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Darra Adam Khel made PPSh-41 ( Pashpasha)

was brave enough to stand against few hundred Talibans,
You are right these weapons are for show off
It has nothing to do with ethnicity people in every part of Pakistan would keep weapons if they are allowed to

No, these cannot be banned.
See what idiots do with guns that's why these FATA guns should be banned
You are right these weapons are for show off
It has nothing to do with ethnicity people in every part of Pakistan would keep weapons if they are allowed to

See what idiots do with guns that's why these FATA guns should be banned
The idiots should be punished. He should be hanged.
Oh come on bro!
Why we didn't saw any support for extremism in Karak, Kohat, Sawabi Mardan and other developed areas ? Why only Ex Fata?

Hathyar hamara zewar has nothing to do with extremism.Both civilians and armed forces paid heavily to bring back peace in KP .

Do you know why FATA falls to Taliban so quick ? because they never let Pakistani Army in to their land, they keep the weapons , smugglers , and all sort of criminals keep in their mists and when these people join TTP they got weapons from same so called factories . Taliban kill those tribal leaders right in front of people and all of them just hide in their homes and call for army , these people sell weapons that kill my soldiers .
Local darra made weapons may not be as reliable as international ones but they are 20 times cheaper and still kills the enemy.

I got a 9mm pistol for just 1500 Rs, been 10 years and works fine.

Have you killed any enemy with your pistol to be sure it does kill?
Have you killed any enemy with your pistol to be sure it does kill?
No i have not even killed an animal with it but i have used it alot, on bottles n stuff. The whole afghan war against USSR was fought with these weapons, so it works. As long as the ammo is not low quality. Many times ive had cartridges stuck in it lolz.
this is common happens in weddings
He thought he is Rambo but couldn't control gun
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lol this is common in kp
Everyone in kp is weak like him?
none of these so call Hathyaar humara zeewar was brave enough to stand against few hundred Talibans, they chicken out and sold them weapons which killed our Soldiers, these owners should be identified and hanged in Public .

They were the Taliban. The market has been shut since it is hella illegal and now they are part of the federation just like the rest of us. There are still a few operating but not at the same capacity as demand for reason has plunged.
Do you know why FATA falls to Taliban so quick ? because they never let Pakistani Army in to their land, they keep the weapons , smugglers , and all sort of criminals keep in their mists and when these people join TTP they got weapons from same so called factories . Taliban kill those tribal leaders right in front of people and all of them just hide in their homes and call for army , these people sell weapons that kill my soldiers .
Do the armed forces need “permission” to protect their own country? Do they need permission of the people on eastern border as well? When was the last time armed forces in world took permission from the people in that area to respond to a full blown war supported by the neighboring countries?

Nobody stopped them from entering FATA. If you have any proof kindly share. Instead it was the government who took years to conduct the operations and respond to war imposed by our enemies.
Ever heard of Aman Lashkars? They fought alongside our armed forces and paid heavily and each member of these Lashkars is still on TTP’s hit list. Initially people accepted TTP version of islam and shariah but so did the government by going ahead and approving peace accord in Malakand division. We Pakistanis in general and pashtuns in particular are obsessed with mullahs. This was the reason people initially accepted their shariah law the other reasons were FCR , lack of education and awareness. Our government took decades to submerge FATA. Who was stopping them? The people of FATA? There is a sit-in for at least in Dara adam khel against Kohat district commissioner. Did you hear about it on any TV channel?
And about these shops who allow them in the first place back in 80s? Do you think terrorists only get their weapons and ammo from Dara Adam Khel? Brother Dara valley is under army control since 2008. Every peak is in army’s control, there are check point in and out of the valley.

People who still support TTP’s narrative we call them terrorists they are not Pakistanis and they have nothing to do with our “hathyar hamara zewar” culture.

We fought for our motherland along the armed forces, we lost our family members and we will fight again, we will sacrifice everything again for Pakistan.
They were the Taliban. The market has been shut since it is hella illegal and now they are part of the federation just like the rest of us. There are still a few operating but not at the same capacity as demand for reason has plunged.

good, such shops needs to be regulated and state should keep an eye on the sellers .

cowards we liberated azad kashmir for you and this is how you repay us coward action speak louder than words

You are right these weapons are for show off
It has nothing to do with ethnicity people in every part of Pakistan would keep weapons if they are allowed to

See what idiots do with guns that's why these FATA guns should be banned

Goddamn!? How many were hurt? I heard screams and hope there were survivors.
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