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Dear chinese and the other friends.

các bạn việt nam, kệ cha chúng nó, đừng có bị kích động, tại sao khi đi chiến đấu, lại dễ bị kích động như thế này, đừng mắc mưu chúng nó chứ

Giữ cái đầu lạnh và trái tim nóng
Vậy làm sao? bỏ qua thằng chó điên đi, đừng quote lại bài nó nữa. Không ai hưởng ứng, nó nói cho nó nghe. Thằng mất dạy. Kiểu này chắc không ăn thua rồi, càng ngày gay gắt càng lên cao. Tính đường nào đi chứ?
ignore the crazy dog. Crazy dog bite dirty

I feel sorry to you , you are so unlucky to both as a vietnamese. week and poor. you are hateing china but you still need china. especally china is a teacher of your economic reform.
yên tâm đi dore, càng ngày nó càng yếu thế, nó đang cố gắng trọc tức mình và lảng sang chuyện khác, mình mặc kệ nó thôi
I believe Vietnam does have a few "land-to-sea" missiles which they bought from Russia and others though. ;)
No. because chinese satellite will spot it, and crusis missile will destory it before they sent their navy, the those so called fight to death soilder at south china sea will boom by chinese DF missile, they will only fight with missile, they won't see a single chinese until death. At last chinese will just WALK on the island and claim it back.
Language China


1257年(丁巳年)8月,歸化(Quy Hóa)寨主何屈(Hà Khuất)传报稱蒙古派使者前來。9月,陈太宗下战令,命令左右将帅水陆并进日夜兼程前往边界集结,并由陈国峻统领。11月,戰令传达到全国,军民备战。

12月12日(阴历),蒙军将领兀良哈台从云南率领三军侵占大越国的平厉原(Bình Lệ Nguyên)地区。陳太宗親行督戰。而陳軍起初較為弱勢,太宗回視亲信,只有黎秦(Lê Tần)勇敢前行,单骑出入敌阵,神情自若。当时有人谏言陈太宗驻驿视战,黎秦建议先退避为好。陈太宗退避瀘江,但後來仍不敵強大的蒙古軍,退守天幕江(在今越南興安省),國都昇龍失陷。在這危急關頭,太宗乘船向太尉陳日皎商討對策,陳日皎卻態度沮喪,在船邊用手指點水,然後在船舷寫「入宋」二字,表示不如投靠宋人。陳煚再問太師陳守度,陳守度的答案則是「臣首未至地,陛下無煩他慮」,表示仍願意抵抗,使陳煚重拾戰意。農曆12月24日,陳煚及太子陳晃乘坐樓船,在東步頭擊敗蒙古軍隊。蒙古軍撤退到歸化寨時,又遭寨主何俸(Hà Bổng)召集蠻人襲擊,最終撤出大越。

蒙古軍撤退途中,并未劫掠民物,被當地人稱為“佛賊”。 敵軍退去后,陳太宗嘉獎了何俸等有功之臣;賜黎秦名“辅陈”,授他為御史大夫,還將昭聖公主(前陳太宗皇后)嫁給他。




1282年陰曆八月,元朝右丞相唆都領兵五十萬,以征占城為藉口,預備侵越,十月,陳仁宗來到平灘,在陳舍灣會見王侯百官,共同討論對蒙元的攻守戰略,以及分兵把守的策略等,封仁惠王陳慶餘(Trần Khánh Dư)为副都将军,太尉陈光启(Trần Quang Khải)为上相太师。當時,陳仁宗認為懷文侯陳國瓚(Trần Quốc Toản)年少,不許預議。陳國瓚憤然捏碎了手中的橘子,但陳國瓚後來積極以赴,帶領家奴和親屬約千人修繕武器和戰船,并題“破强敌报皇恩”六字于旗上。在之后的与蒙古军对战中,陳國瓚身先士卒,表現英勇。


甲申年陰曆八月(1284年),興道王調集各路王侯的軍隊,在東歩頭閱兵,并決定分兵把守東步頭等戰略要地。十一月,陳圣宗派遣陳甫(越:Trần Phủ)到元朝荊湖行省,請求對方緩兵。

