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Debunking Indian Claims of “Surgical Strike” in Pakistan.

Read my post again........

Nair, you're missing the point.
  • Pakistan has rejected indian claims
  • Pakistan has presented alternate explanation with videos (night footage) and Indian bases smoking (day footage)
  • Indians have zero evidence
  • Indian claims are changing as well as India is back-tracking.
  • It is impossible to cross LoC 14 times and still not be seen, heard or fired at.
  • It is impassible to blow up 7 camps with grenades, shoot hundreds of bullets and still stay uncompromsed.
  • Indian claims are illogical, why to send soldiers into Pakistan for 500m only when your guns can reach 6000m
  • India should have millions of videos going as 7 stations in Pakistan would be smoking and visible with naked eye.
  • No footage from indian media or civilians
  • No footage from Pakistani media or civilians
And you want us to eat your stupid stories? Seriously... because India is in desperate need to earn some respect in the eyes of its civilians?
No proofs of any ‘surgical strikes’ on LoC: UN Monitoring Group (UNMOGIP)
  • October 1, 2016

India’s already suspect ‘surgical strikes’ claims have been rendered completely bogus after Secretary General UN, Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric has also repudiated them.

Read More: India backtracks on the most important ‘Surgical Strike’ claim

In the daily press briefing, Dujarric said “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

Read More: Pak Army takes journalists to frontlines to expose Indian lies

“The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

– Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric
When asked to explain how UNMOGIP can say it did not observe any firing even as India said it has conducted the surgical strikes, Dujarric repeated that UNMOGIP has not “directly observed” any of the firing.

Read More: Why is India “hiding its losses” on Loc? Asks DG ISPR Asim Bajwa

“They are obviously aware of the reports of these presumed violations and are talking to the relevant concerned authorities,” he said.

The explicit refusal to confirm the Indian propagandist reports was met with great anguish and anger in India.

“Facts on the ground do not change whether somebody has observed it or not.”

–India’s permanent representative at the UN, Syed Akbaruddin
Read More: Pakistan denies Indian claim of surgical strike across LoC last night

Rejecting the embarrassing refusal from UN, Akbaruddin stuck to Indian government’s official line. “I have nothing to say because what (Dujarric) said was ‘directly observed’. It’s a call that they have to take. I cannot place myself in their boots and directly observe something.”

“Facts on the ground do not change whether somebody has observed it or not,” he added, oblivious to the fact that it is the Indian government who is not letting the UN observers do their work on the Indian side of the LoC and has been repeatedly reprimanded by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for doing so. UNMOGIP continues to function on Pakistan’s side of LoC.

Read More: 14 Indian soldiers killed in response by Pakistan Army

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday expressed regrets over the fact that UNMOGIP (United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan) has not been able to fully function due to India’s non-cooperation, adding that the UN’s military mission is only able to operate on the Pakistani controlled side of the LoC as India refuses to accept its functioning on the other side and opposes its expansion.

Pakistan had already dismissed the claim that Indian forces conducted a surgical strike on Pakistani side of Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Kashmir violating the 2003 ceasefire treaty.

As many as two Pakistani soldiers were martyred as India resorted on unprovoked firing along the Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday.

I think we have had enough discussion on the matter. 'Surgical strike' turned out to be a work of fiction. Its obvious to anyone with about two working brain cells. Lets just move on to the real topic of discussion:

Why did our silly enemy in the east feel the need to stage this drama? Assuming for a single hilarious second that there WAS a raid, isnt the whole purpose of a surgical strike to keep the hype and noise to a minimum? Get results; talk no shit etc. Are we sure the Indians didn't get these two mixed up though?? Because they seem to believe no result plus talk shit constitute a surgical strike. I dont know if i can make a thread. Can someone make a new thread please or should i learn to make one? Help mods.
No airlift. It was across ... there were ghatak level operations also launched simultaneously to distract/flush out forests.

You must understand that offensive operations in the area are undertaken at night and thick forest, where even militants are in something called 'harbour' when they wait to cross LC ...

hence it was only a ground offensive ... no air asset crossed LC

There was overhead CAP and air support, that is right and correct.

De-escalation - the PA has done very correct denying the surgical strike. By doing so, it allows PA room to gauge the reaction and assess options. So deniability of this actually taking place remains. If PA decides to retaliate immediately, they risk being portrayed as supporters. If they do not, they loose credibility. We are expecting retaliation, there is no doubt it will come. But again .. it is time and place of own choosing.

Please understand that India did not take the action without tacit understanding ... you can see from the muted reactions of the Governments of other nations so far.

Why would not you use artillery Fire because targets were in range of your guns. This operation has to make some sense. First Why would any Person with little logic keep Operational terrorist centers just within 2 km of border? India could have just taken pictures of those camps using their drone cameras and show it to the world.

Your forces destroyed 8 locations using rocket launchers. All your army jawans sitting inside own territory had to do was to take out their cellphone and take pictures of smoke coming out from 8 locations. Your Jawans engaged with almost 50 terrorists and Pak Army at same time and did not even get a scratch in return? then how come 4 of terrorists killed 18 of yours in quick time. does that any of you make sense to you? Come on Guys , its Golden Oppurtunity for Indian Army to release footage or pictures to Make Pak Army liars in front of their own people. Would india let go of that chance?
Massive natural calamity hitting India.

Get ready $$$$

"All thanks to Modi"

Muster Gang Bang active.

Anytime now!
Yaar you are taking Indian ususal tr@sh seriously.

They live in some sort of parallel universe, flying from one galaxy to other with their inter-galactic aeroplanes, which they invented some 7000 years ago...

So, anything possible from Modi fanboys...

Regular cross-border incursion in border areas do take place along international borders everywhere around the world.

But they are NOT called "SirGKal" strikes.
Well Well .....this is act of inhuman kind of Politics if we are claiming we did so be it .......Take it on your Media express it in UNO ..Blame us All around the World ........We are saying it means we broke every LAW ...and you reserves your right of Sir G kal ........strikes .........as usual ........very very sorry and sad for you guys ........

Do Not use these words against GEARRAT Indians ..I am Offended ...These words are Ban here ......crossing LoC is a crime .........??? so we did it ....just like agar ...M m Mmuhabaat karna jurn hai tu ki hai .......... HuM nain as iten song iski movie bhi dikhai ho gi ....or koi na koi gavaah bhi ho gaa muatbaar warnnaaa ......Airspace bhi cross ki ...abb yee total kitnain crime huay ...E N J O Y .........:victory::bounce::victory::guns:
The surgical strike drama had made India loose the little credibility they had, International media never bought any of their words.
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