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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms".

It does matter what one calls them like it matters when one calls India a Hindu state with toilet problems and stereotypes all Indians are Hindu....

Likewise, it does matter how you fix your mind and then ask the other to be open minded!

We call them but they should put forward their conditions too....not create it after their work is done...or reveal their 50 year rule plan!

I don't see anyone calling India what you just called except some retarded ****ups and I wouldn't mind these retards calling us whatever - because it doesn't really matter to anyone. I Suggest you get your head out of the toilet.
I didn't get you? aren't they out on a religious trip - on a jihaad? they are called extremist's with a religious agenda - it doesn't matter what one calls them, what matters is their what they are out to achieve.

Sorry forgot to comment on this bit...from this alone I realize how little you know of terms or from research and how much the media influences you...

A jihad is not a religious trip that would be HAJJ and ONLY TO MEKKAH not to any other place and that would never be to conquer but humble oneself and also to show selflessness!

JIHAD means to strive for ANYTHING...it could be striving to keep yourself out of trouble striving against your nafs (self, psyche, ego or soul.) which would be jihad against the nafs

Strive to become someone good, jihad for your future...SEE HOW MUCH funny words the media feeds you...Hence, it is not OK to use them....1 who knows Arabic would be like...What is this person trying to say?!
We call them but they should put forward their conditions too....not create it after their work is done...or reveal their 50 year rule plan!

:lol: You expect them to work for you or finance you and don't want them to have something back - ok, best of luck with that.
I don't see anyone calling India what you just called except some retarded ****ups and I wouldn't mind these retards calling us whatever - because it doesn't really matter to anyone. I Suggest you get your head out of the toilet.


Hence, I see your main purpose is spitting your hatred around...Be my guest...I was just giving examples and explaining to you what you did not understand that too upon your own questioning!

Try educating a backward person and you get similar response! He THINKS he doesnt need to know anything just like these terrorists you wanted to soo much address who think they know it all!
Sorry forgot to comment on this bit...from this alone I realize how little you know of terms or from research and how much the media influences you...

A jihad is not a religious trip that would be HAJJ and ONLY TO MEKKAH not to any other place and that would never be to conquer but humble oneself and also to show selflessness!

JIHAD means to strive for ANYTHING...it could be striving to keep yourself out of trouble striving against your nafs (self, psyche, ego or soul.) which would be jihad against the nafs

Strive to become someone good, jihad for your future...SEE HOW MUCH funny words the media feeds you...Hence, it is not OK to use them....1 who knows Arabic would be like...What is this person trying to say?!

By trip I meant they are on some agenda - and i think we are going off topic, let's leave the religious discussion for the relevant thread and if you have a grouse with the media you should take it up with them - let's now get back to the US.
:lol: You expect them to work for you or finance you and don't want them to have something back - ok, best of luck with that.

I do not expect them to loot the country they saved...like Britain looted India under the name of trade some years back...

By trip I meant they are on some agenda - and i think we are going off topic, let's leave the religious discussion for the relevant thread and if you have a grouse with the media you should take it up with them - let's now get back to the US.

You asked I answered....

It is misunderstanding and fear spread! Like someone said If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.
And finally only then it would be justified to bomb those lambs. But otherwise they are civilians... how does the US find justification for those bombings.

Wikileaks has picked up the cover of that dirty little gutter hidden beneath that beautiful backyard and flung it far away so the putrid smell permeates everything, hasn't it? States that casualties are purposely hidden by US and those troops have massacred many more innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. US is committing another genocide as it has in Vietnam, Korea and Japan. Only the US used nukes on a civilian population and now wants to control the use of nukes worldwide.

Bombing of civilians or even Talib-bozos of Wazirastan is ONLY happening because we the pathetic Musalmaans of Pakistan have allowed this cesspool of "tribal state" within a "Pakistani state".

The laws of Pakistani state are not being allowed by Waziris to be implemented and enforced in the "tribal state".

This is where we must focus. This is where the cancer is.

Bombing is just a symptom of much larger disease as said it before.

OK if Waziris want to have their own state within a state, fine.

but do not come running to us for support when you don't even want our protection.

It is that simple.

OK so now you call me a backward person - are you done with insulting India / Hindu/ Indians now? - you seem to be on some superiority trip, I can live with that lot of people do nothing to worry about, your example could have been better but you showed your hatred there which got it's response - hate begets hate - you should expect cr@p your way when you throw it on others.

Try educating a backward person and you get similar response! He THINKS he doesnt need to know anything just like these terrorists you wanted to soo much address who think they know it all!

it is in 3rd person form...Not sure how you thought it is addresed to you :what:

Unless you are a terrorist
just like these terrorists you wanted to soo much address who think they know it all!

:disagree: seriously get out of your India phobia and stay on topic, you come up with some cr@ppy examples don't you?

Fix your understanding of English and about India phobia? What rubbish who is afraid of India! Phobia means afraid! Was I afraid would I be saying all that?

Here you go the meaning of phobia:
A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational
OK, I agree to the first part of your post and I was wrong there, and you were trying to make me be politically correct by calling them terrorists instead of Islamists - As an Indian I would link it with religion by what we have gone through in the past and now in the present. India has been one of the biggest victims of terrorism and millions of hindus have died at the hands of Muslims so I don't think I can be politically correct here as you wish because i feel it's religion which motivated them to kill so many of my people.

All I am going to say here is it is NOT ABOUT YOUR FEELING it is about what is going on!

