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December 1971 to December 2016

The Turk should mind his business and keep way from our issues ( I have seen him middling his nose in Afghan affairs without understanding one bit of complexities of our region.

Turkey/Syria and Pakistan/Afghanistan situations arent exactly that different . They would have an idea whats going on .
Turkey/Syria and Pakistan/Afghanistan situations arent exactly that different . They would have an idea whats going on .

And look how it is playing for them, Turkey wanted to play Pakistan with regards to Syria and all the got was chaos in Turkey. Now they are going around begging Russia to help them defuse the situation.
There is a lesson for Pakistan here....
, Turkey wanted to play Pakistan with regards to Syria
What do you mean to say? Pakistan didnt send boots on grounds in afghanistan. Infact russians and then US along NATO invaded you, but not us.
There is a lesson for Pakistan here....
No! there is a lesson for you guys. Solve you problems internally through dialogue (rather than blaming others) , or foreigners will fill the space, like in Syria.
No! there is a lesson for you guys. Solve you problems internally through dialogue (rather than blaming others) , or foreigners will fill the space, like in Syria.

Internal dialogue if left to Afghans works wonders, the Hizb agreement being a good example. The issue in Afghanistan is not internal but an imposed conflict. We can defeat the Talis either through force or dialogue but when sanctuary is provided then it is hard to resolve issues. If Afghanistan were to provide similar assistance to TTP, your mighty army would not be able to defeat them for an eternity, that is the nature of asymmetric conflict when one of the neihgbour is hell bent on projecting power via proxies.

So before you spend sometime playing with words, please keep in mind that you are not talking to a Tali monkey here.

And in Ashraf Ghani you have found an Afghan leader who will call your bluff.

Internal dialogue if left to Afghans works wonders, the Hizb agreement being a good example. The issue in Afghanistan is not internal but an imposed conflict.
Okay we all know Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah are not on the same page on different issues.
There is an internal problem of holding power b/w feudal warlords and politicians, and then Hizb Islami was a dead organization. Hekmatyar had zero to no influence over certain sections of Taliban.
We can defeat the Talis either through force or dialogue but when sanctuary is provided then it is hard to resolve issues.
You cant defeat them through force. Didnt you see what happened in Kunduz?(you cant blame Pakistan for support bcz kUnduz is too far from Pakistan border) and for dialogues, you need to offer something big like: withdrawl of US and NATO forces which is not gonna happen soon. As far as sanctuary is concerned, they have hold over 30%-35% of afghanistan. you need to defeat them in their holding areas rather than blaming others.
If Afghanistan were to provide similar assistance to TTP, your mighty army would not be able to defeat them for an eternity, that is the nature of asymmetric conflict when one of the neihgbour is hell bent on projecting power via proxies.
Okay as you said we did defeat them, and now they dont hold any camp in here. Then whats the purpose of blaming Pakistan when we got rid of terrorists on our soil. Now you cant chant your bs: Pakistan is providing Taliban with sanctuaries, and bla bla.
So before you spend sometime playing with words, please keep in mind that you are not talking to a Tali monkey here.
No! I know im having a conversation with an individual of a nation whose 3 generations spent and earned their livelihood here, go abroad on Pakistani passport and in return abuse Pakistan. :agree:
And in Ashraf Ghani you have found an Afghan leader who will call your bluff.
LOL. Okay tell me how many countries showed concerned about Pakistan after his speech other than India??? Nobody listens to his poor soul.:rolleyes:
I can not when i think about 71 my blood boils
warmongering and bloodshed is never the answer .whats done in the past is done.we will not get Bangladesh back.but both sides will lose lot of precious sons and daughters.
god forbid if nukes are ever launched billions will die and why just because we were trigger happy.
live and let live bro and only attack when attacked.
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warmongering and bloodshed is never the answer .whats done in the past is done.we will not get Bangladesh back.but both sides will lose lot of precious sons and daughters.
god forbid if nukes are ever launched billions will die and why just because we were trigger happy.
live and let live and only attack when attacked.
I will not accept your version....we have always been silent, quietly watching all the developments but what happened they came destroyed us, spread the death and mayhem, killing those who we loved...if you ask me i will pull the trigger any time every time....Pakistan Zindabad...
The Punjabi GT Road mentality continues to haunt Pakistan today as it did in 1971. Punjabis have ZERO contribution towards the Pakistan movement. In fact, they were in bed with the Congress through the Unionists. They supported the colonial rulers to the very end.

The struggle for a Muslim Land in the sub-continent began in Bengal. After 1947, Punjabis hijacked the Pakistan Movement and became thaikaidaars of Pakistan.

Punjabi mentality is similar to McCarthyism of the Cold War days when every divergent opinion holder was considered a communist by the American Establishment. You talk against the current policies of the Establishment in Pakistan and you are a RAW agent, traitor, murtid, liberal fascist blah blah blah according to the Punjabis.

