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Defence.pk Interviews: RescueRanger


Jan 31, 2010
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ThinkTank -RescueRanger


Please tell us something about your occupation?

My background is LE and rescue, i was one of the pioneering officers behind Rescue 15 police and have also been deputed as a trainer to Rescue 1122 in Punjab and KPK.

Tell us more about your life, how you were able to reach at this position?

Sir my story is complicated so i won't bore you much. Just to say that my primary and secondary education was in Pakistan, i did my secondary education from St. Mary's Academy, Lallazar.

Following on from that i never had the grades to be a doctor, so i worked at my uncles private clinic as a extra hand, helping with wound dressing, first aid, basic dispensing etc. In 2003 i got accepted at a Teaching Hospital in the UK (North Hartleypool) to do my Diploma in Paramedical Sciences, and i also did my BTSL: Basic Trauma Life Support course form the same hospital, where Mashallah i was the only Pakistani and topped my class.

I was invited to do a ETA course with London Ambulance Service, and this was an epic moment in my life.

When i returned to Pakistan, i had trouble getting any job in a hospital or medical clinic. One day i read an advert saying that Islamabad Police under the direciton of SSP Nasir Khan Durrani was starting an Emergency Service, so i plucked the courage got on a Number 22 wagon from outside my house to Zero Point and begged the reader to let me have an Audience with the SSP.

I met the SSP and pleaded with him to take me on even as a Volunteer, just so i could get out of the house and do something, Nasir Khan Durrani was a great man and gave me my break, i was taken on as a daily wages staff at Rs. 5000 per month and thus began my career in Islamabad Police

Mashallah with the grace of god since then i have been selected for numerous courses including basic ATS, EIC, VIS etc. I have had the honour of working with SB and Pak Army on some very sensitive projects and was myself selected as instructor to teach a few subjects at Police Lines and at the National Police Academy.

During the 2005 earthquake, we rescued a Japanese woman from the rubble. Unfortunately her husband and son were not so luck and had been crushed under a book shelf. The Japanese agency she worked for JICA gave us all a certificate.

On the second day when the British Team working came there and saw us working, i think the name of their chief was John Holland was so impressed he arranged a training for us in USAR: Urban Search and Rescue, it was during this time that i met Dr. Rizwan Naseer the founder of Rescue 1122 who invited me and a few others to help train rescue 1122 staff (which at the time was called PEAS: Punjab Emergency Ambulance Service).

Since that time i have helped train Rescue 1122 staff in Punjab and civil defence in KPK and Punjab, i had the honour of representing Pakistan at the UN INSARAG: International Search and Rescue Advisory Group steering committee in Dubai 2008.

We also introduced the US FEMA as a CERT Master Trainer : Community Emergency Response Team, and have trained 200+ volunteers in Islamabad and Lahore for the National Volunteer movement (Something the present government disbanded) :(

In 2011 i decided to leave my role due to politics and family reasons, Since 2011 i co own and run a consultancy based in Islamabad, but am still on the faculty of PTS as visiting lecturer.

That is about it. Sorry for the long and boring life story... Booth bolta hoon, at least that is what the wife says

We have an excellent Rescue service and trained staff.But still the mortality in Accidents and trauma is quite high,what do you think we are lacking in and what should we do to improve our condition?

the problem is tiered and not linear. There is a huge disparity between pre-hospital care and in hospital care levels in Pakistan.

For example in developed countries you have people with basic knowledge relating to C Spine Injuries and basic airway management, so they know not to move someone who has had a car crash or fall form height and keep the airway open of someone unconscious. In Pakistan the average bystander will never have such knowledge and this compromises the Golden Hour Golden hour (medicine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, not only does this compromise the golden hour but also has an impact on the Platinum 10 mins (ambulatory care time) Battlefield Medicine: The Golden Hour and the Platinum Ten | Britannica Blog.

Secondly when trained responders arrive, we are trained to use a system called START: Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment, in addition to doing a Rapid Trauma Assessment or Medical assessment of the patient, the starting the relevant intervention (Load and Go: Serious Trauma to be treated in hospital, or Stay and Play: Basic First Aid provision, non life threatening).

In Rescue 1122, CARES and Aman Foundation ambulances carry basic and intermediate care equipment including Patient Monitoring, AED, O2, Suction, burns kit, IVs, Airway Management etc... The problem really starts when the patient leaves the bubble of care of the ambulance and is received at the A&E dept of a hospital.

When the ambulance arrives at the hospital the crew will do a handover with doctors, this handover will include a PRF: Patient Report Form, which is filled in by the paramedics when they are transporting the patient and includes data important to the Doctor such as SAMPLE: S:Signs & Symptoms, A:Allergies, M: Medications, P: Past Medical History, L: Last meal/oral intake, E: Events leading upto along with a GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale and other vital patient statistics.

As i said, there is a huge disparity in the levels of care provided at Pre-Hospital and in-hospital. Some hospitals do not have doctors or nurses trained in BLS or ALS, let alone trauma care skills, these hospitals are very understaffed and ill equipped. Sadly it is here that the patients start to suffer, as the chain of survival and golden hour becomes compromised.

There is an emphasis on improving hospital response and training for in hosptial staff on International Standars, for example the lifesavers foundation has been providing ALS: Advanced Life Support & BTLS: Basic Trauma Life Support training to doctors and nurses since 2005: Lifesavers Foundation - Home

Furthermore PEER: Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response ( A joint project of NSET and USAID) has been working on improving hospital surge capacity and response capacity for MCI: mass casualty incidents.