[编辑] 脫歡、唆都的進兵

二十六日,蒙古軍隊侵犯到永州(Vĩnh Châu)內旁(Nội Bàng)、鐵略(Thiết Lược)、支棱(Chi Lăng)等關卡,越南陳軍退至萬劫津(Vạn Kiếp)。陳興道奉命調遣海東、雲茶、巴點等地軍民,選擇勇者為前鋒,過海來到南部。興武王陳巘、明憲王陳蔚、興讓王陳國顙、興智王陳峴率旁河、那岑、茶鄉、安生、龍眼等地的20萬軍隊來到萬劫,由陳興道調遣,以對抗蒙元。陳興道屯兵于北江(Bắc Giang)地區。


此時,部份越方貴族產生消極情緒。二月一日,靖國大王陳國康的兒子上位彰憲侯陳鍵(Trần Kiện),帶僚屬黎崱等投降蒙元,唆都將他們送往元朝國都燕京,但行至麻六寨時,蒙元軍遭到諒江(在今越南北江省)土豪阮世祿、阮領等的襲擊,陳鍵被陳興道家奴阮地爐射殺。其後,黎崱帶著陳鍵的尸體連夜騎馬奔馳,將其葬在數十里外的丘溫(Khâu Ôn)。

上皇陳晃為爭取御敵的時間,便將安姿公主(圣宗最小的妹妹)送予元皇子脫歡。但戰事仍持續不斷。保義王陳平仲[14]與蒙古軍對戰于拖模洲(?,越:Đà Mạc)(今慢櫥洲[?,越:Mạn Trù])。陳平仲被擒后,敵人問他:“想去北方做王嗎?”(《大越史記全書》原文:為北王乎。),陳平仲答:“寧為南鬼、不為北王。”,后來被殺。

此時蒙古軍的攻勢咄咄逼人,陳聖宗和陳仁宗駕小舟退避到三峙源(Tam Trĩ Nguyên)。

陰曆三月一日,陳聖宗和陳仁宗徒步來到水注(Thuỷ Chú),并乘船從南趙江(即水棠縣),過大旁(Đại Bàng)海到達清化。上位文昭侯陳弄(Trần Lộng)向脫歡投降,既而,昭國王陳益稷、以及范巨地、黎演、鄭隆等人也向蒙元投降。唆都率军50万至占城,在乌里州(Ô Lý)(现在的广治省)与其他蒙元军会师,并占据了驩州(Hoan)、爱州(Ái)(清化—乂安),进驻于西结(约在现在的興安省文江县東平[?,越:Đông Bình]社东结村)。[15][16][17][18]
[编辑] 越南軍的反攻

陰曆四月,陳仁宗命令昭成王、懷文侯陳國瓚、阮蒯(Nguyễn Khoái)帶兵攻打西結,越南軍由陳日燏指揮,在鹹子關(现在的興安省文江县鹹子社)與蒙元軍相遇。陳日燏的部隊裡有宋朝的遺民,[19]穿著宋朝服飾,帶著弓矢等武器來作戰。上皇擔心各路部隊也許不懂分辨(元軍與宋人部隊),命人教諭大家:「這是陳日燏部隊的韃人,大家要認清楚!」(大概是當時宋人與韃人[蒙古人]的語音衣著,在越南人看來比較相似。)蒙元軍看見,都驚呼有宋人來助戰,便隨即潰敗。

陰曆三月五日,陳聖宗和陳仁宗在長安府(Trường Yên)擊敗蒙元軍隊。

陰曆五月七日,唆都由清化進軍。十日,陳光啟、陳國瓚、陳聰、阮可臘、阮傳率各路民兵在昇龍、章陽(Chương Dương)等處擊潰蒙軍,蒙軍退至瀘江。十七日,唆都與烏馬兒率軍自海路再次侵犯天幕江,游兵至扶寧縣(Phù Ninh),該縣輔導子何特(Hà Đặc)與其弟何彰(Hà Chương)又將之擊敗。










二十四日,命令禁军守卫泠涇(Lãnh Kinh)关,兴德侯瓘将兵逆战,用毒箭射击蒙古军,蒙古军死伤甚重,退到武高(Vũ Cao)关。二十八日,判首上位仁德侯璇在多某湾与蒙古军对战,蒙古军再次失败,越南军俘获敌军40人及舟船武器等。

