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De-Mining Equipment of Pakistan Army


Sep 29, 2008
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Even though there is a strong concern in use of land both India and Pakistan continue to use anti personal and anti tank mines.

Pakistan maintain a strong stance of minimum credible deterrence against India, is some case offense is the best defense. the India Pakistan border makes one of the worlds largest mine fields. for any successful advance at eastern front, this massive obstacle is to be cleared. India in 2001 officially acknowledged that they are mining a three mile strip along the entire Pakistani border with anti tank and anti personal mines. (1)
Pakistan army advance troops and Pakistan ranges have to fulfill the task of clearing these mine fields for any successful advance into enemy territory.
not only in an offensive action but also keeping in view the current situation of northwestern part of Pakistan, demining is an important task to be performed. the basic principle of Pakistan army demining operation is:

1- Manual detection
2- Mechanical clearance.

Manual detection:
Hand held metal detectors are used foe land mine detection. almost all the models are being produced locally by private and government run organizations. (Perhaps Sir Fatman and some other army insiders can shed some light on this)
Mechanical Clearance:
Mine Clearing line charge:
Developed and manufactured locally by KRL. mostly to be used on battle field to remove anti personal mines.

Mine Rollers:

a roller mounted in front of a tank, designed to detonate anti-tank mines.
the device is made of two arm assembly mounted in front of a tank and between the arms is the roller that presses the mine and detonates it. the roller is made up of specially designed wheels that put heavy pressure on ground resulting the explosion of land mine.
the front arms assembly is moveable and the rollers bounce off in air every time the land mine explodes under it thus the damage to these rollers is minimized.

i had a chance to visit the factory where these mine Rollers are being constructed for Pakistan army, here are a few images (Had to cut the Company Logo from Top Left Corner. Also note that the date is also not correct. these images were taken last week):






Fitted to Tank chasis for running evaluation:



it will be highly appreciated if anyone can contribute more information regarding the anti mine equiment being used by Pakistan Military.

i had a chance to visit the factory where these mine Rollers are being constructed for Pakistan army, here are a few images:






Attached with a tank Chasis for fitting evaluation:


it will be highly appreciated if anyone can contribute more information regarding the anti mine equiment being used by Pakistan Military.


Hey Buddy,

I can't see any of the pictures....
Wow thats great work Arsalan.

Lets not forget the hand-held metal detectors used by Pakistani forces.
They are widely used, and were even used in the Waziristan operations.


China gave Pakistan the special boots used by soldiers while mine hunting.

The Spider Boot Foot Protection System is a truly revolutionary design for protecting a deminer’s feet and legs against blast-type anti-personnel mines. It can be worn without training in almost any terrain for reconnaissance, detection and victim assistance.

The Spider Boot Foot Protection System elevates the foot so blast energy and fragments disperse and deflect away from the foot. The hull absorbs residual blast energy and fragments.

Although I couldn't get the pictures, it must look something like this:


i had a chance to visit the factory where these mine Rollers are being constructed for Pakistan army, here are a few images (Had to cut the Company Logo from Top Left Corner. Also note that the date is also not correct. these images were taken last week):






Fitted to Tank chasis for running evaluation:



it will be highly appreciated if anyone can contribute more information regarding the anti mine equiment being used by Pakistan Military.

Appreciated that you shared with us. How long Pakistan is using these equipment
Are these rollers being produced in Heavy Industries Texila ????
these rollers eem chinese, you can see chinese written on the hardware in some pics.
Are these rollers being produced in Heavy Industries Texila ????
no dear!

these rollers eem chinese, you can see chinese written on the hardware in some pics.
no dear, these are Pakistani product. moreover it is a system in use since world war times so there is nothing that we need to know from Chinese about this. we are making then in Pakistan. perhaps you have mistaken took the engravings as Chinese writing!

These are heavy objects man look like pure heavy iron.no mine can damage this.
yes, more over, as i mentioned above, the rollers are fitted so that when the mine blows under it, the whole roller is lifted in air with the pressure and then drops back. this minimize the effect of blast!

i wished i could share the videos of there testing but am not allowed to do so.

Wow thats great work Arsalan.

Lets not forget the hand-held metal detectors used by Pakistani forces.
They are widely used, and were even used in the Waziristan operations.


China gave Pakistan the special boots used by soldiers while mine hunting.

The Spider Boot Foot Protection System is a truly revolutionary design for protecting a deminer’s feet and legs against blast-type anti-personnel mines. It can be worn without training in almost any terrain for reconnaissance, detection and victim assistance.

The Spider Boot Foot Protection System elevates the foot so blast energy and fragments disperse and deflect away from the foot. The hull absorbs residual blast energy and fragments.

Although I couldn't get the pictures, it must look something like this:



thanks a lot for sharing the information dear.
can you share something regarding the detection equipment as well.

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