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December 1971 to December 2016

Yes Bangladesh shouldn't have been part of Pakistan in the first place. Bengali Muslims never thought of joining Pakistan in the pre-Partition era. Infact Pakistan never included Bengal. Our interests would never align. We had ZERO benefits of joining Pakistan- no trade, no geographical continuity with other provinces.

You are right ask the britishers why they didn't allow a third state to be made which caused you to join Pakistan
Sheikh Mujib went to Agartala in 1965. The famous Agartala case was unearthed in 1967 much before this 1971 and everybody knows about it.He was a traitor..It was mentioned by Indians also "the story of India’s secret service published by Vikas Publishing House of New Delhi.
NO Mujib wasn't a traitor. In fact he was a key member of Bengal Muslim League. He was patriotic Pakistani. During military rule East Pakistan suffered lot of exploitation. Still he demanded autonomy at most, no one in East Pakistan thought of complete independence before the March 25 crackdown, not even the hardcore nationalists. Bhutto and Yahya were the traitors. Not Mujib.

Bihari Muslims came to East Bengal during Bihar riots. Together with Bihari Muslims we beat bengali hindus black and blue and achieved separate Muslim homeland in the east. It was supposed to be a separate country as put forward in the Lahore resolution. Yet it was made part of Pakistan. I don't know why? Bihari Muslims were our proud Muslim brothers and sisters, we were so happy with them...but it didn't take West Pakistan even a week to turn them against us, calling us raw agents, traitors and what not. Our fault was we demanded some autonomy. Muslims killing Muslims- it was horrible.

Awami League wasn't allowed to form government even after winning majority....instead West Pakistan army killed unarmed Awami League supporters and leaders without provocation. Mukhti Bahni was formed after that. I am strong supporter of Ummat but I would never support people who exploited us in the name of religion.
NO Mujib wasn't a traitor. In fact he was a key member of Bengal Muslim League. He was patriotic Pakistani. During military rule East Pakistan suffered lot of exploitation. Still he demanded autonomy at most, no one in East Pakistan thought of complete independence before the March 25 crackdown, not even the hardcore nationalists. Bhutto and Yahya were the traitors. Not Mujib.

Bihari Muslims came to East Bengal during Bihar riots. Together with Bihari Muslims we beat bengali hindus black and blue and achieved separate Muslim homeland in the east. It was supposed to be a separate country as put forward in the Lahore resolution. Yet it was made part of Pakistan. I don't know why? Bihari Muslims were our proud Muslim brothers and sisters, we were so happy with them...but it didn't take West Pakistan even a week to turn them against us, calling us raw agents, traitors and what not. Our fault was we demanded some autonomy. Muslims killing Muslims- it was horrible.

Awami League wasn't allowed to form government even after winning majority....instead West Pakistan army killed unarmed Awami League supporters and leaders without provocation. Mukhti Bahni was formed after that. I am strong supporter of Ummat but I would never support people who exploited us in the name of religion.

1) In 2010, and on the anniversary of the withdrawal on 22 February 2011, surviving conspirator and Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Shawkat Ali confessed to the parliament at a point of order that the charges read out to them were accurate, stating that they formed a Shangram Parishad (Action Committee) under Sheikh Mujib for the secession of East Pakistan.[1][4].. He is a member of Awami League and a freedom fighter.This was his reference to 1968 Agartala Meeting between Sheiek Mujjeb and Indian Intelligence officials.This is Bangali source who was friend of Mujeeb.
Traitor has started his activities long before so called "Operation searchlight"..Isn't it a shame at that time what they called a consipracy and now in 2010 they acknowledged it as a heroic act.While being the citizen of Pak he was doing all this.Please tell me what else is the definition of being a traitor. Strange you asked Indians to help you in killing Pak Army and the ones who were defending Pakistan.Hindu Muslim joint effort to killed other muslims..Good logic

2) I don't know why? Why because you could't formed a bengal on your own and used the West Pakistan for that purpose..By the way where is combined Bengal Now ?
Well the geographic isolation and existence of hostile India between East and West Pakistan was more then enough reason. Everyone on both the sides knew that sooner or later both would part ways however how it happened is the sad part. It was neither East nor West but India that had the last laugh.

Pakistan from that day has never looked back and is stronger then ever. Bangladesh is independent and is still being played by Indians, whether they admit it or not. India that today cries as the biggest victim of state sponsored terrorism never admits what it did in East Pakistan was the start of state sponsored terrorism.

