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Debunking the 'Islamic State'; Discussion and Analysis

Isis are pure salafi Islam of bin tammyiah and The four imams

No they are not and please do not troll. This is a serious information based thread meant to discredit that organization and push Muslims away from it. It would be nice if you read through the posts. Ibn Tammyiah is just a scholar by the way and no one is obliged to take all his positions/opinions seriously. Most Muslims follow 'Madhabs' or schools of thought and not later scholars.
No they are not and please do not troll. This is a serious information based thread meant to discredit that organization and push Muslims away from it. It would be nice if you read through the posts. Ibn Tammyiah is just a scholar by the way and no one is obliged to take all his positions/opinions seriously. Most Muslims follow 'Madhabs' or schools of thought and not later scholars.
You know every one try to benefit from Isis and Sunnis try to distinguish themselves from them

The atheists/agnostics/non Muslims/irreligious will say Isis are the perfect example of Islam

The Shias will say Isis are the perfect example of sunnism

Ashari/matredi/Sufi sunnis will say Isis is the perfect example of Wahhabism and salafism

The other salafi loyal to governments groups and some salafi preachers will blame sayyid qutb and abu al alaa al maododi but they claim that abdulwahab,ibn tayyimia and ibn al qayym are innocent from Isis and al Qaeda

Other salafi jihadi groups will say Isis are ghulat and khawarij

Isis on the other hand call and jihadi salafi groups murtadeen and munafiqeen

You know the salafi supporters of Arab regimes and the salafi supporters of jihadi accuse each other’s of manipulating and twisting the salafi teachings for their onw benefits and all of them claim they the right followers of ibn tammyia,ibn al qayym,ibn abdulwahab and the four imams
You know every one try to benefit from Isis and Sunnis try to distinguish themselves from them

The atheists/agnostics/non Muslims/irreligious will say Isis are the perfect example of Islam

The Shias will say Isis are the perfect example of sunnism

Ashari/matredi/Sufi sunnis will say Isis is the perfect example of Wahhabism and salafism

The other salafi loyal to governments groups and some salafi preachers will blame sayyid qutb and abu al alaa al maododi but they claim that abdulwahab,ibn tayyimia and ibn al qayym are innocent from Isis and al Qaeda

Other salafi jihadi groups will say Isis are ghulat and khawarij

Isis on the other hand call and jihadi salafi groups murtadeen and munafiqeen

You know the salafi supporters of Arab regimes and the salafi supporters of jihadi accuse each other’s of manipulating and twisting the salafi teachings for their onw benefits and all of them claim they the right followers of ibn tammyia,ibn al qayym,ibn abdulwahab and the four imams

I don't really get what you're saying brother. Anyhow, let's leave these kind of debates for other threads.
Also remember to trace back to 2006 when disputes between Abu Musab al Zarqawi(ISI/Shura Council leader) and Ayman al Zawahiri (Al-Qaeda leader) arose as Zarqawi targeted civilians with the intent of causing a civil war to exploit which Zawahiri disagreed with, this resulted in actual conflict in Iraq between the Islamic army of Iraq (JUBA sniper was part of that group) against the Islamic state of Iraq/Shura Council.
VIDEO. "Islam is something that we must be able to criticize": threatened, Zineb El Rhazoui persists and sign
Invited Thursday on the set of the show "C to you" on France 5, the former journalist of "Charlie Hebdo" responded firmly to those who criticize or threaten.

"She deserves a bullet between her eyes, you have to slit her, you have to rape her." On the set of "C to you", on France 5, Thursday, December 20, Zineb El Rhazoui listed the threats she received after her remarks on CNews, Friday, December 14. "Islam must submit to criticism, submit to humor, submit to the laws of the Republic," she had launched. Words that have generated, according to her, "a surge" of hatred.

Rather than retreat, the former journalist Charlie Hebdo has pushed the point: "Religions are ideas that can be criticized.This commonplace is to say 'No, no, be careful, we must respect Islam' but why should I respect it? I respect Muslims, individuals who are worthy of respect. "

She has been living under protection for four years
For Zineb El Rhazoui , these threats are not new. She lives under protection since the attack against the drafting of Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015. On the set of "C to you", she sent a message to those "who hide behind pseudonyms, behind their screen in the absolute cowardice " .

"I am extremely sad to see that four years later, we are still here, " she said , "Finally, we are millions to think that the Islamic religion, like all religions and ideas, must be subject to criticism, laws and humor why not. " Friday, December 21, his lawyer Thibault de Montbrial told Le Figaro that his client was complaining about "death threats" .

Do Isis see Sayyid Qutub as a role model?

You have many who blame Sayyid Qutub or Hasan El Banna for Isis.
First of all use word ISIS and not Islamic state because ISIS is not first Islamic state. Second, your effort will not result into anything because you will not be able to discuss the rout cause of this ideology. You will only end up discussing only some manifatation this ideology.

My best wishes for your sincere effort. Let's hope that some fruitful will emerge from this discussion.
Do Isis see Sayyid Qutub as a role model?

You have many who blame Sayyid Qutub or Hasan El Banna for Isis.

No, but political rivals of MB will declare so.

