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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

one thing is suspicious why anil ambanis single name was given ? there are thousands of big business houses who can equate with anil ambani ?

There are many Multi National Companies Directors who have been arrested by the Indian Intelligence Bureau and even Red corner notices have been issued for thier extraditions. From Reliance Group's, advance telecom equipment has been transferred to other nations but here its about the Transfer of Technology which has been transferred without the Indian Establishment approval such as cable technology, server technology, telecommunication exchange units, wireless technology, telephone and mobile production technology along with the experts who are Indian Citizens. Indian Intelligence Bureau is even having the names of the experts, professionals, telecomm engineers who have transferred the advance sensitive technology. Now Indian Intelligence Bureau is even checking companies for the transfer of technology linked to optics technology , lens technology and laser technology which is used to cut diamonds etc.
Rafale, S-400 deals are like a booster dose to IAF: Air Chief Marshal Dhanoa

New Delhi, October 03, 2018 14:11 IST
Updated: October 03, 2018 17:28 IST


Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa addresses the media ahead of Air Force Day, in New Delhi on October 3, 2018. | Photo Credit: PTI

“We have got a good package, got a lot of advantages in Rafale deal,” he says.
Acquisition of the French Rafale fighter aircraft and the Russian S-400 air defence system would go a long way in addressing the depleting squadron strength of the Indian Air Force (IAF), Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa said on Wednesday.

“We had reached an impasse in the MMRCA [Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft] negotiations. We had only three options — wait and hope for the best, withdraw the Request For Proposal (RFP) and start over again or do an emergency purchase... Both the Rafale and the S-400 are like a booster dose to the IAF,” Mr. Dhanoa said at the annual press conference ahead of the Air Force Day on October 8.

He flagged the falling fighter squadron strength as the biggest concern for the IAF. The 36 Rafale and the 123 Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) will arrest the depleting strength but LCA-Mk2 is required to increase the numbers, he stated.

Asked if the IAF was consulted before the deal for 36 Rafales was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Paris, Mr. Dhanoa said, “At the appropriate level the IAF was consulted. IAF had presented the govt with some options.”

PTI adds...

“Rafale is a good aircraft. It will be game-changer when it comes to the subcontinent,” he said.

“We have got a good package, got a lot of advantages in Rafale deal,” Mr. Dhanoa said.

The Opposition led by the Congress has been accusing the government of benefiting Anil Ambani’s Reliance Defence Ltd. from the Rafale deal. The BJP has dismissed all the allegations as false.

The Rafale controversy took a new turn last month after Francois Hollande, who was French President when the ₹58,000 crore deal was announced, was quoted as saying by French publication Mediapart that France was given “no choice” on selection of the Indian partner for Dassault. The Indian government proposed the name of Reliance as offset partner for the French aerospace giant, he said.

Mr. Modi had announced the procurement of 36 Rafale fighters after holding talks with Hollande on April 10, 2015, in Paris.
because father of gandhi did not know he was going to get a son,
you want nathu brahman for father of nation or modi ?
nehru was the most eligible secular leader available at that time , and he proved it.
only a RSS propagandist will call rajiv a khan
what congress gained on international level you sanghis have vasted for lifetime , our image has been devastated , we were respected earlier for our secular image .

i don't want to expose you on a pakistani forum .you are behaving like an extremist .
tell me why modi gave a single name ?
takhliya !
Rafale deal: Prashant Bhushan, Arun Shourie knock at CBI’s doors
New Delhi, October 04, 2018 18:54 IST
Updated: October 04, 2018 18:59 IST


Lawyer Prashant Bhushan and former Union Minister Arun Shourie outside the CBI headquarters after submitting a complaint on Rafale deal in New Delhi on October 4, 2018. | Photo Credit: R.V. Moorthy

Lawyer Prashant Bhushan and former Union Minister Arun Shourie met CBI Director Alok Verma on October 4, demanding a probe into the alleged corruption in the Rafale aircraft deal and offset contract.

Along with a “detailed” complaint under the Prevention of Corruption Act, Mr. Bhushan and Mr. Shourie also submitted documents buttressing their arguments for the need of probe. They asked the agency chief to take permission of the government to initiate the probe in accordance with the law.

“CBI Director said he will look into it very carefully. We will take appropriate action,” Mr. Bhushan told reporters after coming out of the CBI headquarters.
L’affaire Rafale’ has become the Achilles heel of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government. The incontrovertible truth is that in August 2007. The Indian Air Force found two aircraft technically equipped — the Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon. The tender had made it clear that all bids were to be inclusive of cost of initial purchase, transfer of technology, licensed production etc.

