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Dawn 'leaker' Cyril Almeida, back in action, this time targeting CPEC and China on twitter

So, the brigade started with anti-Military, has now reached to anti-CPEC that speaks volume about the ones stand and approach towards Pakistan. Not to worry, lets enjoy the great fruits of transparent democracy being governed by the King. Be a cheerleader that Master would be happy to hear about this again & again also, where the King's invested a lot who is more concerned of this project.
@The Sandman here we go again...
Looking at the tweets of Chinese ambassador and other news from China, it looks like it's China which is interested in pushing CPEC whereas Pakistanis are doing their best to sabotage it.
If Ayesha Siddiqua's book was bull shit, then why was her book banned in Pakistan? The FA pass generals couldn't tolerate that they were being exposed.

These are great days we are seeing. Finally, this holy cow Army that has destroyed this country to its very core, is being criticised and humiliated from all corners.

Who would have thought that a mere MNA (bloody civilian Rana Afzal of PML-N) would bluntly confront the DG ISI on his incompetence and then LEAK :lol: this conversation to the media. :rofl::rofl:

In the internet age, this holy cow cannot stop its blasphemy anymore.

Yeah right.

Journalism as practised by Dr. Shahid Masood, Arif Hameed Bhatti, Sabir Shakir, Mubashar Luqman, Dr. Moeed Pirzada and Dr. Danish is the true embodiment of professionalism. :rofl:

Or probably the BS propaganda by DJ ISPR, sorry DG ISPR Asim Bajwa is a shining example of media management.

Things will eventually cool down as the drama queen Raheel Sharif is gone for good.
Keep up the work... Hopefully your voice will be heard.
When brushing security leaks under rugs becomes a norm this gives people like Almedia all the more fuel to carry on with treacherous activities. All hail NS shera Punjab
This b@stard Cyril should move to India. He is nothing, but an enemy of the poor people of Pakistan.

And then you claim Islam is religion of peace?

LOL how are you equating the comment of one person with the entire religion of Islam? Reveals your inner hatred in an instance.

Looking at the tweets of Chinese ambassador and other news from China, it looks like it's China which is interested in pushing CPEC whereas Pakistanis are doing their best to sabotage it.

Stop generalizing. One guy speaks rubbish and you think 200 million people are sabotaging entire CPEC? You got it all wrong. The vast majority Pakistanis squarely support CPEC and China. The once who don't can move to India. You can't do anything about it. CPEC is becoming a reality and we couldn't care less what an irrelevant moron like this Cyril fool thinks or says.
What does Islam have to do with his comment?

Haters are having a field day in this thread sigh.

These are the same haters that were accusing Pakistan all day long for the attack in Germany. LOL the Pakistani has been released and these hateful curry creatures red faced to the core.
This b@stard Cyril should move to India. He is nothing, but an enemy of the poor people of Pakistan.

LOL how are you equating the comment of one person with the entire religion of Islam? Reveals your inner hatred in an instance.


You are actually worse then him at least Cyril lives in Pakistan so he has a right to criticize it, whereas u live in Netherlands, yet your version of Islam and the person whose post I quoted about (which you are defending in most threads) consists of calling people bastards and putting bullets in someone's heads for writing two words on the CPEC. If your version of Islam is religion of peace then I am happy being an atheist. At least Cyril is not someone who left Pakistan and then are more fundamental than him while living happily and smugly in an open western culture.

Religion and Science are only as good as the people who practice it.
These are the same haters that were accusing Pakistan all day long for the attack in Germany. LOL the Pakistani has been released and these hateful curry creatures red faced to the core.
Yep can't see them in that Berlin attack thread man some them are really shameless they just can't hide their hatred and obsession they've with Pakistan.
You are actually worse then him at least Cyril lives in Pakistan so he has a write to criticism it whereas u live in Netherlands, yet your version of Islam and the person I posted about (which you are defending in most threads) consists of calling people bastards and putting bullets in someone's heads for writing two words on the CPEC. If your version of Islam is religion of peace then I am happy being an atheist. At least Cyril is not someone who left Pakistan and then are more fundamental than him while living happily and smugly in an open western culture.
Cyril is in the US.
So is Gen. Kommando Musharraf and many posters here. ( I meant in the West)
You made the following statement "You are actually worse then him at least Cyril lives in Pakistan so he has a right to criticize it," to which I replied. Now you come up with this. You feeling alright?

You are actually worse then him at least Cyril lives in Pakistan so he has a right to criticize it, whereas u live in Netherlands, yet your version of Islam and the person whose post I quoted about (which you are defending in most threads) consists of calling people bastards and putting bullets in someone's heads for writing two words on the CPEC. If your version of Islam is religion of peace then I am happy being an atheist. At least Cyril is not someone who left Pakistan and then are more fundamental than him while living happily and smugly in an open western culture.

Religion and Science are only as good as the people who practice it.
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