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Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

Oh dear Oh dear - confusion on a higher level... :help: :p:

Lets try to analyse from what we know (or assume we know :-)):
  1. One plane is down in Azad Kashmir - Almost sure its a MIG21 bison
  2. One plane is down in Indian occupied Kashmir - We actually don´t know what kind of fighter it was
  3. One Indian pilot in Pakistani custody
Pakistan claims:
  • Shot down 2 fighters - one fell in Azad Kashmir and one in Indian occupied Kashmir
  • We have two pilots one in hospital and one arrested - later on they changed it to only one pilot (a lot of claims of there was one more pilot ie 3 pilot in total. One person in one of the social media movies was talking about another pilot in the air)
  • No use of F-16
Indian claims:
  • Shot down Pakistani F-16 - and claiming that the F-16 fell on Pakistani soil
  • We did not loose any aircraft - later they changed it to we lost one aircraft and one pilot is missing
  • Missile parts from AIM 120C-5 shown as proof for that F-16 was used

Now this brings some valid questions:
  1. Where are the pilot(s) from the wreckage in the Indian occupied Kashmir?
  2. Why don't the Indians tell the world what plane the wreckage they found was from?
  3. Why did Pakistan change their statement from 2 pilots to one?

So my assumption is that both sides are hiding knowledge....
  • Could it be that F-16 was shot down and the two pilots in the air was Pakistani pilots? - but then where are the wreckage? -This could explain the statement went from two pilots to one. But then again if this was the fact then you should know that the pilot in the hospital was a Pakistani pilot and hence you would not have mentioned it in the press conference. We have seen so many videos of Abhinandan - but none of the other assumed pilot(s)...
  • Could it be that it was a SU-30 that was downed and fell in Indian occupied Kashmir - and that's the reason they won't tell what kind of aircraft it was they recovered the wreckage of? But where are the pilots?
  • Could there have been 3 aircrafts down? One mig-21 bison, One SU-30 and One F-16?
  • Could it be that JF-17 can carry AIM 120-5? - this could explain the missile part in Indian hands and still hold the argument that no F-16 was used. And Pakistan will not disclose that they have managed to incorporate AIMC-5 into JF-17 :woot:
Plz shed some light on the above.

Plz keep this as a mature discussion. This is only an attempt to get more close to the truth.

I cannot. There is too much loghorrea from India on the missile and its origins to effectively find a reasonable conclusion online.

All I can state is that we had and have every right to use the F-16 and its associated weapons as we wished but it was not used in the offensive operation accross the LoC.
However, if a missile is fired at IAF aircraft on our side of the LoC by a patrolling PAF F-16, and the missile chases it across the border and blows it up- it is logical that wreckage from that missile would fall into Indian controlled territory.

What is illogical is Indians claiming the piece of a Aim-120 as proof an entire jet was shot down.
But.. Indians.

If no AMRAAM was used, then we need to ask where they obtained that particular piece from. Because answering that can reveal the face of either ab enemy, or a nation manipulated by India.
Why is the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile of any importance? It is common knowledge that AIM-120s can also be fired from JF-17s. It is also probable that F-16s were providing escort protection to the JF-17 strike group. ISPR would be correct in stating that F-16s weren't used, since JF-17s were the only aircraft that entered indian occupied Kashmir to strike at non-military targets. So Pakistan has not lied about anything here. If anyone ever remembered, America sold Pakistan the F-16 (albeit ... Block-52s) are to be used for defensive purposes, not offensive missions. Parts of the AIM-120 missile found would have been from the one which shot down indian MiGs. It is irrelevant whether they're from Taiwan, Jordan or Timbaktoo. I disregard any indian rants about the missile.

Unless india shows the ejection seat, PAF Pilot (alive or Shaheed), or the wreckage of the F-16, nothing india can say, is believable. Pakistan provided full coverage of the downed indian MiG-21, also captured their pilot and kept him alive. So indians can keep barking like a bunch of rabid dogs for all I care. Provide F-16 wreckage footage, ejection seat or PAF Pilot. Otherwise your claims amount to ZERO.

I mean come on, a nation that lives and breaths bollywood, that starts dancing like monkeys whenever music plays, aren't to be taken seriously unless we are in an actual "shooting war." Word of advice for my fellow countrymen, "Careful ... that you don't step into the bullshit!"
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A lot of countries were sold missiles made under 0070 contract, the one sold to Taiwan was a sub-contract. There were other sub-contracts -

View attachment 543011

Now what you want to say... :lol:

Show me /p00028 written on that pic

Also kindly post pic of that mijjile with indian soldiers
Oh dear Oh dear - confusion on a higher level... :help: :p:

Lets try to analyse from what we know (or assume we know :-)):
  1. One plane is down in Azad Kashmir - Almost sure its a MIG21 bison
  2. One plane is down in Indian occupied Kashmir - We actually don´t know what kind of fighter it was
  3. One Indian pilot in Pakistani custody
Pakistan claims:
  • Shot down 2 fighters - one fell in Azad Kashmir and one in Indian occupied Kashmir
  • We have two pilots one in hospital and one arrested - later on they changed it to only one pilot (a lot of claims of there was one more pilot ie 3 pilot in total. One person in one of the social media movies was talking about another pilot in the air)
  • No use of F-16
Indian claims:
  • Shot down Pakistani F-16 - and claiming that the F-16 fell on Pakistani soil
  • We did not loose any aircraft - later they changed it to we lost one aircraft and one pilot is missing
  • Missile parts from AIM 120C-5 shown as proof for that F-16 was used

Now this brings some valid questions:
  1. Where are the pilot(s) from the wreckage in the Indian occupied Kashmir?
  2. Why don't the Indians tell the world what plane the wreckage they found was from?
  3. Why did Pakistan change their statement from 2 pilots to one?

