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Dear Indians, can we get rid of the superiority complex?


Jun 28, 2010
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Dear Indians, can we get rid of the superiority complex? - Rediff.com India News

Maybe, we Indians as a people could do with a bit of two other qualities we love to tout as Indian — humility, and introspection.

Nina Davuluri winning Miss America got a lot of already twisted knickers into even more of a tourniquet.

The racist rants against her on Twitter made headlines, and many of us Indians — the only demographic in the country that apparently matters, the Indian with enough bandwidth to be on real-time social media — were appalled that Dr Martin Luther King Jr's dream was still a distant mirage.

Damn these Yankees, we declared. They're a racist lot.

We of course are a country where Fair and Lovely is like Colgate, and where 'wheatish complexion' is a prominent qualifier in matrimonial advertisements.

On Facebook the other day, a viral meme did the rounds that showed the same Davuluri photograph as published on an American Web site and an Indian newspaper. The Telugu-American desi seemed to have been Photoshopped to be fairer in the Indian publication.

Then, of course, an American woman winning Miss India would probably have caused a few political parties to call for outlawing of beauty pageants, and god forbid if any of her ancestors had been near Pakistan.

Actually, forget that, imagine if Miss Maharashtra came from Uttar Pradesh.

In his New York Times op-ed advising the United States against another military adventure in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote something that best applies to us Indians: There is a danger if the people of any country believe they are exceptional.

Perhaps few countrymen think they are god's gift to mankind more than us Indians. Yes, along with other great civilisations we have given the world a lot in the course of history. But right now our contribution to the richness of human civilisation is closer to zero.

India as a country — ironically, there's a lot of individual accomplishment, including in the Indian Diaspora — is propounding no new great thought, art or concept anymore.

We are just the unruly mob at the international airport: Arrogant, unruly and reeking of a superiority complex that we didn’t pick up at the duty free shops.

By United States government estimates, white people will become a minority in America by 2043. Imagine if the majority were in visible danger of becoming minority in India.

Scientists believe that within a couple of centuries, most of the world will look Brazilian — because that is where the maximum human intermingling has happened.

Meanwhile, we Indians even shudder at the thought of certain communities proliferating within our own country.

Even in the 21st century, an Indian-American parent can 'deny permission' to a daughter to marry a black guy.

Ironically, the thought that the world is one family comes from our glorious culture, rendered rather inglorious by us with our rampant ignorance, intolerance and inflamed, uninformed opinion.

It is perhaps time we as a country stop living in the past. Because the future is staring us in the face.

We Indians live in a country where one of our topmost legal eagles accuses a 15-year-old girl of being inflicted with an 'illness that draws her to men'.

And we believe we need a dictator to cure us of our own illnesses. We have conveniently forgotten, again, that history reaches us there are no good dictators.

We love to wear our pride on our screens, and pointing at any Indian Army wrong is immediately seen as unpatriotic. We forget that we have in our immediate neighbourhood a glaring example of what happens when the military is given more importance than common people.

We complain of the West’s racial profiling when in the toniest part of 'India’s most cosmopolitan city', a leading pizza chain had to shut shop because the residents of the colony would store human excreta in buckets and pour it on the delivery boys when they started out. Reason: The store sold non-vegetarian food, the residents are strict vegetarians.

We rejoice at death for rapist-murderers, but turn a blind eye when the victim is an 'alleged militant' like Manorama Devi of Manipur, whose kin have not got justice for about a decade now.

We have let a woman of Italian origin rule us through a clever divide of administrative power centres, but far too many of us have not accepted her Indianness. We have every right to reject her politics and her corrupt government, but shouldn't her living most of her life here make her Indian enough?

As Mithun Chakraborty declared hilariously in Golmaal 3, those who live in glass houses should change clothes in the basement. Maybe we Indians need to internalise that.

And don't take umbrage at Bollywood being synonymous with India — it's we who have made it our culture. It's we who listen to and watch nothing but Bollywood (check sales figures if you disagree). It’s we who flock to the movies — item number and all — with our children.

