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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

Only reason there is no noise in Iran is because you suppress it, the moment your minorities get the chance when your central government is destroyed, all will part their ways and you won't be able to do anything.

Ethnic Persians are only 50% of Iran and Iran has applied very racist treatment to them (you know what I mean), I heard Azeri, Kurds and Arabs are waiting for their chance. With good luck your country will split in three, in the bad case, in 4.

IRan is even so desperate they banned Turkish TV. They know that their people supports Turkey more than their own government. Iran will only be able to stop this movement temporarly.. eventually you know what will happen.

The first generation turks who came here , came for the sole purpose of making money.

If you look for a refugee uou have to look closer to your own people. The iranians here did not come to make money. They came here to avoid the state of the art finger chopper machine v2 .so dont break my mouth open of refugees.

Making money? hahahahahaha. You mean "guest worker" right? These are the illeterates they brought over to clean toilets and vacuum clean offices :lol: Refugee or toilet cleaner, same thing Turk!
I have given moderation 6 hours to deal with this, but nothing as I suspected:

@Armstrong @Hyperion @BLACKEAGLE

Maybe you now understand why I left the forum, a sharp shift in policy occurd of which me leaving was a demand. And as you can see 2 months later and the policy still stands. I leave you to figure out the nature of said policy by yourself.

That wasnt exactly a denial. Because you know it is true. So dont be throwing stones if you live in a glass house. As for my getting banned, I suspect it will happen, but that is not gonna stop me from calling a braindead opportunistic Wahhabi-lover like you out.
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When i first joined this forum you keeped the discussions in order, often by locking and deleting off-topic posts / insults / etc. What happened mate ?


Latest Statements:
Muammer Güler: " Yaptığımız ilk tespitlerde olayın Suriye’deki rejim yanlısı örgütlerle özellikle El Muhaberat'la yakın irtibat içinde olan örgüt tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmalarımız sonucu 9 kişi gözaltına alınmıştır, içlerinden biri olayın planlayıcısı. Olayın muhalifler ve sığınmacılarla bir ilgisi yoktur.

Beşir Atalay: " Suriye istihbaratıyla irtibatlı bir terör örgütünün konuyla ilgisinin tespit edildiğini ifade etmiştik. Şu ana kadar bu kişilerden 9’u gözaltına alınmış durumda. Kendi ifadeleri ve itiraflarıyla bu belirlenmiş oldu. Burada yapılmak istenen provokatif şeyler sansasyon. Mültecilere karşı olumsuz düşünce geliştirme çabası. Bunlara vatandaşlarımızın dikkat etmesi gerekiyor. Bir kısmımız Ankara’ya dönecek Başbakanımızla değerlendirmelerde bulunacağız. Gözaltına alınanların hepsi Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı. Olayla ilgili en ileri sonuçlara ulaşılmış durumda. Gözaltına alınmayan birkaç kişi daha var. Ama çok da uzun süreceğini zannetmiyoruz biz. "

Milliyet - Sald
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Only reason there is no noise in Iran is because you suppress it, the moment your minorities get the chance when your central government is destroyed, all will part their ways and you won't be able to do anything.

Ethnic Persians are only 50% of Iran and Iran has applied very racist treatment to them (you know what I mean), I heard Azeri, Kurds and Arabs are waiting for their chance. With good luck your country will split in three, in the bad case, in 4.

IRan is even so desperate they banned Turkish TV. They know that their people supports Turkey more than their own government. Iran will only be able to stop this movement temporarly.. eventually you know what will happen.

Azaris were the first line of defense against the Ottoman agression, in the Safavid dynasty. Azaris in Iran are some of the most radical patriotic Iranians you will ever find. Try telling them about seperation, and see how your teeth will get knocked out.
Ever heard of Sattar Khan, Bager Khan and Reza Khan? They are Azari and very patriotic historical figures.

Meanwhile in Turkey we have Iranians (Kurds) that need to be freed from the fascist regime. In some decades they will be the majority considering their high birth rates, while the Turks have very low. Soon Turkey will be Kurdistan.
See what I did there? As I say to you as well. Dont throw stones from a glass house.

You are a disgrace to other members here. We all have certain ideological differences with one another, why don't you opt for reasoning like rest of us, instead of opening your potty mouth.

@Aeronaut @Oscar. Please take note.

Nothing I said was untrue. Ask Abii, Im sure he has a pic of Mosamania writing those exact words. I dont have an ideological difference with anyone, as Im not religious and couldnt care less about sects. As long as people hold their beliefs to themselves and dont call for the genocide of another reigious group (by burning alive, as Mosamania who was a mod at the time, suggested), then I dont care what you are.
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Making money? hahahahahaha. You mean "guest worker" right? These are the illeterates they brought over to clean toilets and vacuum clean offices :lol: Refugee or toilet cleaner, same thing Turk!

Like I said that is not the definition of a refugee.

A refugee is someone like ehsan jami .who had to escape from oppression.

And now stop putting ***** in this topic and stay on topic.

Lol f i l th is getting censored? Who came up with the swearing list?
Azaris were the first line of defense against the Ottoman agression, in the Safavid dynasty. Azaris in Iran are some of the most radical patriotic Iranians you will ever find. Try telling them about seperation, and see how your teeth will get knocked out.
Ever heard of Sattar Khan, Bager Khan and Reza Khan? They are Azari and very patriotic historical figures.

