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Defence ministry clears Navy's Rs. 30,000 crore stealth destroyers project

I completely agree. for 7B USD which is the quoted amount of this deal, we can supply 70 million of the 100$ laptops !

can you imagine the future payoff of 70 million smarter kids. It runs into hundreds of billion dollars.

i can almost guarantee 70B extra tax receipts within 10 years by spending 7B on the 100 dollar laptops today.
Instead we should consider investing a portion of money in defense education. Like weapons engineering courses in all of country's engineering colleges. Till now we have just other field's engineers developing weapons sciences and the subject hasn't become a choice of students.

The GOI should put some portion in encouraging students to become defense scientists and engineers so that we also get a stronger manufacturing base in India.
Instead we should consider investing a portion of money in defense education. Like weapons engineering courses in all of country's engineering colleges. Till now we have just other field's engineers developing weapons sciences and the subject hasn't become a choice of students.

The GOI should put some portion in encouraging students to become defense scientists and engineers so that we also get a stronger manufacturing base in India.

Not a bad idea. We can have colleges for defense and space related education. But this should be in addition to all other schools. In can't be a substitute to the general education kids should get.
IN has to retire 6 frigate, 3 Destroyers and 5-7 Corvettes, next decade so we are getting around 12 frigate, 7 destroyers and 12 corvettes. it will be only gap filler as of now Government want our navy is blue water navy also we adding 2 - 3 aircraft carrier for making 3 CBG group then I think we have short of our fleet coze around 2-3 each ship (Frigate, Destroyers and corvettes also submarine) make a group which all CBG. does only giving order 4 ship or 7 ship make any worth why not GOI give big order atleast 10-15 ship in single order.

Because our politicians don't realize the importance of defense they fail to understand defense is the basic of economic development and survival. They take it as war mongering there are no great leader at present.

China started its economic development decades after it has ICBMs and nukes etc.

Our politisions only move after pleading or lioson if industrialist does that they dances on their tunes if navy cries more they give some lolipop.

But they don't know about how to go about it or what stature they see of India in future. They are not visionary leader like Indira Gandhi.
Instead we should consider investing a portion of money in defense education. Like weapons engineering courses in all of country's engineering colleges. Till now we have just other field's engineers developing weapons sciences and the subject hasn't become a choice of students.

The GOI should put some portion in encouraging students to become defense scientists and engineers so that we also get a stronger manufacturing base in India.

Good original thinking Tshering. Defense education should be part of school curriculum in line with inculcating nationalistic fervor. What should be a part defense education taught in school? Possibly India's historical wars which is anyways taught but also adding in a military analysis for victories or losses and not just the political perspective. For example adding in a tactical military reason for the debacle in 62 along with the overall geo-political analysis of the war and its aftermath would start inculcating defense thinking right from the beginning. Thus preparing them mentally for the services.

Applications of the sciences in weapons can also be added as students advance. The $100 Negroponte OLPC or the the new $35 ipad clone can inculcate young minds with an understanding and love for tech and as a gateway to greater information and learning but they must also realize that the $35 tablet running a stripped down Linux OS with SSD storage, firewire , USB , wifi-802.11 capability that they hold is not much different than the systems that run the avionics, control hydraulics and actuators of any modern fighter aircraft, the C&C / guidance of missile systems, Radars and the SCADA systems that control the motors and environment systems of modern ships. If these kids can understand and put together all the subsystems that go into that dirt cheap tablet then extrapolating from that to a LCA Tejas or F22 should be child's play when they are older.
ISRO has realized the need for this with the Aerospace Institute to build future Rocket scientists. A great vision from arguably the greatest Indian rocket scientist till date - APJ Kalam now being fulfilled. But who says this cant be done when the students are younger? Understanding IC engines or the basics of thermodynamics can be done much earlier than it is now.Extrapolating to rocket and jet engines then is much easier.

This would truly build a future generation of strategic and tactical thinkers along with the technical acumen to not only fight in modern electronic battle spaces but also build products and services for the modern marketplace. A Nation is only as strong as its People and its Industry not its Standing Armies. Once this is realized it would be a paradigm shift of amazing proportions. And the place to start building the Military of the future is in the hundreds of thousands of classrooms. Good thinking once again Tshering.
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Good original thinking Tshering. Defense education should be part of school curriculum in line with inculcating nationalistic fervor. What should be a part defense education taught in school? Possibly India's historical wars which is anyways taught but also adding in a military analysis for victories or losses and not just the political perspective. For example adding in a tactical military reason for the debacle in 62 along with the overall geo-political analysis of the war and its aftermath would start inculcating defense thinking right from the beginning. Thus preparing them mentally for the services.

Applications of the sciences in weapons can also be added as students advance. The $100 Negroponte OLPC or the the new $35 ipad clone can inculcate young minds with an understanding and love for tech and as a gateway to greater information and learning but they must also realize that the $35 tablet running a stripped down Linux OS with SSD storage, firewire , USB , wifi-802.11 capability that they hold is not much different than the systems that run the avionics, control hydraulics and actuators of any modern fighter aircraft, the C&C / guidance of missile systems, Radars and the SCADA systems that control the motors and environment systems of modern ships. If these kids can understand and put together all the subsystems that go into that dirt cheap tablet then extrapolating from that to a LCA Tejas or F22 should be child's play when they are older.
ISRO has realized the need for this with the Aerospace Institute to build future Rocket scientists. A great vision from arguably the greatest Indian rocket scientist till date - APJ Kalam now being fulfilled. But who says this cant be done when the students are younger? Understanding IC engines or the basics of thermodynamics can be done much earlier than it is now.Extrapolating to rocket and jet engines then is much easier.

