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Damning indictment of anti-Muslim bias in mainstream media

Talk on anti-Muslim propaganda also include how they infiltrate sects to incite civil was. How third-party snipers shot both parties to trigger violence. & how US agents clad in enemy's uniform to give impression of local army shooting civilians but it's US-The-Dajjal who is murdering innocent all over the globe. & how France's ex-foreign minister tells us "west" had already planned invasion of Syria 2 years before the conflict started... which means Dajjal created a conflict to generate excuse for invasion...


Previous Post#1


"911 was inside job", Sean Stone.

in other words US government has been killing US public to fabricate excuse to commit genocide around Muslims world. Al-CIAdah is just a phantom org run by CIA.

Sean Stone Debunks Myths on Iran, Islam & US Empire - YouTube


"Buzzsaw" the program Sean said he does with son of Jessie Ventura.


On Jeremy's Dirty-Wars:


Hannity & his usual anti-Islam rhetoric:

"911 was inside job", Sean Stone.

in other words US government has been killing US public to fabricate excuse to commit genocide around Muslims world.

Sean Stone Debunks Myths on Iran, Islam & US Empire - YouTube


"Buzzsaw" the program Sean said he does with son of Jessie Ventura.
Buzzsaw (Full Episodes) - YouTube


On Jeremy's Dirty-Wars:
Dirty Wars and Reporters Under Attack with Jeremy Scahill - YouTube


Stop posting nonsense from RT

RT is a ridicilous conspiracy mumbo jumbo TV station masquerading as fact.

If someone told RT Journalists that the World used to be flat and the Jews made it round, they would go ahead and report that too.

Thats how dumb and idiotic their reporting is. And anyone on this forum who goes by what they said is equally if not more dumb.
Absolutely no introspection. It's always someone else's fault.
Dajjal aka zionst-controlled-US-&-Co is behind ALL terrorism in the world. Directly or indirectly.


Watch 9:20+ .....&..... 11:00+
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zionist-US-backed rebels kidnapped children in days prior to chemical incidence & then gassed those children collectively in some basement. They also killed adults (supporters of government) who were arrested already. (pictures in video)

Obama-backed terrorists killed innocent children in hundreds & now same Obama is alleging Syrian Govt for that...

All done on behalf of zionist-US. Plotted by, supplied by, & managed by CIA agents, though on Camera they'll show local stooges.

Obama-backed terrorists killed innocent children in hundreds & now same Obama is alleging Syrian Govt for that...
Staging the Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria - YouTube
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