So, maybe, we Indians as a people could do with a bit of two other qualities we love to tout as Indian — humility, and introspection.
Ulta chor kutwal ko dante .... this article is far far faar away from reality ...
I mentioned here before, and I am going to say it again, Miss Nina Davuluri would not even get a second look in india because of her 'dark skin.'

She also said that she is first and foremost, an American, and she was also born there. U.S.A also allowed her to succeed and fulfill her dreams of being an accomplished individual.

Don't know why indians are nw claiming her success. Also for every American that slighted her, there were another 4 defending her. I don't think Indians would be as generous, knowing their opinions on the internet.

Indians and pakistanis are quite bigoted when it comes to other ethnicity.
Sheer waste of time, divergent views are ok but if article has anything worth concrete to discuss or just fairy tale of imagination
I mentioned here before, and I am going to say it again, Miss Nina Davuluri would not even get a second look in india because of her 'dark skin.'

She also said that she is first and foremost, an American, and she was also born there. U.S.A also allowed her to succeed and fulfill her dreams of being an accomplished individual.

Don't know why indians are nw claiming her success. Also for every American that slighted her, there were another 4 defending her. I don't think Indians would be as generous, knowing their opinions on the internet.

Indians and pakistanis are quite bigoted when it comes to other ethnicity.

Why is Pakistani dragged into this thread ?
I dont know what you are talking about. Have you seen Indian models? Many dark Miss India's have happened in the past, if you dont believe me google is your friend.

Ok maybe what you said have truth in it but these dark skin model for sure have used Skin Whitening Cream or else they would not have got the Job.
Why is Pakistani dragged into this thread

Why not? whenever Pakistanis choose to insult Indians or bangladeshis they use the word 'darkies.' Or cow **** drinking 'darkie indians'

North Indians call south indians 'darkies' and South Indians insult their own brethren who have dark skin.

South Asia as a whole is bigoted.

Pakistanis using skin color as an insult is so ubiquitous. same thing with Indians.
Ok maybe what you said have truth in it but these dark skin model for sure have used Skin Whitening Cream or else they would not have got the Job.

"For sure"? How can you be so sure?

BTW, what's with painting your beard Red? Is it allowed in Koran?
Why is Pakistani dragged into this thread

Why not? whenever Pakistanis choose to insult Indians or bangladeshis they use the word 'darkies.' Or cow **** drinking 'darkie indians'

North Indians call south indians 'darkies' and South Indians insult their own brethren who have dark skin.

South Asia as a whole is bigoted.

Pakistanis using skin color as an insult is so ubiquitous. same thing with Indians.

Where in this thread did a Pakistani call Indians "darkie" ?????

No such thing! You are just trolling :tdown:

Name me one miss world with proof who got the job/title using skin whitening with proof?

Read carefully....I was replying to the message about Indian Model and not Miss world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where in this thread did a Pakistani call Indians "darkie"

I din't mention pakistanis in this thread did I ? If I did, what I meant to say was in the internet, all you need to do is go to youtube or any other discussion between Indians and pakistanis and it goes like this

Indians: *******, terrorists, pakistani identitiy crisis, low intelligence etc.

Pakistanis: Idol worshippers, muslims ruled for 1000 years, Cow worshipping darkies

it is the standard formula in the internet
Where in this thread did a Pakistani call Indians "darkie"

I din't mention pakistanis in this thread did I ? If I did, what I meant to say was in the internet, all you need to do is go to youtube or any other discussion between Indians and pakistanis and it goes like this

Indians: *******, terrorists, pakistani identitiy crisis, low intelligence etc.

Pakistanis: Idol worshippers, muslims ruled for 1000 years, Cow worshipping darkies

it is the standard formula in the internet

See highlight below :

I mentioned here before, and I am going to say it again, Miss Nina Davuluri would not even get a second look in india because of her 'dark skin.'

She also said that she is first and foremost, an American, and she was also born there. U.S.A also allowed her to succeed and fulfill her dreams of being an accomplished individual.

Don't know why indians are nw claiming her success. Also for every American that slighted her, there were another 4 defending her. I don't think Indians would be as generous, knowing their opinions on the internet.

Indians and pakistanis are quite bigoted when it comes to other ethnicity.
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