Such sick mentality will never last forever and will have disastrous consequences for the federation.

Go to KPK, FATA, Urban Sindh, Rural Sindh and Balochistan and you would find that majority of the people have unfavourable opinion of the Punjabis.
I am a Muhajir before being a Pakistani and proudly voted, vote and will vote MQM whatsoever.

Yes it's very complex, but we all know how it ends. You might have forgotten, the Turkic folks historically couldn't just bypass Afganistan like Babur Han. You will see more of the Turkish presence in this neighborhood. To any objections - "Frankly Dear, I don't give a damn"....
Turkish Influence LOLZ.

Some Turkish firms are managing solid waste in Lahore and you call this influence. :rofl::rofl: It's just business.

A recent visit by that idiot Erdogan to favour Ganja Butt League when they are in trouble counts for influence? :lol::lol:
The Punjabi GT Road mentality continues to haunt Pakistan today as it did in 1971. Punjabis have ZERO contribution towards the Pakistan movement. In fact, they were in bed with the Congress through the Unionists. They supported the colonial rulers to the very end.

The struggle for a Muslim Land in the sub-continent began in Bengal. After 1947, Punjabis hijacked the Pakistan Movement and became thaikaidaars of Pakistan.

Punjabi mentality is similar to McCarthyism of the Cold War days when every divergent opinion holder was considered a communist by the American Establishment. You talk against the current policies of the Establishment in Pakistan and you are a RAW agent, traitor, murtid, liberal fascist blah blah blah according to the Punjabis.

Such sick mentality will never last forever and will have disastrous consequences for the federation.

Go to KPK, FATA, Urban Sindh, Rural Sindh and Balochistan and you would find that majority of the people have unfavourable opinion of the Punjabis.
I am a Muhajir before being a Pakistani and proudly voted, vote and will vote MQM whatsoever.
I am not Punjabi.. I don't agree with some of policies but does it mean i stand up against my own country and ended up being Indian Colony.MQM has destroyed karachi.. Well if you are so proud of being MQM and put your Mohajir thing before Pakistan. Why don't you simply go back from where you belong and you think you will be treated better with infinite opportunities..
I am not Punjabi.. I don't agree with some of policies but does it mean i stand up against my own country and ended up being Indian Colony.MQM has destroyed karachi.. Well if you are so proud of being MQM and put your Mohajir thing before Pakistan. Why don't you simply go back from where you belong and you think you will be treated better with infinite opportunities..
Why should we go back as we are the real creators of Pakistan who struggled against Congress and British Raj.

Why not these free-rider Punjabis get rid of their sick self-righteous mentality?
Did you know the agartala plan against Pakistan which was leaked in 1967 in which indian govt decided to divide Pakistan and when Marshal Ayub aware this plan he order to arrest the mujib ur rehman how can you say that indian later join this plan indian govt and raw was the main planer of this civil war in east Pakistan and they start planing just after the defeat in battlefield of 1965 where million indian army was not able to take a single city control in Pakistan and indian air force was destroyed in first seven days then they feel they can not defeat Pakistan in battlefield they decide to go for a proxy war because both wars in battlefields in 1948 and 1965 india lost then they took this idea don't try to be over smart and don't try to damage the original history
please read the wiki of Indo-Pakistani_War_of_1965, you will get know who won the 1965 war:
actually you guys even will not beleive on wikipedia too. JIO apney khawabo mea. duniya to janti hain na. akin tum logo apni bani banayi duniya mea rahtey ho
The Punjabi GT Road mentality continues to haunt Pakistan today as it did in 1971. Punjabis have ZERO contribution towards the Pakistan movement. In fact, they were in bed with the Congress through the Unionists. They supported the colonial rulers to the very end.

The struggle for a Muslim Land in the sub-continent began in Bengal. After 1947, Punjabis hijacked the Pakistan Movement and became thaikaidaars of Pakistan.

Punjabi mentality is similar to McCarthyism of the Cold War days when every divergent opinion holder was considered a communist by the American Establishment. You talk against the current policies of the Establishment in Pakistan and you are a RAW agent, traitor, murtid, liberal fascist blah blah blah according to the Punjabis.

Such sick mentality will never last forever and will have disastrous consequences for the federation.

Go to KPK, FATA, Urban Sindh, Rural Sindh and Balochistan and you would find that majority of the people have unfavourable opinion of the Punjabis.
I am a Muhajir before being a Pakistani and proudly voted, vote and will vote MQM whatsoever.

Turkish Influence LOLZ.

Some Turkish firms are managing solid waste in Lahore and you call this influence. :rofl::rofl: It's just business.

A recent visit by that idiot Erdogan to favour Ganja Butt League when they are in trouble counts for influence? :lol::lol:
If you're not a Pak Dushman - laughter is the best medicine. Otherwise, nothing's goanna help you vis-a-vis the Turkish folks...


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