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Dar the Dracula Returns to Pakistan

He added $30 billion to total Pakistan debt owed to this day for unnecessary projects at high cost during Pml tenure.

Rupees devalued by a lot in those days.

Now there is nothing Imran Khan can do to bring back economy !!!!


Wtf why don't Pakistanis awaam kill this b@$tard, I just don't understand a traitor returns to power & they're sitting watching, wtf!?!?!#@?
Neutral chokidaar kis kaam kay hain? If they want to kill him, they'd have to go through GHQ first and without big guns that ain't happening anytime soon.
Mystics of Pakistan predicting a Green eye Army general making Pakistan super power since 60's. Qudrutullah Shahab, Mumtaz Mufti, Professor Bagh Hussain Kamal, Wasif Ali Wasif.
You raise an interesting point and mention interesting names. Maybe the prediction by a sufi mystic Shah naimatullah Wali and all the related ones by the names you have mentioned leading towards Ghazwa e hind.

For me the topic is much more vast whether its military or sufism. I was enjoying having a conversation in lighter moods in earlier posts of this thread, I kept smiling thinking how Joe Shearer sahab usually teases members. His standards are much higher of course, but I was merely having a good time replying to posts with a silly point here and there. It was good fun to see the reactions.

Kher, your post is intriguing.

In Military, there are different kinds of faith. Some are shia, majority are sunni, some go to shrines, others stick with masjid only, some drink alcohol, others are devoted muslims - basically all schools of thought exist. Islam unites them.

Military itself is intertwined with religion like I said previously. But it all comes down to faith of a military officer eventually. Lt Col Haq Nawaz Kayani (Shaheed in 71) was a retired army officer who was called back in war as reservist. He wanted command of his unit instead of desk job in GHQ which reservists get. While walking through a mine field in leepa valley AJK, he said to his troops that he has prayed so his troops will walk on the mines without getting harmed and thats exactly what happened, troops went through minefield unharmed. In Gilgit, a unit was transferring to Punjab region. The trucks of advance party went under the shadow of koran held by the unit's khateeb. The brakes of the first truck failed even after it had passed under koran. Two different CO's, different units, same terrain (AJK) - it boils down to faith.

Lt Gen Sarfraz Ali, who was martyred in recent heli crash, was IG FC too and against the popular perception, he moved to induct Baloch women in FC, and it worked out well. Later, his decision to dedicate Cadet College Turbat to girls also proved to be prudent. .Once, he learnt about a cottage school in village Inami Bhent, Awaran being run by a teacher after the floods of yesteryears uprooted the school building. Upon his directive, in just a few months, a fully furnished school was opened for the children in September 2020. I have more incidents like these of Brigs, Lt Cols and majors too, but the common myth that Generals are corrupt - needs to go, its not valid.

Major Raja Aziz Bhatti when used to go out with family and when approached by a beggar would take out money for beggar without looking in the wallet. His wife would argue against this approach but he would say that the beggar is getting whatever is in beggar's fate from his wallet and he is not a decision maker for beggar's fate but Allah is.

Take two military dictators- Zia and Musharraf. One conservative, other liberal. Zia Islamized the Army, Musharraf was opposite, yet the wars that military fought were through faith on Allah.

Lets talk about the other topic now. Faith, sufism, spirituality etc. Lets start with Lahore, some names you took lived in Lahore. I will mention briefly about them.

Lahore was land of black magic, ruled by hindus. Hazrat Miran Hussain Zanjani arrived in Lahore but went into seclusion soon afterwards without making any worthwhile difference. When the situation didnt change, another sufi dervish from the same order, same class (making them classmates) was sent to Lahore. The new dervish was excited to meet his class mate Miran Hussain Zanjani, but as he entered Lahore, he saw that jinaza of Hussain Zinjani was about to be held. the new dervish led the jinaza prayers and buried his classmate Hussain Zinjani. This dervish was Hazrat Ali bin Usman Hajveri (R.A) or Data Gunjbuksh R.A

He defeated a black magician who would take money/milk from everyone (Gujjars) or their cows/buffalos would give blood instead of milk. This magician converted to muslim and became known as Sheikh Hindi, now buried along with Data Ganjbuksh in his shrine. Data Gunjbuksh then ordered Ravi river to move away at certain distance as population of Lahore grew. This was 1000 years ago and last week was his 979th urs mubarak. Then all the sufis who had to travel to subcontinent were ordered to pay visit to Data Gunjbuksh in Lahore and then enter subcontinent. It continues even today but in different forms.