Well don't take me wrong what India did at that time was the best in its interests. You must hit your enemy when it would cause max damage and at that time Pakistan was in its weakest state since 1947. However on other hand I think it was Pakistan's opportunity in 1962 but it did not backed China other wise who knows Kashmir would have been free it now and again in 1984 when Khalistan Movement was not supported post Operation Blue Star.
1) In 2010, and on the anniversary of the withdrawal on 22 February 2011, surviving crence to 1968 Agartala Meeting between Sheiek Mujjeb and Indian Intelligence officials.This is Bangali source who was friend of Mujeeb.
Traitor has started his activities long before so called "Operation searchlight"..Isn't it a shame at that time what they called a consipracy and now in 2010 they acknowledged it as a heroic act.While being the citizen of Pak he was doing all this.Please tell me what else is the definition of being a traitor. Strange you asked Indians to help you in killing Pak Army and the ones who were defending Pakistan.Hindu Muslim joint effort to killed other muslims..Good logic

2) I don't know why? Why because you could't formed a bengal on your own and used the West Pakistan for that purpose..By the way where is combined Bengal Now ?
1) He was completely justified retaliating to oppressive military regime which exploited us every day !! We were being sucked dry by West Pakistan in the name of religion. We got opportunity to free ourselves in '71 when West Pakistan army attacked unarmed East Pakistan Muslims. You got to remember that we are not indian hindus who just sit by and watch as other attack them. Anyone who tries to undermine our existence will be decimated.

2)It was only Bengal where Muslim League formed a government. Other provinces had Unionist governments. It was us and Indian Muslims who spearheaded the movement for separate Muslim homeland. So actually West Pakistanis used us!!

We are now Bangladesh, a Muslim majority nation, like it was supposed to be in 47.
1) He was completely justified retaliating to oppressive military regime which exploited us every day !! We were being sucked dry by West Pakistan in the name of religion. We got opportunity to free ourselves in '71 when West Pakistan army attacked unarmed East Pakistan Muslims. You got to remember that we are not indian hindus who just sit by and watch as other attack them. Anyone who tries to undermine our existence will be decimated.

2)It was only Bengal where Muslim League formed a government. Other provinces had Unionist governments. It was us and Indian Muslims who spearheaded the movement for separate Muslim homeland. So actually West Pakistanis used us!!

We are now Bangladesh, a Muslim majority nation, like it was supposed to be in 47.
Bangladesh ,a satellite state of India.
1) He was completely justified retaliating to oppressive military regime which exploited us every day !! We were being sucked dry by West Pakistan in the name of religion. We got opportunity to free ourselves in '71 when West Pakistan army attacked unarmed East Pakistan Muslims. You got to remember that we are not indian hindus who just sit by and watch as other attack them. Anyone who tries to undermine our existence will be decimated.

2)It was only Bengal where Muslim League formed a government. Other provinces had Unionist governments. It was us and Indian Muslims who spearheaded the movement for separate Muslim homeland. So actually West Pakistanis used us!!

We are now Bangladesh, a Muslim majority nation, like it was supposed to be in 47.
A satellite state of India. Haseena will make sure this..By the way a question , why and who killed him later on ?
what is done is done we had a bad breakup.now its up to both of us to decide do we went to remain friends or go our separate ways
what is done is done we had a bad breakup.now its up to both of us to decide do we went to remain friends or go our separate ways
Pakistanis have no hatred towards Bangladehis not sure in return how Bangladeshis view or feel towards Pakistabis. however BD PM Hassina is extremely anti Pakistani and would side with India on all matters and fronts.
TOO Much gibberish and ramblings here. The reason why bangladesh was created was because of the same reason why Pakistan was created. You CANNOT EVER form nations with people of 2 completely different sets of races, culture and heritage. It goes against human nature and all common sense.

How did British ruled the entire subcontinent with such diverse cultures?
They invaded and had modern weapons at the time.

Initially yes, but most of the rulers soon acquired their capability to defend their empires by making deals with British. It was their administrative set up and rule of law and their utmost loyalty to their country that was key to their long rule.
West Pakistan was formed of Indic and Iranic people. Two distinct races. Belonging to two distinct civilizations. Just look at them and see for yourself if they look the same to you. Ask the Pashtun and Baloch if they honestly believed they were ever a part of India. At least the Punjabi and Bengali are both Indic.


His points are valid.. One thing he didnt mention is east and west Pakistan were separated by a hostile country who just happened to be much bigger.

Give me an example of a country who has succeeded in such an environment.
Bangladesh should have been on its own from the start.
Initially yes, but most of the rulers soon acquired their capability to defend their empires by making deals with British. It was their administrative set up and rule of law and their utmost loyalty to their country that was key to their long rule.
The Sikhs fought bitter battles with the British but at the end gave in an were used to fight agaisnt the Afghan armies.
His points are valid.. One thing he didnt mention is east and west Pakistan were separated by a hostile country who just happened to be much bigger.

Give me an example of a country who has succeeded in such an environment.
Bangladesh should have been on its own from the start.

What else would a Pakistani say now that it's done?

What more can a Pakistani say?

Let's bury this. Better still, let the remnants of the defeated PA from that time bury this. Or should we wait for all of them to be buried first before we can try for peace?
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