On December 12, 2012, Rafale emerged as the L-1 vendor with a publicly disclosed price of ₹526.1 crore per aircraft. Out of 126 aircraft, 18 were to come from France in a flyaway condition, with the remaining 108 aircraft to be manufactured with transfer of technology. In addition, there was a 50%-offset clause requiring Dassault Aviation to invest 50% of the contract value by way of investment . On March 12, 2014, a ‘workshare agreement’ worth approximately ₹36,000 crore was signed by Dassault Aviation; 70% of the work on the 108 aircraft to be was to be done by PAL and 30% by Dassault Aviation.

Unilateral move
On May 26, 2014, the NDA government assumed office. Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited France on April 10, 2015. Two days before the visit, then Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar stated: “In terms of Rafale, my understanding is that there are discussions under way between the French company, our Ministry of Defence, the HAL… We do not mix up leadership-level visits with deep details of ongoing defence contracts. That is on a different track.”

Two facts are significant here — one, there were ongoing negotiations between the Defence Ministry, Dassault Aviation and HAL for the purchase of 126 Rafale, 108 out of which would manufactured by HAL, and two, Mr. Modi would not be involved in this as the issue was of technical nature.

However, during his French trip, Mr. Modi inexplicably, and unilaterally, announced ‘off-the-shelf’ purchase of 36 Rafale aircraft at a cost of ₹1,670.70 crore per aircraft. Dassault Aviation disclosed this price in its annual report for 2016.

The price was more than thrice the originally negotiated price of ₹526.1 crore and would involve an additional outflow of approximately ₹41,000 crore. HAL was dropped. Interestingly, all this was done without even cancelling the original global tender for 126 fighter aircraft.

No spin can change perception
The fact that the technical specifications were identical in both cases and therefore, there was no case for a price increase is evidenced by the joint statement of April 10, 2015, issued by the then French President, François Hollande, and Mr. Modi which read: “Aircraft and associated systems and weapons would be delivered on the same configuration as had been tested and approved by Indian Air Force, in clear reference to negotiations and testing process for the Rafale jets under the UPA government.”

The government proceeded to cancel the original tender only on June 24, 2015. Subsequently, the Defence Procurement Procedure of 2013 was retrospectively amended on August 5, 2015, in a very suspicious manner. Finally, the deal was signed on September 23, 2016.

The government refuses to disclose even the purchase price of the 36 Rafale aircraft, citing mythical ‘secrecy clauses’. Ironically, the said agreement nowhere prohibits disclosure of the commercial costs involved.

Since hard facts militate against the government, no amount of alternative facts, fake news and hallucinatory spin can transform the perception of it.


There are concerted efforts to create a needless controversy around what was in effect decisive action taken by the Narendra Modi government to make good a critical shortfall in the country’s defence preparedness.

As the defence establishment applauded the government’s decision to go in for a timely induction of 36 Rafale fighter jets to bolster its strike capability, the Opposition looked desperately for scandals where there were none. That the direct government-to-government deal precluded Quattrocchi-type middlemen had further constrained the scope for any speculation on that count.

The deal’s timeline
First, a close look at the deal’s timeline to get a fair idea about the roles played by the UPA and NDA governments. As the country did a stocktaking of the lessons learnt in the wake of the Kargil conflict, the absence of a lethal air strike capability was direly felt and prompted the Indian Air Force to look around to fill a critical gap in its defence preparedness. However, the process to acquire a new set of Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) began only in 2007 when the Defence Ministry was headed by A.K. Antony.

After a long-drawn process, bids were opened in December 2012, and the French company Dassault Aviation was picked. There were protracted negotiations between the UPA government and Dassault on the aircraft’s prices and transfer of technology.

The talks continued until early 2014. A deal remained elusive, apparently due to the reluctance of a scam-ravaged UPA government, hit hard by the revelations of corruption and policy inertia.

Unlike Bofors, no corruption was involved, no money was exchanged. An inter-governmental agreement ensured that middlemen were eliminated in an attempt to plug holes in India’s combat readiness.

Second, with regard to the price of the aircraft, it is clear that the deal struck by the Narendra Modi government works to be at least 9% cheaper than the one concluded by the Manmohan Singh government insofar as its basic price is concerned, and at least 20% cheaper after including add-ons, such as state-of-the-art weaponry and gadgets, which would make the Indian Rafale both fearsome and lethal.

Flawed allegations
In any case, the very premise of these allegations that essentially relate to the offset clause is fundamentally flawed. The two governments involved have nothing to do with the offset provision under which Dassault decided to partner with the Reliance Group, among dozens of other Indian firms such as BTSL, DEFSYS, Kinetic, Mahindra, Maini and SAMTEL.

Dassault Aviation was negotiating potential partnerships with over a hundred other firms, as stated in its official press release.

Moreover, as noted in the Ministry of Defence’s statement, media reports of February 2012 suggest that Dassault, within two weeks of being declared the lowest bidder for procurement of 126 aircraft by the UPA government, had entered into a pact for partnership with Reliance Industries in the defence sector.

