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December 21 .. You are all gonna DiE

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May 5, 2010
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Mayan apocalypse news and updates:

Yeah whine as much u like ... u all gonna die anyway.

Post all news articles relating to doomsday Dec21 till its over , so that we can have a laugh over it later.

China fears end of the world is near

China is taking the date of December 21 - the day the world is due to end - seriously, with panic buying of candles sweeping through counties. Malcolm Moore reports.


Lu Zhenghai began building the 65ft ship in 2010 and spent his life savings of £100,000 to build the ark for 20 people.

China's most famous book of prophecies, the 7th century Tui Bei Tu, makes no direct mention of the end of the world.
But in Sichuan province, panic buying of candles has swept through two counties in the fear that an ancient Mayan prediction that the world will end on December 21 proves to be true.

"Candles are selling by the hundreds, with buyers constantly coming to the market. Many stores have run out," said Huang Zhaoli, a shopper at the Neijing Wholesale Market, to the West China City Daily newspaper.

Mr Li, the owner of the Guangfa grocery store in Chengdu, added: "Lots of people have been buying candles recently. At first, we had no idea why. But then we heard someone muttering about the continuous darkness".

The source of the panic was traced to a post on Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter, predicting that there will be three days of darkness when the apocalypse arrives.

Since the beginning of December, the word "Mayans" has trended on Weibo as millions of normally phlegmatic Chinese speculate that the end is nigh. "If the Mayans are right, I won’t pay my credit card bill," was one popular post.

In Shanghai, the police have had to issue a public warning about doomsday. "The end of the world is a rumour," the police said, in an internet post. "Do not believe it and do not be swindled".

A spokesman said they had handled 25 apocalypse-related cases in one 24-hour stretch. Most of the scam artists took advantage of credulous pensioners, encouraging them to hand over their savings for one last act of charity.

In Nanjing, a 54-year-old university professor's wife took out a £100,000 mortgage on her £300,000 home, saying she would donate the money to underprivileged children, saying she hoped to "do something meaningful before the world ended".

Last month, a man in the far west province of Xinjiang made news when he spent his life savings of £100,000 to build an ark for 20 people.
Lu Zhenghai began building the 65ft ship in 2010. "When the time comes, everyone can take refuge in it." However, as the deadline approaches, Mr Lu has reportedly run out of cash to finish the boat.

He said if the apocalypse failed to materialise, he would use the boat to take tourists on sightseeing tours.
In Chengdu, a web company has given its workers a tongue-in-cheek two-day break on Dec 19 and 20. "We suggest you take advantage of this 'final' time to spend more time with your closest family. We wish everyone a meaningful doomsday," it said.

China has no history of preoccupation with the apocalypse, and the current wave of paranoia can be traced to the 2009 Hollywood disaster film "2012". While the movie received a tepid welcome elsewhere, it was a smash hit in China, as viewers were seduced by a plot that saw the Chinese military build arks to save humanity.

Lu Jiehua, a professor with the Department of Sociology at Peking University, told the Global Times, meanwhile, that the paranoia reflects a general anxiety running through Chinese society.

"This panic buying [in Sichuan] not only shows people's fear of an upcoming apocalypse, but also reflects their sense of uncertainty toward life and society," he said.

China fears end of the world is nigh - Telegraph
China is taking the date of December 21 - the day the world is due to end - seriously, with panic buying of candles sweeping through counties. Malcolm Moore reports.

What crap is this? :rofl:

Maybe 0.1% of people are taking it seriously, not the whole country.

If the whole country took it seriously then production would stop completely.
Mayan apocalypse: Turkish village becomes latest doomsday hotspot

A Turkish village has become the latest apocalypse hotspot, with believers of the Mayan calendar prediction that the world will end on December 21 flooding into the area.


The Turkish village of Sirince

Some New Age spiritualists are convinced of a December 21 "doomsday" foretold by Mayan hieroglyphs – at least according to some interpretations.

Sirince, a village of around 600 inhabitants near the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, has a positive energy according to the doomsday cultists, who say that it is close to an area where Christians believe the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven.
The Mayan prophecy has sparked a tourism boom in the village, which is now expected to host more than 60,000 visitors according to local media.

"It is the first time we witness such an interest during the winter season," said Ilkan Gulgun, one of the hotel owners in Sirince, quoted by the media.


He said the tourists at his hotel believed that the positive energy of Sirince would save them from an apocalyptical catastrophe.

Erkan Onoglu, a Turkish businessman, produced a special "wine of the Apocalypse" for December 21, a product on sale especially for superstitious survivalists, the daily Radikal newspaper reported.

