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Defeat of Sikh army and death of Hari Singh Nalwa in battle of Jamrud

I wont say Pashtuns/Afghans forced some thing on Sikhs, but some people are of opinion that Guru Gobind Singh, the founder of Khalsa, was inspired from Afghans of Punjab. Afghans there had characteristic martial outlook and code, Goru Gobind felt the need that Sikhs need to transform into a martial nation on the pattern of Afghans with some code.

Shalwar Kameez came from the middle east years before the Sikh religion or Nalwa were even born.
What amazes me is that Punjabi muslims are proud of Pathans instead of their own ethnicity. Remember, Pathans slaughtered Punjabis regardless of religion.

Would you feel proud of ethnic Punjabi Adna Baig?
Whenever I get into fights with Sikhs, they are always saying how Hari Singh Nalwa is the one that introduced shalwar kameez to the Pashtuns, by sparing them If they dressed like women. That is mostly the only thing they gloat about.

Delusional people are found in every religion and every community.
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@Havi Sultan

Your input would be great.

The Duranni empire fought immense battles with the Sikhs. Compared to the Durranis, Nalwa and Ranjit Singh only controll a small section of Punjab.

Pashtuns have a rich history and no matter what they say on Afghan forums Ahmed Shah Abdali was born in Multan and is in each and every way part of Pakistani history. It is the history of all of us that makes us into the beautiful amalgamation that we are. The Durranis, Rajputs, Mir Chakar Rind, Talpurs, Samma's, Soomro's and many others are what make us unique. While Afghanistan may claim only Pashtun history, we claim the history of Sindhis, Balochs, Pathans, basically everyone.

I would like to state here that there is a major difference between two types of states. One is an amalgamation like Pakistan and another is a nation built on one ethnicity like Afghanistan. While the history of the former includes the history of all its subjects no matter where they come from the history of a nation like Afghanistan only encompasses Pashtuns and even that they cannot fully claim as Pashtun leaders were born on Pakistani Pashtun side, our side of the border no matter how much one squeals about the durand line.

We have more history than a nation like Afghanistan can ever have.
What amazes me is that Punjabi muslims are proud of Pathans instead of their own ethnicity. Remember, Pathans slaughtered Punjabis regardless of religion.
You have to provide any example of such slaughter. Infact Punjabi muslaman had grievances against Sikhs. Afghans were not particularity liked either, not for atrocities but for replacing mughals (they had enjoyed 2 centuries peaceful rule under mughals). Afghans failed to crush marauding sikh misls, also they were poor adminstartors, so entire Punjab descended into choas. According to S.M.Latif, Sikhs jathas were demolishing mosques and in retaliation Afghans were demolishing gurdwaras, inter-faith harmony was long destroyed. I was reading in a book that diet of punjabi muslman became vegetarian during ranjeet singh rule, it remained so for quite long time. Azaan and cow slaughter was banned in Punjab. Some deviated sufis didnt care about such restrictions but as a whole it was not a good time for musilms.
Waris shah speaks about afghans and Nadir shah afshar for making the mughals weak, but i dont understand his support for sikhs. In one of the "invasion' , Abdali actually came to rescue his home town jindiala from siege of Sikhs. Bulleh shah was born in Kasur and Waris shah studied from there, Sikhs razed entire kasur to the ground and according to historical accounts, Sikhs went barbaric on its inhabitants, muslim women jumped to wells to avoid being raped, surviving folk were paraded naked in the streets (History of Punjab by S.M.Latif). Still bulleh shah or waris shah were holding grudges against Afghans because they were not into their version of Sufism. Bulleh shah was expelled from kasur by its Pathan rulers, for his deviant sufism while waris shah was born in jindiala which was also ruled by pathan jagirdars.....a deeper study is required , whether these two sufis were simply preferring sons of soils or they were simply holding grudges against pathans
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