In the present case, it is only right to say that it was Dassault’s prerogative to pick its industrial partner.


The government should formulate a coherent strategy to deal with perceptions

No sooner had the ink dried on the Inter-Governmental Agreement between France and India to procure 36 Rafale aircraft than the Congress Party raised questions on the procedures adopted and the massive increase in prices. To many of us, this initially appeared to be just one more attempt to politicise a perfectly good defence deal.

The UPA, while in power, had been painfully slow in meeting the strategic requirements of the defence services. The 126-aircraft Rafale deal had tied itself in knots and failed to get approval even after extensive trials had been carried out and cost negotiation completed. The Indian Air Force was diminishing in strength and struggling to maintain its fighting ability to combat two adversaries.

Modi’s decisiveness
In contrast to the sluggishness of past practices, Prime Minister Modi had moved decisively to fast track the procurement of 36 Rafale aircraft.

While this would not meet the complete requirements of the Air Force, it would provide a significant boost to its dwindling capability.

There was also no hint of corruption in the deal — of middlemen with foreign accounts or changes in specifications to favour a particular manufacturer. These facts should have been enough to ensure that the allegations of any scam faded away quickly and quietly. However, that has not happened.

We are living in a ‘post-truth world’. ‘Post-truth’ was named as the 2016 word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries and is defined as “relating to circumstances in which people respond more to feelings and beliefs than to facts.” This reality was ignored by the government as it sought to counter the Opposition’s charges by haughty, factual denials. The Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman correctly identified the Rafale row as a ‘battle of perceptions’ but the tools used to fight this battle have been less than adequate.

Absence of transparency
The attempt to hide behind the a secrecy clause was clumsy and unconvincing, particularly, when many aspects of the pricing were already out in the open. The Finance Minister said that the Rafale deal negotiated by the government was 9% cheaper than the previously negotiated price, but in the absence of transparency, such statements lose the weight of authority.

There was a similar ineptness in dealing with the case of Anil Ambani’s company as the major offset partner of Dassault. In reply to a Rajya Sabha question in February 2018, Ms. Sitharaman stated: “Details of Indian offset partners have not yet been provided by the French industrial suppliers.” While this is factually correct, the answer appeared to be evasive. Evasion leads to speculation and doubts are generated.

Emily Thorne, a fictional character in the television series Revenge, says, “Truth is a battle of perceptions. People only see what they’re prepared to confront. It’s not what you look at that matters, but what you see. And when different perceptions battle against one another, the truth has a way of getting lost.” This is what appears to be happening in the Rafale row.

The procurement of the Rafale is an essential requirement. It is inconceivable that the government would agree to pay exorbitant costs without due diligence. The Air Force is in urgent need of modern aircraft and Rafale would partially fill this operational void. If this deal is not to become a political casualty, the government should formulate a coherent strategy to deal with perceptions.

Lt. Gen. Deependra Singh Hooda is a former General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Indian Army’s Northern Command
CAG again for forensic audit of Rafale deal
Special Correspondent
NEW DELHI, October 05, 2018 00:12 IST
Updated: October 05, 2018 00:12 IST

Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on Thursday, a second such meeting in less than a month, to press for a forensic audit of the “₹60,150 crore Rafale deal” and bring all facts on record for Parliament to fix “accountability” in the scam.

A a fresh memorandum submitted included press clippings: of the former French President Francois Hollande’s interview, in which he had claimed that the Indian government had pushed for Anil Ambani-led Reliance as an offset partner to the Rafale manufacturer, Dassault Aviation; the dissent note of a senior Defence Ministry official objecting to the pricing; and the former Hindustan Aeronautic Ltd. (HAL) chief, T. S. Raju’s comments claiming that HAL had entered into a work share contract with Dassault is completely false.

Senior Congress leader Anand Sharma also accused “the ministers in the government of leaking information” to sections of the media claiming that the CAG would be giving a ‘clean chit’ to the government. Mr. Sharma said such leaks eroded the integrity of the constitutional authority and added that “more revelations are going to come up since this is a global tender.”

The Congress delegation included Ahmed Patel, Anand Sharma, Jairam Ramesh, Randeep Surjewala, RPN Singh and Vivek Tankha.

On September 19, a party delegation had met the CAG to request for a forensic audit. The Congress said that subsequent revelations and documents had “exposed a deep-rooted, sinister conspiracy and a clear-cut case of loss to the public exchequer.”

In its memorandum, the opposition party said: “The Rafale scam has now emerged as India’s biggest ‘defence scam’. Skeletons are tumbling out of the closet everyday with repeated disclosures getting zero answers from the Defence Ministry. In fact, the only ‘truth’ of this government is ‘subterfuge’. The stench of ‘corruption’ and ‘cronyism’ in the Rafale deal is nauseating, requiring urgent intervention.”