TERRORISM does not have a religion...No one called the crusaders terrorists! Hell they were far worse and uncivilized if you read history you will know!

But when a MAN totally unknown of COMES UP YELLS something in Arabic and goes ALLAH HU AKHBAR everyone calls him a terrorist...For all we know he could have said I want to yell ALLAH HU AKHBAR and see everyone's reaction! :blink:

I mean for goodness sake how much easier is it to put the attention elsewhere?
Well, It is common for a local to hate a FOREIGN POWER ON THEIR LAND!

Yes, these occupations which were supposed to be war for 1-5 years has become a decade long OCCUPATION who the heck would love their land to be OVERTAKEN by some force which agreed to help you BUT in the end decided to stay and doesnt understand your culture, your govt system, your religion has no respect for anything because they think they were sent to help and their orders being only from home base, they tend to do ALOT of mistakes because of delay, prob with giving reporting the situation only GOD knows how many incidents were sweeped under the carpet!

It is common not just in Muslim countries but PICK ANY COUNTRY which was ruled by BRITAIN!

Yes back to the colonial rule...Until now in history books nothing nice is written about the roads, transportation systems and what not built by them for the ease to extract the natural resources and export them back to Britain!

The Dutch were hated in Indonesia, The Japanese in South east Asia, the Germans in sooo many other countries, the French in N.Africa!

Believe me its not a new concept and why should anyone like a foreign power proudly dancing around with weapons?

Ask the American Indians how they feel or the Aborigines of Australia?!

It is not just a feeling but once the no. of deaths becomes sky rocket high...when innocents die and are not acknowledged while each soldier who dies from their squad is breaking news

when soo much damage is done, the landscape is scrapped, the culture brought in and not to mention the rape cases which are common by ANY foreign power be it sweeped under the rug...THE LIST GOES ON why foreign power is hated!

Other reasons include, the foreign power putting its demands, we helped you now these are the prices you have to pay (something which was never discussed before when the help was OFFERED)...

My thoughts are rushing faster than I can type...

I thought the thread was about hating foreign power on your land?

How did it become attacking Islam?:what:

The case here is totally different. Americans did not come here to rob your untold wealth but to prevent future terrorist attacks emanating from this region. Those terrorists virtually started a war by bombing the twin towers. Compared to other wars, US is working with velvet gloves in this one, spending billions rebuilding that nation. And according to most surveys, Afghanistan is a much better place to live than it was during the wretched Taliban rule. And don't forget Pak is an allay of US supporting it in the war efforts. You cannot play both ways. We saw how your army operated in Swat and N.Waziristan . I'd say US causes much less causality than that. If you clean your backyard clean, none of this will happen.
The case here is totally different. Americans did not come here to rob your untold wealth but to prevent future terrorist attacks emanating from this region.

Make more terrorists in the process...When a child is killed the father, brothers, cousins, uncles all become easy victims of terrorist who promise them sweet revenge!
There was no concept terrorism during the time of the crusades, it was a religious war with both sides fighting each other - you still persist with giving cr@ppy examples don't you? :lol:

It is not crappy...For you maybe because you do not see it from that perspective! You are programmed to only link Islam to terrorism and refuse all others!

What we have now called terrorism is when fundamental's teach and train these terrorists with their extremist ideologies to terrorize and kill civilians.

What were crusaders doing? Teaching Judaism and then killing in the name of the pope who claimed to be god on earth? You really are single channeled! :)

The Pope Claims to be God on Earth | Papal Infallibility

Muslims fight Muslims or non Muslims for example Syria or Burma and nobody calls them terrorists, but when an extremist or a group of them attack civilians they are known as terrorists.

Americans shoot Americans for example school shootings...o wait he is not terrorizing the govt so he is not a terrorist yet!

I am talking about calling a terrorist a terrorist and you just want to drag Islam because the media shows you a Muslim with a gun as a terrorist NO ONE ever told you ANYONE TERRORIZING ANYONE is a terrorist!
Make more terrorists in the process...When a child is killed the father, brothers, cousins, uncles all become easy victims of terrorist who promise them sweet revenge!

could be. But taking out terrorists is much easier than winning hearts and minds in a hostile territory. You should be happy US does not conduct air rides like Pak army in Swat . And the US of today is very different from that of 2001 and there is very slim chance of such attacks repeating.
Yes, you do. Those freedoms and rights? We have the gall to declare, not merely opined, that they made US superior to you, and for that, we are a threat to you. So yes, you do hate US for our way of life.

That's precisely what it means when he says we don't hate your freedoms.

... we just love ours.


TERRORISM does not have a religion...No one called the crusaders terrorists!....?

You know Talon something important?

We don't want Pakistanis settled in UK to tell us what terrorism is or isn't.

Our kids are being blown by Talib-bozos on regular basis. And yes they use Islam as their prime motivation.

So please spare us from all your arguments on this topic.

You live in a relatively safe and prosperous country thanks to Queen and her system.

You (or most of you) have dedicated your lives and your future generations to the Queen.

So tell us what works for you when you work for Queen. OK?

That's what we need.

We don't need you teach us the hapless Pakistanis anything about crusaders. We know it already. And it doesn't change our lives one way or the other. Those are long dead people.

Because if they were still around, millions of Pakistanis won't be thriving in UK. There will be zero number of anything but hardline Christians living in UK.

But it isn't the case for decades nay for centuries.

Live in the present please.

And let's live without your brand of Islam, because it is all phony, just hogwash and yes it does bring so much death and so much destruction on us poor Paks.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

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