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Decoding what U.S. wants from India

You are confusing between Non aligned policy and independent foreign policy - Both are quite different !!!


Yes there are some commonalities between them but both are not same .
Non aligned policy which as you said is relic of past originated at the height of Cold war - when a group of like minded nations decided not to join camps and be party to the worldwide partisanship and be pawns in the hands of Superpowers . Non aligned policy was quite exclusivist in its approach . Non aligned policy deprived us off the benefits of joining one of the camps as Pakistan or China had . it was more of moralistic than practical thing .

while independent foreign policy - allows us to chart our own course in interest of national goals . so national interest and not any moralistic overbearing philosophy will dictate our course . As you see these two are quite different .
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Future Future Future

Many things may or may not happen in future .

It is very much like building castles in air .

This not just about matching GDP .

technologically we are decades behind .

US has literal monopoly in domains of science , technology , military , economy .

Even China can't match them in all domains for longest period .

For us it really very very long road . so let us not speculate . We will be better off working hard than just dreaming and boasting .

We need massive American Business investment. The rest can come later.

It will come . They need a market of billion plus consumers .
while independent foreign policy - allows us to chart our own course in interest of national goals . so national interest and not any moralistic overbearing philosophy will dictate our course . As you see these two are quite different .
Hmmm........ Now I see the problem.
We really got lost in the semantics of it all.
What YOU mean by Independent FP in reply 1 to me IS Non-aligned policy.
An alliance can very well be a part of a nation or a group of nations securing their common and national interests - here being resisting Chinese heat. Allying with America suits our interests just fine (in absence of the Rusky factor ofc). The only problem here is what one defines as an alliance.

Many things may or may not happen in future .

It is very much like building castles in air .

This not just about matching GDP .

technologically we are decades behind .

US has literal monopoly in domains of science , technology , military , economy .

Even China can't match them in all domains for longest period .

For us it really very very long road . so let us not speculate . We will be better off working hard than just dreaming and boasting .
Every known estimate predicts that India will be a top 3 economy (in the deep distant future). Its practically given, after all 'its the population, stupid'. Foreign policymakers in USA aren't oblivious to this fact and in fact actively seek to promote it. Short-term deviations as seen in 2011-14 don't matter esp. now with a new government with Modi at helm. Do you seriously think American foreign policy makers would then try to do a 'use-and-throw' with us like that they did with our esteemed neighbors up west (which is most likely the source of such conjectures).
Hmmm........ Now I see the problem.
We really got lost in the semantics of it all.
What YOU mean by Independent FP in reply 1 to me IS Non-aligned policy.
An alliance can very well be a part of a nation or a group of nations securing their common and national interests - here being resisting Chinese heat. Allying with America suits our interests just fine (in absence of the Rusky factor ofc). The only problem here is what one defines as an alliance. .

Nobody can ever become true ally of US .

It has only one ally and that is US itself . India does not share American dream to monopolize and dominate world forever . we have always believed in multipolar world which will have mutual checks and balances .
The rise of china is foregone conclusion - while India seeks insulation from Chinese threat , US seeks counterbalance to China . the US policy deems us as a pawn against China to checkmate Rise of China . This literally pits us against china .

While China and india will be increasingly forced to face off with each others as competitors we do not subscribe to antagonistic role that US envisages for us . So we should not fall in US trap .
We have to maintain healthy relations with all concerned countries keeping in view of our national interests . Remember US will show no mercy to turn around the moment its needs are fulfilled and its job is done . It will not think twice to sacrifice our interests at altar of its own. we can therefore never become US ally .

However the rising threat of Chinese misadventure does force us to align with US and other likeminded countries .
however this is totally different from being US ally . We do not want to be UK or Australia to be drawn in all US wars and fight their wars and toe their line .

Every known estimate predicts that India will be a top 3 economy (in the deep distant future). Its practically given, after all 'its the population, stupid'. Foreign policymakers in USA aren't oblivious to this fact and in fact actively seek to promote it. Short-term deviations as seen in 2011-14 don't matter esp. now with a new government with Modi at helm. Do you seriously think American foreign policy makers would then try to do a 'use-and-throw' with us like that they did with our esteemed neighbors up west (which is most likely the source of such conjectures).

For your last sentence . Yes - American policy makers have shown consistent trend to ' use and throw' countries as per their won interests . history is replete with several such examples .
India will be top 3 economy . Yes - so what ? that does not take us any near to what US has achieved technologically , socially , economically or otherwise . they are world leaders in almost every sphere of human existence and they intend to keep that way and that's why they want No.2 to remain engaged with No.3 ..so that their "Numero Uno" status remains unchallenged .
India has very long way to go to match China ...matching US remains very very distant dream .
why is that Us has suddenly discovered so many good qualities in India since last decade while it remained overtly hostile to India for previous 4 decades is an open secret .
After fall of Soviet Union - they got overconfident and they got busy and distracted with back to back - self inflicted wars which drained the money twice more than whole of Indian economy . This was the time China surreptiously surged ahead. By the time US realized that , it was too late . Their only recourse is now befriend the country at No. 3, 4, 5 and pit them against No.2 . we are just a pawn in this game of chess between US and China .

Question is whether India wants to play the game or not .
Nobody can ever become true ally of US .