First of all use word ISIS and not Islamic state because ISIS is not first Islamic state. Second, your effort will not result into anything because you will not be able to discuss the rout cause of this ideology. You will only end up discussing only some manifatation this ideology.

My best wishes for your sincere effort. Let's hope that some fruitful will emerge from this discussion.

Thank you, I think it was appropriate to use 'Islamic State' as they declare themselves to be embodiment of that and Muslims with little knowledge on Islam, Islamic Law, won't know any better if they don't equip themselves with some of the basics. So the thread will make a difference for those who can equip themselves with Islamic rulings/state system and so on.

I disagree, this won't end extremism and this is only one platform(forum), but spreading necessary knowledge will always make a difference. I think you may underestimate how many people are ignorant or come up with their own personal angles to Islam, often times making up lots of things, and that's not just extremism, but ordinary people who deviate from original teachings and replace them with their own fantasies.

As for Islam itself, I am Muslim and believe it firmly and believe in God firmly. So I didn't mean to make this a religious discussion or debate about God. But, rather a knowledge thread required for Muslims. These extremism issues can be tackled without making changes the doctrine.
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No, but political rivals of MB will declare so.

Thank you, I think it was appropriate to use 'Islamic State' as they declare themselves to be embodiment of that and Muslims with little knowledge on Islam, Islamic Law, won't know any better if they don't equip themselves with some of the basics. So the thread will make a difference for those who can equip themselves with Islamic rulings/state system and so on.

I disagree, this won't end extremism and this is only one platform(forum), but spreading necessary knowledge will always make a difference. I think you may underestimate how many people are ignorant or come up with their own personal angles to Islam, often times making up lots of things, and that's not just extremism, but ordinary people who deviate from original teachings and replace them with their own fantasies.

As for Islam itself, I am Muslim and believe it firmly and believe in God firmly. So I didn't mean to make this a religious discussion or debate about God. But, rather a knowledge thread required for Muslims. These extremism issues can be tackled without making changes the doctrine.

I wish you best of luck in your endavoend.

Battle of Khaybar
Battle of Khaybar was one of the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Ghazawat which was conducted against Jews. Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb commanded the army of Islam and finally conquered the Jewish stronghold. The battle was kicked off in Muharram month of 7th AH year and ended in Safar month of the same year, with victory of Muslims.

The formation of this war was due to the fact that Khaybar Jews offered shelter to the expelled Jews from Medina and provoked some Arab tribes to fight against Muslims. The Muslims won the war and, according to the peace plan, it was stated that the Jewish fighters have to leave Khaybar with their women and children. But upon request of the Jews again, the Prophet allowed them to stay in Khaybar and also were allowed to farming and harvest half of the crop.

Backgrounds of the war
In the fourth year, after the Prophet Muhammad PBUH expelled the Bani Nazir for treason from Medina, some of them, including Hayy ibn Akhtab, Salam bin Abi al-Haqiq, and Kannane bin Rabi ibn Abi Al-Haqiq, went to Khaybar. In The following year they went to Mecca and and tried to conspire with Kuffar of Quraysh to begin a war with the Prophet (PBUH). Thus, Khaybar became the center of danger and conspiracy against the Islamic Ummah. In Sha'ban month, in the sixth AH year, the Prophet also found out that the Bani Sa'd Bin Bakr tribe, from the Arab neighbors of Khaybar, gathered to help the Jews of Khaybar, so sent his representative Ali (AS) to them with a group of soldiers. With the attack of the Prophet (PBUH), the enemy fled and plenty of valuable war trophies fell on the hands of the Muslims. Also in Ramadan month of the same year, in a Ghazwah led by Abdullah bin Atik, Salam bin Abi al-Haqiq was killed for provoking parties against the Prophet and Muslims. At the same time, Abdullah ibn Sahaha, on a mission to Khaybar, was ordered by the Prophet to investigate the situation of the Jews in Khaybar.

Subsequently, the Jews of Khaybar chose Usayr ibn Zarem to be the ruler of the emirate, and then he tried to provoke the Arab tribes as the marchers to fight the Prophet and, with the help of them, intended to attack Medina. Hence, in the Shawal month of 6th AH year, the Prophet sent Abd Allah ibn Rawahah with a group of soldiers to Khaybar which yielded in killing Usayr ibn Zarem and a group of Jews who were accompanying him.

In addition, after the expulsion of the Bani Qarizah jews from the Medina and the restoration of peace and the conclusion of a treaty between the other Jews of Medina and the Prophet, Khaybaran Jews, who lived among them, sought to take revenge from the Prophet, and spent their property for provocation of Arab tribes against Muslims. The neighboring Arabs, including the powerful tribal elite. This was enough for the Prophet to attack Khaybar right after Hodaybiyyah peace treaty.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) chose his cousin Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (AS) to lead the army of Islam. The number of Muslim soldiers are mentioned to be 1400/1500/1524 in different sources. On the other hand, the number of Jewish soldiers in Khaybar are mentioned to be between 10000 to 20000 in different sources.