阴历十二月十六日,陈仁宗诏命明字阮识统帅圣翊勇义军支援陈国峻,守卫大滩(Đại Than)口。二十六日,越南军击败蒙古军。三十日,元太子阿台与乌马儿会兵三十万侵犯万劫,既而顺流东下。蒙元水军侵犯雲屯(Vân Đồn),陳興道委任仁惠王陳慶餘出戰,慶餘失利。上皇陳晃得知後,派遣中使鎖起慶餘回京。慶餘對中使說:“以軍憲論、甘受罪譴、願假二三日、以圖後效、歸伏斧櫍未晚。”。陳慶餘料到敵軍部隊過后,往往跟隨運船,于是帶領殘余部隊待敵軍到來。蒙元軍張文虎所率的運船果然隨后而來,慶餘率軍攻擊,獲勝,并俘獲大量俘虜、軍糧和武器。上皇圣宗得知後,釋陳慶餘前罪。陳王讓俘虜回蒙軍營地報信并告知運船被截獲的消息,之後,蒙軍撤退。[29][30][31][32]
[编辑] 白藤之役

1288年正月,蒙古軍烏馬兒率軍進犯龍興府(Long Hưng)。八日,越南軍與其會戰于大旁海(Đại Bàng)外,越軍繳獲蒙古軍哨船300艘,首級10顆,蒙古軍士兵多數被淹死。

陰曆二月十九日,烏馬兒進犯安興寨(Yên Hưng)。三月八日,蒙元軍會師白藤江,等待張文虎的運糧船。然而,陳國峻已率軍擊敗張文虎。先前,陳國峻讓部下在白藤江植下木樁,并在上面覆蓋叢草。當天漲潮時,越軍主動出擊并假裝失敗而撤退,蒙古軍追擊,水落時,蒙古軍的戰船不能行進,阮蒯率領圣翊勇义军擊敗蒙古軍,俘獲敵將平章奧魯赤。陳聖宗和陳仁宗也率軍而來,大敗蒙古軍,蒙古士兵多溺死。張文虎率蒙元軍到來的時候,被兩岸的越南軍伏兵擊敗,而且潮退急速,張文虎的運糧船碰到越軍事先埋的木樁而破沉,士兵也多數溺水而亡,越軍繳獲哨船四百余艘。內明字杜衡(Đỗ Hành)俘獲敵將烏馬兒、昔戾基玉(Tích Lê Cơ Ngọc)。脫歡和阿台领众遁归,思明土官黄詣擒之以献,陳聖宗和陳仁宗回龙兴府。十七日,俘蒙元將領昔戾基玉、元帥烏馬兒、參政岑段、樊楫田,各元帥、萬戶、千戶獻捷于昭陵(Chiêu Lăng)。[33][34][35][36]






The first sack of Thăng Long (Hanoi)

In 1257, a Mongol column under Uriyankhadai, the son of Subotai, invaded Đại Việt, routing the Vietnamese militants and sacking the capital at Thăng Long (renamed Hà Nội in 1831). He executed its inhabitants for the murder of the envoys. Uriyankhadai's troops suffered from disease, heat and guerrilla warfare. Uriyankhadai withdrew when the Trần Emperor accepted Mongol overlordship.[3] The king Trần Thái Tông paid tribute to Uriyankhadi who had quickly evacuated Đại Việt. Peace lasted until the Mongol invasion in 1280's.

When Kublai became the Great Khan, the relationship between the two nations was in good shape. According to the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the Trần court sent tribute every three years and received a darughachi. By 1266, however, a standoff developed, as the King Thánh Tông sought to a loose tributary relationship. While Kublai demanded full submission, Thánh Tông sent official letter strongly requiring Kublai to take his darughachi back. Because of the civil war of the Mongol Empire and the conquest of China, armed conflict was delayed. Instead Kublai reminded him of the peace treaty signed by the Mongols and Đại Việt.