The party alleged that the government’s decision to buy 36 ‘Made in France’ Rafale aircraft without ‘transfer of technology’ had caused a loss to the public exchequer worth ₹41,205 crore.

“The above facts reflect a clear-cut case of loss to public exchequer and rampant corruption coupled with a concerted conspiracy of bypassing PSU, HAL. It also reveals illegal and undue benefit to ‘crony friends’ by the highest echelons of power in the Modi Government,” it said.

The party told the CAG that all the aspects of conspiracy, corruption, national security and crony capitalism could only be uncovered through a probe by a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC).

Mr. Sharma said the Congress would not just demand, but insist on a JPC so that “accountability can be fixed once the CAG report puts all documents on record.”


Comptroller and Auditor General of India a constitutional functionary is primarily entrusted with the responsibility to audit the accounts and related activities of the three tiers of Government – Federal, Provincial and Local; the State owned public sector commercial enterprises; and autonomous bodies financed by the Federal and Provincial Governments. His reports are laid before the Parliament and Legislatures of the Provinces.
New Delhi, October 05, 2018 22:44 IST
Updated: October 05, 2018 22:44 IST
The programme will start with a Jan Adalat in Delhi on October 13

A week-long protest against the government over the Rafale deal, beginning with a Jan Adalat here on October 13.

These political parties are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister , and a joint parliamentary committee to probe the deal.

At the Jan Adalat, defence experts will be called in to answer questions over the deal. For now, the parties have decided not to invite other Opposition parties for the Jan Adalat. This will be followed by a nationwide campaign by Jan Ekta Jan Adhikar Andolan (JEJAA), the grouping of organisations affiliated to the political parties, from October 22 to 28.

Meetings in all districts
These organisations will hold public meetings and seminars, and stage a demonstration in districts on October 28. The JEJAA, which comprises traders, farmers, students, teachers, labour and social unions, claims to have 20 crore members.

“The artillery scam was just worth ₹64 crore; the Rafale deal we have heard may go up to ₹41,000 crore. In the artillery case, there was a middleman; but in the Rafale deal, the Prime Minister is directly involved,” JEJAA convener Hannan Mollah said.

“They want to shut us up by calling us by different names. It is a diversionary tactic to close down questions,” said a polit bureau member.

“The present government is partial towards 15 industrialists. For the past four and a half years the government has waived off loans worth Rs 3 lakh crore for the industrialists, the same should be done for the farmers,” he said while addressing a gathering at a stadium in Morena district.
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The general insurance company claimed that its proposal was the most competitive, almost 35% lower than the other closest proposal.

Reliance General Insurance on Saturday said it has won the contract to provide health insurance cover to Jammu and Kashmir government staff after a rigorous and transparent competitive tender process.

The company’s statement came after Congress president Rahul Gandhi alleged that the general insurance company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Anil Ambani’s Reliance Capital, got the health insurance mandate from the J&K government due to his proximity to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“We have won the employee health insurance policy as part of the ‘J&K Chief Minister’s Group Mediclaim Policy’ after a rigorous transparent competitive tender process involving technical and financial evaluation of multiple bidders, carried out strictly in compliance with the laid down guidelines of the state government,” the company said in a statement late evening on Saturday.

Citing a media report, the Congress president, in a tweet, on Saturday said, “When your BFF [best friend forever] is the PM, you can get the 1,30,000 Cr. Rafale deal, even without relevant experience. But wait. There’s more! Apparently, 400,000 JK Govt staff will also be arm-twisted into buying health insurance ONY from your company!”

Mr. Gandhi’s comments referred to the offset deal between French aerospace giant Dassault Aviation and Mr. Ambani’s Reliance Defence after the BJP-led NDA government entered into an agreement with France to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets.

The report claimed that the J&K government has chosen Reliance General Insurance to provide health insurance for its employees, pensioners and accredited journalists.

The general insurance company claimed that its proposal was the most competitive, almost 35% lower than the other closest proposal.

It said the other public and private sector insurance companies that participated in the bidding process included National Insurance, United India Insurance, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance and ICICI Lombard, among others.

Mr. Ambani has earlier rejected Congress’ allegations on the Rafale offset contract, saying the government had no role in French firm Dassault choosing his company as a partner.

The Narendra Modi-led NDA government has also denied any irregularity in the deal with France.

Reliance General Insurance was incorporated on 17 August 2000. It received the license to conduct general insurance business in India from the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI) on 23 October 2000. Unlike most insurance companies, who have foreign partners, the firm is promoted solely by Reliance Capital.

Last Published: Fri, Mar 13 2015. 08 57 AM IST
The upper house’s nod for the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2015, puts Parliament’s seal of approval on the legislation, which seeks to raise the overseas investment cap in insurance companies to 49% from 26%.

