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Declare India a Terrorist State

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More than 70 % of them are not even active anymore . Out of the remaining 30% about 20 % are dying organisations like ULFA.

remaining 10 % maybe a threat but we are handling them.

Do a little more research.:wave:

People like him are not interested in doing research. They are desperate to somehow try to show that India is even 1% as bad as Pakistan when it comes to terror and insurgency, but they end up with an epic fail each time, and the world laughs at them for their efforts to bring India down to Pakistan's level. Indo-Pak hyphenation was ok till 1990, but today it is AFPAK, not Indo-Pak anymore. Pakistani friends, please remember that.


Can't stop laughing. :rofl:
People like him are not interested in doing research. They are desperate to somehow try to show that India is even 1% as bad as Pakistan when it comes to terror and insurgency, but they end up with an epic fail each time, and the world laughs at them for their efforts to bring India down to Pakistan's level. Indo-Pak hyphenation was ok till 1990, but today it is AFPAK, not Indo-Pak anymore. Please remember that.

Exactly, India should concentrate on greater ties with other Economic super powers.

While we leave Pakistanis to talk about India and Indians 24/7.
India needs to care for his own stability, at this moment 180 separatist organizations are running over there, so let me show some of them to you:

IN Assam
1. United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)
2. National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB)
3. United People's Democratic Solidarity (UPDS)
4. Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO)
5. Bodo Liberation Tiger Force (BLTF)
6. Dima Halim Daogah (DHD)
7. Karbi National Volunteers (KNV)
8. Rabha National Security Force (RNSF)
9. Koch-Rajbongshi Liberation Organisation (KRLO)
10. Hmar People's Convention- Democracy (HPC-D)
11. Karbi People's Front (KPF)
12. Tiwa National Revolutionary Force (TNRF)
13. Bircha Commando Force (BCF)
14. Bengali Tiger Force (BTF)
15. Adivasi Security Force (ASF)
16. All Assam Adivasi Suraksha Samiti (AAASS)
17. Gorkha Tiger Force (GTF)
18. 18.Barak Valley Youth Liberation Front (BVYLF)
19. Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam (MULTA)
20. United Liberation Front of Barak Valley
21. Muslim United Liberation Front of Assam (MULFA)
22. Muslim Security Council of Assam (MSCA)
23. United Liberation Militia of Assam (ULMA)
24. Islamic Liberation Army of Assam (ILAA)
25. Muslim Volunteer Force (MVF)
26. Muslim Liberation Army (MLA)
27. Muslim Security Force (MSF)
28. Islamic Sevak Sangh (ISS)
29. Islamic United Reformation Protest of India (IURPI)
30. United Muslim Liberation Front of Assam (UMLFA)
31. Revolutionary Muslim Commandos (RMC)
32. Muslim Tiger Force (MTF)
33. People’s United Liberation Front (PULF)
34. Adam Sena (AS)
35. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen
36. 36.Harkat-ul-Jehad
1. United National Liberation Front (UNLF)
2. People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
3. People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK)
The above mentioned three groups now operate from a unified platform, the Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)
4. Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP)
5. Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)
6. Manipur Liberation Tiger Army (MLTA)
7. Iripak Kanba Lup (IKL)
8. People’s Republican Army (PRA)
9. Kangleipak Kanba Kanglup (KKK)
10. Kangleipak Liberation Organisation (KLO)
11. Revolutionary Joint Committee (RJC)
12. National Socialist Council of Nagaland -- Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM)
13. People’s United Liberation Front (PULF)
14. North East Minority Front (NEMF)
15. Islamic National Front (INF)
16. Islamic Revolutionary Front (IRF)
17. United Islamic Liberation Army (UILA)
18. 18.United Islamic Revolutionary Army (UIRA)
19. Kuki National Front (KNF)
20. Kuki National Army (KNA)
21. Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA)
22. Kuki National Organisation (KNO)
23. Kuki Independent Army (KIA)
24. Kuki Defence Force (KDF)
25. Kuki International Force (KIF)
26. Kuki National Volunteers (KNV)
27. Kuki Liberation Front (KLF)
28. Kuki Security Force (KSF)
29. Kuki Liberation Army (KLA)
30. Kuki Revolutionary Front (KRF)
31. United Kuki Liberation Front (UKLF)
32. Hmar People’s Convention (HPC)
33. Hmar People's Convention- Democracy (HPC-D)
34. Hmar Revolutionary Front (HRF)
35. Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA)
36. Zomi Revolutionary Volunteers (ZRV)
37. Indigenous People's Revolutionary Alliance(IRPA)
38. Kom Rem People's Convention (KRPC)
39. Chin Kuki Revolutionary Front (CKRF)

so let india think about them first then consider other countries .

