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Defence ministry to review carbine procurement, missile system project with France

Kamorta class looks damn good from above .......only we need now is compact effective air defence

What we need actually is Mk41 like VLS system... 24 cells of them can be fitted on kamotra class and it can carry 8 ASM, 8 Barak8 and 32 barak 1/MICA-VL

@PARIKRAMA @Abingdonboy ....
Kamotra is a ASW corvette platform, and it's tonnage increased to improve endurance and ocean going capabilities. Do we seriously need to make it a small MP frigate. Why don't a SRSAm cover is enuf for self defence/point defence. Why we need MRSAM to give a decent wide AD capability to smaller ship. She will always gonna operate in airdefence bubble of larger platform...
Putting more equipment increase cost of platform. Also instead of say 16 MRSAM , if it can carry 32-48 SRSAM, it can handle 16-24 ASM instead of 8(a salvo for each ASM) and it won't be overwhelmed by sheer numbers..

Cost vs capabilities?... Some tradeoff

Food for thought?
What we need actually is Mk41 like VLS system... 24 cells of them can be fitted on kamotra class and it can carry 8 ASM, 8 Barak8 and 32 barak 1/MICA-VL

@PARIKRAMA @Abingdonboy ....
Kamotra is a ASW corvette platform, and it's tonnage increased to improve endurance and ocean going capabilities. Do we seriously need to make it a small MP frigate. Why don't a SRSAm cover is enuf for self defence/point defence. Why we need MRSAM to give a decent wide AD capability to smaller ship. She will always gonna operate in airdefence bubble of larger platform...
Putting more equipment increase cost of platform. Also instead of say 16 MRSAM , if it can carry 32-48 SRSAM, it can handle 16-24 ASM instead of 8(a salvo for each ASM) and it won't be overwhelmed by sheer numbers..

Cost vs capabilities?... Some tradeoff

Food for thought?
I am with you, I don't think the Kamotra class require anything beyond a SR-SAM personally- it is a dedicated ASW corvette as you have pointed out. If the threat scenerio dictates it will be accompanied by a sufficently equipped AD platform.

There is no need to increase the cost, maintainence requirements and complexity of this vessel- that would be counter productive in the long term IMO.

The most glaring ommission on the Karmorta (and all major IN vessels) remains the lack of a modern ASW helo- the inclusion of such a helo would expand these vessels' abilities many fold. Such assets are no longer considered seperate or luxeries but essential and intergrated systems of the ship.
I am with you, I don't think the Kamotra class require anything beyond a SR-SAM personally- it is a dedicated ASW corvette as you have pointed out. If the threat scenerio dictates it will be accompanied by a sufficently equipped AD platform.

There is no need to increase the cost, maintainence requirements and complexity of this vessel- that would be counter productive in the long term IMO.

The most glaring ommission on the Karmorta (and all major IN vessels) remains the lack of a modern ASW helo- the inclusion of such a helo would expand these vessels' abilities many fold. Such assets are no longer considered seperate or luxeries but essential and intergrated systems of the ship.

The only glaring weakness IN has as of now is of helos only whether it's LUH, MRH, ASW or ASM role or AEW... IN need lots of them for all its platforms... All Delhi, Kolkata, Vizag, Brahmaputra can carry two of them... And they don't even have one dedicated as of now.. Sometime they only carry a chetak...so kamotra class will stay without help till the time we can resolve this issue...

I prefer that instead of going for big four or five CBG by 2040.. IN should concentrate more on Anti access and area denial capability, what they are aiming is area dominance..

Better is more subs, completely equipping the existing platforms, improving the number of MCMV to 18, advanced missile boats, kamotra class corvettes...

A Carrier alone (vikrant class) costs 5B dollar minimum and with its escort can reach upto 10 billion dollar..
In that, IN can get capabilities which can exponentially increase their reach and control over Arabian sea and area of Indian ocean relevant to us..
The only glaring weakness IN has as of now is of helos only whether it's LUH, MRH, ASW or ASM role or AEW... IN need lots of them for all its platforms... All Delhi, Kolkata, Vizag, Brahmaputra can carry two of them... And they don't even have one dedicated as of now.. Sometime they only carry a chetak...so kamotra class will stay without help till the time we can resolve this issue...
Absolutely right, the situation is beyond pathetic- 40+ year old Chetaks and Sea Kings and that too in ever declining numbers, $1BN USD destroyers going to sea with empty hangers or outdated equipment is totally unacceptable and yet there still seems to be little attention given to this fact.

The IN requires 150+ helos (NMRH and NLUH) NOW but there seems to be no attention given to this at all- it's absurd to be contemplating inducting LHD/LPD when even destroyers don't have their full aviation compliment.

I honestly cannot fathom why the IN is doing nothing on this front- it is a crisis.

@PARIKRAMA and I have spoken about this a number of times and it really pi$$es me off. Without inducting the relevent sensors (which modern navies consider their helos as) and weapons you are only doing half a job and thus the IN remains fundamentally crippled.
prefer that instead of going for big four or five CBG by 2040.. IN should concentrate more on Anti access and area denial capability, what they are aiming is area dominance..

Better is more subs, completely equipping the existing platforms, improving the number of MCMV to 18, advanced missile boats, kamotra class corvettes...

A Carrier alone (vikrant class) costs 5B dollar minimum and with its escort can reach upto 10 billion dollar..
In that, IN can get capabilities which can exponentially increase their reach and control over Arabian sea and area of Indian ocean relevant to us..

In the long term, the IN is right to be pursuing these tools- it is as much about power projection and displaying "great power status" as the military utility of such assets. Do not forget that by 2040 the Indian economy will be massive, it will be the third largest economy in the world and by 2050 will be the second largest- having overtaken the US economy. The Indian military needs to reflect these realities, no nation became a "great" nation without a strong navy that projected its power and dominated the high seas.

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