Jumping to 19th century, Allama Iqbal's incident with Data Gunjbuksh was narrated by one of his aides which became very famous. Wasif Ali Wasif was a professor in college, writing on blackboard with chalk one day in class room that he got mixed up while writing a sentence. His heartbeat rate increased, and he decided to go home instead somehow he went to the shrine of Data Gunjbuksh and then he became what we know about him today.

Manto was another character, like VCheng you could say, who would write what he saw and he only saw the dirt in society. He isnt related to Data Gunjbuksh dont worry. He had some influence of sufism but no way near others of his time and later writers. Manto would sit in Pak Tea house in evenings, not that far from Data Gunjbuksh shrine and consume alcohol.

There was Waris shah, he considered himself Ranjha, as he did fall in love with some heer whose love took him from ishq e majazi to ishq e hakiki while waris shah would visit shrine of Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganjshakar RA in pakpattan

Now this guy Dar, the one called from abroad, also has a story linked with him through Data Gunjbuksh. There was a Tonga driver, who would drive outside Data Gunjbuksh shrine everyday. One day he decided to come in the shrine and prayed that I have 4 sons, please request Allah to grant me 4 more rickshaws for them as I have been asking Allah for years but cant save enough money, people said that I can request through you, so kindly accept my request. One of his sons was an eager fellow, who was interested in studying and making a name for himself. He started visiting Data Gunjbuksh shrine. Today the son of a tonga driver owns properties abroad. This is just another story like millions of stories we hear.

Ashfaq Ahmed in his writings would present a "zawiya" - a point of view. If you read hypno therapy, the therapist keeps changing point of view of person to look at life from different angles to understand not just life but also his ailments ti find cure psychologically. Ashfaq Ahmed talked about metaphysics and physics in his story,"mann chalay ka soda" though the whole story revolves around " fanna" with concepts from sufism. If you do read Ashfaq Ahmed, you will see he mentions a paragraph after every few pages dedicated to concept of faith, Allah and spirituality from within the story for understanding of the reader.

If you conduct an analysis of different writers, then Qudratullah Shahab comes on top with his book Shahabnama. The thing with such books is that one has to read them again after sometimes to understand the context. Just like Data Gunjbaksh's famous book, kash ful majoob, is very difficult to understand even if you read it first few times.

Back in the day, when TV was conservative and decent, we were used to watching the start of transmission by Hamd shareef, naat shareef, recitation of koran etc. That was another building block for a generation to get solid foundation of understanding of religious values. Thats how a normal day would start. If you feel the cool breeze in morning, it sways the plants, grass, leaves etc just like they are whirling in love of Allah reciting hamd. The birds are leaving homes but they are squeaking in their own language early morning like praying to Allah and when returning to nests around maghrib, squeaking again as if thanking Allah at the end of their day. Although my previous posts got a bit silly considering I was joking around with disgruntled audience, but the importance of morning prayers is always there. If you listen to any motivational speaker, they start their day early. Bodybuilders and actors like Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson etc start their day before 5 am. Doctors say to take walks in early morning to energize body, as oxygen goes in body with deep breaths. Its actually energizing the soul because the soul wants to get up in morning while body wants to rest.

The basis of faith on Allah is very important. Allah is very kind and devises ways and means for every person to ask for forgiveness and turn towards Him. Its a mistake to judge Allah. Humans judge humans, but no one knows what actually lies in hearts. I wouldn't undermine Allah neither judge him. He gives to muslims, hindu, jew, christian, atheist - everyone. Someone who is not sparing Allah from judgement will obviously judge humans.

I have another member quoting me about hard work and honest hard work. Isnt it common sense that that there is no hard work without honesty. If its not honest, there is no hard work in it. I mean I come across biased people who have made up their minds on no matter what basis. Instead of working hard, we are more inclined to judge others if they are honest or not.