Still a lot needs to be done, but Pakistan is limited because of red tape and lack of funds/interest. Did you know that we started free Basic Life Support training in Rawalpindi and Islamabad and only managed to train 400 volunteers from 2005 to 2010, because a lack of interest, Whereas private trainers charge 2500 to 5000 rupees per person for this training :(

A lot more needs to be done.

What do you think about the political system in Pakistan?

There are far more noteworthy people in Pakistan who for one reason or the other never even get a mention, and then every election some bloody minister will come along and wash away all the hard work, becuase some scheme or the other was sponsored by the previous government. Without having an iota of consideration for the impact it has on the people of the department, its stakeholders and beneficiaries.

That is one of the major reasons for me joining the private sector. In any case i am grateful to have been given an opportunity to serve our nation and our people.

This interview is based upon replies to the questions asked by me and other members on the forum, by our respected ThinkTank.
one question i would like to ask respected sir Rescue Ranger, is, is there an plan to introduce 1122 in other parts of pakistan, in sindh and balochistan

and secondly living in karachi i have no idea the competency of rescue 1122, their response time and their equipment,what developments is 1122 carrying to bring it comparable to the rescue services of europe and america? are they being deployed in all urban plus rural parts of punjab or are they just restricted to urban areas like lahore, faisalabad etc? never heard of resuce 1122 in KPK, so would like some info on that

and also i would like to ask if 1122 is trying to work to gether with edhi foundation rescue service which is quite big to be honest

i hope my questions are not irrelevant
furthermore, how is Pakistan merging or managing its interest in engaging in a commercial venture like fertilizer/ammonia with Afghanistan --with pleas by Americans/NATO to stop or control such exports (since these are ingredients used for making explosives)

its an interesting subject nobody really talks about...

what they do with the stuff is their problem not ours -- but what are we doing to placate or shut up the NATOs about this subject
We help people to open up and feel comfortable in Naswar Anonymous, however, that sacred trust has been broken by none-other than our very-own-citizen @S.U.R.B.

@Aeronaut is being assigned to conduct a internal inquiry to check how this breach of trust occurred. Citizens of Naswaristan need an answer, and they shall have it.

All hail the Repuplic of Naswarabad.

On topic: Good job @S.U.R.B. and respects to @RescueRanger :pakistan:

Copy right violation - You can't use contents of Naswar Corner without paying royalty
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Volunteering... and learn to sail. Great achievement Sir.
Your interview attracted me more after i read lallaza, my residency.. 502 park and Qasim base my evening jog spots.. and my workout gym near gas station. And offcourse its your interview :D
@S.U.R.B. Thank you very much for the sir, you made me blush... :P @Abu Zolfiqar Sir thank you so much, it means a lot coming from someone like yourself, and i am very proud to be a member here.
@darkinsky Rescue 1122 is active in Punjab and KPK, due to local politics, the KPK government did not want the Punjabi style Rescue 1122 and have a different uniform and different structure, there is their website: Wellcome to khyber pakhtunkhwa Rescue 1122

As for sindh and Balochistan, Sindh will be given the same level of service via Aman Foundtion, Aman Foundation has been trained by Rescue 1122 Emergency Service Academy. Lahore. Whilst Balochistan is still a grey area.

their response time
Average response time of 7 mins

are they being deployed in all urban plus rural parts of punjab or are they just restricted to urban areas like lahore, faisalabad etc?
::: Rescue 1122 Official Website :::

their equipment
Rescue 1122 has the following Vehicles in service:
Fire Truck: Fire Fighting Truck
Ambulance: Ahmad Medix (Pvt.) Limited
Rescue Vehicle: Rescue Vehicle
Incident Command Truck: Incident Command and Control Vehicle
Recovery Vehicle (Road Side Rescue): Recovery Vehicle

Rescue 1122 can provide all the services a modern western emergency service can provide, yes we are limited by funds but 1122 provides the following:
Fire Fighting & Suppression including High Rise Firefighting
Water Rescue & Dive Team
Human Remains Recovery
Urban Search and Rescue (Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue)
Technical Rope Rescue
Trench and Well Rescue (Confined Spaces)
High Angle Access(Rope Rescue)
Emergency Pre Hospital Medical & Trauma Care
Aircraft Fire Suppression
Wildfires (Bush fires)

In addition to this, each district team is provided a search and rescue vehicle which carries equipment to locate, access and extricate victims from collapsed buildings.

As far an Training & Standards are concerned. Rescue 1122 staff are trained using the PEER model from NSET and co-developed with USAID and miami dade fire and rescue, here is the link:

The BLS and ALS training is compliant to AHA: American Heart Association standards, whilst the fire and search and rescue instructors have received training from Strathclyde Fire & Rescue (UK) & The Prestigious Singapore Civil Defense academy. I am proud to say, that we have the capacity to compete with the best of them.

and also i would like to ask if 1122 is trying to work to gether with edhi foundation rescue service which is quite big to be honest

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...pk-interviews-rescueranger.html#ixzz2IpYaY8P3

Unfortutatley due to "politics" Rescue 1122 and EDHI never saw eye to eye. EDHI has its own paramedical college which is sponsored by DRIP: Events - DRIP Ireland
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A great read ...After quite a while I read something that made me smile and made me think that we as individual people have many great guys among us but where we lack is unity and mutual trust and respect..we need to unite in one cause and that cause should be the progress and prosperity of Pakistan no matter what it takes...:pakistan:

Thanks again to op and yes indeed a lots of respect to rescue ranger
@RescueRanger is one of our biggest assets on the forum, a man who won't disappoint you in a heated debate. I always wanted to know more about the man, thanks to @S.U.R.B for making it possible & to RR for being so open. My respect for you and your profession increased manifolds today.

Thank you
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