Buddy dont worry..these evil Indians are always like this....

Also add some insurgency movements from Tamil Nadu..we are also fighting a war with India...:angry:
Declare India a Terrorist State, ehh?
Would you like fries with that?
It looks fromthe internal situation from india , there is a lot of terrorism within india , I dont say to declare any country A TERRORIST STATE .
Buddy dont worry..these evil Indians are always like this....

Also add some insurgency movements from Tamil Nadu..we are also fighting a war with India...:angry:

gounder ..last timei saw a similar list from a pakistani and there was a group from tamil nadu!!!!!:rofl::rofl:...but cant remeber the name now...
we need few groups from kerala too...:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

by the way where is the thread starter mr omar :pop::pop:

update: thanks to google... there u go gounder r u a member of Tamil National Retrieval Troops (TNRT)???? hehe
mirror mirror on the wall which is the dumbest post of them all.....
mirror: too many....starting from the first post - a 2008 article by a dumb author who equates sport to terrorists....

i pity all the people who have thanked the post and also the thread starter for they alone posses such unique intelligence
Dear omar...the day group of Indian hindus Target a Pakistani city shoot civilians and take people hostage..the day RAW trains and send Hindus across loc to Target civilians and soldiers...the day when UK and US born Hindus travel to India to get training to Target western countries..the day a sharma or patel travelling to US get stopped because of his Hindu surname ... the day a Hindu in US start saying he is a Pakistani to get a job or not to get beaten up... that day my friend ur wish will be granted...

I thanked DV RULES post.. You know why.. Because it had Riju's post quoted in it. That way I got to thank Riju's post twice..:yahoo:
Such ignorance! What about Yugoslavia, Vietnam, China, Armenia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Libya, Argentina, Indonesia, Jordan, and Morocco? And that list took me what, forty seconds?

Why read further than the first sentence? What credibility can this author claim to have?

Er.. And Pakistan.. When it attacked the princely state of Kashmir and captured a part of it. And in the process, gifted the rest to India.. ;)

One of the first blunders in the long list of foreign policy fails from Pakistan.
India needs to care for his own stability, at this moment 180 separatist organizations are running over there, so let me show some of them to you:

IN Assam
1. United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)
2. National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB)
3. United People's Democratic Solidarity (UPDS)
4. Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO)
5. Bodo Liberation Tiger Force (BLTF)
6. Dima Halim Daogah (DHD)
7. Karbi National Volunteers (KNV)
8. Rabha National Security Force (RNSF)
9. Koch-Rajbongshi Liberation Organisation (KRLO)
10. Hmar People's Convention- Democracy (HPC-D)
11. Karbi People's Front (KPF)
12. Tiwa National Revolutionary Force (TNRF)
13. Bircha Commando Force (BCF)
14. Bengali Tiger Force (BTF)
15. Adivasi Security Force (ASF)
16. All Assam Adivasi Suraksha Samiti (AAASS)
17. Gorkha Tiger Force (GTF)
18. 18.Barak Valley Youth Liberation Front (BVYLF)
19. Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam (MULTA)
20. United Liberation Front of Barak Valley
21. Muslim United Liberation Front of Assam (MULFA)
22. Muslim Security Council of Assam (MSCA)
23. United Liberation Militia of Assam (ULMA)
24. Islamic Liberation Army of Assam (ILAA)
25. Muslim Volunteer Force (MVF)
26. Muslim Liberation Army (MLA)
27. Muslim Security Force (MSF)
28. Islamic Sevak Sangh (ISS)
29. Islamic United Reformation Protest of India (IURPI)
30. United Muslim Liberation Front of Assam (UMLFA)
31. Revolutionary Muslim Commandos (RMC)
32. Muslim Tiger Force (MTF)
33. People’s United Liberation Front (PULF)
34. Adam Sena (AS)
35. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen
36. 36.Harkat-ul-Jehad
1. United National Liberation Front (UNLF)
2. People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
3. People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK)
The above mentioned three groups now operate from a unified platform, the Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)
4. Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP)
5. Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)
6. Manipur Liberation Tiger Army (MLTA)
7. Iripak Kanba Lup (IKL)
8. People’s Republican Army (PRA)
9. Kangleipak Kanba Kanglup (KKK)
10. Kangleipak Liberation Organisation (KLO)
11. Revolutionary Joint Committee (RJC)
12. National Socialist Council of Nagaland -- Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM)
13. People’s United Liberation Front (PULF)
14. North East Minority Front (NEMF)
15. Islamic National Front (INF)
16. Islamic Revolutionary Front (IRF)
17. United Islamic Liberation Army (UILA)
18. 18.United Islamic Revolutionary Army (UIRA)
19. Kuki National Front (KNF)
20. Kuki National Army (KNA)
21. Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA)
22. Kuki National Organisation (KNO)
23. Kuki Independent Army (KIA)
24. Kuki Defence Force (KDF)
25. Kuki International Force (KIF)
26. Kuki National Volunteers (KNV)
27. Kuki Liberation Front (KLF)
28. Kuki Security Force (KSF)
29. Kuki Liberation Army (KLA)
30. Kuki Revolutionary Front (KRF)
31. United Kuki Liberation Front (UKLF)
32. Hmar People’s Convention (HPC)
33. Hmar People's Convention- Democracy (HPC-D)
34. Hmar Revolutionary Front (HRF)
35. Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA)
36. Zomi Revolutionary Volunteers (ZRV)
37. Indigenous People's Revolutionary Alliance(IRPA)
38. Kom Rem People's Convention (KRPC)
39. Chin Kuki Revolutionary Front (CKRF)

