Aur Aik Mulk” to the nation.

In his Presidential address to the 25th session of All India Muslim League in Allahabad, on 29th December 1930, he said, “…What, then, is the problem and its implications? Is religion a private affair? Would you like to see Islam as a moral and political ideal, meeting the same fate in the world of Islam as Christianity has already met in Europe? Is it possible to retain Islam as an ethical ideal and to reject it as a polity, in favour of national polities in which [the] religious attitude is not permitted to play any part?…” He then said, “…The religious ideal of Islam, therefore, is organically related to the social order which it has created. The rejection of the one will eventually involve the rejection of the other. Therefore the construction of a polity on national lines, if it means a displacement of the Islamic principle of solidarity, is simply unthinkable to a Muslim…”

Keeping these facts in mind, it is difficult to understand that how one could call Mr. Jinnah and Allama Mohammad Iqbal as Secularists. The question is that how could you call one secularist, who gives the slogan of “Aik Khuda Aik Rasool Aik Qur’an Aur Aik Mulk” to the nation? Similarly, Mr. Jinnah was the one, who considered Pakistan as Islam’s own demand. So how he could be a secularist? And how come, such intellectuals could argue that Pakistan was meant a Muslim state only and not an Islamic State? Those, who believe that Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah visioned Pakistan as Muslim or Secular State, should check out the work done by Professor Abdul Waheed Siddiqui, who claims that at 90 different occasions, Mr. Jinnah spoke for an Islamic state in between 1940 and 1947.

The lifelines of such elements do not end here. Instead, they surfaced, with more than we could even imagine, with many more arguments, to scramble our stick ness with Islamic Doctrine of Pakistan and our unity as a Muslim Nation. Such elements also argue that Nazria e Pakistan was invented decades after the creation of Pakistan. Well, if that is true than what these elements are defending, by the way? What is the issue of conflict between the vast majority of Pakistani nation and few culprits like them? Why they pop up with the arguments that the leadership of Tahreek e Pakistan was meant a Muslim or a secular state and not an Islamic State? Are these arguments are not about the objectives of Nazria e Pakistan? Nazria e Pakistan simply means the reasons of our intention that why we demanded a separate state? On the logical grounds, such questions do not qualify to be considered as questions. But, just for the sake of satisfaction of these self-declared intellectuals, let me quote here Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah. While addressing to the youth of Pakistan, just two months after the death of Mr. Jinnah, she said, “…We have to organize our polity on the principles of Islam, and transform our state into a formidable power according to the wishes of the Quaid e Azam. We will have to promptly destroy and remove all impediments that come in our way. Pakistan has to help the world in general, and the Islamic world in particular. The ills like graft, nepotism, black-marketing and exploitation are essentially the products of an education which ignores moral values and lays stress only on material progress…” Perhaps, such elements searched through the days of Pakistan, for the word of Nazria e Pakistan, as if these had ever been used by Post-Pakistan leadership.

On 24th of May, 1940, Raja Sahab of Mahmoodabad said, “The greed, the lust for power, the self-seeking ambition of those calling themselves Muslims, but not practicing the commandments of their noble faith will not be allowed to have sway in the state we contemplate to bring into being.” In 1947, when Raja Amir Ahmad Khan, known as Raja Sahab of Mahmoodabad arrived in Karachi in his way to lakhnow. Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah said this to him, “Amir! You have no idea of the situation here, I am surrounded by traitors. I can not entrust the fate of Pakistan to them.” Sadly, such traitors are still at large and successfully swiped in our society.

Pakistan was supposed to be an Islamic state, as proved from un-countable statements of almost the whole leadership of Pakistan Movement. It was supposed to provide us the platform. So that we can adopt and examine the principles of Islam and could make these principles, part of our lives. It was supposed to redress our individual lives and thereafter, the whole system of the country. But, unfortunately, the corrupt and mentally western infected leadership made this country a political playground. They ruled the country one after one and day after day. They put aside the national interests and will of the people and jeopardize the whole idea of an Islamic State. In result, we had to lose one part of our country.

The mambos-jumbos of such culprits do not make any difference either in the timeline of Tahreek e Pakistan or in the Post-Pakistan era. The real danger to Islamic Ideology of Pakistan is not from these unwitting articulators. But if we, as a nation, failed to understand the justifications of our existence, we will neither prosper in any sense nor can we think about it.

Apart from the baseless arguments from the so-called intellectuals, all we need to do is to stick to the Basic Theme of Pakistan. Re-Arm ourselves with the historical evidences of Islamic Philosophy of Pakistan. So that we can give such mentally corrupt elements a mouth-off.

In his speech on 29th of December 1930, Mufaqar e Pakistan Hazrat Allama Mohammad Iqbal said, “One lesson I have learnt from the history of Muslims. At critical moments in their history it is Islam that has saved Muslims and not vice versa. If today you focus your vision on Islam and seek inspiration from the ever-vitalising idea embodied in it, you will be only reassembling your scattered forces, regaining your lost integrity, and thereby saving yourself from total destruction.”

Do we not think that Pakistan and its people are, once again, facing a hard time? Should we forget the advice given to us by Hakeem ul Umat, Hazrat Allama Mohammad Iqbal? Let me repeat the words of Hazrat Allama Mohammad Iqbal once again. If today you focus your vision on Islam and seek inspiration from the every-vitalising idea embodied in it, you will be only reassembling your scattered forces, regaining your lost integrity and thereby saving yourself from total destruction. Full stop.

He further said, “One of the profoundest verses in the Holy Qur’an teaches us that the birth and rebirth of the whole of humanity is like the birth and rebirth of a single individual.”

In one of his couplet, he says;

Millat K Sath Rabta Istawar Rakh
Pawasta Reh Shajar Se Umeed e Bahar Rakh​


We all need to unite and stand as one against the common enemies.

Sajjad Ahmad

Freelance Writer & Researcher
Email: sajjad_pak@hotmail.com

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