Then is the family upbringing. See the topic of this thread. Is that what parents have taught these members ? Ridiculing, insulting, cursing to get their points across. Its fun in a way, but it just shows how parents taught their child to express himself. This is why I mentioned the TV programs of back in the day starting from hamd, naat etc. Such values dont exist anymore.

In the end, my intention is to bring positivity, pick positivity and look for positivity. There is already too much negativity in such topics.
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In the end, my intention is to bring positivity, pick positivity and look for positivity. There is already too much negativity in such topics.

Obviously, those who are happy with the present power structure and hierarchy want to keep perceptions positive, because the negative reality would invite criticism they would wish to avoid.

The rise of new elites in Pakistan is a fascinating scenario and it is fun to speculate what would happen if such a possibility becomes reality. Many things can happen but some are more likely than others. In such a scenario do you think that the new elites will be different from the old elites in their approach to creating wealth? Please don't be neutral this time as there are no right or wrong answers here, this is just fun speculation.

Please go ahead and speculate for fun all you wish. I can think of other more fun things to do. :D
Shackles of Ignorance don't fade away over night, it took Prophet 23 years with a divine message to stabilize the society, you think that Pakistani's who are not just ignorant but jahil when it comes to the fundamentals of basic common sense will be free anytime soon? here on PDF you can see that educated people can be brainwashed to an extent where they can claim a corrupt Mafia and land grabbing army, and portray them as some divine holy warriors. I can bet that those Generals if they ever come across comments like these will laugh at us while sipping from the Glass of Wine.

As @Jango said elsewhere, one can always hope. Hope is good. I know not long ago when I told people about the reality about the Army, many including management were deeply offended and led vicious attacks on me by their cronies. Some have seen the light since then. Many others persist is putting lipstick on the proverbial animal, or prefer to believe in an alternate messiah. To me, it does not matter at all, for reality remains what it is, not as we wish to see it. Pakistani society is not likely to break its shackles of ignorance anytime soon, for a majority are actually very accepting of the way things are. Really.

Manto was another character, like VCheng you could say, who would write what he saw and he only saw the dirt in society.

Please do consider having the moral courage to notify me when you quote falsehoods like these to my person. Thank you.
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What did he do last time? He is a economic hitman.
He added $30 billion to total Pakistan debt owed to this day for unnecessary projects at high cost during Pml tenure.
Neutral chokidaar kis kaam kay hain? If they want to kill him, they'd have to go through GHQ first and without big guns that ain't happening anytime soon.
This is why whole Pakistanis awaam are cattle n heard if u understand what I'm implying

bachara bemar ...


As @Jango said elsewhere, one can always hope. Hope is good. I know not long ago when I told people about the reality about the Army, many including management were deeply offended and led vicious attacks on me by their cronies. Some have seen the light since then. Many others persist is putting lipstick on the proverbial animal, or prefer to believe in an alternate messiah. To me, it does matter at all, for reality remains what it is, not as we wish to see it. Pakistani society is not likely to break its shackles of ignorance anytime soon, for a majority are actually very accepting of the way things are. Really.

Please do consider having the moral courage to notify me when you quote falsehoods like these to my person. Thank you.
dude Manto is my favorite ... but I don t know which Manto .. a famous afghan dish manto

Military personnel start their day early, wake up in morning. Offer fajr behind imam, even in GOC houses where general and his staff offers prayers in mosques built in army houses. Then go to job early.

Military businesses will keep flourishing. DHA will keep expanding. Askaris, Fauji ventures will keep happening.

You can keep cursing army for whatever reason but in Army the trend is to get up in morning for fajr and fight for sake of ALLAH, nothing will happen to Army till Allah wants.

Look at public on other side. Public will keep suffering and the reason is evident. You call generals and military corrupt, but they still flourish. They have secured jobs with salaries and pensions, assets after retirements, commands of thousands of troops etc. Also newer weapons, newer facilities, etc too. They are following Islam and fighting for Allahs sake, which you may differ, but Allah doesn’t seem to differ as it looks like, rest Allah knows better.

Now twist and turn as much as you want, public sleeps late, wakes up late and then wants change ! This is just one point. There are hundreds more where public needs improvement in themselves.

Why is God letting Pakistan Military Progress and flourish even while public like you curses them ? Go figure.

