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Defence Analyst Brahma Chelaney Claims India Failed Diplomatically and Lost The Entire Galwan Valley

Please do not think that I am indulging in pissing competition with this post.

a) In late 197Os, when Vajpayee (then foreign minister of India) was visiting China. China tested a nuclear device. There were various thoughts on why China had to test a nuclear device when Indian FM is visiting China.
b) However, around year 2000 (i.e. after 20+ years), when Chinese leader, Li Peng, visited India (at that time, he visited our campus and gave a speech. BTW-I later came to know that he is a hardliner in chinese leadership). During the last day of his visit, while he is still on Indian soil, India tested one of the Agni missiles (not the low range Prithvi missile), that has a large range.

The point I am trying to make is - All countries has long memories. Events are not forgotten easily.

a) Bringing armies to borders to borders always bring the risk of intentional / unintentional events, that can not easily be contained.
b) Indians are convinced that China planned the events on that day. Those events are not random / unplanned occurences. Our news channels also published that Chinese army came prepared on that day (wearing rubber or similar apparel for protection etc etc). No Indian believes that it is an unplanned event.

PS#1: I heard that Li Peng was 2nd in chinese leadership during the time of his visit to India.
PS#2: At my campus, Li Peng was giving a speech, and a chinese translator was translating to english....Li Peng speaks for 2 mins or so, then the translator and then Li Peng and so on......when translator was speaking, an aeroplane took off and we are not able to hear what the translator was saying.....Li Peng asked her to stop and after the aeroplane left, he asked her to proceed.....I still remember the authority & aggression that Li Peng displayed body language and verbal language [he seemed a no-nonsense person to me].
PS#3: I felt that Li Peng is a serious person.
PS#4: Later, I also came to know that Li Peng is adopted child of Zhou Enlai.
Well each country can try to make statement and give an aggressive posture, ultimately, its best to gave a buffer zone and I believe that was the intention of the Chinese actions. All the kungflu kicks and fighting started because of tension arising from both parties patrolling. From now on, you will see less tensions because both won't patrol a DMZ.
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