This would truly build a future generation of strategic and tactical thinkers along with the technical acumen to not only fight in modern electronic battle spaces but also build products and services for the modern marketplace. A Nation is only as strong as its People and its Industry not its Standing Armies. Once this is realized it would be a paradigm shift of amazing proportions. And the place to start building the Military of the future is in the hundreds of thousands of classrooms. Good thinking once again Tshering.

sorry but i do not agree at all. Defence education being part of school curriculum is ridiculous as per me. You have a subject called history already so you get know about various important things in the past. that is more then sufficient. You want a child to study everything - history, maths, physics, chemistry, biology and other things... and then later on decide to join one of his areas of interest be it defence or medical or arts or engineering or management or enterprenuership.

There is lot of time after school to become master of ones area of interest, and study in depth about the area one wants to be in.

what Tshering22 is saying is something different. He is talking about specific field in the Engineering colleges realted to weapons engineering and other such institutions of excellence in Defence technology. And considering India's growing defence industry and requirements spending on such education is a good option.
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sorry but i do not agree at all. Defence education being part of school curriculum is ridiculous as per me. You have a subject called history already so you get know about various important things in the past. that is more then sufficient. You want a child to study everything - history, maths, physics, chemistry, biology and other things... and then later on decide to join one of his areas of interest be it defence or medical or arts or engineering or management or enterprenuership.

There is lot of time after school to become master of ones area of interest, and study in depth about the area one wants to be in.

what Tshering22 is saying is something different. He is talking about specific field in the Engineering colleges realted to weapons engineering and other such institutions of excellence in Defence technology. And considering India's growing defence industry and requirements spending on such education is a good option.

I do understand what Tshering said about including Defense Technology within standard Engineering Undergraduate / Bachelors degrees. Currently technology or Defense studies /strategy is not included in any Bachelors / Masters degrees unless specifically offered in the Military universities like the NDA in India.

I have only extended that line of thought to its logical conclusion which would be schools before a student reaches University. There are historical precedents for this especially in countries where military conscription has been applied like Russia and Germany. German Gymnasiums (especially Prussian ones) throughout the late 18th,19th and mid 20th centuries had military subjects in school. This is also ofcourse what lead to the creation of the myth of the Prussian officer. Reality is that Prussian officer candidates generally had a head start compared to others. This is the scenario for example in Israel where special schools exist for just this purpose. In India the so called military schools are not much different than the civilian ones. There are other organizations at school level like the scouts which are a half way house anyways.

In India ofcourse the military draft has never been applied. But being prepared for worst case scenarios is wise and sweating in peace is better than bleeding in war.
The problem with subcontinent is that we give so much importance to a terrorist attack that all hell will loose about it,

That is not a problem but a serious requirement. We are a sovereign nation and obviously its a big deal since other sinister forces from outside our country want to create mayhem either in the name of religion or want to destabilize the nation by choosing economic centers. If you recount 2007-08 people were scared to step out of their houses not knowing what can happen. Poor or no poor that is a very serious concern

but people especially our politicians and media are so insensitive to our poor that they don't seem to care that much of their survival. I can almost guarantee that there are lot more people dying in India because of hunger than any terrorist attack. Media, because of their greed, projects terrorist attacks as if it's the beginning of World war III and every one is going to die. It should give air time to where it requires.

Completely agree, also a point to note is the result of all "so called" upbringing projects of the poor have failed. Not only because of corruption but also the very social fabric that is evolving at such a slow rate and has not evolved in rural areas

Over the years we have been hearing from visitors that come to our country that India has so many beggers that they almost attack foreigners for food and money, they call it 'on to the face poverty'. I am always embarrassed and ashamed when I hear their account. But GOI doesn't seem to have done anything about it. I hope Right to food act would come soon,so people don't have to go to bed on an empty stomach.

Also, we need to ban begging in our country. It has become a sort of business these days, where goons are forcing young children to beg. We need to disband these kind of organizations. It was even shown in critically acclaimed 'Slumdog Millionaire'. How can GOI justify this with their huge defense deals.

Again, its something you can do..if we people stop giving money to these beggars why would they keep multiplying ? I think it would be
sinful to stop certain people to stop begging, especially the really old. However I do agree our govt has done nothing at all for these old homeless people. One thing I always do is when young people come begging, I refuse to give them money and tell them to go find a job.

India is not buying weapons to show off as some other forum members here think. We are replacing equipment of 60s, 70s vintage

With RTI, RTE, RTF on track, we should just hope our poor get empowered enough to demand their rights. We need lot more Non profit organizations to popularize above acts. Also I would like to see 'Right to Shelter' act some day in our country. It's no longer acceptable in India, the largest democracy, for political parties to be able to bribe their way to power.

Completely agree again, however there is a saying "If people always elected the right leaders then democracy will fail" but there is a grave need to have some dynamic leaders to be elected and this can only come about with more education.. We need to have free education for all (at east schooling)..it will pay rich dividends both to society and the economy
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