A resident of Sirince working in the hotel business, Ibrahim Katan, welcomed the enthusiasm of tourists to the village, hoping that local businesses can benefit from the boom.

"The rumours floating around have increased the number of customers. We are only happy about it," he told AFP.

Source: AFP
Good, humanity is beyond saving. Finally the destiny of Ra's Al Ghul will be fulfilled.

What crap is this? :rofl:

Maybe 0.1% of people are taking it seriously, not the whole country.

If the whole country took it seriously then production would stop completely.

Doesn't matter what you believe in, you're going to die anyway. :D

Megaton, baby! Megaton!
US officials attend 'zombie apocalypse' conference

The US government spent thousands of dollars sending officials to a conference at a luxury spa where they watched a simulation of commandos fighting off a "zombie apocalypse".

Officials watched as actors drenched in fake blood lurched through a mock village only to be gunned down by other actors in special forces uniforms.

While the pyrotechnics were Hollywood-style - with huge explosions tearing through the village set - the acting was not.
The "zombies" wore safety goggles and ear plugs and delicately lay themselves down on the ground after being "shot". One made a half-hearted effort to eat a prosthetic hand.

Their opponents seemed rather too portly to be elite special forces and some appeared to be struggling to fit inside their Kevlar vests.

The one-hour demonstration took place during a five-day counter-terrorism conference at the Paradise Point Resort & Spa on an island off of San Diego.

The use of taxpayer money to fund attendees at the conference was flagged in a report by Senator Tom Coburn, a Republican known for his severe approach to fiscal issues.

"Paying for first responders to attend a HALO Counter-terrorism Summit at a California island spa resort featuring a simulated zombie apocalypse does little to discourage potential terrorists," he said in a statement.
Officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) stressed that the government did not sponsor the conference but said it did fund the $1,000 entrance fee for a number of people to go.

They would not reveal the total amount of public money spent on the conference.

Conference attendees listened to speeches from Cindy McCain, the wife of John McCain, as well as head of the Los Angeles Police Department's counter-terrorism unit and Michael Hayden, the former head of the CIA.

A spokeswoman for HALO, the Californian security company that organised the conference, said the "zombie apocalypse" event had been paid for by one of the conference sponsors.

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Russian residents buy up tinned goods and matches ahead of apocalypse

Russian residents have been buying up cereals, tinned meat and boxes of matches in anticipation of the pending apocalypse.


A Mayan priest performs a ritual in Yucatan, Mexico on Nov 19, 2012. The Mayan calendar predicts that Dec 21, 2012 will herald the end of the world

In a widely reported – and derided – prediction, it has been claimed across the globe that the world will end on December 21 when the Mayan “long count” calendar comes to an end.

The head of a chain of hardware stores in Chita, Siberia, told reporters that demand had trebled the prices of candles.
Some shopkeepers have taken a tongue-in-cheek approach, flogging "Meet the End of the World" kits which include a tot of vodka, a bar of soap, and a piece of rope. But others appear to be awaiting a genuine cataclysm.

In Barnaul, close to the Altai Mountains, panic-buyers snapped up all the torches and Thermos flasks, while locals in Omutninsk in Kirov region rushed to buy kerosene and other supplies after an article supposedly written by a Tibetan monk appeared in the local paper confirming the prediction of a December 21 catastrophe.

The industrial city of Novokuznetsk, meanwhile, has seen a run on salt and a disgruntled resident wrote to local authorities demanding they prepare themselves for the electricity cuts and looting which will surely accompany the planet's final moments

The impending sense of doom spurred a group of MPs in Russia's lower house of parliament to write to the heads of federal television channels this week asking them not to disseminate "pseudoscientific information about the end of the world".
In an editorial on Friday, the Moscow broadsheet Vedomosti said the atmosphere of unease reflected something deep in the Russian character. "Your average American will run for salt and matches only under the real threat of a storm or tornado, announced by the authorities for the next day.

"Our Russian psychosis has two curious features. Firstly, that an 80 per cent Christian Orthodox society for some reason reacts to a Mayan calendar which no one has even seen. And secondly, that the end of the world is perceived as an economic crisis that can be survived on the banal level of consumption."

Speaking in a live interview to five television channels on Friday, Prime Minister Dimtry Medvedev seized on a chance reference to the Mayan prediction to express his scepticism. "I don't believe in the end of the world," he said, before adding mysteriously: "At least, not this year."

Russian residents buy up tinned goods and matches ahead of apocalypse - Telegraph
Can I please get to sleep with Lindsay Lohan, Emma Watson & Kristen Stewart on the night of 20/12 ?

You have a high chance of sleeping with them after 22/12, given that you're the only guy alive and all the dildos got destroyed in this catastrophe.
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