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Day of mourning: Preconditions for talks not acceptable, says PTI!

With all due respect i would disagree with you on this. The fall of Dhaka has left us with some insecurities, we always remain in the the fear of breaking up into more fractions . . . . . . . i am not saying that there could be any plans by some global powers and they would be trying there level best . . . . . but it just does not seems to be happening. One reason you have mentioned yourself . . . the Army . . . . they wouldn't just sit quietly. God forbid even if it is to happen . . . . than punjab and KPK won't be the one's to disintegrate. The people of these region will not simply except it in anyway, they would rise against anyone who tries to initiate such a movement . . . . . these two provinces are the most patriotic Pakistani's even the most stable under the notion of a unified nation. Even Baluchistan or Sindh can't fell apart . . . . . Bangladesh and Pakistan on the other hand were always like two different nations under the same flag . . . . we never even became a nation, didn't even had a constitution, no one was ready to share power and all sorts of troubles.

Lets address the bold one by one:
1) Right now, there is no fear, you are under the direct threat of breaking up. Anyone looking at the country wide civil unrest knows soon, the cities will require the Army, the Army is already everywhere else doing so much. When the shi*t hits the fan, like East Pakistan, you ain't gong to have enough soldiers to stop anything. No Army can kill a few hundred thousand civilians even.

2) There are no global powers at play. I am almost positive you meant the US. If the US wanted to break you, why would it be giving its the 4th gen military equipment, specially sensitive tech to find hidden terrorist, when the Army would eventually deal with a similar threat supported by the US as many might perceive here? A broken Pakistan doesn't help the US. We'll then have to deal with 5-6 fractions of people which makes things more difficult.

The only foreign powers who want you to break up are India, Iran and Afghanistan.

3) The PEOPLE are the one's who have brain washed to believe that the Pakistanis are killing Pashtuns. There is a reason why these nationalist idiots execute other ethnicities (like Baluchi separatist execute Punjabis). Where do you think that sentiment is coming from? This is a real threat. No joke.

4) The same sentiment that existed in the East Pakistan, to some degree, now exist in Baluchistan and a LOT in KPK. That is the fuel driving towards a breakup!

dude not happening ARMY will not be a sleeping beauty

Army was in east Pakistan too. No Army can fight a few million armed civilians, supported by unlimited cash and weapons from three sides. There are people on here who'll openly say Pashtuns will have their country and no one can stop it and that Punjabi's will be "crushed" between Pashtuns and Sindhis. I just responded to a person who said just this. What do you think someone with this mentality wants to do???? Pretty obvious, they want the Pashtunistan and hates Punjabis.
lol why dnt u make a forum on this issue @WebMaster . please his his recent activity and he spoiling and derailing every thread with his made up theories. Im all in for respecting his views. but on every single topic he derail the whole thread. See for urself . Please make him an extra section about his made up phustonistan theories , (he will be the only one post on it )
Lets address the bold one by one:
1) Right now, there is no fear, you are under the direct threat of breaking up. Anyone looking at the country wide civil unrest knows soon, the cities will require the Army, the Army is already everywhere else doing so much. When the shi*t hits the fan, like East Pakistan, you ain't gong to have enough soldiers to stop anything. No Army can kill a few hundred thousand civilians even.

2) There are no global powers at play. I am almost positive you meant the US. If the US wanted to break you, why would it be giving its the 4th gen military equipment, specially sensitive tech to find hidden terrorist, when the Army would eventually deal with a similar threat supported by the US as many might perceive here? A broken Pakistan doesn't help the US. We'll then have to deal with 5-6 fractions of people which makes things more difficult.

The only foreign powers who want you to break up are India, Iran and Afghanistan.

3) The PEOPLE are the one's who have brain washed to believe that the Pakistanis are killing Pashtuns. There is a reason why these nationalist idiots execute other ethnicities (like Baluchi separatist execute Punjabis). Where do you think that sentiment is coming from? This is a real threat. No joke.

4) The same sentiment that existed in the East Pakistan, to some degree, now exist in Baluchistan and a LOT in KPK. That is the fuel driving towards a breakup!

Army was in east Pakistan too. No Army can fight a few million armed civilians, supported by unlimited cash and weapons from three sides. There are people on here who'll openly say Pashtuns will have their country and no one can stop it and that Punjabi's will be "crushed" between Pashtuns and Sindhis. I just responded to a person who said just this. What do you think someone with this mentality wants to do???? Pretty obvious, they want the Pashtunistan and hates Punjabis.
I'm not even going to try to reason with @orangzaib .
please complain to mods. he is derailing every thread . spoiling the whole section of politics. he himself confirmed he is loyal to US government and he is a US citizen. wy he is spoiling our section
Army was in east Pakistan too. No Army can fight a few million armed civilians, supported by unlimited cash and weapons from three sides. There are people on here who'll openly say Pashtuns will have their country and no one can stop it and that Punjabi's will be "crushed" between Pashtuns and Sindhis. I just responded to a person who said just this. What do you think someone with this mentality wants to do???? Pretty obvious, they want the Pashtunistan and hates Punjabis.
your conspiracy therory makes no sense,my family has a pashtun back ground,and you have taken this the wrong way,pashtoons dont hate punjabis or sindhis actually sindhis and punjabis will have a though time surviving with out pushtoons thats a complete different topic ,IK is a solution not a problem,he will never go that route mark my words,at tops these DHARNAS may end in January,my analysis is that raheel sharif will tell nawaz to meet the demands and being a loser NS is,he might just do it,it would be to early to judge might as well WAIT AND SEE.
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