It has only one ally and that is US itself . India does not share American dream to monopolize and dominate world forever . we have always believed in multipolar world which will have mutual checks and balances .
The rise of china is foregone conclusion - while India seeks insulation from Chinese threat , US seeks counterbalance to China . the US policy deems us as a pawn against China to checkmate Rise of China . This literally pits us against china .

While China and india will be increasingly forced to face off with each others as competitors we do not subscribe to antagonistic role that US envisages for us . So we should not fall in US trap .
We have to maintain healthy relations with all concerned countries keeping in view of our national interests . Remember US will show no mercy to turn around the moment its needs are fulfilled and its job is done . It will not think twice to sacrifice our interests at altar of its own. we can therefore never become US ally .

However the rising threat of Chinese misadventure does force us to align with US and other likeminded countries .
however this is totally different from being US ally . We do not want to be UK or Australia to be drawn in all US wars and fight their wars and toe their line .

For your last sentence . Yes - American policy makers have shown consistent trend to ' use and throw' countries as per their won interests . history is replete with several such examples .
India will be top 3 economy . Yes - so what ? that does not take us any near to what US has achieved technologically , socially , economically or otherwise . they are world leaders in almost every sphere of human existence and they intend to keep that way and that's why they want No.2 to remain engaged with No.3 ..so that their "Numero Uno" status remains unchallenged .
India has very long way to go to match China ...matching US remains very very distant dream .
why is that Us has suddenly discovered so many good qualities in India since last decade while it remained overtly hostile to India for previous 4 decades is an open secret .
After fall of Soviet Union - they got overconfident and they got busy and distracted with back to back - self inflicted wars which drained the money twice more than whole of Indian economy . This was the time China surreptiously surged ahead. By the time US realized that , it was too late . Their only recourse is now befriend the country at No. 3, 4, 5 and pit them against No.2 . we are just a pawn in this game of chess between US and China .

Question is whether India wants to play the game or not .
Got to sleep. Tomorrow!
The US wants India to vote against Russia at the UNGA. India abstained at the Crimea vote.
you will become ally of USA . no worries :D

u forgot tat we r baniyas.. :P

Every known estimate predicts that India will be a top 3 economy (in the deep distant future). Its practically given, after all 'its the population, stupid'. Foreign policymakers in USA aren't oblivious to this fact and in fact actively seek to promote it.

bhai predictions abt wat wl indian economy be after 20-30 yrs is plainly stupid.. and americans are americans we shouldn't trust them blindly ..
since when US Congress i.e. Senate and house of representatives became " Parliament " ?

Even if he becomes so called ' lame duck ' , US president remains the most powerful person on earth .

author is expected to know lil bit about American system before day dreaming about decoding American ' wants ' !
every financial bill has to pass through congress... so obama is a lame duck... moreover, obama is foreseen as someone who is not gonna run for election nxt year... in that sense too, term lame duck is used... as he is jst a going out president...
Nobody can ever become true ally of US .

It has only one ally and that is US itself . India does not share American dream to monopolize and dominate world forever . we have always believed in multipolar world which will have mutual checks and balances .
The rise of china is foregone conclusion - while India seeks insulation from Chinese threat , US seeks counterbalance to China . the US policy deems us as a pawn against China to checkmate Rise of China . This literally pits us against china .

While China and india will be increasingly forced to face off with each others as competitors we do not subscribe to antagonistic role that US envisages for us . So we should not fall in US trap .
We have to maintain healthy relations with all concerned countries keeping in view of our national interests . Remember US will show no mercy to turn around the moment its needs are fulfilled and its job is done . It will not think twice to sacrifice our interests at altar of its own. we can therefore never become US ally .

However the rising threat of Chinese misadventure does force us to align with US and other likeminded countries .
however this is totally different from being US ally . We do not want to be UK or Australia to be drawn in all US wars and fight their wars and toe their line .

For your last sentence . Yes - American policy makers have shown consistent trend to ' use and throw' countries as per their won interests . history is replete with several such examples .
India will be top 3 economy . Yes - so what ? that does not take us any near to what US has achieved technologically , socially , economically or otherwise . they are world leaders in almost every sphere of human existence and they intend to keep that way and that's why they want No.2 to remain engaged with No.3 ..so that their "Numero Uno" status remains unchallenged .
India has very long way to go to match China ...matching US remains very very distant dream .
why is that Us has suddenly discovered so many good qualities in India since last decade while it remained overtly hostile to India for previous 4 decades is an open secret .
After fall of Soviet Union - they got overconfident and they got busy and distracted with back to back - self inflicted wars which drained the money twice more than whole of Indian economy . This was the time China surreptiously surged ahead. By the time US realized that , it was too late . Their only recourse is now befriend the country at No. 3, 4, 5 and pit them against No.2 . we are just a pawn in this game of chess between US and China .

Question is whether India wants to play the game or not .

Nice post to read, thoughtful analysis.
every financial bill has to pass through congress... so obama is a lame duck... moreover, obama is foreseen as someone who is not gonna run for election nxt year... in that sense too, term lame duck is used... as he is jst a going out president...

all that is agreed .

and yet he remains one of the most important person in the world . You must understand when it comes to India - there is bipartisan support across the parties in senate as well as congress . US polity understands importance of India in an emerging scenario .
My point is that - despite Obama being lame duck - he still remains important person who can potentially steer Indo-US relations in new direction ...
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