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De-Nuclearization of Pakistan


Apr 20, 2012
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Source : http://e.jang.com.pk/08-11-2014/lahore/page16.asp#;

I ignored that news before (11/08/2014) but now it seem so real.
Pakistan's 66 years of history is exact opposite.
At topic: General Hamid Gul is famous for cooking some interesting theories. I would take this with a pinch of salt.

Any translations possible?
You don't even need it, before you regret your request :)

I did assume it had somehow something to do with India and /or US.

The crux is
The current stir is orchestrated by US and facilitated by Indian and Israeli PM who consider Pakistani Nuclear Arsenal as a threat. So Army is against this movement and nothing significant will happen.
americans can,t even denuclearize north korea and they talk about denuclearizing us:omghaha:

But they are drone-ing Pakistan..
They raided Pakistan and killed Osama..
They also said "we will turn Pakistan into a stone age"

Not to North Korea...

One is spoon, the other being a ladle ...
Mull it over..
I didnt read this but do thought about this scenario. And some real threats are there after when Army has (close to) defeat TTP. There was some plans on board till they found proxies like TTP, BLA and Al Qaida. But since those are being removed (assumed) Pakistani proxy is coming in power, they want to execute there old plan i.e. To denuclearize Pakistan.

Ps: above is my own analysis based on Proxy War scenarios, news about intelligence (CIA, Mossad) searching clues for nuclear sotories, and failed airport and two air base attacks
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