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Defence PK getting more popular; Google is picking it up on front pages

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This site is very popular.

I checked other defense related sites. PDF had the most members, most threads, most posts than all of those other sites.

Not only that, CENTCOM decided to open an account here too.

I think we need to expand this site to other geographical areas which we haven't covered.

I suggest we open up a Latin and South America Defense section to encourage more people from Latin and South America to join. There are issues there such as the Mexican Drug War, Colombian Cartels, Socialist Revolution in South America and Brazil's growing power which all needs to be discussed.

Indians' and Pakistanis' friendly and peaceful debate is the primary reason for the succes of this forum...:angel:

Many members/guests reading your post may be wishing you were true which unfortunately you are not.
Sky is the limit , we are just a baby considering our age and we already lead S.Asia or Asia i should say in Defense forum arena.
We have new goals , new policies being drafted , PDF soon enough would not be the same place it is today as it would be bigger , better , more reliable. Our goal is to become an industry leader and provide the best possible space for our valued members from dozens of countries around the planet.

We , respect and cherish our diversity as Pakistan Defense is not just about Pakistan anymore , the process of reforms and upgrades is robust , well drafted , well thought out , well planned and well executed. We do back ups and backup's backups. We pick the best to make policies and the best to run it under the best Admin team we can lay our hands on. I am sure our dream of absolute leadership and becoming a role model is not too far away , thank you all for becoming part of this journey.


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