so let india think about them first then consider other countries .

dont u think the above lines suits pakistan a lot more than india???

from the very site u got the ''list'' of indian organisations this is what i found for pakistan

(Updated till October 31, 2010)
Of the various ideological streams that currently inspire and provoke political violence and terrorism in South Asia, the most destabilizing and lethal, and the one with the greatest extra-regional impact, is Islamist terrorism. A multiplicity of sub-sets and a complex, sometimes conflicting scheme of inter-linkages, has been documented in connection with the extended range of Islamist terrorist groups operating in the region.

Various shades of radical political Islam colour, indeed define, the Pakistani identity and nation, even as the country is positioned at the heart of contemporary Islamist terrorism. Extremist Islam is, and has long been, the state’s principal tool of internal political mobilisation and of external projection in an extraordinary and audacious enterprise of strategic overextension. Crucially, the footprint of almost every major act of international Islamist terrorism, for some time before 9/11 and continuously thereafter, invariably passes through Pakistan. After 9/11, the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan, and the stark choice given to the Pakistani leadership, the dynamics of the Islamist terrorist enterprise in South Asia have undergone dramatic adaptive adjustments and modifications. Essentially, however, this dynamic, its underlying ideologies, and its motivational and institutional structures, remain intact.

There is strong and cumulative evidence that the Pakistani power elite, located in the regressive military-mullah-feudal combine, is yet to abandon terrorism as a tactical and strategic tool to secure what it perceives as the country’s quest for ‘strategic depth’ in the region. This remains the case despite the increasing ‘blowback’ of Islamist terrorist violence within the country, and the progressive erosion of the Army’s status and control in expanding areas of the country. While the Pakistani Army has taken selective action against particular groups of Islamist terrorists – particularly those who have turned against the state, who have attacked President Musharraf and senior Army and Government functionaries, who have engaged in sectarian terrorism within the country, or who are targeted specifically on behalf of, and under pressure from, the US – it is the case that Pakistan continues to support and encourage the activities of a wide range of terrorist and Islamist extremist organisations. This is particularly the case with organisations that are active in Afghanistan – including remnants of the Taliban – and in India.

Despite cosmetic policy changes and some tokenism – including formal bans on a number of terrorist organisations – many prominent Islamist terrorist organisations continue to operate with a high measure of freedom in and from Pakistan.

Pakistan Terrorist Groups - An Overview

so if i copy and paste ur own line and change india to pakistan i dont think i would be too far from reality

so let PAKISTAN think about them first then consider other countries!!

jai hind... jai hind ki sena
You know what's funny.. When westerners talk about India, the debate is whether its taking away jobs from USA or creating jobs in the USA.

When they talk about Pakistan, the debate is whether its a propogator of terror or a victim of terror..

No cigar for guessing which one would anybody want to be..

Except the thread starter who by his own admission, would rather be a terrorist than an Indian ;)
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