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Dead bodies of Freedom fighters will be burried in unmarked graves, won't be handed over to families

Wow what a tactic to hide mass civilian killing! :enjoy:

Kill any Kashmiri, bury them anywhere and when asked, tell media that they were militants. :cheers:

Just wow...
Idiots don't even realise having an unmarked grave is an Islamic burial practice.


You mean like Sultan Sikander Lodi did to that Hindustani priest who said that Hindus and Muslims are equal in God's eyes?
What else can be expected from religion of peace. No surprise the coward hindus got themselves converted.
Insurgency in Kashmir is on its last legs.

This is just brilliant, in the last few years we have seen terrorists dropping like flies and now this, it will deal a severe blow to all the secessionists and the sheep they rally to parade around a corpse.

All the butthurt from pakistanis alone should tell you that our tactics are working.
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What else can be expected from religion of peace. No surprise the coward hindus got themselves converted.

Most us were actually Buddhists at the time.

Well, us so called "cowards" formed a large part of the Islamic armies which brutally mauled you guys for a thousand years, with wounds so nasty the scars are on full display hundreds of years later. We also ended up marrying with these foreigners as well, which is why so many Pakistani/Hindustani Muslims have ancestry from Central Asia and the Middle East:


Oh and yes Muslims of the region are in fact descended from these foreign conquerors:


"The study showed that the Muslim Gujjars differ significantly from their counterpart, the Hindu Gujjars"


"Overall, our results support a model according to which the spread of Islam in India was predominantly cultural conversion associated with minor but still detectable levels of gene flow from outside, primarily from Iran and Central Asia"


"we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations"

Your ancestors were weak pussies who were raped and converted. The Hindus remaining in North India were the brave ones who stood the test of a pedophile infested cult.
Everytime you think your ancestors discovered truth in you pedophile prophets cult, remember that's false, they were raped and force converted. You are a product of a weak bloodline. You are a product of rape.

Look at the Saudis. Their job is done. All the fuxked up Muslims that they converted are doing their foaming at the mouth , rabid jeerhad while they are chilling. All you Muslims are Saudi cocksckrs who need to prove to yourselves that the rape of your ancestors were justified.
This applies to all you fcking so called warrior tribes from Persians to Turks to porks. All of you were enslaved by Arabs and forever will be.

See my previous post Abdul Cow.

Insurgency in Kashmir is on its last legs..

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Most us were actually Buddhists at the time.

Well, us so called "cowards" formed a large part of the Islamic armies which brutally mauled you guys for a thousand years, with wounds so nasty the scars are on full display hundreds of years later. We also ended up marrying with these foreigners as well, which is why so many Pakistani/Hindustani Muslims have ancestry from Central Asia and the Middle East:


Oh and yes Muslims of the region are in fact descended from these foreign conquerors:


"The study showed that the Muslim Gujjars differ significantly from their counterpart, the Hindu Gujjars"


"Overall, our results support a model according to which the spread of Islam in India was predominantly cultural conversion associated with minor but still detectable levels of gene flow from outside, primarily from Iran and Central Asia"


"we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations"

See my previous post Abdul Cow.

Read my post again you inbred retard
Only further Deteriorate Indian occupiers in world eyes
Indian did rundi Rona on current UN report
They will have to leave UN upon there next report if such stupidity is done
Burying victim is unmarked graves is standard practice of war criminals genocide planners from nazis to Serbian India would wanna avoid this if it has some brain ;)
It is a good and pending decision ...
Should be start doing as soon as possible .

Yes, they shoud invite only family members and complete the formalities as per muslim system in unknown place
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Your ancestors were weak pussies who were raped and converted. The Hindus remaining in North India were the brave ones who stood the test of a pedophile infested cult.
Everytime you think your ancestors discovered truth in you pedophile prophets cult, remember that's false, they were raped and force converted. You are a product of a weak bloodline. You are a product of rape.

Look at the Saudis. Their job is done. All the fuxked up Muslims that they converted are doing their foaming at the mouth , rabid jeerhad while they are chilling. All you Muslims are Saudi cocksckrs who need to prove to yourselves that the rape of your ancestors were justified.
This applies to all you fcking so called warrior tribes from Persians to Turks to porks. All of you were enslaved by Arabs and forever will be.
So was bengal.in north India Sonny??
It was ruled by Muslim for.centuries the highest % of muslim in Indian state is a southern one probably Kerala
Islam wasn't forced upon u those who embraced did so.willingly seeing it better option than caste infested animal & stone worshipping paganism
Even in today's India 100000s of Hindu convert to Islam who is forcing em ? ;)
Read my post again you inbred retard

I did. It's the same old recycled crap that you Abdul Cows love to spit at us, it's quite laughable how terrible you articulate yourselves.

Nothing wrong with marrying your cousin as per most scientists:



Hence why it's legal almost everywhere:

(Blue = Legal, Red = Banned, Orange = Among certain communities it is legal, Pink = Legal with some constraints, Grey = Unknown)


You have no legs to stand on when it comes to mocking us for marrying our cousins when you aren't the most outbred either and allow the practice within your own country. Take a look at how many of you are "inbred" as you put it:


Also, it's funny you call us retarded when we have a higher average IQ than you:

Insurgency in Kashmir is on its last legs.

This is just brilliant, in the last few years we have seen terrorists dropping like flies and now this, it will deal a severe blow to all the secessionists and the sheep they rally to parade around a corpse.

All the butthurt from pakistanis alone should tell you that our tactics are working.

Your ancestors were weak pussies who were raped and converted. The Hindus remaining in North India were the brave ones who stood the test of a pedophile infested cult.
Everytime you think your ancestors discovered truth in you pedophile prophets cult, remember that's false, they were raped and force converted. You are a product of a weak bloodline. You are a product of rape.

Look at the Saudis. Their job is done. All the fuxked up Muslims that they converted are doing their foaming at the mouth , rabid jeerhad while they are chilling. All you Muslims are Saudi cocksckrs who need to prove to yourselves that the rape of your ancestors were justified.
This applies to all you fcking so called warrior tribes from Persians to Turks to porks. All of you were enslaved by Arabs and forever will be.

LMAO black hindu faggot TRIGGERED! LOL
A big question mark on UN ... I think this is time to close office of UN ...
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