The Lok Sabha on 4 March approved the bill, which will become an Act when the President signs it.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was able to turn the tide its way in the upper House

The NDA has the support of only 57 members of Parliament (MPs) in the 245-member upper house while the Congress has 67 MPs and the BJD seven.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist), with nine MPs in the Rajya Sabha, opposed the higher cap.

The passage of the insurance bill in Rajya Sabha also raises hopes of legislative passage for some other crucial bills like the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Bill and Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2015, which have been referred to a select committee by the house.


The PIL seeks a direction to the Centre to reveal details of the deal
A petition was filed by Rajya Sabha member on Monday to constitute a Special Investigation Team (SIT) under the supervision of the Supreme Court to investigate the reasons for cancellation of earlier deal for the purchase of 126 Rafale fighter jets.

The petition wants the SIT to probe how the figure of 36 jets was arrived at, without the formalities associated with such a highly sensitive defence procurement.

It wants an investigation into the alterations made by the Defence Ministry about the pricing of the Rafale fighter jets in view of the earlier price of ₹526 crore per fighter weapons, specific enhancements, maintenance support and services which resulted in the escalation of the price of each fighter jets from ₹526 crore to more than ₹1500 crore.

The petition wants an investigation into “how a novice company viz. Reliance Defence came in picture of this highly sensitive defence deal involving ₹59,000 crore without having any kind of experience and expertise in making of fighter jets”.

It has sought an explanation on why the name of 'Hindustan Aeronautics Limited' was removed from the deal?

“Whether the decision of the purchase of only 36 Rafale fighter jets instead of 126 was a compromise with the security of the country or not?” the petition asked.

“Whether the Reliance Defence or its sister concern or any other individual or intermediary company has/have influenced the decision making of the purchase of Rafale fighter jets at substantially higher prices in the backdrop of the statement given by the then President of French Republic and the investment made by the Reliance Entertainment into the Julie Gayet's Firm Rouge International was made with a purpose to influence the decision of removal of the HAL and induction of Reliance Defence as partner of the Dassault?” it asked.

The petition wants the Central Bureau of Investigation to lodge an FIR and to report the progress of investigation to the Supreme Court. Further, to “restore the earlier deal for the purchase of 126 Rafale Fighter Jets which was cancelled on June 24, 2015”. Besides to bar the Dassault Reliance Aerospace Limited (DRAL) from handling/manufacturing the jets and propose Hindustan Aeronautics Limited as the Indian offset partner.

The petition may be tagged with an earlier one filed by advocate on the same issue. A Bench led by Justice (as he was then) had posted advocate’s case for October 10.

Aerospace engineer held for leaking info to Pakistan
Nagpur, October 08, 2018 17:40 IST
Updated: October 08, 2018 19:14 IST

A engineer was nabbed in a joint operation by the Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squads

A engineer with the Aerospace unit near here was arrested on Monday for allegedly leaking “technical information” to Pakistan, an official said.

The engineer was nabbed in a joint operation by the Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squads (ATS) at Wardha Road facility, an ATS official said.

The engineer was living in a rented accommodation on Wardha Road since the last year, his landlord said.

Landlord said the police team arrived at the building at 5.30 a.m and was there till 5 p.m.

Landlord said the engineer hails from Roorkee and got married two months ago. “He was staying with his wife here and had given his Aadhaar card copy and a certificate from his employer to me while moving in,” he said.

Aerospace was formed as a joint venture between India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

The company was established in India through an inter-governmental agreement signed on February 12, 1998.


CBI to file closure report in missing student case

New Delhi, October 08, 2018 11:52 IST
Updated: October 08, 2018 12:22 IST

The agency had, on last hearing, told the Court that it wanted to file closure report stating it has not been able to trace student, who has been missing since October 15, 2016.

The Delhi High Court on Monday allowed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which was probing into the disappearance of student ,to submit a closure report at a trial court here.

The agency had, on last hearing, told the Court that it wanted to file closure report stating it has not been able to trace student, who has been missing since October 15, 2016.

While allowing CBI's plea, a Bench of Justice and Justice said student's mother can raise her grievances before the trial court where report is filed.

The Court also rejected student's mother plea seeking a further probe by another special investigation team comprising officials not belonging to the probe agency.

The student had gone missing a day after a scuffle with some other students.

The Court had transferred the case to the CBI after Delhi police remained clueless about his whereabouts seven months after he went missing.

The CBI had submitted that it has probed all the angles and that its investigation in the case was complete.

Opposing the submission, student’s mother had said that the CBI has not probed the matter ‘in a fair manner’.

Student’s mother counsel had contended that it was a “political case” and that the “CBI has succumbed to the pressure of its masters”.

