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Dawn 'leaker' Cyril Almeida, back in action, this time targeting CPEC and China on twitter

You made the following statement "You are actually worse then him at least Cyril lives in Pakistan so he has a right to criticize it," to which I replied. Now you come up with this. You feeling alright?

Chill if you read it was Maximus saying send the bastard to India.
You kill him, and you make him a martyr. Don't be stupid, and stop wishing for other people's deaths; This is the sort of attitude that embarrasses Pakistan, it does more damage than any leak can. No one wants to have relations with a country, where the citizens talk about murder so casually.
Totally against the cold and brutal facts....the world wants or has to have relations with the powerful and rich countries. Just look to the east, you have a proven murderer and genocider in PM's position, and most of the world is totally okay with him and throws red carpets for him...Similarly now Trump has been elected, do you think countries will stop their relations with USA. Lets be realistic and feed the truth to our people..

Did you ever heard of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange...why did they flee their homes and hiding in other countries and embassies for rest of their lives? Did any country break their relation with USA over this? so be realistic and tell the people truth. Enough of this idealistic and misleading BS which our west paid liberals try to spread. We have to teach our nation the facts.. so that they don't dwell in Cuckoo's land and be able to face the real world.
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No one wants to have relations with a country, where the citizens talk about murder so casually.
I fully agree with you that calling for his death is wrong and gives a bad impression, he should be prosecuted legally and punished according to the law if he is found guilty.

But I'd just like to point out that there is a certain country that everyone loves having relations with whose presidential candidate (not the one you think) once casually called for the murder of Julian Assange.
I fully agree with you that calling for his death is wrong and gives a bad impression, he should be prosecuted legally and punished according to the law if he is found guilty.

But I'd just like to point out that there is a certain country that everyone loves having relations with whose presidential candidate (not the one you think) once casually called for the murder of Julian Assange.
Sir CIA is hunting for Edward Snowden but he luckily reached Russia because that's the only country in the world that can stand up to the most powerful country.
Just push him down the stair case, since no journalist have been been murdered this year and we don't want to spoil that record. Lets hope he breaks his neck and then he will disappear to his master to US for medical treatment forever lol :toast_sign:
Sir CIA is hunting for Edward Snowden but he luckily reached Russia because that's the only country in the world that can stand up to the most powerful country.
True but unfortunately that makes it very easy for the US to declare Snowden a traitor and Russian Spy. I suppose he could have hidden in an Ecuadorian embassy like Assange - seriously though, respect to Ecuador for not giving in to US demands for so long.

Here's what would have happened to Snowden if they got him: https://www.rt.com/usa/214303-usa-manning-torture-relatives/

The truth is that the US don't practice what they preach, at all. And they don't have to, because there will always be people supporting them and spreading their propaganda thanks to this idea that 'rich = right'. The US is a rich country, so they must be right, always. Pakistan is a poor country, so we must be wrong all the time.

And anyone who questions that is a West-hating Commie/Islamic Extremist/[whoever the new villain is].
You are actually worse then him at least Cyril lives in Pakistan so he has a right to criticize it, whereas u live in Netherlands, yet your version of Islam and the person whose post I quoted about (which you are defending in most threads) consists of calling people bastards and putting bullets in someone's heads for writing two words on the CPEC. If your version of Islam is religion of peace then I am happy being an atheist. At least Cyril is not someone who left Pakistan and then are more fundamental than him while living happily and smugly in an open western culture.

Religion and Science are only as good as the people who practice it.

Gotcha troll, trying to twist other ppls post and thru them calling the whole community violent. I am reporting this, request defence.pk to undestand a brainf*rt rant from a discussion and ban this member. No community or social media website allows this facebook blocked posts on reporting of Kashmir amd targeting hindus whereas they also don't allow any anti-semitic comment, someone who is bashing muslim community is tolerated in name of ignorance other trolls get lionized. Please ban this troll trying to divert from the discussion altogether.
True but unfortunately that makes it very easy for the US to declare Snowden a traitor and Russian Spy. I suppose he could have hidden in an Ecuadorian embassy like Assange - seriously though, respect to Ecuador for not giving in to US demands for so long.

Here's what would have happened to Snowden if they got him: https://www.rt.com/usa/214303-usa-manning-torture-relatives/

The truth is that the US don't practice what they preach, at all. And they don't have to, because there will always be people supporting them and spreading their propaganda thanks to this idea that 'rich = right'. The US is a rich country, so they must be right, always. Pakistan is a poor country, so we must be wrong all the time.