By 1278–79, the Mongol troops stationed along Đại Việt's borders. The Trầns' new ruler Nhân Tông resisted renewed Mongol demands for personal attendance at Kublai's court but dispatched his uncle Tran Di Ai as envoy. Kublai tried to enthrone Di Ai as prince in 1281 but Di Ai and his small army were ambushed by Đại Việt forces.

In 1284 Kublai appointed his son Toghan (tiếng Việt: Thoát Hoan) to conquer Champa. Toghan demanded from the Tran a route to Champa, which would trap the Champan army from both north and south. While Nhân Tông preferred the surrender, General Hưng Đạo rallied 15,000 troops and refused to help the Mongols by providing a route and supplies. However, Toghan defeated Hung Dao's army and reoccupied Thăng Long in June, 1285. Drawing from experience with previous Chinese invasions, the Đại Việt royal family abandoned the capital, and retreated south, while enacting a scorched earth campaign by burning villages and crops.[6] At the same time, Sogetu moved his army up north in an attempt to envelop Đại Việt in a pincer movement.[6] The Cham were in hot pursuit of Sogetu, however, and managed to kill Sogetu and defeat his army while it was moving north.[7] As the Yuan forces advanced down the Red River, dispersing their power, General Quang Khải counterattacked them at Chương Dương, forcing Toghan to withdraw. Toghan returned without a huge loss of the army under him thanks to Kypchak officer Sidor and his navy. Seeing the Mongol force weakened under the Vietnamese heat and sickness, Trần Hưng Đạo took this opportunity to strike, selecting battlefields where the Mongol cavalry could not be fully employed.[7] The Mongol forces under Sogetu and Li Heng (tiếng Việt: Lí Hằng) suffered a major defeat on the muddy grounds of the Red River. The Yuan army retreated north, but few made it back to China due to constant harassment by Đại Việt troops and fighters from the Hmong and Yao peoples.[7]

The next year Kublai installed Nhân Tông's younger brother Trần Ích Tắc, a defector to the Yuan, as prince of Đại Việt. But hardship in the Yuan's Hunan supply base aborted his plan.

The third Mongol invasion was also defeated by the Đại Việt forces under the leadership of General, later Prince Trần Hưng Đạo. In 1287 Toghan invaded with 70,000 regular troops, 21,000 tribal auxiliaries from Yunnan and Hainan, a 1,000-man vanguard under Abachi, and 500 ships under the Muslim Omar (tiếng Việt: Ô Mã Nhi) and Chinese Fanji (according to some sources, the Mongol force was composed of 300,000–500,000 men). Kublai sent the veterans such as Arikhgiya, Nasir al-Din and his grandson Esen-Temur. The strategy of this invasion was different: a huge base was to be established just inland from Hải Phòng, and a large-scale naval assault mounted as well as a land attack. Trần Hưng Đạo withdrew from inhabited areas, leaving the Mongols with nothing to conquer. 500 vessels were prepared to bring provisions to Toghan's army. Borrowing a tactic used by general, later Emperor Ngô Quyền in 938 to defeat an invading Chinese fleet, the Đại Việt forces drove iron-tipped stakes into the bed of the Bạch Đằng River, and then, with a small flotilla, lured the Mongol fleet into the river just as the tide was starting to ebb. Trapped or impaled by the iron-tipped stakes (some of which have been recently recovered and now being displayed in a Hanoi museum), the entire Mongol fleet of 400 craft was sunk, captured, or burned by fire arrows. This would later become known as the Battle of Bạch Đằng. Caught between the Champa and Đại Việt, Sogetu lost his life. The Mongol army retreated to China, harassed en-route by Trần Hưng Đạo's troops. The Yuan officers such as Abachi and Fanji died in bloody retreat and Omar was captured.
yên tâm đi dore, càng ngày nó càng yếu thế, nó đang cố gắng trọc tức mình và lảng sang chuyện khác, mình mặc kệ nó thôi

Hey! don't use you Fu.king retard vietnamese text here! I tell you , your text is just retard design without soul and history. don't dirty my eye with it!
I feel sorry to you , you are so unlucky to both as a vietnamese. week and poor. you are hateing china but you still need china. especally china is a teacher of your economic reform.