On the contention of student’s mother counsel that the CBI has not conducted custodial interrogation of any suspect, the CBI counsel said it was the discretion of the agency whether to arrest a person.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) chief on Monday said that acquisition of 36 Rafale aircraft, S-400 missile systems, attack helicopters and heavy-lift helicopters would enhance the capability of the force. IAF chief BS Dhanoa was speaking on the occasion of 86th anniversary of the Indian Air Force which was celebrated with air and ground display by air warriors at Hindon airbase in Ghaziabad.

Dhanoa said that the force is in the process of acquiring new combat system, upgrading and modernising the existing inventory of aircraft and weapon systems. “The ongoing induction of Tejas (Light Combat Aircraft), Spyder, medium range surface to air missiles and state of art precision weapons are a part of our larger modernisation programme,” Dhanoa said.

“The IAF is ever prepared to meet any contingency that challenges the defence of our country...,” he added. He said that aerospace safety is one area where the force needs to maintain constant vigil as loss of aircraft in peacetime is not only expensive but diminishes the wartime capability. He asked the personnel to remain combat worthy.
Rafale deal: SC asks Centre to submit in a sealed cover details of decision-making process
New Delhi, October 10, 2018 11:43 IST
Updated: October 10, 2018 15:58 IST

It, however, clarifies that it does not want information on pricing and technical particulars.

The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Central government to provide details in a sealed cover of the decision-making process in the Rafale fighter jet deal with France by October 29, but clarified that it does not want information on pricing and technical particulars.

The Bench, comprising Chief Justice and Justices, also made it clear that it was not taking into account the allegations of corruption in the deal made in the petitions.

The court was hearing various petitions seeking directions, including asking the Centre to reveal details of the deal and the comparative prices during the UPA and NDA Government in a sealed cover to the court.

The BJP led Government opposed the petitions and sought that they be dismissed on the ground that they were filed to gain political mileage.

Attorney General told the court that the issue in question pertained to national security and such issues could not be reviewed judicially.

The court, however, did not issue notice to the BJP led Government on two PIL petitions filed by two lawyers, seeking a court monitored probe into the deal.

The court fixed the next hearing of the petitions on October 31.

RTI activist withdraws plea

Congress leader and RTI activist withdrew his PIL plea, which had sought a direction against the BJP led Government on why the Union Cabinet approval was not sought as part of the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP) before signing the procurement deal with France on September 23, 2016.

The Rafale deal is an agreement signed between the governments for the purchase of 36 Rafale fighter aircraft in fly-away condition as a part of the upgrading process of Indian Air Force.

The Rafale is a twin-engine Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) manufactured by Dassault Aviation.

Had advanced a proposal to buy 126 fighter aircraft in August 2007 and floated a tender. Following this, an invitation was sent to various aviation companies to participate in the bidding process.


On April 13, 2015 Parrikar stated in an interview that the cost for Rafales was Rs900 billion (US$14 billion). But a few weeks later

September 23, 2016

According to a source in the Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD), the order is worth about €7.89 billion (US $8.85 billion). France is expected to invest 30 percent of the total order cost in military aeronautics-related research programs and 20 percent into local production of Rafale components to fulfill the mandatory offsets under the deal.

Of the total reported amount, €3.42 billion is for the cost of the platform; another €1.8 billion is for support and infrastructure supplies; €1.7 billion will be spent to meet specific changes on the aircraft; €710 million is the additional weapons package; and €353 million is the cost of performance-based logistics support, the MoD official said.

The first of the jets from France is to be delivered in 36 months

"This new contract illustrates the strategic relationship and the exemplary partnership maintained between the two countries and marks the natural culmination of the relationship of trust initiated in 1953 when became Dassault Aviation’s first export customer," the company said.

According to an Indian Air Force (IAF) official, Dassault will make India-specific changes to the aircraft and mount new-generation missiles, like Meteor and Scalp, adding extra capability beyond India's immediate adversaries.

Pakistan currently has only a beyond-visual-range (BVR) missile with 80-km range.

During the Kargil war, India had used a BVR having 50-km range while Pakistan had none. With Meteor, the balance of power in the air space has again tilted in India’s favour.

These aircraft are likely to succeed Mirage fighters for nuclear warhead delivery as part of India’s nuclear doctrine. “The IGA does not put any restrictions on its use,” a senior defence official said in what would be welcome news for India’s strategic planners.

Defence sources said the agreement has many components, which are better that the original deal and the best part is the weapons package.

The deal includes the aircraft in fly-away condition, weapons, simulators, spares, maintenance, and Performance Based Logistics support for five years. “For five years we do not have to spend on maintenance,” sources said. Warranty is extendable by two years by factoring inflation and further by another five years upon negotiation. For the entire deal inflation has been capped at a maximum of 3.5 % or current rate whichever is lowest.

The aircraft will be customised as per the requirements of the IAF which include Helmet Mounted Displays, radar warning receiver, infrared search and track among others.
Special Correspondent
NEW DELHI, October 11, 2018 13:36 IST
Updated: October 11, 2018 17:41 IST
The clarification forms the backdrop of a visit by Defence Minister to France and assess the progress of the supply of 36 Rafale jets.

