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Debate on More Provinces.

The Marxist insurgents want a racially pure Lasbella!!!!!!!!!!! So that's the plausible explanation. How simple. Vow
Why should we let MQM 'control' anything? - Shouldn't that be decided by the people's vote that who 'controls' what and for 'how long'?
Why do you think mqm is the only one demanding for the division? Because they know by hook or by crook they will take seats like they have done in the past and form a powerful government. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

Obviously the rural areas of Sindh, Balochistan and KP put the Swiss countryside to shame and have absolutely no administrative problems to be solved, therefore they don't need to be turned into more provinces...am i missing something?
I suggest you dont get all possessive about the matter in kpk a demand for hazara province has arose, Similarly if such a demand rises in rural Balochistan and Sindh then we will have to deal with it but since those people havent demanded we dont have to worry about them.

I suggest you dont get all possessive about the matter in kpk a demand for hazara province has arose, Similarly if such a demand rises in rural Balochistan and Sindh then we will have to deal with it but since those people havent demanded we dont have to worry about them.
Why do you think mqm is the only one that wants a division? Because they know by hook or by crook they can take seats like they have done in the past and form a powerful government.
half my life
Look at Australia, US and Canada. Population have incraesed, but new states or provinces aren't being made. Despite California being a very dense state, nothing has occured about north and south cali state.

What we desperately need is local elections. We can have 10 punjabs, but that also means 10 personal jets, helicopters, secretaries, bunch of saleries for new IGs, ministers and whatnot.

Pakistan can live without being province, but it needs local election. Having more provinces means more corruption, as there are more power holders. Some excuse is, whoever wins punjab wins central gov't. Well, if you have 10 punjabs, it's only going to satisfy our ego. There will still be punjabi gov't.

Currently we have baloch, pti, punjabi and sindh gov't. Let them have competition and see who makes better province.

Local election is the way to go. For a poor country Pakistan, we don't need 50 provinces, 50 helicopters, 50 bullet proof cars, 50 IGs, 50 govérnor houses, 50 whatnot.
Look at Australia, US and Canada. Population have incraesed, but new states or provinces aren't being made. Despite California being a very dense state, nothing has occured about north and south cali state.

What we desperately need is local elections. We can have 10 punjabs, but that also means 10 personal jets, helicopters, secretaries, bunch of saleries for new IGs, ministers and whatnot.

Pakistan can live without being province, but it needs local election. Having more provinces means more corruption, as there are more power holders. Some excuse is, whoever wins punjab wins central gov't. Well, if you have 10 punjabs, it's only going to satisfy our ego. There will still be punjabi gov't.

Currently we have baloch, pti, punjabi and sindh gov't. Let them have competition and see who makes better province.

Local election is the way to go. For a poor country Pakistan, we don't need 50 provinces, 50 helicopters, 50 bullet proof cars, 50 IGs, 50 govérnor houses, 50 whatnot.
Local body elections were held in musharraf's tenure, I dont know what good they brought. Only the corruption increased in form of tehsil nazims and District nazims as the district council votes were bought by money and then that money was recovered through developmental funds. Having more provinces doesnot just mean you will have more people to pay every province will generate its own revenue which will be bound to be spent on it unlike now where the whole revenue goes to one man heading a provincial government and massive corruption occurs.
Local body elections were held in musharraf's tenure, I dont know what good they brought. Only the corruption increased in form of tehsil nazims and District nazims as the district council votes were bought by money and then that money was recovered through developmental funds. Having more provinces doesnot just mean you will have more people to pay every province will generate its own revenue which will be bound to be spent on it unlike now where the whole revenue goes to one man heading a provincial government and massive corruption occurs.
More provinces will also increase corruption.

I was there when local elections happened. The money was used for proper projects. Sadly, there was favouritsm over projects (nazim improving his street before ours) but nonetheless, improvements.

A nazim doesn't get funds to get helicopter etc. Whereas more CMs will.
Look at Australia, US and Canada. Population have incraesed, but new states or provinces aren't being made. Despite California being a very dense state, nothing has occured about north and south cali state.

What we desperately need is local elections. We can have 10 punjabs, but that also means 10 personal jets, helicopters, secretaries, bunch of saleries for new IGs, ministers and whatnot.