They, Khaybarean Jews, did not expect that the Prophet would go to war with them and relied on their lofty fortresses located on the summit of the mountains, as well as possession of weapons and large population and plenty of permanent water resources, that could have resisted for several years. Some Medina Jews were frightening Muslims saying that Muslims were unable to confront Khaybarean Jews and their strong fortresses. They even sent someone to Khaybar to Ibn Abi Haqiq to tell him that Muslims have a handful of soldiers and a few weapons. Quraysh Kuffar also hoped that in the event of a war, the Khaybareans would win the war and even bet on it.

The entrance of the Islamic Corps to Khaybar
Allah hid the time when the Prophet's army was moving on the inhabitants of Khaybar, until the prophet arrived at Khaybar at night, passing through the Shaq and Natat fortresses. He first prayed and asked Muslims to pray. The Prophet continued to move and on his way prayed and made the place a mosque, after which the mosque became Khaybar mosque (by name). Since the morning, the Khaybar Jews were surprised at the entrance of the Prophet to this area and fled to their castles. The Prophet forbade his supporters from killing women and children. And he fought that day by night with Natat fortress soldiers. Then Prophet transferred his army camp from the place that was wet and also under enemy range, and told them to go to a place called Raji'. He also asked them to cut off some Khyber palms (possibly military necessities).

Beginning of the battle
On the first day of the battle, fifty Muslims were wounded. The Prophet arranged camps for seven days, and each day, accompanied by groups of Muslims, each group with a flag band, they fought with the Jews. On the night of the sixth day, a Jewish man from Natat, called Samak, came to the the Prophet, and asked for shelter. He guided the Muslims to that castle. He announced that there was a turmoil in which the stock of food and all kinds of weapons of the Jews was in, and that its inhabitants were leaving the castle out of fear. The next day, the Muslims conquered the Natat, and that Jew later became Muslim.

Conquest of Naem Castle
It was said that Khaybar's first castle, which the Prophet conquered, was naem. This castle consisted of several castles, and the Prophet arranged his army to fight them. The Jews shot the Muslims with arrows but Muslim soldiers shielded their prophet against the raining arrows. On that day, the Prophet gave his white flag (flag of war) to two of the settlers and then a man from Ansar, but they returned one after the other without having any advances. The Prophet said: "Tomorrow i will give my flag to someone whom God and His messenger love, and God will grant the victory to Muslims through his hands, and he will not be indolent." The next morning, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) chose his cousin Ali (AS), who suffered from pain in his eyes, that later was Healed with prophet's pray and then the flag was given up to him.

Harith the brother of Marhab was killed
As Harith, the brother of the Marhab (head of the castle), came to war with a group, Muslim soldiers dispersed, but Ali (AS) resisted against hundreds of enemy soldiers and finally killed Harith, and then soldiers of Harith fled to the fort and closed the gates. After killing of Harith, Marhab his brother came out of the castle while bragging of war.

Killing of Marhab
Plenty of Ahli Sunnah sources have announced that Imam Ali (AS) after being permitted by prophet himself, went to fight Marhab. Marhab was killed and the castle was conquered afterwards.

Conquest of Qamus castle
According to another narration, the largest, most intense and strongest castle in Khaybar was قموص (Qamus), and the Prophet gave the flag to Imam Ali and he conquered the castle with the death of Marhab.

According to Abu Rafe', a man struck Ali (AS) alongside the castle. The shield fell from imam's hands and he inevitably placed the shield with the door near the castle and fought with it continuously, until the Lord opened the castle to him and sent the massage of victory to prophet Muhammad (PBUH). According to a narration, the Jewish man who struck Imam near the door of castle was the same Marhab. It has been said that after that, forty or seventy people were able to take the door away (pointing at the weight of door which was the main gate of the castle). Fateful conquest of Khaybar by Ali (as) is considered to be one of the virtues of imam, which the narrators are all in agreement upon that. After the murder of these Jewish brave men and a number of others who were all in the castle, the complete conquest of Khaybar was made easy.
Casualties of Muslims : 18 martyrs
Casualties of Jews : 93 dead

Looks like Arab tribes and Kuffar of Quraysh were not that good with prophet of Islam. Israel looks like the new stronghold, place of conspiring with ISIS/Nusra/Qaeda/TTP against Islamic resistance in the region.
Zineb El Rhazoui is an extremist she got friends with the "mouvements identitaires". see her twitter account you see lot of racist and islamophobia comments.
she is just using scarf matter to express anti Islam as a dangerous religion.

The atheists/agnostics/non Muslims/irreligious will say Isis are the perfect example of Islam
most of them don't make confusion
few fascist people do because their aim is to say everything from foreign country is bad
The Shias will say Isis are the perfect example of sunnism
I never seen any anti sunni in shia communauty
this is just bullshit
Ashari/matredi/Sufi sunnis will say Isis is the perfect example of Wahhabism and salafism
i am sufi and yes their roots are AQ and AQ you know where they come from
it is nothing to do with being sufi . it is just thinking a bit.
You know the salafi supporters of Arab regimes and the salafi supporters of jihadi accuse each other’s of manipulating and twisting the salafi teachings for their onw benefits and all of them claim they the right followers of ibn tammyia,ibn al qayym,ibn abdulwahab and the four imams
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