The decision to partner with Reliance Defence on Rafale aircraft deal was taken ‘freely,’ Dassault Aviation said in a press release on Thursday, October 11, 2018.

The clarification came a day after reports in the French media suggested that the company was made to choose Reliance Defence in a “trade-off” to get the Rafale aircraft deal from India.

“Dassault Aviation has freely chosen to make a partnership with India’s Reliance Group. This joint venture, Dassault Reliance Aerospace Ltd (DRAL), was created on February 10, 2017. Other partnerships have been signed with other companies. Other negotiations are ongoing with a hundred-odd other potential partners,” Dassault Aviation said.

French investigative journal Mediapart had reported that Dassault Aviation found it mandatory to have Anil Ambani’s Reliance Defence as an offset partner to clinch the Rafale deal. The journal said it was a “trade-off.” It cited documents from Dassault Aviation that showed that it had no option but to take Reliance as the offset partner.

The clarification from Dassault Aviation forms the backdrop of a visit to France by Defence Minister on Thursday. During the visit, Defence Minister is expected to assess the progress of the supply of 36 Rafale jets by Dassault under a ₹58,000 -crore deal.
Rafale deal: a serial liar

''I think only an issueless man can repeat a lie again and again because he doesn’t have any other issues.”

On Friday accused the party of repeatedly “spreading falsehood and lies” on the Rafale fighter aircraft deal and called him a “serial liar”.

“We have been witnessing the activities of a serial liar. I think only an issueless man can repeat a lie again and again because he doesn’t have any other issues.”

Remarks came in the wake of Dassault Aviation CEO Eric Trappier saying that the company’s joint venture with Reliance in Nagpur represents only about 10 per cent of the offset obligations in the deal and it was in negotiations with about a 100 Indian companies to meet the requirements under the Defence Procurement Procedure of the Indian government.

“But even if a lie is repeated a hundred times it will never become a substitute for the truth. We have a gentleman manufacturing fake news and then trying to spread it. So repeating lie after lie, falsehood after falsehood, was not going to change the reality. The opposition is an issueless party, their leadership cannot understand basic figures, basic elementary facts.''

“But even if a lie is repeated a hundred times it will never become a substitute for the truth. We have a gentleman manufacturing fake news and then trying to spread it. So repeating lie after lie, falsehood after falsehood, was not going to change the reality. The Congress is an issueless party, their leadership cannot understand basic figures, basic elementary facts.''

‘Misdemeanours of 2012’

US Congressmen were possibly trying to hide their own ''misdemeanours of 2012'', when under the ''pressure of the 'first family', they cancelled important negotiations over the deal to benefit their associates and compromised national security.''

“We have a crystal clear situation keeping national interest and the security of the nation as paramount,” he said.

The government decided to expedite the purchase of very crucial and critical defence equipment. “We have been able to negotiate terms, which are far better than what was the terms between the 2007 and 2012. We have been able to get faster delivery, longer maintenance tenure, better availability of spare parts and the much needed capabilities particularly in the adversarial situation at the border,” he said.

‘Offset clause drafted ’

Referring to Mr. Trappier’s comments, Had categorically confirmed that since the “implementation of offset was an obligation under the regulation”, also drafted under, they themselves choose the partners to implement the offsets”.

“The CEO has confirmed that of their volition and choice they chose a particular company with which their discussions and contracts are persisting since 2012.

“The Reliance-Dassault agreement dates back to 2012 and it immediately raises the question whether the opposition was trying to deflect its own misdeeds by cancelling the entire process because the French side was not willing to give business to a close associate of the first family.

“what are his relations with the first family of the Congress? What are the angularities that the opposition decided to compromise the national security to drop the procurement of much needed defence equipment?

“It was time the opposition understood that this government was with highest standard of transparency and probity.”


Ministry of Defence
12-October, 2018 18:45 IST
Raksha Mantri Addresses on ‘India-France Defence Engagement in A Multipolar World’ at The Institute of Strategic Research (IRSEM) in Paris

Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala Sitharaman is on maiden official visit to France on the invitation of French Defence Minister Ms Florence Parly from October 10 - 13, 2018. Smt Sitharaman addressed ‘India-France Defence Engagement in a Multipolar World’ at the Institute of Strategic Research (IRSEM) in Paris, today. In her speech, she said that her visit is a reaffirmation of India’s commitment to the strategic partnership with France, especially in the critical areas of defence cooperation.

