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Defeat in Afghanistan

I am optimistic - lets just say that - ever since I read that chapter in 9th grade urdu book "Umeed ki kiran" :D

coming back to the topic at hand - further elaborating what I have said above - how are we going define Success - how are we going define Defeat -
For US Victory is pulling out of Iraq - digging up oil reserves - extract the production - make billions in Weapons sales - that is Victory.
For US Victory is pulling out of a country after fighting it for a decade - making billions from drug, mining contracts - and again Oil reserves in North - Western Afghanistan.

Now where is the defeat over here? :what: :what:

Victory for Taliban is - they get their recognition in the World - yet their war will never end - as they will be fighting against other local warlords - now is that a victory???

I am not switching sides over here - i just want US out of the region - what I am trying to say over here is the role of other countries in the region .

KSA/ GCC & Iran rather than fueling the fire in the region should actually try to put it out.

I must have skipped that then :D To be really honest , what concerns me most is the situation of Pakistan post NATO withdrawal , leaving the success or failure analysis for either side , Taliban aren't going to get the throne of Kabul this time having managed to lose their only ally and the Yanks never visited that country to stabilize the region . Regardless of what many seem to believe , the situation isn't going to magically improve here somehow when the coalition departs . The Afghan Taliban and their Pakistani counterparts will join hand once there is relatively low resistance in Afghanistan and they can divert resources and man power easily to other side , they are more or less one and same , the ideology , mindset , practices and thought patterns all match , the condemnation statement from Afghan Taliban after Mehsud's death and constant help from other side of the Khyber Pass is a testimony of that . Now imagine what happens after 2014 , the West will lose all interest in this region just like what happened after the Soviet withdrawal , which means there would be little interest and by extension little help to the state of Pakistan . The law and order situation will further deteriorate if its not worse already , the crippled economy isn't going to have the O2 of peace anytime soon . Already , the state is all ready to surrender to the terrorist by the look of it - the talks at any and all costs . This is going to get very tough for our country here , the Muslim brotherhood will not help Islamabad , you have to fight this new war alone . The radicalized population will also not help , the monsters we created during the so called Jihad in Afghanistan are coming back to haunt us again . I see little hope with such weak military and political leadership . It even might get too late if the same indecisiveness continues , now this is scary , but this is the reality on ground . Act against them now or lament it forever , we cant find a common ground with terrorists , it amounts to giving up the freedom , writ of the state and sovereignty and all that we stand for . Only through understanding can there be recovery .

@Oscar Shall we call it the day after ?

I'm not secular, just because i hate terrorist pieces of shits I'm a traitor? lol.
I'm a conservative muslim and i hate fundamentalist pigs.

You are missing a lot , my friend . Whoever disagrees with religious psychopaths and their ideology and practices , he automatically becomes a secular or liberal or both .
ttp and you are kafirs.
you all are non muslims.
your bombing masjids!!!!!
you support people who kill muslims and kid
you support terrorists who bomb masjids and you on qayamat you will pay for this.
Keep crying as much as you can on day of judgement in front of RASOOL SAW it would be decided that who betrayed Muslims in Tribal areas and Afghanistan and killed Muslims and sold Muslims to USA and kufr
Keep crying as much as you can on day of judgement in front of RASOOL SAW it would be decided that who betrayed Muslims in Tribal areas and Afghanistan and killed Muslims and sold Muslims to USA and kufr

Yes and on tht Rasools order you will be thrown in hell... you scumbag...

Its funny to see this "stain" who justifies yazid against the "Rasools" Ahl e Bait" ... and justifies suicide bombings,beheadings (Terrorism).. yet talks abt Judgement and Hazrat Mohammad SAW...

What a lanati this scumbag is..
Yes and on tht Rasools order you will be thrown in hell... you scumbag...

Its funny to see this "stain" who justifies yazid against the "Rasools" Ahl e Bait" ... and justifies suicide bombings,beheadings (Terrorism).. yet talks abt Judgement and Hazrat Mohammad SAW...