Neither public will flourish not Pakistan until they change their ways and Allah wills.
Are you sleep talking, very well equipped army we have got have we? No wonder we are relying on the NASR and other nuclear weapons to survive. Even Afghan Taliban next door wearing rags and slippers are better equipped then our soldiers. Traitors and sold out generals will meet the same fate like Yahya, Ayub and others had before them but shame our nation have to pay the price for their betrayals till then unless they gather courage to bring them down. They are taking the poor folks tax money from the government kitty for decades by either direct rule or imposing indirect rulers of their choice on us and we were made fool by them, by selling us the Indian bogy. By toppling Imran government they have done immense favour to us and we finally have woken up to their betrayals and begin to see their game. Now its matter of time when they are going to meet their creator either by running out of the country or being buried abroad. What a progress when even your own land have been reduced on you to be thrown into a pit abroad.
I am confused can you explain what are you referring too. Your graphs are showing CAD was historically down and exports historically high..it really is the exports or inflows (remittance+exports+ services+investment) that matter nothing else

I think you are IK double agent trying to give him good light
I would suggest deleting this post.

The first graph is current account which includes trade of goods and services plus remittances. Positive means surplus and negative deficit. It reached record negative in 2018. Only less than that was in 2008-9 when whole world was in recession. Same situation the world is going in again. So in previous dar's tenure world economy was growing and dollar interest rate was low.

The second is export to gdp which is bigger the better. Again you can check his performance as compared to PTI which was during covid as well.

All in all IK did not managed economy but hafeez sheikh (man of imf as he was not the choice of IK) did and than IK made tareen when he become aware of his downfall.
As @Jango said elsewhere, one can always hope. Hope is good. I know not long ago when I told people about the reality about the Army, many including management were deeply offended and led vicious attacks on me by their cronies. Some have seen the light since then. Many others persist is putting lipstick on the proverbial animal, or prefer to believe in an alternate messiah. To me, it does not matter at all, for reality remains what it is, not as we wish to see it. Pakistani society is not likely to break its shackles of ignorance anytime soon, for a majority are actually very accepting of the way things are. Really.
Hope is a good thing, shows that the nation is still not fully dead, for as long as you have a hope for change that means you know there is something wrong with how things are right now, but Army for as long as they are there controlling every business and aspect of Govt/Civil matters nothing will change.
The first graph is current account which includes trade of goods and services plus remittances. Positive means surplus and negative deficit. It reached record negative in 2018. Only less than that was in 2008-9 when whole world was in recession. Same situation the world is going in again. So in previous dar's tenure world economy was growing and dollar interest rate was low.

The second is export to gdp which is bigger the better. Again you can check his performance as compared to PTI which was during covid as well.

All in all IK did not managed economy but hafeez sheikh (man of imf as he was not the choice of IK) did and than IK made tareen when he become aware of his downfall.
?? What the **** are you talking about..what are you smoking 🚬🚬🚬🚬 nice shit

So you telling me things were were worst in 2018. Then you telling me depsite exports dropping record levels 2012-2018 the gdp export level was better .then you are telling me hafeez sahab was Nawaz sharif man not Imran Khan man..??? Like what the ****..

My heroine overdose patient makes more sense then you do??

What was it?
Did export went up or down during dar/Nawaz sharif era????

Did exports went up or down during IK level???

Can you answer this please????
but Army for as long as they are there controlling every business and aspect of Govt/Civil matters nothing will change.

The Army's hold remains strong and unshaken. Nothing will change for the foreseeable future.
The Army's hold remains strong and unshaken. Nothing will change for the foreseeable future.
I know this, cause if you read certain people comments and how brain wash they are it does show there is no hope. Pakistani's needs to know their right and know how to fight for that, they were given crumbs while elite takes the whole bread. I keep saying that, Gays/Lesbians/Girls(young) they fought more bravely for their rights in America than Pakistani Mard-e-Muhajids.
I know this, cause if you read certain people comments and how brain wash they are it does show there is no hope. Pakistani's needs to know their right and know how to fight for that, they were given crumbs while elite takes the whole bread. I keep saying that, Gays/Lesbians/Girls(young) they fought more bravely for their rights in America than Pakistani Mard-e-Muhajids.

It is easy to pontificate like that sitting abroad, that is all I can say.
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