Safavids were Turks ruling Iran. Persians are just butt hurt you were ruled by Turks. That is why you discriminate against Azeri today.

Meanwhile in Turkey we have Iranians (Kurds) that need to be freed from the fascist regime. In some decades they will be the majority considering their high birth rates, while the Turks have very low. Soon Turkey will be Kurdistan.
See what I did there? As I say to you as well. Dont throw stones from a glass house.
Kurd are getting more rights and there is no sentiment for Kurdistan in our country. However in Iran, you use force and suppression to control your minorities. These anger is only accumulating. One day it will explode and Iran will be separated in 4. Azeri not in the past, and not in the present are on IRanian side. They are on Turkish side and the moment a war breaks out betwee Azerbaijan/Turkey versus Iran.. you know who your minorities will support? They won't support Iran. Turks are not Arabs.
Why are Iranians so obsessed with kurds you can have them when you give us south Azerbaijan i think this would be a good deal because you love you Aryan? cousins so much that you bomb(kill) them.
Nope that is untrue. I, myself, on several occasions have crossed swords with @Mosmania on the exact same issue, and not once has he stooped to such a level that you speak-of. Trust me on this, as I am one of the most vociferous opponent of Wahabi school of thought. Debate like a gentleman with valid reasons, and all will be well.

Nothing I said was untrue. Ask Abii, Im sure he has a pic of Mosamania writing those exact words. I dont have an ideological difference with anyone, as Im not religious and couldnt care less about sects. As long as people hold their beliefs to themselves and dont call for the genocide of another reigious group (by burning alive, as Mosamania who was a mod at the time, suggested), then I dont care what you are.
Safavids were Turks ruling Iran. Persians are just butt hurt you were ruled by Turks. That is why you discriminate against Azeri today.

Kurd are getting more rights and there is no sentiment for Kurdistan in our country. However in Iran, you use force and suppression to control your minorities. These anger is only accumulating. One day it will explode and Iran will be separated in 4. Azeri not in the past, and not in the present are on IRanian side. They are on Turkish side and the moment a war breaks out betwee Azerbaijan/Turkey versus Iran.. you know who your minorities will support? They won't support Iran. Turks are not Arabs.

LOL that was a sarcastic joke on my part about Kurds. I just wanted to reciprocate your nonsense by trolling you with the same. You are not too bright. As for the rest of your garbage, also a complete joke.
Nope that is untrue. I, myself, on several occasions have crossed swords with @Mosmania on the exact same issue, and not once has he stooped to such a level that you speak-of. Trust me on this, as I am one of the most vociferous opponent of Wahabi school of thought. Debate like a gentleman with valid reasons, and all will be well.

Don't speak on things you have no knowledge of. Mosamania did say he wants to burn all Shias alive.
LOL that was a sarcastic joke on my part about Kurds. I just wanted to reciprocate your nonsense by trolling you with the same. You are not too bright. As for the rest of your garbage, also a complete joke.

As I said it is not the same. Turkey is becoming power house in the region and is attracting people from Balkan, African and mid-east. Turkey won't have population problem. Trust me.

On the other hand, Iran is authoritarian government. Iran only has to loose grip and all of your minorities will depart. Azeri want more rights and if Iran gives that, it will loose north Iran to Azerbaijan. Azeri in Iran won't shoot at Azeri in Azerbaijan, neither will they shoot at Turkey.

Iran has bigger problems with Kurds, Azeri, Arabs, you should be lucky if your country breaks in three, in bad case it will be 4. I think Iran should change its mindset , otherwise they will pay high price. Iran has to become normal country.
Nope that is untrue. I, myself, on several occasions have crossed swords with @Mosmania on the exact same issue, and not once has he stooped to such a level that you speak-of. Trust me on this, as I am one of the most vociferous opponent of Wahabi school of thought. Debate like a gentleman with valid reasons, and all will be well.

He may not have been resorting to that kind of talk when you were talking to him, but I am saying to you he did at one time, and those are his words. He has said it. You are asking to debate like gentleman and give respect. Respect is mutual.
So far I have not seen it from Mosamania who refers to Iranians as dogs and cockroaches, in this very thread. He is a very radical Wahhabi-lover. And if not Wahhabi, then something so close, that I cant tell the marginal difference.
You need to look from a more unbiased eye.

Anyway, Im not gonna fuel more fire into this and lay it to rest. Whoever want to say anything, go ahead. Im sure Ill be banned soon anyway.
Gotta love the internet...lol
As I said it is not the same. Turkey is becoming power house in the region and is attracting people from Balkan, African and mid-east. Turkey won't have population problem. Trust me.

On the other hand, Iran is authoritarian government. Iran only has to loose grip and all of your minorities will depart. Azeri in Iran won't shoot at Azeri in Azerbaijan, neither will they shoot at Turkey.

Iran has bigger problems, you should be lucky if your country breaks in three, in bad case it will be 4. I think Iran should change its mindset , otherwise they will pay high price. Iran has to become normal country.

You forgetting just last month over 1 million Kurds came out with Kurdistan flags in Turkey? You have short memory. Either you will give them autonomy and turn into a country like Iraq, or they will continue with PKK operation for the foreseeable future.
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