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Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) clears projects worth about Rs. 80,000 crore

Huh, so SPIKE it is for Indian Army...I wanted it to be Javelin, but then SPIKE is pretty much at the same level of
technology and also comes with greater autonomy & ToT, so makes sense.



The Javelin would have been nice but it is quite a bit more expensive, comes with less ToT and doesn't deliver that much more performance than the Spike. Additionally the Spike comes with a family of missiles that could be of use to the Indian military as a whole for Gunships, SOFs etc.
No chance whatsoever. a) the Rafales (apart from the initial 18) WILL be built in India (just like P-75(I) that the DAC has cleared today). b) more importantly, there are ZERO Indian firms making equipment up to the standards of the CH-47F, AH-64E, PHALCON AWACS and A330 MRTT.

Modi is serious about "make in India" but he is not stupid, he's not about to cut off his nose to spite his face. He knows that to have a strong Indian military, India needs to buy certain equipment from abroad. That is just a reality right now, the situation may be different in a decade or so but not in the immediate future.

I have no doubt all of the above will be cleared this finical year.

No Rafale will go though. I am not sure about other deals.

I suspect that Modi govt. is going to INSIST on Indian platforms for AWACS, refuelers, AH and CH. Lets wait and watch.
It could be cost of subs with all kinds of missiles, API and new gizmos ......... its wait and watch mode. For now, the cost seems exorbitant.
The P-75(I) will come with AIP and the ability to fire Brahmos- the cost is well justified, these will probably be the most capable SSK in operation.

Put your tin foil hats away guys.
The P-75(I) will come with AIP and the ability to fire Brahmos- the cost is well justified, these will probably be the most capable SSK in operation.

Put your tin foil hats away guys.

And how is a submarine going to identify and track a ship from 300 km ? :coffee:
i think 6 subs will be kind of super scorpion with much enhancements to the current version pretty good I say :D
IAF needs to wake up or start dreaming about marrying an Indian girl :cool: ............. no more iItalian or foreign wives for our pilots :D

Shouldn't the same be applied for the Navy personals who likes to take Russian Wives ???:agree:
It could be cost of subs with all kinds of missiles, API and new gizmos ......... its wait and watch mode. For now, the cost seems exorbitant.

for subs these are just purchase clearances

then we dont know yet what kind of subs are being looked at ?


VLS - for Brahmos / Nirbhay / Sagarika / K series
TTL - for Brahmos M /Norbhay etc ?

How many missiles / torpedoes need to be carried


these will be buil over the next 15 years so cast inflation will also be carried out

so apart from firming up of which sub and what parameters / specifications it is too early to say wether it is too costly or not

I suspect that Modi govt. is going to INSIST on Indian platforms for AWACS, refuelers, AH and CH. Lets wait and watch.
What Indian platforms are there comparable to the PHALCON? NONE. Not for another 7-8 years at least.

As for AARs, forgive me, I must have missed the news that India now made wide-bodied civilian airliners o_O.

Again the AH-64E and CH-47F are must buys and Indian industry has nothing comparable to them so they'll be bought from the US.

Listen, "make in India" is all well and good but you need to be PRAGMATIC, it's not that India has had the capability to build cutting edge tech across the board for years just the evil greedy Indian generals refused to buy from home. In many areas India just isn't (right now) up to building the very best equipment that the Indian military needs. Modi is going to be made well aware of this and will clear these deals of that have no doubt.
Huh, so SPIKE it is for Indian Army...I wanted it to be Javelin, but then SPIKE is pretty much at the same level of
technology and also comes with greater autonomy & ToT, so makes sense.




Javalin has the rang of 2.5KM where Spike has 4KM... But Javalin is more mobile than Spike
It could be cost of subs with all kinds of missiles, API and new gizmos ......... its wait and watch mode. For now, the cost seems exorbitant.
Indian navy wants a submarine with both AIP and VLS so whatever submarine is selected would be customized variant as per IN need. May be thus the cost!! But anyway it seems expensive to me too.
PS: Not to forget that it would be in the line of most stealthy ssks in the world.
IAF needs to wake up or start dreaming about marrying an Indian girl :cool: ............. no more iItalian or foreign wives for our pilots :D
Stop maligning the Indian armed forces and talk in specifics with FACTS backing you up. IF, IF Indian products were up to the standards of their international counterparts then don't you think the IAF would LOVE to buy from India? They are bigger patriots than you and would more than enjoy having a home built/designed product in their inventory both from a pride and practical perspective but that's not where the Indian military industrial complex is today so purchases will have to be made from abroad. No two ways about it.

What Italian products have the IAF ordered?
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