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Deadly Blast at Gathering in Pakistan

Thank you and shut up nobody is blaming you. So keep your bharati rant out of this thread
keep ur paksitanis rant to urself... isn't it shameful to have few responses by pakistanis on a national tragedy ?? you have developed quite a thick skin..
We are in a war, and our enemy is ruthless and pitiless - but we shall prevail, hitting soft targets - shows the bankrupt nature of their ideology.

RIP - to the victims, your deaths will be avenged.
Why we have so many public gatherings in the country :angry:
Why not reduce these gatherings until WoT comes to an end
How is that possible in a country of 170 million?

We can't ask people to stay at home all the time. These were desperate people collecting food aid, so who would think that is a place for a bomber to strike?

Even if people weren't to attend planned gatherings, these suicide attacks would still happen in crowded places such as markets, shopping malls, bus stands etc.

Then what does one propose, that we ban those places?

Our broken law and order situation gives strength to groups less militant, who may adopt such tactics in the future. Our soft approach and lack of zero tolerance is biting us on the a55, and will continue to do so. We're on the road to Afghanistan mk II, and I can't see a reversal in sight.

The killers have no remorse, they see no boudaries, this is a all or nothing war for them. And it will continue.

RIP to those murdered in cold blood, and condolences to all those that have suffered as a result of this despicable act of terror.
Is there a way of Controlling the explosives? Such a blast which kills 43 and seriously injures 72 needs 5 to 6 kilos of Explosives and thats a huge quantity..We cannot track and control the moronic suicide bombers,but can we ban and destroy all sources of explosives? After all explosives dont grow,they are manufactured....The general supply of anything that can beused in Explosive manufacturing can be controlled...

What says you?
KHAR, Pakistan, Dec 26, 2010 (AFP) - Senior Pakistani officials on Sunday confirmed that a deadly bombing in the lawless tribal belt was carried out by a burqa-clad woman, in the country's first known case of a female suicide attack.

The suicide blast on Saturday, claimed by the local Taliban, hit a United Nations' food distribution point and killed 43 people in Khar, the main town in the restive Bajaur tribal region bordering Afghanistan.

"We have found hair and hand and feet body parts painted with henna at the site of the attack, which leaves no doubt that the bomber was a woman," top local administration official Zakir Hussain Afridi told AFP.

"We are conducting investigations to work out which tribe and area the woman belonged to," he said.

Another senior administration official, Muhammad Jamil, confirmed that the bomber was a woman.

The assistant head of police for Khyber Pahkhtoonkhwa province, Shafqat Malik, said it was the first proven case of a woman suicide bomber in Pakistan.

"Some attacks reported to be carried out by women in the past could not be proven," said Malik, who also leads the province's bomb disposal squad.

A spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, Azam Tariq, claimed responsibility for the bombing, which he said targeted the local pro-government Salarzai tribe that runs its own anti-insurgent militia.
:tdown:to all those thinking terror as strategic arm.
Ask those families who lost. Given the choice of their relatives lives they wont mind the LOC few Km in or out.
Even if India is envolved(though i dont believe it) then :tdown: to her too.
My heart goes for all victims of terror in whole world.
Pakistan need to learn lesson and make public all evidence about sponsors of TTP.

Pakistan's interior ministry is totally personal army of Rehman Malik, which has released many captured terrorists, quietly.

Whole Pakistan knows the involvement of PPP appointed establishment in Sawat and Baluchistan.
U.S. President Barack Obama has condemned a suicide attack against members of an anti-Taliban tribe in northwestern Pakistan.

The Saturday attack in Pakistan's Bajur district killed at least 45 people and wounde more than 100 others. Children were among the victims.

A woman dressed in a burqa lobbed a grenade at a World Food Program distribution center, charged into the crowd and blew herself up.

Mr. Obama said the deadly attack at the food distribution center is an affront to the people of Pakistan, and to all humanity. Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, as well as Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have also condemned the attack.

Officials said most of the victims at the center in the town of Khar were members of the Salarzai tribe. The tribe has backed military action against the Taliban and even formed its own militia to help force them from the area.

Officials say many of the victims had been displaced by the second of two military campaigns against the Taliban.

There had been conflicting reports about the sex of the bomber. Male suicide bombers have used burqas in the past to hide their explosives, but local officials said they had confirmed this attacker was a woman.

A spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the bombing.

The World Food Program said none of its staff was wounded.

Bajur district is close to the Afghan border in a region U.S. officials say is a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida militants.

Meanwhile, government officials said Saturday 40 militants were killed during a Pakistani military air raid in the Mohmand tribal region.

VOA | Bombing of Anti-Taliban Tribe Kills 45 in Pakistan | News | English
Every terrorist organisation/freedom fighters will have some objectives,on achievement of which they will stop fighting.What objective is claimed by ttp?Do they want pakistan to stop support to nato?or do they want freedom or separate nation or something?
RIP to the dead. May their loved ones find strength in this unfortunate hour. May the injured get well soon.

May ALL the terrorists and their HANDLERS rot in hell!!
I smell red white and blue flag behind this attack... I m in agreement with somebozo here... I hear that PA has started another rediculous operation in Mohmand agency...

Everything is justified now...
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