And anyone who questions that is a West-hating Commie/Islamic Extremist/[whoever the new villain is].

First thing I want to clear is that I'm in no way in favour of someone killing Cyril Almeida for a plenty of reasons and two main are (1) he is not the main culprit in the Dawn leaks...the story came from much above him (2) no one has the right to kill anyone illegally, however if army takes care of him under the army act or court takes care of him then it is fine.
with that out of the way... I also don't want anyone teaching us the BS which is not factual at all .. Both Edward Snowden and Julian Assange face existential threats from the most powerful country and thanks to the two courageous countries Russia and especially Ecuador, they have survived so far otherwise even any western country would have capitulated and handed them over. Actually, Sweden created this false story of Julian Assange's sex assault against two women in Sweden.. come on Sweden...that's the total crap and was a trap to get him in Sweden and then hand him over to Uncle Sam despite the fact that Sweden is not even a NATO member. So really this small country deserves a salute for its bravery and up-righteousness.

Well sir in case of USA it has more to do with "power" than being "rich" though mostly these two terms go hand in hand but USA is known as superpower instead of superrich ..
As we know a lot of our politicians make deals with Uncle Sam to get into power whether it is AZ, NS or other except a few .. so that power speaks, many of our liberals are on their payrolls but a much larger number is just impressed and dazzled by their power and wealth.. so for them everything that USA does is justifiable even if it dropping of nukes on two cities in Japan, killing millions of people in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and else-where so we have to learn to say no their mindless and false propaganda. Because nothing is more dangerous than a brainwashed group of people whether done by religious extremists or the liberal fascists.
And then you claim Islam is religion of peace?

What does my post has to do with religion?
For all we know, I could be a buddhist o_O
Well sir in case of USA it has more to do with "power" than being "rich" though mostly these two terms go hand in hand but USA is known as superpower instead of superrich
On a geopolitical level, yes, it's about power. I was talking about the reason why some people in less developed countries think of America as superior, mostly the psuedo-liberals. Dawn is full of them - some may well be on payroll, it's no secret that the US has been 'investing' in Pakistani media but there are also many who genuinely believe the propaganda.
On a geopolitical level, yes, it's about power. I was talking about the reason why some people in less developed countries think of America as superior, mostly the psuedo-liberals. Dawn is full of them - some may well be on payroll, it's no secret that the US has been 'investing' in Pakistani media but there are also many who genuinely believe the propaganda.
That's the integral part of the 4th gen. war, demoralise the nation (which somehow Pakistani nation does not get...we are strange bunch of people), but one thing that we are unable to cope is our inferiority complex, I have heard the so called liberals here claiming that English newspaper are credible in Pakistan while Urdu newspapers are not while I see English papers like Dawn and Tribune play a major role in spreading false propaganda against the state, nation, religion and culture of Pakistan much more often than any Urdu newspaper ...whether it is Dawn leaks, coverage of Qandeel Baloch's murder (most probably her brother was a drug addict and killed her over the issue of money while the media and especially English newspapers instantly labelled it an honour-killing..wow) and many more. So we need to tackle this wide spread and inherent slavery to foreign culture and civilisation.
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Cyril Almeida is absolutely right.

Army boot lickers need to use burnol if they cannot tolerate the truth.

Thanks God to the social media that we can openly criticise the military without facing repercussions for their intolerance, self-righteousness and tunnel vision.

Army couldn't jack about Dawn Leaks for two reasons:

1. It wasn't a security leak at all. It was a leak of the inflated egos of the incompetent generals who suck at their jobs.

2. The army has so many skeletons in their closet that if Dawn Leaks would get investigated, the mess created by the military establishment would get out in public.
CAM is a traitor dog and so r u

That's the integral part of the 4th gen. war, demoralise the nation (which somehow Pakistani nation does not get...we are strange bunch of people), but one thing that we are unable to cope is our inferiority complex, I have heard the so called liberals here claiming that English newspaper are credible in Pakistan while Urdu newspapers are not while I see English papers like Dawn and Tribune play a major role in spreading false propaganda against the state, nation, religion and culture of Pakistan much more often than any Urdu newspaper ...whether it is Dawn leaks, coverage of Qandeel Baloch's murder (most probably her brother was a drug addict and killed her over the issue of money while the media and especially English newspapers instantly labelled it an honour-killing..wow) and many more. So we need to tackle this wide spread and inherent slavery to foreign culture and civilisation.
Most of the English media is sold at the hands of CIA/RAW. We need to be aware of these snakes who are attacking the roots of Pakistan in a subliminal way.
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