What a lanati this scumbag is..
We will see for whom order is given Mr I can quote your own books and the things which are written for Yazeed you are all liars never will tell the truth because you are enemies of Sahabas and you abuse them don't get me started here
We will see for whom order is given Mr I can quote your own books and the things which are written for Yazeed you are all liars never will tell the truth because you are enemies of Sahabas and you abuse them don't get me started here
your a bitch
So you think one sect known as Sh.. don't do this what I said man you live in denial so sad
shias are muslims, your a kafir.
you are a venom. you are trying to destroy islam and muslims.
shias are muslims, your a kafir.
you are a venom. you are trying to destroy islam and muslims.
when I said they are not Muslims I just what is their opinion about Sahabas and every one knows it they do it so why are you in denial
We will see for whom order is given Mr I can quote your own books and the things which are written for Yazeed you are all liars never will tell the truth because you are enemies of Sahabas and you abuse them don't get me started here


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United States' defeat in Islamic World is glaring.

There is a ..what Robet Fisk called...a "total collapse" of U.S and its stated strategic policy in Muslim World.

U.S has achieved nothing but inflicted havoc in Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan etc. ...United States global image has taken a mega hit...specially through out the Muslim World...probably worse situation than even Vietnam war.....Instead of becoming "westernized" (funny word)...Islamic World and Islamic people have become even more "Islamificated" (another funny word) than before.

Al Qaeda went from being a dumb, small wanna-be bunch of thugs to a full-fledged, well-organized, well-experienced, franchised insurgent organization operating in three different continents now and causing havoc all over the place...

Islamic Revolutionary Iran increased its influence in the middle-east to its greatest extent after the revolution, and now is even reaching Mediterranean sea through insurgent organizations like Hezbollah etc..Do I even need to point out is masive Syrian presence...?

Not to mention the tremendous toll the "War on tribal, peripheral Islam" (lets call spade a spade for once) took on U.S economy..the figure goes in trillions of dollars!

In post WW2 world, United States' credibility has never been lower than it is today!

In all of this, Europe remained stagnant, Israeli-Palestinian issue unresolved, and only possible-rival to U.S.A...The People's Republic of China kept on rising and rising and rising...unchecked..afterall U.S was bogged down in more important issues..i.e..neutralizing the great "threat" from Saddam Hussein..LOL!

United States has suffered a spectacular failure on all fronts due to this war on tribal/peripheral Islam...

Lets see if U.S recovers from this and successfully deploys "Asia Pivot" to counter Chinese' rise, and to give its lead some more time.....I wonder its already too late..

For people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and general Islamic World..the "real" and "most defining" challenge of their generation would be to determine how they'll come out of chaos and destruction inflicted upon them by the United States of America!
I don't think so that Americans have lost completely.They have succeed again.Let me explain you the definition of war nowadays.The war isn't defined as to annhilate your enemy completely by capturing his area,but nowadays war is defined as to annhilate your enemy completely by weakening/damaging his economy and position.Thus,Americans have succeed as we are damaged by them in a sense they have planned.The right question was never as Americans may loose their war with Afghans or not.The right question is as if 'american designs' will be sucessful or not?
First of all,let us recall entire scenario and try to understand that exactly what Americans wanted anyway?
We know that Afghanistan hasn't accepted Pakistan earlier,plus they also claim Baluchistan and tribal areas as their part-a war also broke out and lateron Afghan ruler was pushed back by tribals.Plus,we have India right next to us with hostile objective of annhilating us completely.Thus,best strategy was to create pro-Pakistan lobby inside Afghanistan,and Allah gave us chance too,when Russians invaded..we know that Americans and Russians are rivals.So,Americans took benefit of situation and used us as a 'bishop' to check mate Russians.We raised/funded mujhahidins with very same 'Americans' and 'Saudi Masters' and teach them 'jeem' se 'jihad','tay' se 'talwar'.Lateron,we defeated Russians and American objective was successful ie, to be identified as the only 'powerful most' country in the whole region.
The situation lateron changed when Pakistan became nuclear power,Chinese influence in the region increased,especially in economical sense and Pakistan warned 'Israel' and 9/11 catastrophe.Thus the very same mujhahidins become terrorist,Pakistan was pushed to choose any single as ally out of two,TTP morons were born and Pakistan lost so much that it will take years for us to recover.So,I see that Americans have won their war:
-Watch towar is set in Afghanistan to keep an eye in the region(Check)
-Pakistan's economical infrastructure is damaged,Pakistan is indebted by IMF,Pakistan is stucked in war against TTP(Check)
-US is now sitting in our bases(check)
-Pakistan is loosing her lobby system in Afghanistan(check)
So,I am seeing Americans winning,and they we could have failed them but our political regime helped them so much,indirectly.Although,now we seem to be lost in labyrinth of desultory,in haphazerous streets of narrow endings,yet still,if we co-operate and unite ourselves then alot can be done to undo the damage.
@Secur @balixd... Either,our friends are so innocent or they are so foolish.
We still can get out this problem,if we:
-Review our foreign policy,adjust it with respect to scenario.We can use Russians,China and Iran as 'pressurizing tool'
-Seal our borders and end TTP insurgencies like Srilankans did.
-Use 'haqqanis' as connecting medium to Afghan Talibans.
-Changing our tone in Indian scenario
-Creating more depth with Chinese,and settling our scores with Iran.I have seen Americans jumping over pipeline project.
-Assuring implementation of right strategies