Raksha Mantri Smt Sitharaman said, “Under the new framework for defence industry in India, we are hoping to meet our defence requirements within a framework of joint manufacturing and technology driven partnerships”. She highlighted a strong India-France strategic partnership, of which the defence ties are a key component, and an active engagement with other like-minded friends and partners, can contribute to furthering peace and security in these testing times. India presents a major opportunity for the French defence industry. Indian Government’s ‘Make-in-India’ initiative opens doors to not only a huge market but is also an attractive investment destination for defence production and development, including for third country exports. Several of our international partners have already displayed a willingness to expand their presence in the Indian defence manufacturing space.

Raksha Mantri said the current international security environment can be characterized as one of rapid change and uncertainty, with swathes of sustained instability and violence posing a grave challenge. The persisting threat of terrorism, or what we in India as well as increasingly in Afghanistan too, more accurately refer to as cross-border terrorism, is a primary security threat. She also said that the interplay between states and non-state actors that are often used as proxies to foment violence has worsened this menace. Areas of continued violence and instability in the Af-Pak region, as well as parts of West Asia and Africa, have functioned as incubators of virulent manifestations of terrorism. This, combined with the issue of foreign terrorist fighters and uncontrolled migration now pose a clear threat to the stability of wider Asia and Europe.

Smt Sitharaman made special mentioned about the continued presence of terrorist infrastructure and state support to terrorists in the immediate neighbourhood constantly testing India’s patience. As a responsible power, India has exercised great restraint in dealing with this menace. India and France have long been victims of terrorism. Disrupting the recruitment, mobilisation and movements of Foreign Terrorist fighters, stopping sources of terrorist financing in dismantling terrorist infrastructure and preventing supply of arms to terrorists all require a concerted effort. She mentioned that in this direction, France is playing a unique role.

She underlined in that context, growing India-France maritime cooperation, especially in the Indian Ocean region, will be crucial in order to preserving the strategic interests, in maintaining the safety of international sea lanes for unimpeded commerce and communications in accordance with the international law, for countering maritime terrorism and piracy, for capacity building and for greater coordination in regional/international fora. Such cooperation is for the common benefit of all.

Smt Sitharaman said at a broader level, high political exchanges have been a hallmark of our ties. Most recently, the very successful State visit by President Mr. Emmanuel Macron to India in March this year, and the visit of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Paris in June last year, have elevated Indo-French relationship to a new trajectory.

India has been constantly supportive of recent efforts to bring about peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula through dialogue and diplomacy. Developments in the Middle East and West Asia are of great significance for India. India has key stakes in this region, which accounts for 66% of our energy requirements and is home to over eight million Indians. Conflict in this region threatens to expand beyond the internal situation in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya.

India and France are bound by a very deep-rooted thread of military history. She referred to the supreme sacrifice of 9,300 Indian soldiers who laid down their lives on the French soil, fighting in the World Wars. A total of 1,40,000 Indian soldiers fought in various theatres of the First World War in France and Belgium, thousands of miles away from their homeland, for the cause of freedom.

Raksha Mantri stated that India’s partnership with other countries aims to contribute a more secure, stable and peaceful environment for all and spur greater prosperity. She further stated that France is an important stakeholder in this effort and both the countries will remain committed to working together towards these objectives.


Congress president Rahul Gandhi during his interaction with with former HAL employees at Cubbon Park in Bengaluru on Saturday. | Photo Credit: Murali Kumar K.


Terming HAL a “strategic asset”, Congress president accuses Modi government of destroying it and tells the aerospace PSU’s employees that “Rafale is your right”.

Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday, October 13,2018, described the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL), as a “strategic asset” in aerospace, saying the country owed a debt to it, as he stepped up his campaign against the Modi government over the Rafale fighter jet deal.

Reaching out to present and former employees of the defence PSU at an interaction with them here, Mr. Gandhi said, work done by HAL for the country was tremendous and the country owed debt to it for “protecting us” and creating a scientific vision.

”....HAL is a strategic asset in aerospace, not an ordinary or regular company,” Mr. Gandhi said at the event organised at Minsk Square near the HAL head quarters.

He said he was interacting with the employees to understand how to make “this strategic asset” (HAL) more effective “so that when we come to power, we will do it more aggressively.”

Mr. Gandhi’s interaction is part of his onslaught against the Modi government over the Rafale deal in which he alleges HAL had been overlooked in the offsets contracts with French aerospace company Dassault Aviation preferring Anil Ambani’s company.

The Congress, which has been accusing the government of benefiting the Reliance Defence Ltd of Anil Ambani from the deal, has also been demanding answers on why the state-run aerospace major HAL was not involved in the deal as finalised during the UPA.

‘Job losses for Karnataka’
The party had been accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of snatching jobs of people of Karnataka by taking away the contract from HAL.

Mr. Gandhi had been saying that had HAL been selected in place of Reliance Defence it could have generated employment to scores of unemployed youth in the state.

However, the BJP and Reliance Defence have dismissed all the allegations as false.

Mr. Modi had announced the procurement of 36 Rafale fighters after holding talks with then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015, in Paris.
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