So my assumption is that both sides are hiding knowledge....
  • Could it be that F-16 was shot down and the two pilots in the air was Pakistani pilots? - but then where are the wreckage? -This could explain the statement went from two pilots to one. But then again if this was the fact then you should know that the pilot in the hospital was a Pakistani pilot and hence you would not have mentioned it in the press conference. We have seen so many videos of Abhinandan - but none of the other assumed pilot(s)...
  • Could it be that it was a SU-30 that was downed and fell in Indian occupied Kashmir - and that's the reason they won't tell what kind of aircraft it was they recovered the wreckage of? But where are the pilots?
  • Could there have been 3 aircrafts down? One mig-21 bison, One SU-30 and One F-16?
  • Could it be that JF-17 can carry AIM 120-5? - this could explain the missile part in Indian hands and still hold the argument that no F-16 was used. And Pakistan will not disclose that they have managed to incorporate AIMC-5 into JF-17 :woot:
Plz shed some light on the above.

Plz keep this as a mature discussion. This is only an attempt to get more close to the truth.


Two PAF pilots have claimed kills, one is known to the public due to the video and recording and the other is not information available for public release so mums the word on my end.

But with that info I am assuming two missile hits and a confirmed kill of the Mig-21.

If there is a Su-30 or additional Mig-21 down and two chutes seen by people on the ground, I am assuming that the other pilot probably made it accross to the LoC since he is not listed as killed by the IAF.

As for PaF F-16, I have listed the “official” statement available and until it changes I have no reason to believe any PAF aircraft is down.

If no AMRAAM was used, then we need to ask where they obtained that particular piece from. Because answering that can reveal the face of either ab enemy, or a nation manipulated by India.
I did not say a AMRAAM was not used.
I said it was not part of the offensive package.
Kindly post a. Pic of that mijjile with indian soldier

Why not showing full pic... Evwn better. Share a video so no doubt remains
انڈیا کا بس نہیں چل رہا کہ امریکہ سے ایک ایف۔16 امپورٹ کر کے اس کا ملبہ دیکھا دے۔ جھوٹ کے پاؤں نہیں ہوتے۔
Kindly post a. Pic of that mijjile with indian soldier

Why not showing full pic... Evwn better. Share a video so no doubt remains

The photo shown by indians as part F-16 wreckage is actually a screenshot of the MiG-21s wreckage. Reason why they cut out the photo, is because it shown Pakistan Army personnel on the right side of the photo, approaching the wreckage to take a closer look at it. Watch the original video of the wreckage and start from 1:14. Then you'd realize how the indians have been lying and making an @$$ outta themselves.

Show me /p00028 written on that pic

On the missile? Sub-contract numbers are not written on the missile body. Only of the main production order (FA8675-05-C-0070) is written. On this missile or on any other AMRAAM.

Also kindly post pic of that mijjile with indian soldiers

Here I kindly post pic of the mijjile -


Now you will probably claim that we brought the missile from Taiwan on special order with 1-day delivery option on checkout, broke it into pieces, warped it in a controlled explosion, and then passing it off as PAF missile. :lol:

I have seen that. Your countrymen are desperately trying to prove f16 lie of IAF but contract missile for paf is different as Indian themselves are showing in desperation.

So try again. You need more desperate attempts to prove your lie.
On the missile? Sub-contract numbers are not written on the missile body. Only of the main production order (FA8675-05-C-0070) is written. On this missile or on any other AMRAAM.

Here I kindly post pic of the mijjile -

View attachment 543028

Now you will probably claim that we brought the missile from Taiwan on special order with 1-day delivery option on checkout, broke it into pieces, warped it in a controlled explosion, and then passing it off as PAF missile. :lol:

We claim the AIM-120 to be Pakistani, of course it is ... since it was the one which was used to shoot down the second indian MiG-21 that landed in indian Occupied Kashmir. So keep living in your fantasy world.
Why is the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile of any importance? It is common knowledge that AIM-120s can also be fired from JF-17s.

I don't know where it is common knowledge to think that one would integrate an American radar-guided missile with a Chinese fire control radar, without violating every single FMS rule they were purchased under.

Not to mention its impossible unless Raytheon shares the source codes for integration.

EDIT: There's a reason why the Germans could never integrate Western missiles on the MiG-29s they absorbed from East Germany.

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