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Defence Min Rajnath Singh Warns Pakistan; 'India Will Cross Border & Attack If Provoked'

I urge the Pakistani government to take Indian defence ministers statements seriously. Sustained Chinese pressure on India to reconfigure and renumerate her border territories will inevitably result in Indian aggression against Pakistan.

The element of internal strife within power corridors of India has given birth to newer hawkish populism fused with religious revanchism. Demographic changes on border areas over the past couple of decades by the Indian state hint towards a more sinister long term plan.
Yeh ghoray kay munh wala keya bakwaas ker raha hae? :lol:
'If wanted, we could have occupied their land in 1971 war'
From every aspect, this is a confession of defeat, nothing else. Why would an intelligent opponent not completely defeat his enemy. Why?

Who stopped India from occupying Pakistan completely?

As the above highlighted statement quoting their minister......IF WANTED, WE COULD HAVE......my question is always, WHY DID NOT INDIA WANT TO COMPLETELY OCCUPY Pakistan?

Why India wanted for Pakistan to STAY IN BEING, get compact, become a nuclear power, FORCE INDIA AGAIN TO STATION bulk of its armed forces towards Pakistan, force India in lethal COIN ops in Kashmir.....all these things would not have been there simply IF INDIA WOULD HAVE OCCUPIED Pakistan.

I mean, were they in their senses? They let Pakistan live? It means there were some serious pseudo strategists at the top of indian orgs who allowed this grave mistake to happen.

Thats why indian claims of victories are illogical. Do you call it a victory in which you let your enemy live, let your enemy develop and prosper again and again (mazay lenay ka shoq tau nahin hai inhain??), let your enemy become a nuclear power, let your enemy send freedom fighters into your land, let your enemy pinch again and again (Kargil Balakot, LOC)....

My answer to the indian minister.....


Who stopped India from occupying Pakistan completely?

Short answer- USSR in 1971 context Rajnath talking about.

US 7th fleet was in already in Bay of Bengal at the request of Pakistan and China too have assured Pakistan, they will intervene if Indira Gandhi pushes further into West Pakistan.

USSR on her part made it clear to India their support is limited to East Pakistan and will not come to aid in Indian aggression on the west side.

2. India is status quo power. And if not for Pakistan's policies, we would have similar relation as with Bangladesh.

3. All bets are off in next encounter. Surgical strike, air strike, then comes what? You know the drill.

4. Even it was miracle last time when Abhinandan survived and was sent back with overnight Saudi intervention, had he died in Pakistan, most certainly thing would have escalated further. It was election time, back down wouldn't been an option for Modi.
We have so many more air launched options than just two years back

BrahMos ALCM
Scalp ALCM
Spice 1000
And possibly Rampage ALBM
Do you know what you will get from Pakistan in return??
Short answer- USSR in 1971 context Rajnath talking about.

US 7th fleet was in already in Bay of Bengal at the request of Pakistan and China too have assured Pakistan, they will intervene if Indira Gandhi pushes further into West Pakistan.

USSR on her part made it clear to India their support is limited to East Pakistan and will not come to aid in Indian aggression on the west side.

2. India is status quo power. And if not for Pakistan's policies, we would have similar relation as with Bangladesh.

3. All bets are off in next encounter. Surgical strike, air strike, then comes what? You know the drill.

4. Even it was miracle last time when Abhinandan survived and was sent back with overnight Saudi intervention, had he died in Pakistan, most certainly thing would have escalated further. It was election time, back down wouldn't been an option for Modi.
If everything is going as per plan, if everything is stacked against Pakistan, then what you guys are waiting for? Or are you guys really waiting for Pakistan to attack first??

Who is stopping you guys from initiating the next encounter if everything is ready? Just do and get over with it. One less enemy to worry about for you.


Short answer- USSR in 1971 context Rajnath talking about.

US 7th fleet was in already in Bay of Bengal at the request of Pakistan and China too have assured Pakistan, they will intervene if Indira Gandhi pushes further into West Pakistan.

USSR on her part made it clear to India their support is limited to East Pakistan and will not come to aid in Indian aggression on the west side.
So if some outer power will tell india that please dont destroy your number one enemy, please let it live, thrive and become a threat for you again, india will comply? cmon man, be smart. just attack and occupy Pakistan....ITS REALLY THAT EASY.
Short answer- USSR in 1971 context Rajnath talking about.

US 7th fleet was in already in Bay of Bengal at the request of Pakistan and China too have assured Pakistan, they will intervene if Indira Gandhi pushes further into West Pakistan.

USSR on her part made it clear to India their support is limited to East Pakistan and will not come to aid in Indian aggression on the west side.

2. India is status quo power. And if not for Pakistan's policies, we would have similar relation as with Bangladesh.

3. All bets are off in next encounter. Surgical strike, air strike, then comes what? You know the drill.

4. Even it was miracle last time when Abhinandan survived and was sent back with overnight Saudi intervention, had he died in Pakistan, most certainly thing would have escalated further. It was election time, back down wouldn't been an option for Modi.

Little indi weiner men ain't gonna do jack s**t. Fact is, india is too weak, scared, powerless and backward to take on Pakistan. All indians are going to do is blow hot air on the net. NOTHING more. Keep talking like bit*hes on the net but do nothing in real life......... :lol:
4. Even it was miracle last time when Abhinandan survived and was sent back with overnight Saudi intervention, had he died in Pakistan, most certainly thing would have escalated further. It was election time, back down wouldn't been an option for Modi.

So it also means that till the time PAF is shooting down IAF aircraft and returning IAF pilots in one piece, all this is acceptable to India.....nice. Cmon man, IAF is many times in number to PAF, one fighter sweep by IAF is all that is required to put PAF out of commission.
Little indi weiner men ain't gonna do jack s**t. Fact is, india is too weak, scared, powerless and backward to take on Pakistan. All indians are going to do is blow hot air on the net. NOTHING more. Keep talking like bit*hes on the net but do nothing in real life......... :lol:

This is the most gay and impotent nation, which ever existed on the face of the earth. :lol:
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