Pakistan can live without being province, but it needs local election. Having more provinces means more corruption, as there are more power holders. Some excuse is, whoever wins punjab wins central gov't. Well, if you have 10 punjabs, it's only going to satisfy our ego. There will still be punjabi gov't.

Currently we have baloch, pti, punjabi and sindh gov't. Let them have competition and see who makes better province.

Local election is the way to go. For a poor country Pakistan, we don't need 50 provinces, 50 helicopters, 50 bullet proof cars, 50 IGs, 50 govérnor houses, 50 whatnot.
yes that is what i argued against… I'm against more provinces
More provinces will also increase corruption.

I was there when local elections happened. The money was used for proper projects. Sadly, there was favouritsm over projects (nazim improving his street before ours) but nonetheless, improvements.

A nazim doesn't get funds to get helicopter etc. Whereas more CMs will.
Local bodies system has been tested and proved to be a corrupt system with no accountability at all do you ever hear about the district nazims of that time period who made a lot of money? They got away with it. So why not go for provinces which is a tested and successful method in other countries. The ministers will atleast be accountable to the assemblies.
yes that is what i argued against… I'm against more provinces
U want local elections?

I do wish for more provinces, but we need local elections more. Why can't MQM push for local elections instead of province? Because they want power and who knows, altaf as CM. Local elections are the solution for now. Province in the future. Pakistan is famous for ethnic provinces and creating one for muhajir will have hazara and others asking for one too.

Pakhtun province, baloch, punjabi, sindhi, kashmiri.

Meanwhile Canada has no provinces for ethnicity
Next you are going to lecture us that the partition in 1947 was also JUST an administrative affair.

Keep suppressing and downplaying ethnic differences and keep getting Punjabis killed in Balochistan. Nice plan.

And yes to racial discrimination by the Punjabi Establishment.

The recent people killed in Balochistan were "Saraiki" rather than "Punjabi". Despite being a pro-terrorism racist, you fail hard at racism lol. I somehow doubt if you're even a Pakistani. You sound like a more like a false flagger or a Bihari living in Canada than a Pakistani.

And btw Lasbela is a Sindhi majority district. I'm sure you would want Sindhis to get killed too.

PS: People from Punjab keep on getting killed because they don't retaliate or take revenge from the "mehmaans" living in their homeland. Don't push us too hard though.
U want local elections?

I do wish for more provinces, but we need local elections more. Why can't MQM push for local elections instead of province? Because they want power and who knows, altaf as CM. Local elections are the solution for now. Province in the future. Pakistan is famous for ethnic provinces and creating one for muhajir will have hazara and others asking for one too.

Pakhtun province, baloch, punjabi, sindhi, kashmiri.

Meanwhile Canada has no provinces for ethnicity
yes i should have known that you want bad for pakistan….
imo it should be a hybrid system. for instance punjab stays in one piece, but administrative divisions should be multiplied or existing ones given much more delegated authority for duties of governance, not political power. this way people will feel their local govt machinery at level of tehsil or lower is more responsive without the chance of ethnic bigots and mqm types to fulfill their dream of destroying Pakistan.
The recent people killed in Balochistan were "Saraiki" rather than "Punjabi". Despite being a pro-terrorism racist, you fail hard at racism lol. I somehow doubt if you're even a Pakistani. You sound like a more like a false flagger or a Bihari living in Canada than a Pakistani.

And btw Lasbela is a Sindhi majority district. I'm sure you would want Sindhis to get killed too.

PS: People from Punjab keep on getting killed because they don't retaliate or take revenge from the "mehmaans" living in their homeland. Don't push us too hard though.
Typical punjabi uber-nationalist and fascist attitude. Those who do not conform to your ideas is a FALSE FLAGGER or INDIAN etc.
Typical punjabi uber-nationalist and fascist attitude. Those who do not conform to your ideas is a FALSE FLAGGER or INDIAN etc.

What's wrong with being a Punjabi nationalist? When Altaf Bhai can be a nationalist, why can't a Punjabi? And if not a false flagger, are you a Canadian national?
The Marxist insurgents want a racially pure Lasbella!!!!!!!!!!! So that's the plausible explanation. How simple. Vow

This is what they tell themselves in their internal propaganda. They justify the murder of 'foreigners' because they are a bunch of control freak dirtbags.
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