No, I dont hate chinese, I just hate bad people. Maybe you didn't read my previous post. I have some good chinese friends. Even We have promised each other, Although Vietnam and China have something happen, we're still good friends, do not hate each other

This is my previous post:

Dear friend
We love peace, hate war. We don't want to see scenes of blood fall. Vietnamese blood is blood. Chinese blood is blood, no difference. Mother lost their son, wives lost husbands, children lost fathers, every nation feels it. I have some good chinese friends. We have promised each other, even though Vietnam and China have something happen, we're still good friends, do not hate each other. To be able to hold hands together more tightly. Above all, I don't want war

Saying that VN wants war, It's too wrong. we are a small country, our Navy is weaker than China. Do you think we want war? But our fishermen were fishing in the sea they were shot by Chinese ships. Our cable ships was cut by a China ship. Must we be silent? Look at black fishermen face because of the sun and wind, every day They make a living at sea, but they were shot and killed. Even though we are smaller, weaker than China. But we can not be silent. That's all
yeah, so fuk off u fucken mad dwarf viet dog only barking and eating

You also sounded very MAD here; btw, the Koreans & Chinese are also well-known for using canine in their culinary as well. ;)
Paracel and Spratly belong to Vietnam. It's unchanged true.

But at this moment, follow DOC we don't do any action near Paracel and Spartly because we try dialogue.

Assumption that China can claim Paracel and Spratly, she can't claim total 200 miles from those Island. Because EEZ of Paracel and Spratly is cross-section with Vietnam EEZ. Normally, It's get center line from Island to Land to separate EEZ.

And now Vietnam only harvest our oil at point in our EEZ from our land (beach) to the center line. It's totally own. Please see the map.
How far from the position that China threat our ship to Paracel and Spratly? how far to Vietnam land and China land?
Everything is clear but brainwasher Chinese in the forum still try to say lie.
They said lie that Vietname threaten China. They said lie that Vietnam want war. They said lie that Vietnam dispute China and more...
And they've been proud to be liar.

Language China


By 1278–79, the Mongol troops stationed along Đại Việt's borders. The Trầns' new ruler Nhân Tông resisted renewed Mongol demands for personal attendance at Kublai's court but dispatched his uncle Tran Di Ai as envoy. Kublai tried to enthrone Di Ai as prince in 1281 but Di Ai and his small army were ambushed by Đại Việt forces.

stop posting your pony subjective history with our language, it proves nothing but the fact your weak nation never defeted anyone with your 'glorious' armies but your deep jungle, diseases and weather did all the job.
No. because chinese satellite will spot it, and crusis missile will destory it before they sent their navy, the those so called fight to death soilder at south china sea will boom by chinese DF missile, they will only fight with missile, they won't see a single chinese until death. At last chinese will just WALK on the island and claim it back.

It's easy said than done though. The US did possess most technological equipments and weapons but they had terrible time during the Vietnam war. The contention of China would claim the entire Paracel & Spratly's isles would no different than she wants to claim the whole Northern Vietnam back to her domain though.
Paracel and Spratly belong to Vietnam. It's unchanged true.

But at this moment, follow DOC we don't do any action near Paracel and Spartly because we try dialogue.

Assumption that China can claim Paracel and Spratly, she can't claim total 200 miles from those Island. Because EEZ of Paracel and Spratly is cross-section with Vietnam EEZ. Normally, It's get center line from Island to Land to separate EEZ.

And now Vietnam only harvest our oil from our land (beach) to the center line. It's totally own. Please see the map.
How far from the position that China threat our ship to Paracel and Spratly, how far to Vietnam land and China land?
Everything is clear but brainwasher Chinese in the forum still try to say lie.
They said lie that Vietname threaten China. They said lie that Vietnam want war. They said lie that Vietnam dispute China and more...
And they've been proud to be liar.


are you working for your Vietcon's propaganda department?
Hey các bạn thân mến, có nói cỡ nào chúng nó vẫn cứ thế thôi. Chúng ta cứ mặc kệ và tiếp tục thể hiện lòng yêu nước nhé! Chỉ cần cho chúng nó biết tất cả người Việt Nam ta luôn đứng về phía lá cờ đỏ sao vàng!

Keep going!
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