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Oct 19, 2008
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2012 IS YEAR OF WW3?????
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Definitely we're in the final stages of a major world war. China supplying weapons in emergency means Army and ISI are at least doing their homework. They know that US will attempt to confisticate the nukes, and that will trigger and full-fledged war. They also know Bharat won't miss the golden opportunity, and China will come into play soon afterwards. A war is imminent - have to be ready for it. Time to get ready for some yankee hunting.
What I find amusing is that why Alex Jones mainly interviews Webster Tarpley. Jerome Corsi comes in second.
Definitely we're in the final stages of a major world war. China supplying weapons in emergency means Army and ISI are at least doing their homework. They know that US will attempt to confisticate the nukes, and that will trigger and full-fledged war. They also know Bharat won't miss the golden opportunity, and China will come into play soon afterwards. A war is imminent - have to be ready for it. Time to get ready for some yankee hunting.

Sometime(perhaps most of the time) you go overboard buddy.....China and US are not foolish to get into a direct conflict...there is no way that is going to happen.......Please don't forget that Pakistan got her nukes only with US blessings......Anyhow right now if i was a Pakistani i would have been more worried about saving my countrymen than Yankee hunting....
Maybe China is not but US certainly is crazy enough to do it.

I give it perhaps a year or so before US attempts a de-nuclearization of Pakistan which will lead to an all-out war.
If it's against america, I'm pretty sure that russia will come in and kick some american a**. But, not because it wants to be on our side or it likes us, but it will only do because it has a score to settle with america!
Definitely we're in the final stages of a major world war. China supplying weapons in emergency means Army and ISI are at least doing their homework. They know that US will attempt to confisticate the nukes, and that will trigger and full-fledged war. They also know Bharat won't miss the golden opportunity, and China will come into play soon afterwards. A war is imminent - have to be ready for it. Time to get ready for some yankee hunting.

It's hilarious to see someone sitting so close to the "Yankees" sucking out all the pleasures the Yankee has ever had to offer in one of his neighbouring countries, you should be ashamed of yourself and I do hope CCIS keeps tabs on militants like you for flaming tension. The US has done nothing but help Pakistan in its entire history, and in the worst sheer neglected it with a lack of contact. Your media spews the worst about our fallen in Afghanistan while our media is silent about the level of corruption in your system. The ignore function will be coming in handy for this place I can see.
I am a militant now :lol: That means probably hundreds of thousands of Canadians, even Americans, and people across the world are militant. :lol: Yeah, go declare anyone who disagrees with you a militant.

And how exactly have yankees offered me pleasure? Most Canadians I know hate US anyway.

US has helped Pakistan in the past but that has changed now. They're playing a double game. They support terrorists inside Pakistan, but at the same time try to get cozy with us so they can send their intelligence agents to get information on Pakistani nuclear facilities.

You can ignore me btw, in other news, not a single sh*t was given today.
It's hilarious to see someone sitting so close to the "Yankees" sucking out all the pleasures the Yankee has ever had to offer in one of his neighbouring countries, you should be ashamed of yourself and I do hope CCIS keeps tabs on militants like you for flaming tension. The US has done nothing but help Pakistan in its entire history, and in the worst sheer neglected it with a lack of contact. Your media spews the worst about our fallen in Afghanistan while our media is silent about the level of corruption in your system. The ignore function will be coming in handy for this place I can see.

i agree canada and the u.s has a strong bond plus we are both fighting the taleban/haqqanis in afghanistan i fully support CCIS and RCMP should keep a vigilant watch on some anti-nato pro-taleban/haqqani people in canada
Thank you brother ! I'm just trying to talk sense, obvious logical sense that is missing from many discussions here. I also agree about watching the Pro-Taliban mouthpieces. Anti Nato/pro Haqqani means = not even worth a prison.
It's time to wake up from the slumber. Canada is almost through the process of leaving Afghanistan. Most Canadians don't want their troops in Afghanistan and hate the US imperialism throughout the world.
You want to keep tabs on anti-NATO people :lol:

Why are you distorting what I am saying? I have problem with US/NATO's imperialism, and if you want to keep a tab on me for that, you'd need to keep a tab on probably several million Canadians.
Sometime(perhaps most of the time) you go overboard buddy.....China and US are not foolish to get into a direct conflict...there is no way that is going to happen.......Please don't forget that Pakistan got her nukes only with US blessings......Anyhow right now if i was a Pakistani i would have been more worried about saving my countrymen than Yankee hunting....

U got everything from china
It's time to wake up from the slumber. Canada is almost through the process of leaving Afghanistan. Most Canadians don't want their troops in Afghanistan and hate the US imperialism throughout the world.

Most Canadians?? Is there a survey to that effect. Unless you mean most Pakistani origin Canadians..

And I saw some of your posts protesting the use of the phrase "the whole world" ... Looks like you dislike generalizations only when you are on the receiving end and not when you are making them ;)

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