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to Zarvan Sahab , first of all i want to tell you few realities which are hard to swallow but its truth , no prophet or Quran give the Representation of islam to afghans , and second if you are a little educated than you should have known the meaning of JIHAD , jihad means struggle not holy war, Taliban get their money by kidnapping , selling drugs , and smuggling arms so i am sure my Allah is not going to send angels to peoples like them , there is no where in quran and islam that if a person kill your family , so you must take revenge from his country men , neighbors or innocent peoples ... i dont have to mentioned that how taliban treat their POV , and as far as i know islam ask to treat them nicely , give them food of what you eat and dont put them into chains , and i found no where to behead them like a goat .... now Allah doesnt require some bunch of afghans to protect his religion , he protect his religion and book at the time of Prophet muhammad pbuh and till judgement day he will do ... so we dont need mulla omer or osama to fight for all muslims , and they harm islam more than they benefit it , if the talibans are getting some divine help than why to hide and fight , why not come in to open and fight like a real man ? if Allah is with them he will help them ... same as in badr 313 muslims defeat 1000 mushrikeen , they fight with iman they know Allah is with them so they dont hide but fight like man and wins the battle , and for afghans they are coming from breed of mongols , the so called butchers who converted to islam after killing more than 10 million peoples . well thats an other debate , yesterday i saw some videos about taliban and al-qaeda and they called mulla omer as " Amir-ul-mumineen " the symbol which was designated to Hazrat Omar Farooq Ra , and you know something , this bloody terrorist is not even equal to the dust of a single true muslim and they give him same symbal of Hazrat Omer Ra , if he pretent himself like Hazrat Omer than Allah is gonna give him a death that his body part will be found in fleshes , i never see a Amir-ul-mumineen who sell drugs ? or kidnap people for money ? :astagh:
Americans are no saints , but to take revenge if they kill innocent peoples they are bigger bastards than americans , than there is no difference between them and animals , because of Taliban today whole islam is criticized, i remember my relatives tell me that before 9/11 muslims have respect in usa , when they saw a man with beard and Salwaar kameez they respect them , but now when they see a guy with beard and Salwaar kameez only one things comes in their mind that he must me islamic terrorist or suicide bomber ..and thanks to your warriors talibans ,,, can you mention what kind of islam they want to implement ? do they ever read quran ? do they have authenticated hadith ? do they know what is the best jihad ? do they know that if you want to do jihad you need your govt permission ? do they know that taking care of your mother is more important than jihad ? do they ever try to do jihad against rapes ? jihad against wine sell ? jihad against interest ? jihad against casion ? jihad against target killers ? all wanted criminals are welcome their islamic no go areas .
if you are supporter of taliban so just one time go to them and ask them few questions about islam and you will know that their knowledge is less than a 5 year old kid , if you survive from there :D
please stop supporting animals , islam has nothing to do with them nor with their activities , if they are true muslims then peoples doesnt fear them but love them .... they kill peoples of different faith , as far as i know that in madina and mecca at the time of Prophet muhammad pbuh many non muslims live and worship according to their faith , they get the same justice which muslims gets ... well i feel sad that still peoples like you are in pakistan who still have soft corner for them , when a lunatic suicide bomber ever blast in the mosque where your father and brothers goes , or in the market where your mother and sister goes , and when you see a one of loved one into pieces then you will realize what is terrorism .. pray that our army kill these bastrads asap , so we can go to mosques again with no fear , we can go to anywhere in pakistan we want without fear of suicide attacks or kidnappings ....
if i was president i would have use nuclear on Wazirstan , our army is still giving them time to surrender , and they will never lay down their weapons , because they know only fighting , they are not educated , they cant do any work , they know only one thing which how to kill peoples thats it ...

Shaheed ki jo maut hai , Woh Qoum ki Hayyat hai ...
Taliban ki jo maut hai ... Zillat tahayaat hai :rofl::rofl::rofl:

main tu shair ho gaya yaar :dance3:
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